Monday night's questions about Haleigh's clothes and laundry

Could it be that Haleigh was already "missing". Maybe the a/c repairman and whoever else was there, might not have been able to confirm Haleigh's presence at 5 o'clock or so. So in steps AS, who took on the job of witness to Haleigh's being alive and well at 7-8.

Yes I have been saying this--over and over--myself... that we've never heard LE state that the AC man actually confirmed seeing Haleigh. And that because of this, it was necessary for GMS to provide the alibi up until the time RC would have customarily arrived at work. This still seems the clear and compelling reason for GMS to have suddenly "refreshed" her memory suddenly--10 days or so after the fact. Still my opinion.

Has anyone ever considered why it was Sykes doing the kids all of us fall into lline about Sykes being the babysitter on weekends?

Hasn't anyone ever thought and wondered why TN wasn't involved with babysitting? Why Tn wasn't doing the laundry? Why TN HAD to send a family member to the MH?
I think it is possible that AS delivered clothes to the MH....WHEN? don't know. But from day one Ron had clean fresh clothes. I don't think polos were a staple in his closet, so I am going to suggest that somebody brought him clothes to wear that day.

How much Skyes was involved in the daily lives of Haleigh and jr should be determined. I suggest a lot....a lot more than rc or misty.
Misty states on her hypnosis video (prior to being put under) that Haleigh didn't return home until after 4. Says it plain as day, and I'd never heard it before.
Misty states on her hypnosis video (prior to being put under) that Haleigh didn't return home until after 4. Says it plain as day, and I'd never heard it before.

debs, I haven't been able to locate the hypnosis video for sometime now, do you have a link?

This interview goes back and much that it kind of confused me.

Misty states the last time of day she seen Haleigh was around 10pm...all she remembers seeing on the clock was 3am, when she woke.

Misty, recalls kids playing in the yard, dinner, watching movies, washing blankets[/B], laying down around 10 and recalls JR. got up and went to the bed room door and she just went back to sleep.[/B]
Woke up out of the blue around 3am saw the light from the kitchen was glaring and the back door was wide open and the screen door was propped open with a block.

By the time she open the front door Ron had pulled up and then she called 911.

She then goes on to say the following before being hypnotized:

Right after Haleigh got off the school bus they were playing in the yard. Tommy was there, Haleigh didn't get home until 4 or so pm from the bus.
Claims the A/C guy was there, her brother and his kids.... (I now wonder if Hank Jr. was in the Van that day with Misty and they picked Haleigh up?) She also states GGMS and aunt Lisa come by around 7pm.

After they hypnotize her she states the following.

Feb 10th started out very good, sunny and she didn't have breakfast. Made eggs. She mentioned that Haleigh wanted a certain outfit to wear to school so she and Ron went to Welaka to GGMS's house to get the outfit and her and Ron took Haleigh to school and Misty walked her in.
(Misty never mentioned that Haleigh spilled something on her shirt, as a reason though. Just that she didn't like what she had on. Never mentioned if Jr. went with them to take Haleigh to school. This is why I believe that Haleigh and Jr. stayed with GGMS that Sunday night and the rush was to go pick Haleigh up that Monday morning. IMO)

Misty claims that they went back to the MH to sleep until it was time for Ron to go to work, he got ready gave her a kiss goodbye...then she said Ron went and got Haleigh from the Bus but she stayed behind because Jr. was sleeping. (So, lets just say they got back home from taking Haleigh to school at around 9am...what was Jr.doing all that time? Misty claims he was still sleeping at 3:30PM and that is why Ron went to get Haleigh. She also claims the brother and kids were there around 4pm when Haleigh got off the bus. How did the brother not see
) Ron claims he did not see anyone at the home because he was at work, that he picked up Haleigh from the bus, took her in the home and kissed her good bye and he left for work.

5pm Misty went inside house, cooked, kids played, helped with the homework, movies...never mentioned the kids eating outside....said she cooked around 6pm and kids finished eating around 6:45PM...again never mentioned kids eating outside but did mention that GGMS came by to drop off clothe. She said she put the blanket in the washer "Before" she put Haleigh to bed!...([/B]So, what was she washing around 10pm.) Claims it took her 30min to wash and 60 min to dry the blanket. (Yet, she said she washed it before Haleigh went to bed.)She then stated she asked Ron as soon as he got home if "HE (Ron)TOOK HALEIGH"...Buba woke up and was panicking...called 911. (We never head a peep out of Jr. during the 911 calls!)At around 35:46 of the video she is asked again about that night.

Listen closely at around 36:35

Hank Jr came over right after school 4pm, Ron was gone for about 30min... (Bus stop is much less than 30min from home. So, where did Ron go for that 30min? She never mentions anything about Ron going to work, kissing the kids goodbye or Haleigh loving on him, when asked this time around.)
MADJ - I don't know how valid the LVA stuff is, but you can catch a glimpse of the interviewer's computer display every now & then on that video. Kind of interesting.
This interview goes back and much that it kind of confused me.

Misty states the last time of day she seen Haleigh was around 10pm...all she remembers seeing on the clock was 3am, when she woke.

Misty, recalls kids playing in the yard, dinner, watching movies, washing blankets[/B], laying down around 10 and recalls JR. got up and went to the bed room door and she just went back to sleep.[/B]
Woke up out of the blue around 3am saw the light from the kitchen was glaring and the back door was wide open and the screen door was propped open with a block.

By the time she open the front door Ron had pulled up and then she called 911.

She then goes on to say the following before being hypnotized:

Right after Haleigh got off the school bus they were playing in the yard. Tommy was there, Haleigh didn't get home until 4 or so pm from the bus.
Claims the A/C guy was there, her brother and his kids.... (I now wonder if Hank Jr. was in the Van that day with Misty and they picked Haleigh up?) She also states GGMS and aunt Lisa come by around 7pm.

After they hypnotize her she states the following.

Feb 10th started out very good, sunny and she didn't have breakfast. Made eggs. She mentioned that Haleigh wanted a certain outfit to wear to school so she and Ron went to Welaka to GGMS's house to get the outfit and her and Ron took Haleigh to school and Misty walked her in.
(Misty never mentioned that Haleigh spilled something on her shirt, as a reason though. Just that she didn't like what she had on. Never mentioned if Jr. went with them to take Haleigh to school. This is why I believe that Haleigh and Jr. stayed with GGMS that Sunday night and the rush was to go pick Haleigh up that Monday morning. IMO)

Misty claims that they went back to the MH to sleep until it was time for Ron to go to work, he got ready gave her a kiss goodbye...then she said Ron went and got Haleigh from the Bus but she stayed behind because Jr. was sleeping. (So, lets just say they got back home from taking Haleigh to school at around 9am...what was Jr.doing all that time? Misty claims he was still sleeping at 3:30PM and that is why Ron went to get Haleigh. She also claims the brother and kids were there around 4pm when Haleigh got off the bus. How did the brother not see
) Ron claims he did not see anyone at the home because he was at work, that he picked up Haleigh from the bus, took her in the home and kissed her good bye and he left for work.

5pm Misty went inside house, cooked, kids played, helped with the homework, movies...never mentioned the kids eating outside....said she cooked around 6pm and kids finished eating around 6:45PM...again never mentioned kids eating outside but did mention that GGMS came by to drop off clothe. She said she put the blanket in the washer "Before" she put Haleigh to bed!...([/B]So, what was she washing around 10pm.) Claims it took her 30min to wash and 60 min to dry the blanket. (Yet, she said she washed it before Haleigh went to bed.)She then stated she asked Ron as soon as he got home if "HE (Ron)TOOK HALEIGH"...Buba woke up and was panicking...called 911. (We never head a peep out of Jr. during the 911 calls!)At around 35:46 of the video she is asked again about that night.

Listen closely at around 36:35

Hank Jr came over right after school 4pm, Ron was gone for about 30min... (Bus stop is much less than 30min from home. So, where did Ron go for that 30min? She never mentions anything about Ron going to work, kissing the kids goodbye or Haleigh loving on him, when asked this time around.)

Thanks MAD! I also noticed that Misty said the kids were done eating at about 6:45. So they would have been finished eating before GMS got there between 7-8, although GMS claims they were still on the porch eating when she pulled up. All of this is just too much. IMO, GMS and Misty are full of you know what.
What has always bothered me was TN saying, "I sent a family member over"....why not say her mother went over. Were they deciding on who it was going to be or something? This is VERY strange terminology.

As I said previously, if TN lived nearby or was nearby, she would have been there way by 7:00pm, after rc called. She did the best she could given the time restraints by sending someone else.
Thanks MAD! I also noticed that Misty said the kids were done eating at about 6:45. So they would have been finished eating before GMS got there between 7-8, although GMS claims they were still on the porch eating when she pulled up. All of this is just too much. IMO, GMS and Misty are full of you know what.

Not only that but GM Sykes says that Misty also bathed the children and got them ready for bed???!!!
I apologize if this has been asked and answered.. The mh had a working washer and dryer right? Then why did someone need to drop off clean laundry for the kids? Maybe I have missed something somewhere. I can see no point in others doing the laundry if it could be done on site.
Misty said she handed over the phone for rc to talk to the ac guy. As I understood this, the A/C guy was there to service all the air conditioners of MH that were under contract with a management company. Why would rc have to talk to him?

Did anyone catch the little statment of Misty when she said she stayed outside because she wanted to make sure she wasn't alone inside with the a/c guy....?? Was that another subtle clue leanings towards her possibly getting touched?

That comment from MC about RJ getting up and heading towards the door and her going back to sleep has always bothered me. Where was he going? Was she not curious where he was going? My 4 y/o climbs into bed with me almost every night. If he started to get up in the middle of the night, I'd certainly be asking him where he was going. Of course, it would always be to the bathroom, in which I would wait up for him to get back, just in case. To me, it's very negligent a child is leaving the bedroom in the middle of the night and she didn't even care. Here are my thoughts about that:

1. MC was really out of it from drugs/drinking, whatever. RJ was getting up because someone had come in -- maybe RC or "the man in black"

2. MC was so out of it, it was actually Haleigh getting up and she really did walk out of the mh on her own, or with RC or "the man in black"

I just can't get over her stating she noticed RJ leaving the room in the middle of the night and just fell back to sleep.
Misty said she handed over the phone for rc to talk to the ac guy. As I understood this, the A/C guy was there to service all the air conditioners of MH that were under contract with a management company. Why would rc have to talk to him?

Did anyone catch the little statment of Misty when she said she stayed outside because she wanted to make sure she wasn't alone inside with the a/c guy....??

There is an approximately 20 second part of this hypnosis tape that doesn't sound right to me beginning at the 25:40 mark. More particularly there are 3 words that make me wonder if what she has said before this about RC leaving for work may not be all there is to her story.

I'm no expert at transcribing anything, but I believe I have this right:

-We was sitting on the porch. They had this little basketball thing and they wanted me to set it up.

-So, I was trying to set it up when I seen the a/c guy was there.

-Then I (walked?) up the house and called Ronald and asked did you SEE how the a/c guy is here? And he said YEA.

-And I GAVE the phone to Ronald to talk to the a/c guy.....

(1) She walked up the house? I thought she was on the porch. Where was she walking?

(2) She "called Ronald" could also be taken as meaning "called out to Ronald" who was inside the house.

(3) "Did you SEE how the a/c guy is here".....not "did you know the a/c guy was coming"..... How is RC supposed to see an a/c guy if he was 16 miles away at PDM?

(4) She "GAVE" the phone to Ronald?

This just doesn't sound right to me.
I apologize if this has been asked and answered.. The mh had a working washer and dryer right? Then why did someone need to drop off clean laundry for the kids? Maybe I have missed something somewhere. I can see no point in others doing the laundry if it could be done on site.

I don't know about the kids laundry but rc looked like he had some fresh clothes on for the media that morning. Call me cynical (I am) but I don't think they were hanging in his closet all fresh with no wrinkles.
I don't know about the kids laundry but rc looked like he had some fresh clothes on for the media that morning. Call me cynical (I am) but I don't think they were hanging in his closet all fresh with no wrinkles.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to see where someone's priorities are.
Not only that but GM Sykes says that Misty also bathed the children and got them ready for bed???!!!

During the 911 call, Misty said that Haleigh was wearing pajamas, latter she said a pink tee shirt and tan shorts, latter she said the shorts came off because she didn't like to sleep in cloths. Then the tee shirt was found in the dirty clothes.

If Misty "got them ready for bed", she would have known what they were wearing. Haleigh's tooth brush would have been damp if not wet. I bet it was totally dry.
There is an approximately 20 second part of this hypnosis tape that doesn't sound right to me beginning at the 25:40 mark. More particularly there are 3 words that make me wonder if what she has said before this about RC leaving for work may not be all there is to her story.

I'm no expert at transcribing anything, but I believe I have this right:

(1) She walked up the house? I thought she was on the porch. Where was she walking?

(2) She "called Ronald" could also be taken as meaning "called out to Ronald" who was inside the house.

(3) "Did you SEE how the a/c guy is here".....not "did you know the a/c guy was coming"..... How is RC supposed to see an a/c guy if he was 16 miles away at PDM?

(4) She "GAVE" the phone to Ronald?

This just doesn't sound right to me.

This doesn't sound right to me either, Papa. I'm wondering if maybe the A/C was on the phone and not at the mh. You know how sometimes they will call before they come just to make sure someone is home, especially if they have to get inside the home. Maybe Ron was still at the mh when the A/C man called.

LE seem to clear him rather fast. Maybe it was because HE WAS NOT THERE. IMO, Ron was still at the mh around 5p. Just thinking..
Imo This (laundry being dropped off)was a convenient way to state someone saw Haleigh other than RC& MC. To take the focus off of MC because the inconsistencies were not as obvious at that point and now its to late to change it. But this is just my opinion.

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