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8:00:34 AM OUTGOING TEXT KC R Cassidy
KC leaves Tony's ~1:00 PM
1:02:57 PM OUTGOING CALL KC R Cassidy
1:15:38 PM INCOMING CALL R Cassidy KC 0 minutes
1:17:42 PM OUTGOING TEXT KC R Cassidy
1:20 PM - KC arrives at Bank of America and cashes a check for $250 made out to "Cash" on Amy's account.
1:20:45 PM INCOMING TEXT R Cassidy KC
1:21:59 PM OUTGOING TEXT KC R Cassidy
2:57:34 PM INCOMING CALL R Cassidy KC 3 minutes
3:30 PM - KC leaves OIA with Amy.
12:16:37 AM OUTGOING CALL KC R Cassidy 2 minutes

I find it odd that KC would be discussing an attorney reference at the very same time she is committing a crime.
So do we know where Tony was that day? Did he have class?
I get the feeling that Casey knew Tony was not going to be "it" for her and could have very well been looking elsewhere. This is pretty much her pattern, get a new one on the hook before the old relationship is ended. She seemed quite able to plan ahead well enough with the guys, but sure didn't plan out anything else. Priorities ?
I get the feeling that Casey knew Tony was not going to be "it" for her and could have very well been looking elsewhere. This is pretty much her pattern, get a new one on the hook before the old relationship is ended. She seemed quite able to plan ahead well enough with the guys, but sure didn't plan out anything else. Priorities ?

Can't help but wonder if her constantly changing relationships had to do with how many lies she would get caught telling, money disappearing, etc.
I get the feeling that Casey knew Tony was not going to be "it" for her and could have very well been looking elsewhere. This is pretty much her pattern, get a new one on the hook before the old relationship is ended. She seemed quite able to plan ahead well enough with the guys, but sure didn't plan out anything else. Priorities ?

In Tony's case, while KC proclaimed so much love for him, she was sleeping with RM, asking JG to go to the beach with her and taking a shower with the door wide open at JG's house....Not to mention contact she had with ChrisS.....Accepting gifts from Will, flirty IM's with Iasson...she was no more loyal to Tony than Tiger Woods was to his wife.
Soo I did some looking/asking around...R. Cassidy is the father of a friend of Tony's from LI and also Full Sail. This friend (name starts with S) was also friends with all of Tony's roommates and most likely KC as well (which would explain why he's in her phone book--it's likely it was his son's number and his name is listed as the phone subscriber). I have nooo idea why it would list this person as Tony's father on the subject spreadsheet when in reality it is his friend's father. Also, this man is not an attorney. Very confused!

Thanks Trixi. I found S. Cassidy on Facebook and he is friends with Tony, Nate, Cameron, Tony's sis, Jenna the Shot Girl, etc. I'm kind of thinking now that the phone number in question actually is his cell number, a number that is probably registered under his father's name as part of a family cell phone plan. Not unusual - one of my sons has been away at college for years halfway across the country, but he has a NY area code for his cell.

So the question as to why the sudden flurry of calls comes to mind, and I think I can toss a possibility out there. In short, I think KC had very recently met him, added him to her phone book, and was starting the process of hitting on him.

Well, S. Cassidy could simply have been a friend of the person in the DEA case, and that case could be nothing more than possession of pot, or possibly selling pot. Doesn't really mean he himself is a suspicious character.

Who is Cassidy?

I think the answer to your question is in the thread.
here you go. But now you have to read the whole thread if you want clues and details :)
I live in NJ and work in New York City. My friend lives in Long Island and when she comes to my house it takes her 45 minutes to get here, so its really not that far driving distance for work.

You're right--sorry--I had Tony and the detective's statements mixed up, because Tony was questioning the detective about where he was from:,%20Anthony0728.pdf

Q I’m from New Jersey. I don’t know anything about New York.
A What part of Jersey?
Q East Orange.
A East Orange. All I know is Trenton, Newark the meadowlands.
Q Close to Newark.
A Newark.

So, if Tony's family is from Long Island, could his dad still work as a lawyer in New Jersey? Not sure how the transportation system works there.

The LE "subject spreadsheet" has lots of full names, etc. so I don't think I should attach the original spreadsheet. It was released with the phone records. The headings on the spreadsheet are:

Last Name; First Name; Middle Name; Race; Sex; DOB; SSN; Place of Birth per DL; Address; Phone Info; Listed in Casey's Address Book as; Notes

The line for R Cassidy says (stars are my redactions):

Cassidy; Ro****; [no entries for middle name, race, sex, DOB]; [SSN entered as all XXXXXX's, perhaps for release to media?]; [no entry for birthplace]; ["NY" entered as address]; 631-***-0891; Cassidy; Tony L******'s Father
I live in NJ and work in New York City. My friend lives in Long Island and when she comes to my house it takes her 45 minutes to get here, so its really not that far driving distance for work.

We drive that much around the 'burbs of greater Orlando to get to work.
I live in NJ and work in New York City. My friend lives in Long Island and when she comes to my house it takes her 45 minutes to get here, so its really not that far driving distance for work.

Yes but the lawyer that was discussed was located in Toms River which is in southern NJ. Tony lives way out in Suffolk County, LI. That would be almost a 3 hour drive WITHOUT traffic. Also, through my asking around I discovered that the R Cassidy (Tony's friends father) in not the attorney in question :)
Yes but the lawyer that was discussed was located in Toms River which is in southern NJ. Tony lives way out in Suffolk County, LI. That would be almost a 3 hour drive WITHOUT traffic. Also, through my asking around I discovered that the R Cassidy (Tony's friends father) in not the attorney in question :)
So are we thinking that there was an error on the "spreadsheet"?
So are we thinking that there was an error on the "spreadsheet"?

I'm assuming so. My friend went to school with the Lazzaros and said Tony's father has the same last name as him.
So are we thinking that there was an error on the "spreadsheet"?

It wouldn't be the first error in an LE spreadsheet on this case. ;)

I think it's pretty clear now that the "Tony Lazarro's father" part of the spreadsheet was in error. I was assuming a stepfather given the different last name, but now we think we've ID'd Cassidy's actual son, who is a friend of Tony.
Who is Cassidy?
It's my opinion that we can rely on OCSO for this one. The Cassidy number is Tony's father, it is a NY number and maybe he is a lawyer. Casey has just entered it into her phone under Cassidy. She has done this previously and I think it is quite a wise precaution for anybody using the internet with a mobile phone and I might start doing it myself!! I would not want to inadvertently invade the privacy of my friends just because I have put their address in my iphone & synced it with my email.
In Tony's case, while KC proclaimed so much love for him, she was sleeping with RM, asking JG to go to the beach with her and taking a shower with the door wide open at JG's house....Not to mention contact she had with ChrisS.....Accepting gifts from Will, flirty IM's with Iasson...she was no more loyal to Tony than Tiger Woods was to his wife.

All true, she was helping Will decorate his place too for a day or whatever and sounding very lovey dovey, but being fair, Tony had made it clear he wasn't serious about her at all, he and his roommates had rubbed that in pretty rudely. So loyal to what? He was already calling her b**** in one of their early emails or texts IIRC, when he'd barely started going out with her. What a charmer. So, you know...I don't really blame her on this at all. I also doubt she was doing differently than many of her peers as far as that goes. All MOO
It's my opinion that we can rely on OCSO for this one. The Cassidy number is Tony's father, it is a NY number and maybe he is a lawyer. Casey has just entered it into her phone under Cassidy. She has done this previously and I think it is quite a wise precaution for anybody using the internet with a mobile phone and I might start doing it myself!! I would not want to inadvertently invade the privacy of my friends just because I have put their address in my iphone & synced it with my email.

bbm: I'm confused now, I was assuming that the spreadsheet we were discussing was an official document from Kc's phone company - which would have the actual names of the owners of the phone contract, not the actual users of the phones which were dialed......nor the programmed fake id's KC used in her phone for various people...BTW - ITA on using the fake names for our phones as well to protect peoples' privacy..
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