Cox Family Press Conference - 15 Feb 2010

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I am eager to see any response from Josh or his family regarding this press conference. I am very proud of his sister taking a stand to speak the truth, but the rest of them disgust me. They should be doing everything they can to get Josh to talk, up to and including refusing to give him food, shelter and moral support, unless he cooperates with police.
Here's the link to the foundation:

Thoughts and prayers with the Cox family as they wake each day, worried sick about their Susan. It's a beautiful thing that they, in the midst of a terrible time, have chosen to work to make a substantial and lasting difference in the lives of others who face difficulty.
I can't blame Susan for trying to save her marriage, and staying with the piece of excrement called Josh, but I wish someone had recognised the signs and stepped in to put an end to the situation. As people have said above, one good thing to come from Susan's diappearance is that it highlights the daily physical, emotional and financial abuse which many women live with, and that these situations rarely improve.

It is so hard to hear the abuse Susan was receiving from the man who was supposed to love, protect and cherish her. Josh has now been confirmed as a very nasty piece of work, a hateful man who got his family into bankruptcy through his own incompetence and then held the purse-strings so his wife couldn't overspend on food for the children. Meantime Josh has a new generator to play with, and all the S'mores he can choke on.

Surely it is now clear that the boys are not safe with this maniac and they need to be removed from his sphere of influence immediately and housed with someone sane.

btw, the mention of Josh holding the keys to their car and not allowing Susan to have them does point even more towards a struggle for the keys when the car alarm was set off.

I wonder if Josh expected Susan to cycle the seven miles to work in deep snow?

This is the only thing I could find with actual clips of the Cox family's Press Conference.

After all their knowledge of Josh's control and abuse, if this report and video clips of the Press Conference is any indication, I wouldn't expect much from today's Dr. Phil's program.

The family is still hoping, "Susan is alive ... and out there somewhere."Chuck Cox states he doesn't want to point fingers at Josh Powell, but at the same time says Powell isn't acting like a concerned husband.

Gee, ya think?

The entire Puyallup Powells are probably rolling with arrogant laughter.

Why in the world are Susan's family and friends STILL, over two months later pussy footing around controlling, battering, murdering Joshua Powell? :waitasec:

To quote Susan’s mother…. “I don’t want to give up hope”
I see nothing wrong with that and IMO anyone who had a loved
one missing would not want to give up hope until they absolutely had to!
I guess I just don’t get why that is wrong to some….
Every time I come to this forum, I see another instance that points to the abuse and control Josh exhibited over Susan. I can't even begin to tell you how this troubles me. I've been on the verge of tears for the past few hours as I mulled over the Cox's press conference from yesterday.

We've seen this same replay, over and over and over throughout the pages of WS. No matter how many times we come upon this behavior and the often times result, the wife disappearing without a trace, we know that as soon as the media dies down on this case, there will be a new name, new family, new POI to take their place. :(

I applaud the Cox family for turning this tragedy into something positive. This is the natural reaction when families are faced with this situation, wanting to get the word out, keep their loved one's name out there, and lending a hand to another family in their darkest hours of helplessness and confusion. Just maybe, an additional benefit will be that it just may also HELP prevent this same scenario playing out in another family.

Perhaps when more people read Susan's story, and many others here on Websleuths, they can see some of the same traits existing in a friend or loved one's relationship. Albeit not YET exibiting physical violence, it shows how the PHYSICAL VIOLENCE in an ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, is only a SECOND in time away. Maybe they'll realize they need to HELP their friend or loved one to escape, before they end up another name on the pages here on Websleuths.

I don't believe anyone would begrudge the family and friends of Susan the HOPE that Susan MAY still be alive. That's what keeps them searching. Without hope, ....................all is lost and THAT is NOT acceptable to them. :(

Blessing to the friends and family. I truly wish them well...............and prayers for Susan.

I can't blame Susan for trying to save her marriage, and staying with the piece of excrement called Josh, but I wish someone had recognised the signs and stepped in to put an end to the situation. As people have said above, one good thing to come from Susan's diappearance is that it highlights the daily physical, emotional and financial abuse which many women live with, and that these situations rarely improve.

It is so hard to hear the abuse Susan was receiving from the man who was supposed to love, protect and cherish her. Josh has now been confirmed as a very nasty piece of work, a hateful man who got his family into bankruptcy through his own incompetence and then held the purse-strings so his wife couldn't overspend on food for the children. Meantime Josh has a new generator to play with, and all the S'mores he can choke on.

Surely it is now clear that the boys are not safe with this maniac and they need to be removed from his sphere of influence immediately and housed with someone sane.

btw, the mention of Josh holding the keys to their car and not allowing Susan to have them does point even more towards a struggle for the keys when the car alarm was set off.
I wonder if Josh expected Susan to cycle the seven miles to work in deep snow?

BBm: I can't help but think that Susan was trying to flee and Josh overpowered her and took the keys. During the struggle, the alarm button was pressed.
I can't blame Susan for trying to save her marriage, and staying with the piece of excrement called Josh, but I wish someone had recognised the signs and stepped in to put an end to the situation. As people have said above, one good thing to come from Susan's diappearance is that it highlights the daily physical, emotional and financial abuse which many women live with, and that these situations rarely improve.

It is so hard to hear the abuse Susan was receiving from the man who was supposed to love, protect and cherish her. Josh has now been confirmed as a very nasty piece of work, a hateful man who got his family into bankruptcy through his own incompetence and then held the purse-strings so his wife couldn't overspend on food for the children. Meantime Josh has a new generator to play with, and all the S'mores he can choke on.

Surely it is now clear that the boys are not safe with this maniac and they need to be removed from his sphere of influence immediately and housed with someone sane.

btw, the mention of Josh holding the keys to their car and not allowing Susan to have them does point even more towards a struggle for the keys when the car alarm was set off.

I wonder if Josh expected Susan to cycle the seven miles to work in deep snow?

I can't help but wonder why all the people in Susan's church (ward)?, who have been so helpful to Josh, couldn't have helped Susan with a ride to work? :furious:
Fran and all - My experience has been that the abused feel that the psychological forms of abuse are more damaging than the actual physical forms. So many times I hear a woman say she wishes that the man would have left physical scars because only then do the courts recognize the abuse... mental abuse is so incidious... The control and power are not about the physical but about the way to keep a woman in line, beaten down and in control. Only sometimes is that manifested physically. Think about it this way, if you can intimidate a dog by a glare to go in the corner and cower why would you beat it to death if the humane society were going to get involved????????????? Most intelligent men will use means other than physical violence to instill fear... Isn't that why the public has this misconception that abuse is about the trailor park or low income housing and the man punching the wife???????????? Abuse happens in all areas of society.... the more intelligent the man the more devious and cunning the abuse becomes... That's why we do need more education about exactly "what is abuse".... It's about Power and Control, simple to say harder to understand..... My dog analogy is the clearest way I can communicate it to you... Good job, Shelby Gifford... I applaud your presentation of abuse and concern for Susan in this press conference.... Never, never, never stop talking about it.... As the Avon Domestic Violence Campaign says, "SPEAK OUT"....
I can't help but wonder why all the people in Susan's church (ward)?, who have been so helpful to Josh, couldn't have helped Susan with a ride to work? :furious:
To start with, perhaps they didn't even know? Sounds like Susan was very choosy about what she told to whom.
I am probably going to get tomatoes thrown at me, but I do not agree with every family having a lost or missing family member starting a foundation.

I certainly do not begrudge Susan's family having hope that she may be found alive. If it were my family member, I would never give up hope that he/she would be found. It really would take LE recovering a body for me to accept it. As it is not my family member, I can state that I do not believe that Susan is alive.

I am glad to see Susan's family acknowledge Josh's abuse in the press conference. I hope Josh watches the press conference and hears those words. He will be angry, IMO, because people are speaking badly of him. Well, too bad, Josh. Susan's family would not lie about you, and if they know this much, there is most likely so much more they do not know of.

Susan and her family are in my prayers.
I can't help but wonder why all the people in Susan's church (ward)?, who have been so helpful to Josh, couldn't have helped Susan with a ride to work? :furious:

I wonder also, lonetraveler. After all, a woman having to ride her bike through the neighborhood on her way to and from work would certainly have been noticed. I would have found a way to have helped her. I have actually done this for people making it seem as if I was going their way anyway whether I was or not.

To start with, perhaps they didn't even know? Sounds like Susan was very choosy about what she told to whom.

That maybe true, but I cant help but to think that her so called friends werent all that great. I may get a tomato too, but I almost on the verge of calling some of her friends out on this. Someone had to have known she was riding a bike to work or how miserable she was. A lot of time people don't want to face it. They don't want reality. They want their perfect little world to stay intact at any cost. I've known so called stepford friends like this. I run from those types. The smile at all cost friends who look down on anyone that has real problems and don't try to hide or bury.

I guess what i'm saying is sometimes family/friends dont wanna know the truth they are happy with the fiction. Just sad. I really felt Susan was bullied, but not this bad. I wouldnt even put it past JP to smack her around a bit every know and then. That poor woman, those poor kids.
To start with, perhaps they didn't even know? Sounds like Susan was very choosy about what she told to whom.

Respectfully, how could the people in the neighborhood not have seen her riding her bike to and from work?

To start with, perhaps they didn't even know? Sounds like Susan was very choosy about what she told to whom.

Part of me wonders if that's because she was embarrassed and ashamed. Poor, poor Susan. Even in divorce, he never would have let her go free. It would have been a lifetime of mental torture using the children as pawns.
Fran and all - My experience has been that the abused feel that the psychological forms of abuse are more damaging than the actual physical forms. So many times I hear a woman say she wishes that the man would have left physical scars because only then do the courts recognize the abuse... mental abuse is so incidious... The control and power are not about the physical but about the way to keep a woman in line, beaten down and in control. Only sometimes is that manifested physically. Think about it this way, if you can intimidate a dog by a glare to go in the corner and cower why would you beat it to death if the humane society were going to get involved????????????? Most intelligent men will use means other than physical violence to instill fear... Isn't that why the public has this misconception that abuse is about the trailor park or low income housing and the man punching the wife???????????? Abuse happens in all areas of society.... the more intelligent the man the more devious and cunning the abuse becomes... That's why we do need more education about exactly "what is abuse".... It's about Power and Control, simple to say harder to understand..... My dog analogy is the clearest way I can communicate it to you... Good job, Shelby Gifford... I appauld your presentation of abuse and concern for Susan in this press conference.... Never, never, never stop talking about it.... As the Avon Domestic Violence Campaign says, "SPEAK OUT"....

Omegagal, I want to thank you for this wonderful and insightful post. Well said. Yes, unfortunately, most people believe the physical abuse is worse. Although to be beaten is a horrific experience, the mental/emotional abuse can scar very deep and almost paralyze. Just as with the soldier in battle at war. They never go away, and PTSD is very real and disabling.
And the statement regarding the intelligent man being more cunning, deceitful and hurtful cannot be overstated. I think because you just can't believe that someone with a brilliant intelligence would be so cruel. But it's true.
You think *your* in la la land, because it makes no sense.

TY and may we all keep awareness in the forefront. Our sisters, mothers and children deserve to be respected; from the foul word to the gruesome violent rape/murder that happens daily.
That maybe true, but I cant help but to think that her so called friends werent all that great. I may get a tomato too, but I almost on the verge of calling some of her friends out on this. Someone had to have known she was riding a bike to work or how miserable she was. A lot of time people don't want to face it. They don't want reality. They want their perfect little world to stay intact at any cost. I've known so called stepford friends like this. I run from those types. The smile at all cost friends who look down on anyone that has real problems and don't try to hide or bury.

I guess what i'm saying is sometimes family/friends dont wanna know the truth they are happy with the fiction. Just sad. I really felt Susan was bullied, but not this bad. I wouldnt even put it past JP to smack her around a bit every know and then. That poor woman, those poor kids.

Can anyone think of reason why Tim Peterson would not give her a ride? They worked in the same building---I thought? Maybe not, only worked for the same company.
Part of me wonders if that's because she was embarrassed and ashamed. Poor, poor Susan. Even in divorce, he never would have let her go free. It would have been a lifetime of mental torture using the children as pawns.

I think that is one of the (main) reasons she is no longer with us. I think the dad *remembered* his divorce experience and might have agged or helped Josh in her demise.
That maybe true, but I cant help but to think that her so called friends werent all that great. I may get a tomato too, but I almost on the verge of calling some of her friends out on this. Someone had to have known she was riding a bike to work or how miserable she was. A lot of time people don't want to face it. They don't want reality. They want their perfect little world to stay intact at any cost. I've known so called stepford friends like this. I run from those types. The smile at all cost friends who look down on anyone that has real problems and don't try to hide or bury.

I guess what i'm saying is sometimes family/friends dont wanna know the truth they are happy with the fiction. Just sad. I really felt Susan was bullied, but not this bad. I wouldnt even put it past JP to smack her around a bit every know and then. That poor woman, those poor kids.

Now we're heading into speculation again. I'm just thinking out loud. I can only assume she wanted her marriage to work; she was willing to go to great lengths to support it (no matter how subtlely abusive it was).

If you were a friend of someone in that situation, seriously, what would you do? You'd talk to her, of course. Maybe make some recommendations. We know some of her friends did, at least, talk to her about it. Tim Peterson suggested she leave. What else?

Really - where is the cut off point that the friend must call the police or step in some other significantly strong way? Could the friends truly be held responsible? Sorry... I just don't see it...:twocents:
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