Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

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Ya think??? :)

Agree to the yes and no questions. I think CA will remain under control...except for...

her eyes. I think she will answer (not truthfully) but her eyes will shoot daggers.

Can you imagine if she leaned forward and pointed her finger the way she did during the depositions? OMG!

And, why haven't they subpoenaed GA relating to his statement about fearing the smell in the trunk was going to be Caylee or ICA?
Maybe Cindy will purchase matching mother/ daughter blouses for the event.

Well, sure. I mean, since ICA and the truth are strangers, so is CA and the truth. Like mother like daughter and vice versa.

When I think about it, Caylee was the only 'truth' in their lives.
She will have to be sedated like in that one interview where she was a zombie just to get through the testifying without being arrested in the courtroom.
Oh......I bet she'd say it's her constitutional right to chew gum wherever she pleases. :innocent:

Maybe Cindy will purchase matching mother/ daughter blouses for the event. Since KC looks at Cindy as her role model she'd just absolutely adore looking like twinsies.:innocent:

I bet,when Cindy got the subpoena
she jumped in her car as soon as
the mall was open and is now shopping
for a new outfit,and hairdo.

ICA will still have on a ruffle,ruff dry
blouse,that is too big for her,none of
that stuff for Cindy NOOOOOOOO!!!

"I'm ready for my close up,Mr DeMille"

Oh......I bet she'd say it's her constitutional right to chew gum wherever she pleases. :innocent:

:laugh:Maybe Cindy will purchase matching mother/ daughter blouses for the event. Since KC looks at Cindy as her role model she'd just absolutely adore looking like twinsies.:innocent:
:rotfl: Too funny!
If the three of them (CA/LA/GA) get on the stand and are questioned about their individual damning comments they made, can they really get away with responses like - "oh, that was taken out of context ... it was a misquote ... it's media slant ... I didn't mean it that way ... I said it just to get a response?"

I mean, if you have a family like this, can you really gain anything by even questioning them? Seems that it's almost a better use of time to just bank on the tangible evidence. Sorry ... just thinking out loud!
I have never understood why CA or for that matter, GA were allowed to act like they did during the civil them not having any consequences/sanctions for their glaring contempt of court, imo, emboldened them.
I understand what you are saying Curious Two. I hope this hearing is not used by Cindy as a means to spout her tainted views and thoughts, all to benefit Casey and aid in casting reasonable doubt. I am sure the SA's will object to any of her excessive ramblings, and HHJP will have to reign her in. But I have no doubt that Cindy is studying up, on how she can help Casey. Not an ounce of Justice for Caylee will be offered up by Cindy.
If the three of them (CA/LA/GA) get on the stand and are questioned about their individual damning comments they made, can they really get away with responses like - "oh, that was taken out of context ... it was a misquote ... it's media slant ... I didn't mean it that way ... I said it just to get a response?"

I mean, if you have a family like this, can you really gain anything by even questioning them? Seems that it's almost a better use of time to just bank on the tangible evidence. Sorry ... just thinking out loud!

You know what? You're right, cause it will be a bunch of excuses and lies. I think HHJP won't tolerate that, but the A's will try to baffle them with BS.
I can't wait to hear what Lee has to say. We already know CA will just say she was trying to get LE there fast. She's been playing that story since the first Larry King interview, she probably honestly believes it by now. I wonder if she's had pizza since? Has she left food to rot in the fridge?

She may have to fall and chip another tooth to get out of this hearing!


OMG Amil I was just thinking the same thing! CA. on those tapes! the looks on her scrunched up face! Its enough to scare the hair off a Brass Monkey! liable to have a nervous breakdown.I already asked for that day off.:dance:
I think plea at this point means plead guilty and drop the trial.

I still think there is almost no chance of that happening. Their case is so solid and she wasted so much of the PD's time I think there aren't going to be any plea deals. Also, IMO, it would be a public relations nightmare!

I have never understood why CA or for that matter, GA were allowed to act like they did during the civil them not having any consequences/sanctions for their glaring contempt of court, imo, emboldened them.

It seems like there wasn't a judge in the room at all. Why the judge let them get away with that is beyond comprehension. Is there a reason I'm missing for the judge allowing that to go on?

OMG Amil I was just thinking the same thing! CA. on those tapes! the looks on her scrunched up face! Its enough to scare the hair off a Brass Monkey! liable to have a nervous breakdown.I already asked for that day off.:dance:

** Bolded by me. **

Oh, I soooo wish I could take off that day! :gavel: I'm jealous!
I'm pretty sure someone at Camp ICA has made a call or e-mail to Conway asking him to apply a verbal muzzle to his client. Lee may be even toned, but I really think that CA is either going to prove very very defiant or very very low key. I would say she'll be asked a lot of simple 'yes' or 'no' answers, and I'm sure she'll get a lot of coaching from Conway til she gets called.

It doesn't matter which SA is doing the questioning - they won't goad her into being crazed like, she'll do that herself. That would be an interesting poll question - how long do you think CA will last being civil on the stand?

I'm so mean...

How many licks from SA will it take for Cindy to blow her top? That should be the question. (Yes, I mutilated a famous ad line for that, lol)
Can you imagine if she leaned forward and pointed her finger the way she did during the depositions? OMG!

And, why haven't they subpoenaed GA relating to his statement about fearing the smell in the trunk was going to be Caylee or ICA?

I believe this is a hearing about the introduction of the 911 calls at trial. GA was not there when CA made those calls.
After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that even if LDB tries her d*amdest to ask simple yes/no questions, CA will not last past "Is your name Cindy Anthony" before she blows a gasket.
In all the interviews I have seen, as well as the Morgan depo, she HAS to blather on and on, explain, complain about her fatigue, lack of food, being a grieving grandma, etc etc etc. She cannot answer with one word. Can NOT do it.
Also agree with others who opined that she will have had her hair and nails done, teeth whitened, been Botoxed til her face is incapable of moving, and dressed to the nines, while KC will be wearing an AL castoff. With ruffles. Ha!
Can you imagine if she leaned forward and pointed her finger the way she did during the depositions? OMG!

And, why haven't they subpoenaed GA relating to his statement about fearing the smell in the trunk was going to be Caylee or ICA?[/QUOTE]


I think it's VERY telling that they didn't issue a subpoena for George. And I have a feeling it's a good sign for the prosecution. Remember, that George has a long way to go before the trial. And as far as we know, he still lives with CA. I think I'll leave it at that.
They already have George's testimony from the Grand Jury. They don't need to box in George. And keep in mind George hasn't been to any recent hearings. There's no telling if George hasn't been in contact with the SA.
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