2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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But, IMO, even if Robyn was using this as a bargaining chip, she will only be discredited, not impeached and the jury can still weigh her testimony. Coupled with these letters, I think that testimony will hold weight.

You are right that the jury could still weigh her testimony. Would it even get that far though? This is a criminal who has no proof to back up those specific claims and who also clearly states that she has struck up a relationship with Casey to get Casey to talk about her crimes so then she can use it to get money or to get her prison sentence reduced. Would the prosecution risk allowing that hearsay on the stand given that they seem to already have very good evidence elsewhere, that they can back up?
Regarding computer/internet access courtesy Baez's laptop, she is talking about either Seinfeld or In Living Color (can't remember which) and she says something like, I wonder if I could download any of them?

I caught that same statement and wondered the same thing. She spoke like she had access to a computer.
page 27: " This is what I call my 5 finger prayer, each time I use it, my life is blessed a little bit more and I hope that other people reap the benefits of my prayers for them too."

(Note: I do wonder if she had access to the internet... her drawing looks alot like this one I saw posted on another site..)

That's funny, because when I first saw that drawing, I thought of George's five finger display (jail visit) to show how each member of the family had their own designated finger, using his hand as a reference.
excellent post

I am thinking maybe JB didn't fight this because he's not earning legal fees anymore. After all , his client is indigent. Only costs will be reimbursed. Not attorney fees. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Certainly another possibility! I'd hate to believe it is all about the $$$$, but you may be spot on.

And, thank you! :)
You are right that the jury could still weigh her testimony. Would it even get that far though? This is a criminal who has no proof to back up those specific claims and who also clearly states that she has struck up a relationship with Casey to get Casey to talk about her crimes so then she can use it to get money or to get her prison sentence reduced. Would the prosecution risk allowing that hearsay on the stand given that they seem to already have very good evidence elsewhere, that they can back up?

What the perp said directly to one person is not hearsay. However, if the pen-pal heard from another friend in jail that KC told her she murdered Caylee, that would be hearsay.
Oh...and her secret crush on JB is out.

OK. Back to reading!

respectfully snipped -

I believe her crush is on Jose Garcia, not Baez. I could be wrong (who knows with this girl right?)
respectfully snipped -

I believe her crush is on Jose Garcia, not Baez. I could be wrong (who knows with this girl right?)

Yes, she used the initials JG. Of that I am positive, because I was trying to figure out who she was referring to.

Now THAT was funny!

As usual, I am left in the dust of you awesome sleuthers. I am just starting Part 3, and have refrained from reading comments here, but I just couldn't help taking a little peak. :dance:

So far, my impression is that these letters would be somewhat normal for a teenage girl, but not for an adult. I totally understand what Tracy was saying in her depo, and saw KC doing the same things with Robyn. It's interesting that Robyn also mentioned to her friend that something isn't right in KC's head. (Robyn cries everyday for her kids, and KC talks about escaping to Costa Rica) :crazy:

Second impession was all the scripture quotes. I guess KC caught on that Robyn was a religious girl, so KC became like this girl to win her over. I'll try to not comment too much on this, but I find it very insulting that she claims protection of the big Daddy, without repenting for what she has done and what she continues to put everyone through.

Wow. The tantrums she had about her family, namley Momma. Did CA really not show up for one of her hearings? I don't recall that. They've been at every one of them and she refuses to acknowledge them. I do have to wonder what info JB was giving to her that set her off like that.
KC is the clique queen. OMG!

I also have to say I LOVE Robyn's handwriting. It is beautiful! I did notice on some of these letters KC's attempt to adopt that style of writing.

Lastly, I get the impression she was PO'd in court because this whole thing blew her future book deal. What will people think of her now? Oh...and her secret crush on JB is out.

OK. Back to reading!

BBM -- I've only read 150 pgs, and now I'm cheating and reading what others are saying. I'll get back to the letters in a bit. BUT, I'm facinated by what JB's motives might be for creating this great divide between KC and her family. Is it because they didn't like him, and wanted her to have another attorney? Is it because she/they kept "giving things away" during their videotaped visits, and he decided that breaking down that family was worth it if it helped her case? I don't see any unselfish reason for him to have alienated his client from her family -- and he surely did do exactly that. Mind blowing. Okay, back to the letters :read:
Bringing over TWA's post from first thread

I won't forget her tasteless "joke" about Texans (i.e., "steers & qu**rs). Now she has an entire state ready to put a beatdown on her. ;)

She stole that too :snooty: It's from the movie Full Metal Jacket.
page 27: " This is what I call my 5 finger prayer, each time I use it, my life is blessed a little bit more and I hope that other people reap the benefits of my prayers for them too."

(Note: I do wonder if she had access to the internet... her drawing looks alot like this one I saw posted on another site..)


I was wondering about that, too, and coincidentally I received an email yesterday with that same depiction and words.
If she didn't get it off the internet is it possible it is something that the chaplain used in talking with her?
I'm wondering if Casey has multiple personalities. There's so much talk in her letters about God, religion, the Rapture...she sounds like she's really soaking up new-found religion/faith.

And then, on the flip side, she's telling x-rated jokes.

I don't get it. Unless, of course, she's got these different personalities taking over..."Ms. New Christian" vs. "Ms. Satan".
She not only does not have multiple personalities-
she has NO personalities...
I'm now curious to see if the A's are still going to sit in support of KC in the next hearing. And regarding her smug arrogance, I cannot wait til a jury slams down a GUILTY verdict to smack that smirk off her face!
That's funny, because when I first saw that drawing, I thought of George's five finger display (jail visit) to show how each member of the family had their own designated finger, using his hand as a reference.

I thought that 5-finger drawing was done by Cookie to her BFF.....if you look at the envelopes she (Cookie) decorated to her friend (when she was sending the letters from Casey to her) she seems to have an artistic bent...

I found it a little confusing at first, going between Casey's letters, and then seeing a letter pop up from Cookie to her BFF.

Anyway, I could be wrong about whose drawing that was (Casey vs. Cookie). All of you here are much more knowledgeable about this case than I am...I am sporadically reading when I can, where I can.
I'm wondering if Casey has multiple personalities. There's so much talk in her letters about God, religion, the Rapture...she sounds like she's really soaking up new-found religion/faith.

And then, on the flip side, she's telling x-rated jokes.

I don't get it. Unless, of course, she's got these different personalities taking over..."Ms. New Christian" vs. "Ms. Satan".

I'm thinking Casey is relying a bit on one of her previous personalities; I feel pretty sure she was exposed to all of her Christian catch phrases during the time she spent with JG and his family. Certainly came in handy for her didn't it?

MOO is that she isn't a diagnosable mp but she is certainly a high achiever in manipulation and imitation.
respectfully snipped -

I believe her crush is on Jose Garcia, not Baez. I could be wrong (who knows with this girl right?)

Thanks. I was confused about that because I also saw her calling Baez her other father. Now who is Jose Garcia?
She not only does not have multiple personalities-
she has NO personalities...

Imagining her in her cell, cold faced and dead eyes scribbling pages upon pages of this madness. In her head, thoughts racing and jumping from fantasy to fantasy. Outside, nothing. Not a forced smile or tear to be had for her "audience".
No, not off base Miss James, that was a point of contention a long time ago, he wanted to take his laptop in to the jail, to 'work'- lots here speculated he was forwarding emails or connecting to Skype.

Can that computer be taken by prosecution to see what was said?
Anyway someone else could of networked the computer through jail to
check on the family / KC/ Baez???
It was illegal right????
I caught that too. Thought it was odd. Does Casey have any access to a computer besides when Baez comes to visit?

Someone must have computer access because the gross monkey puke was a printout from the internet (web address at bottom and all). Or is it possible someone "sent" that to her? Cannot get my head wrapped around that piece of drivel at all. Other than it was heartless and upsetting. Hope the jury gets to see it, though!!
I wish I had time to go through these letters and count how many times she mentions Caylee's name because I have the feeling it would be just what we expected, not that many tmies considering the amount of words there are written on these 250 pages.
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