OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #1

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I just heard about this last night on the news. Horrible! I haven't caught up with all the posts yet, but wanted to say it is not unusual that he would not be walked to class. I have a second grader and normal protocol is to drive up along the curb at the school and drop them off - they walk to class on their own. During Kindergarten, I parked and walked him to class and picked him up at the classroom door. First grade, I pulled up along the curb - watched him walk to his class (I could see just to the corner where his classroom door was). Sometime during the school year, I agreed he could walk to the flag pole to be picked up at the curb instead of me parking and picking him up at his classroom door. Now all of second grade - he has walked to/from his class (around the back of the school - out of my site). Kids his age even walk to/from school which is about a mile. Makes me sick to my stomach thinking about what could happen. I have had this same fear dropping him off at the curb and watching him walk out of my sight - hoping to God nothing happened to him along the way. I am just super paranoid.

In our school, we have an automated attendance system and we are notified within a very short amount of time if the child is not in class. One time I dropped him off very close to the bell ringing and he actually did not make it to class before the classroom door was shut and locked, so he had to walk back around to the front of the school and go in the main doors to the office. They gave him a pass and he went to class. Well in the meantime he was not in class when they took roll so I got the call that he was absent. I FREAKED OUT! I called the school right away and they put me on hold while they called the class and talked to the teacher who confirmed he was in fact there.

It sounds like this boy's step mom went to school with him in the morning (instead of him getting on the bus as usual) so she could go to the science fair with him. (We often have book fairs and things before and after school.) After they viewed the exhibits, it sounds like he turned down the hall toward class and she left thru the front doors. This is exactly what I would have done if it was my son at his school. She should have then gotten a call if he was not in class. They would take roll in class, not in the science fair.

I cannot imagine thinking your child is at school in class all day only to find out they are missing!! I have often thought schools should have better systems in place for keeping track of their students AND visitors. I also don't like at my son's school where they have to walk to their classes and line up at the outside door of their class. We have a wooded area right next to one side of our school. They should all enter thru the front doors. I don't know. I think this kind of thing happening is actually rare enough that they don't think they need to lock them down and keep that much tabs on them. It scares me.

Do we know for sure he was seen at the science fair with his step mom - or is it just her account of that?
Do we know for sure he was seen at the science fair with his step mom - or is it just her account of that?

snipped by me....

There is a picture of him at the sciene fair and other parents who have said they saw him at school that morning.
Here's how the school's morning schedule was to go.

8:00...kids get to school to set up science fair projects. This is when Terri made the photo of Kyron that we've seen several times.

8:45...kids must be in their homerooms to divide up into groups of five, each with an adult chaparone, to be led around to the various classrooms to look at other science fair projects. (At Skyline, school begins at 8:45 every day.)

10:00...kids back to thei homerooms to begin class for the day.

After Kyron and Terri got his project set up, they walked around on their own and looked at some of the projects, and then he said he was going back to his room (as expected at 8:45), and as he headed back to his room, she said bye and left. That was the last time she saw him.

Thanks for this Puff - so mom saw Kyron walk toward his homeroom at 8:45 to join his group of 5 led by a chaperone.

1. Do we have any idea who the chaperone was (teacher, parent, older student)? And if Kyron ever was part of a group of 5? Certainly this was established by LE!

2. IMO this is the part of the time-line that is most suspect. He either made it to his group or saw someone he knew, went to the bathroom, was asked to help with something, was whisked off by a predator.

3. Why wouldn't the chaperone notify someone of a child who didn't make it to his/her group?
There seems to be reference to it on their outside school sign, as well as the talent show. They also have the talent show on their daily calendar on the website.

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IMO, that site has been edited/scrubbed. Too many recent pages missing.
Thanks for this Puff - so mom saw Kyron walk toward his homeroom at 8:45 to join his group of 5 led by a chaperone.

1. Do we have any idea who the chaperone was (teacher, parent, older student)? And if Kyron ever was part of a group of 5? Certainly this was established by LE!

2. IMO this is the part of the time-line that is most suspect. He either made it to his group or saw someone he knew, went to the bathroom, was asked to help with something, was whisked off by a predator.

3. Why wouldn't the chaperone notify someone of a child who didn't make it to his/her group?

I also wonder if the chaperones had an assigned list of students they would be escorting to the various classrooms. If it's anything like my son's school they wouldn't. They would just gather up 5 and take them. Then the next chaperone would gather up 5 more and take them. The mistake here is that they ABSOLUTELY should have taken roll at 8:45 BEFORE going to the science exhibits!
A picture was taken of him at the science fair and I have heard at least two people verify he was there.
A picture was taken of him at the science fair and I have heard at least two people verify he was there.

So, is it correct that we went missing some time between the science fair was over and the regular school day began?
I've been thinking..
On a normal day I believe school is 8:45 to 3:00 if I am reading the 2008/2009 School Handbook correctly.

On this day there seems to be an exception to the routine due to the I. B. Inquiry Expo (aka Science Fair) being held from 8-10am.

If the kids broke off into groups at 8:45, when school starts, to go tour the Science Fair, I'm wondering if maybe there was no attendance taken that day due to the break from normal routine?

So the time frame of him missing would be from when he was last seen by his step mother, to when the kids were supposed to be in class ready to go in groups to go see the exhibits? Which I'm assuming is 8:45 since the media is saying this is when he was last seen.

Hope my train of thought makes sense... This is all just making me feel ill, I too have always felt school was a "safe place" for my children..
I really reaching here.....but is there a chance that there was miscommunicate between Mom and Dad that he was going to pick up Kyron after the science fair to go camping with Dad and brother?

I know wishful thinking. Does anyone know if Dad is back from camping or even where the camping trip was?
You know, I am usually very quick to judge a parent and what they did or did not do, but in this case, I just can't fault the stepmom for attending a science fair, taking an adorable picture of an obviously happy and proud young man, and waving goodbye in the hall. In a different setting I could think differently, but all accounts give me the impression that she is an involved parent who has absolutely no blame. MOO

I agree with you! I don't feel the stepmother did anything wrong by allowing him to walk to class. He was in the hallway of his school-I would have seen no danger as a parent either. I wouldn't have thought twice. :(
I really reaching here.....but is there a chance that there was miscommunicate between Mom and Dad that he was going to pick up Kyron after the science fair to go camping with Dad and brother?

I know wishful thinking. Does anyone know if Dad is back from camping or even where the camping trip was?

I'm not sure..but if I were LE I'd go search the campground in the off chance that the dad DID take Kyron camping.
I really reaching here.....but is there a chance that there was miscommunicate between Mom and Dad that he was going to pick up Kyron after the science fair to go camping with Dad and brother?

I know wishful thinking. Does anyone know if Dad is back from camping or even where the camping trip was?

It is Kyron's step brother's Dad that is camping. Not Kyron's Dad.
I also wonder if the chaperones had an assigned list of students they would be escorting to the various classrooms. If it's anything like my son's school they wouldn't. They would just gather up 5 and take them. Then the next chaperone would gather up 5 more and take them. The mistake here is that they ABSOLUTELY should have taken roll at 8:45 BEFORE going to the science exhibits!

Wonder who the chaperones are? Students, parents, teachers? If Kyron was to join a group of 5, did he know which 5 was his group and why didn't the other children miss him if he wasn't there?

Could he have first gone to the washroom, or was called by another child who asked for help with his/her exhibit?

If Kyron never made his group of 5, then I would say something happened right there around 8:45am.

Kyron has a fantastic exhibit on frogs. He seems very industrious, proud, attentive, responsible, and all that goes along with putting an A+ science exhibit together. Seems he would be interested in seeing other exhibits by his classmates - so where on earth did he go instead of to his group of 5????
I really reaching here.....but is there a chance that there was miscommunicate between Mom and Dad that he was going to pick up Kyron after the science fair to go camping with Dad and brother?

I know wishful thinking. Does anyone know if Dad is back from camping or even where the camping trip was?

Dad is not camping. Kyron's stepbrother is camping with his dad.
So, is it correct that we went missing some time between the science fair was over and the regular school day began?

His SM saw him at 8:45am as he walked towards his class. They were then supposed to break up into 4 or 5 children with a chaperone to tour other classes. It has not been released if he was in one of those groups, however I feel LE knows.
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IMO, that site has been edited/scrubbed. Too many recent pages missing.

The site struck me as strange, as well. It looked to be well maintained, newsletters every single Monday (I read about 10 of them), updates from the principal and PTA, community activities. Then about six months ago it just stops.

I too wonder if they scrubbed it, or if they just couldn't afford to maintain it anymore. I didn't understand it.
It is Kyron's step brother's Dad that is camping. Not Kyron's Dad.

Ruby I am so confused on the step parents... that the part that really confusing me.

The mom lives 4 or 5 hours away??? Please excuse me but is step mom married to Kyron's dad? I was under the express she wasn't but maybe I got the step brother mixed up.

We need a family tree I am so confused. :waitasec:
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