Air Conditioner Repair Man and Nancy Grace video and transcription dated 3/16/2009.

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Just listened to the hypnosis session again. Re: AC guy. Misty mentions that the "AC guy was sitting on the porch". The she says that she "notices that the AC guy is there". She says that she "gave the phone to Ronald to talk to the AC guy".

Sounds like Misty and/or RC were quite chummy with the AC repairman ;)

Above BBM and colored Red. This statement just is NOT true, Nor is the statementShe says that she "gave the phone to Ronald to talk to the AC guy" We do interpret things differently, but the words dont lie, the transcript STATES the following...
~I stayed at the house because Jr. was sleeping so Ronald couldn’t take him to the bus, so I stayed there. And they come back, Ron had 5 minutes until he had to go to work, um he gave me a kiss, Haleigh a kiss, Jr. a kiss and said he had to go. Then the A/C guy, we were sitting on the porch, um we have this little basketball thing and they wanted me to set it up so I was trying to set it up, but I couldn’t set it up, then I seen the A/C guy was there. Then I walked out of the house and I called Ronald and I said “well, the A/C guy is here” and he said “yeh”, and I gave the phone to Ronald to talk to the A/C guy and my brother was there and we just watched the kids play in the yard and Haleigh was doing great, riding her bike trying to pop wheelies and me and my brother, we just sat over there and watched the kids play.
What time was that?
Maybe about 5:00, I don’t know, probably about 5, I do believe.~ end

Above BBM and the correct words are underlined and in red. This is the transcript that states that Misty, Tommy, etc were sitting on porch, from there she sees the AC man has arrived and clearly states that Misty "called" Ron to tell him AC man was there and then handed phone for them to talk(which you believe indicates that they were chummy or atleast knew each other) I just want to "put out there" that this is definitely not necessarily the case, and that infact it is quite common that if a repairman comes while the husband is at work that
the wife calls the husband to allow him to speak with the repairman, Especially since most times its the husband that has "more" knowledge of such things as an AC,or an appliance problem, therefor they are going to want to relay the problem at hand to the repairman. I have done this on EVERY occasion that the repairman has come when dh is at work, as has my mom, and sisters. So it is not out of the ordinary for a phonecall to have taken place with Misty as the third person making the contact btwn the two(I may feel a lil different if say the AC man had Rons # in his cell&called Ron directly, but that wasn't the case)
ETA: The last paragraph of course is MHO, but the transcript is not opinion, it's a transcript word for word)
May I ask what was this local responding to? She started her post with, "Absolutely"..thanks.

wam (the local) was responding to another local's post that didn't think the AC Man was involved with Haleigh going missing.
Except Misty DOES say she handed the phone to Ronald.
Originally Posted by wam1174
Absolutely, I dont think I can reveal the name or the company he works for.
I do know him.

I can say he was on vacation in the caribbean 2 weeks ago and if he was a POI I dont think he would have been able to leave the country.

As far as checking and AC system in Feb. AC is being used in general terms here.
Most AC systems are not just AC rather heating and cooling.
Kinda like northerners call a Coca Cola "pop" and to us southerners its a "coke" no matter what brand.

Bold by me ..Bumping this from a local who posted here early in March 09

Thanks for the bump, elle. I couldn't find a J listed as an A/C person, but if we could get wam to confirm the first name....without spilling everything else...:crazy:

Also, agree that we Southerners usually have our heating/cooling units combined, or at least, working off the same controls and using the same duct system, etc., plus having an outside A/C compressor. We also call the same company whether it's for heating or cooling, but certainly distinguish which is giving the problem. Misty being so young, probably wouldn't have given it much thought either way. (Note: this applies to why the A/C guy was there in cold February. :wink:)

If he was allowed to travel out of state and outside the country, they must have found him on the up-and-up. They probably aroused him out of a deep sleep that early in the AM, which would have gone nicely toward a solid alibi.
Except Misty DOES say she handed the phone to Ronald.

....gave. which is also a weird thing to say considering RC was said to have not been present but on the phone. Very confusing.
BBM. In stating that it makes sense that rc would mention lisa when tn is talking about a repairman at the house is not logical....not at all. RC gave the name of the person who was there and who also was the repairman and I don't think the repairman was LISA. Let's not jump to hypnosis and laudnry when that was not part of the conversation when rc uttered the name.

If you listen though,TN is talking about both the AC man and her Mom. TN was not directly asked about the AC man but anyone who wasa there that day.

CNN Transcript:

GRACE: To Teresa Neves, Haleigh`s grandmother. Miss Neves, are you aware of anyone else in the home that evening? I don`t mean when they all go to bed, I mean earlier that evening.

NEVES: I heard there was a repairman there. My mother was actually over.

Ron says the name between the two people, when his mom pauses then as he says the name, TN says her Mom was there.

I very well could have been that Ron said "Lisa" which made TN say the person who came with Lisa, her Mom to try to cover up Ron saying Lisa.

If you look at Ron's behavior in interviews, Ron has a pattern of speaking out of turn to coach the person who is talking. He did it in both the Greta interview and Today Show interview to get Misty to say she passed the lie detector test.

Wasn't this done around the same time that GGma Sykes coming by was finally coming out? Maybe Ron's way of making sure that TN remembered they were now saying GGma Sykes had stopped by the MH that night.

IMO, the name could be either the AC man or who came with GGma Sykes. Since by this time, the AC man was cleared, I would say it would be the second name, a name to keep people from looking at Ron as anything other than at work.
I listened a few times and it sounds like Ron says "cousin wasn't there". I can't make out when talking about the AC man if RC says "AC" or the "J" name.

Didn't someone say the A/C man was the ex-husband of a relative, maybe Aunt K? I haven't read through the thread yet, so don't quote me on this bit.

Well, I've listened to the NG video five times and when Teresa N. says "repairman" Ron in the background says "Jason". When Teresa says that her mother came over, Ron in the background says "cousin wuddn't there" (his pronounciation, not my spelling, LOL). This is not the same Jason that is LE, mentioned at another time.
Yep, Tn caught rc and went right past that blurp of rc's....evading any further questions concerning his name. She is very sharp on this legal stuff. That is why he has her there with him...for protection. She is the Master of Being Vague.
OMG!..TN says in response, "my mother was actually over". Oh, what a specialist could do with that statement...oh my.
Misty is all over the place and this ac guy situation. Did she ever say when he left?
OMG!..TN says in response, "my mother was actually over". Oh, what a specialist could do with that statement...oh my.

Whoa!!! "My mother was actually over that night.." and NG interrupts. Good catch, Whisperer. I was so intent on RC, that I missed her "actually". Wow. Just wow.
It read to me like misty was in the house (porch) and rc was outside. Sounds almost like the AC guy called first and she handed the phone to rc.

The entire statement of misty's is confusing.....that is because it is a lie.
Misty is all over the place and this ac guy situation. Did she ever say when he left?

Of course she didn't. It would be out of character for Misty to remember a time. JMO She did say he was there about an hour and her brother left a little while after the AC Man.
Of course she didn't. It would be out of character for Misty to remember a time. JMO She did say he was there about an hour and her brother left a little while after the AC Man.

Elle, just wanted to say thanks for the Wam post, I remembered that conversation but couldn't remember Wam's name. He hasn't been around for quite some time.
M does not possess an assortment of "verbs" to describe what she wishes to convey. Therefore, it's difficult to ascertain the details without further questioning of M due to her ability "to pull up" only the simplest of verbs to describe a complex event:

- I walked out of the house and I called Ronald: Did you phone R? Or was he in his car about to drive off, and you called out to him?
- and I said “well, the A/C guy is here” and he said “yeah”: Again, is this a phone conversation with R, or is R about to drive off and you are speaking to him in person?
- and I gave the phone to Ronald to talk to the A/C guy and...: Did you hand the phone to R? Or did you hand the phone to the repairman to speak to R who was on the line?
Now, that is an example of good thinking, epiphany.

The way the people here think and analyze, these shows would be much better off with Websleuths doing the questioning. We know better than to use compound questions and let them off the hook. There would be follow-up questions too.

.....on the down side, the POI would leave the country ASAP after he was interviewed by a Websleuth.
Ron wants the AC guy there = it is a plus for ron
Ron doesn't want JO there = not a plus for ron.

Now, why would that be? Does the A/C guy verify his whereabouts? Does Jo being there verify his whereabouts?...hmmm.
Whether an expressive language deficit (I will venture in addition to dyslexia, M has expressive language problems), or higher expressive language skills - I believe R possesses, in the very least, average expressive language abilities), lying is another matter altogether.
Except Misty DOES say she handed the phone to Ronald.

I guess we could go back and forth and back and forth but when Misty says she gave the phone to Ronald, used in its original context it says it all, THAT SHE CALLED HIM &(handed the conversation to Ronald)to have with the AC man. .... snipped for space...
~I walked out of the house and I called Ronald and I said “well, the A/C guy is here” and he said “yeh”, and I gave the phone to Ronald to talk to the A/C guy~end transcript:heart:
TN says the repairman was there, and I hear Ron say "AC", but maybe I hear that because that is what we have all been saying and reading, ya know? He definitely says "cousin wasn't there" I hear that plain as can be.

This is exactly what I hear as well...FWIW.
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