AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #9

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Please, with chocolate on top...What's a cocktail personality?
Update on Where's Jack? -

Accd to Tammi, he has been talking on the phone to the media investigators - they're trying to find Baby Gabriel - Tammi says they spent most of their day with the media investigators.

Hummmm.....a media investigator...please excuse my ignorance, but who are they?
He goes by TW, but in his music carreer he goes by TA.

Thank you! Phew! Wasn't losing my mind!

Honestly, I shortened his name because it was easier to type. But, that was a media story sooooo ... can you type it all out now? :waitasec:
Update on Where's Jack? -

Accd to Tammi, he has been talking on the phone to the media investigators - they're trying to find Baby Gabriel - Tammi says they spent most of their day with the media investigators.

Media investigators?? I guess that's safer and more likely to find Gabe than LE or FBI investigators. :innocent:

These people need to be arrested....yesterday!!
Does anyone else think that Elizabeth may be acquainted with the escort life? I thought ever since this broke there's no way she got all over the country with no money. Did some research and found a picture that looked like her on an adult site.
Hummmm.....a media investigator...please excuse my ignorance, but who are they?

Geez, these people are making me crazy, violent even. What the **** is wrong with working with the LE investigators? or FBI?? Please, arrest these guys!
she just posted on her wall that LE is trying to build a case against her

and that God strike her dead, she did not introduce EJ to a couple
His name is Travis Andrews Warford, he goes by Travis Andrews as his stage/band name

This is so infuriating. Jack even had his daughter lying for them. He never stood a chance, did he? Maybe....he will find a good lawyer that will fight for him. Especially, when the Smiths end up in prison!
Media investigators?? I guess that's safer and more likely to find Gabe than LE or FBI investigators. :innocent:

These people need to be arrested....yesterday!!

They need to talk to "Dog Chapman"...he's the man...he can find a needle in a haystack, or his hair! I rest until arrest!
Tammi (FB)...claiming Tempe police are trying to build a case against her. Asking for prayers!
she says the le are trying to build a case against her. and asked god to strike her dead.. that she has no idea where he is
Does anyone else think that Elizabeth may be acquainted with the escort life? I thought ever since this broke there's no way she got all over the country with no money. Did some research and found a picture that looked like her on an adult site.
Assuming there is truth to what the babysitter said, I thought of that with the 2 hrs. she was gone, what she had on, etc. and came back and paid the sitter $40. MOO
she just posted on her wall that LE is trying to build a case against her

Good! Won't be long, Tammi. I think the last few bricks are being laid as we speak! Go LE!!! :woohoo:
Okay - here it is - the REAL paraphrased truth -

The Tempe police are trying to build a case against Tammi because they think she introduced Eliz to a couple --

She is saying that may G___ strike her dead right now - she did not do such a thing, doesn't know why she left, who she met up with -- Eliz is not talking and they are just grabbing at straws. She asks everyone to just pray -

This is really getting to be too much.
Media investigators?? I guess that's safer and more likely to find Gabe than LE or FBI investigators. :innocent:

These people need to be arrested....yesterday!!

They're goin' rogue, Amster! Reminiscent of the old KC and the A's days, ay?
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