2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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I think the most telling in the LE/family statement tonight was the INCLUSION of step dad with the bio parents and the EXCLUSION of SM
I'm sorry to all my fellow Websleuther's that I stayed in denial so long. I wasn't quite getting the proof that I felt needed to go down this road. I feel so stupid. Terri seemed like she had the most to loose by hurting Kryon.

Now, I'm worried that because Kaine left with their daughter and that Terri is going to go into panic mode. I pray that she doesn't destory Kyron's room, pictures or anything of his to get back at everyone else because she feels betrayed.

Please pray that this situation won't get any worse than it already is and keep praying for all the children involved in this. They don't deserve this.
Or they might not be ready for arrest yet, but I'm certain we'll at least see a named POI very, very soon. Hopefully not in the next 5 minutes, because my head is still spinning. I need a breather first.

I need a breather too. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Terri saying "Everything's good. Everything's fine," while her stepson is missing, her husband moved out, took her baby, and filed for divorce and a restraining order. In what world does all that add up to, "Everything's good"?
You know,I know I thought the SM possibly had something to do with Kyron being missing from the start.But I hope they are looking into the Father too.That's all I am going to say.For now.
Man Alive! I just pray she tells them where Kyron is. It must have been pure h3ll for Kaine to live with her these past few weeks.
Doing that interview even though she said nothing probably pushed his buttons.
Getting away from each other really is a good idea, the stress they are under is beyond belief.
Could it be a little bit possible the divorce is for something else that came out, i.e where she was that morning after she left the school? I am grasping at straws, I know.

I am so sick about this for Kaine and Desiree, if what seems to be happening is happening, that I feel kind of at a loss. No one could have predicted anything like this but I am sure there will be feelings of guilt all around.

Could it also be that Kaine was mentioning divorce BEFORE Kyron went missing..ie TH desperate attempt to stay with Kaine by creating this situation!!!!!!!!!!

Restraining order might be to prevent Terri from seeing/taking the child, not to protect Kaine from Terri, might it not?
Have expected this, but still finding myself speechless as it unfolds. At this point, I just want Kyron found. Period.

Likewise. His "missing" flyer is posted at my grocery store (south of Portland, Clackamas County) and every time I see it I think, "Where is that little boy?" I'm somehow startled, despite following this case daily, to know that there may be an answer to that shortly.
Kyron's whereabouts and the safety of Kyron's sister are at stake. Kyron's father is doing the right thing. Where is Kyron?
Another poster posted this link to the MCSO booking page just a bit ago (before the divorce news came in). At the bottom of the page, if you rest your cursor over 'test', the url says 'Horman' in it. I don't know that it necessarily means anything, but it's certainly odd...especially with everything else coming out today.


ETA: The url also says 'images' in it...though it seems out of place on the booking page.
But according to Terri just a couple of hours ago, "Everything's good. Everything's fine." Has she had a reality break or what?

IMO, she wasn't aware of this. Much like how battered women are advised to leave their abusive husbands, I think Kaine planned and carried out this move without Terri's knowledge.

I hope they take Terri into protective custody tonight even if they aren't prepared to arrest her. Once she realizes what's happened here, she's going to be a major suicide risk and I don't think her dad is enough to keep her safe.

JMO, of course.
We don't know why the divorce action was filed, if it was. I still, for some reason beyond my comprehension, want to think it is unrelated...but then again, how could it be? And why would he do this now, if not related? He could have just gone to stay elsewhere with the child, without filing for a divorce. He has to know how this looks to the public, as far as guilt, etc...so does that mean he does not care? That is what he wanted? I know it is not our business, but he knew it would be big news. I am just so baffled and astonished tonight.
Wow. It just keeps getting worse. I was complaining there was no news, and now I am drowning in it. Holy Crapola.

So it's gone from leaving and taking the baby to a divorce and a restraining order? Something tells me this marriage has not been right for awhile, and something just broke the camel's back for Kaine. I'm doubting that infidelity would be the only reason for what just happened. If Kaine was supporting his wife about Kyron, I doubt he'd be addressing infidelity right now. Kyron is foremost on his mind. It's only been three weeks, not three months or three years. And every action in the last few hours tells me she is definitely out of the family and not being let back in anytime soon...

God, I hope it's not her having done something to Kyron...but my nauseous stomach tells me otherwise...
I need a breather too. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Terri saying "Everything's good. Everything's fine," while her stepson is missing, her husband moved out, took her baby, and filed for divorce and a restraining order. In what world does all that add up to, "Everything's good"?

I guess it's possible that KH didn't tell TH what he was about to do, to avoid a scene or anything in the presence of or involving their little girl. Surely the restraining order he's seeking concerns the child?
Another poster posted this link to the MCSO booking page just a bit ago (before the divorce news came in). At the bottom of the page, if you rest your cursor over 'test', the url says 'Horman' in it. I don't know that it necessarily means anything, but it's certainly odd...especially with everything else coming out today.


ETA: The url also says 'images' in it...though it seems out of place on the booking page.

That is weird.
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