REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

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I've thought of this - but wouldn't a soldier still have to offer up their DNA? I don't think the cops can hit up the database just to find out who might be someone's baby daddy - can they?

I was also thinking about police officers - do they give samples of their DNA in case something happens to them - like soldiers? The same permission would need to be granted in that case too though - I presume.

Military members' DNA from the DoD bank is supposed to be used only for identification of remains. Of course, as with anything legal, there are a lot of interesting exceptions, some of which seem subjective to me. You can find them in the last paragraph here:
Surely they would have figured that DNA could be gotten from Caylee's other objects...toothbrushes, hair found in her room, etc. GA, being former law enforcement, would have immediately known this. This makes no sense to me....or maybe I'm misunderstanding the point?

Your quote in red...The part of your quote I wanted to emphasize in italics...I simply wanted to highlight the fact that GA was a cop 20 years ago, science have changed a lot since then, he might not have kept up with the times, he is not the brightest color in the my quote above indicates. You responded to the quote correctly, I just wasn't referring to the whole quote, my mistake. :)
Yes, I believe that there is no way to exstinguish or "sterilize" an enviroment where someone has lived for almost 3 years. One can not "sterilize" any environment. It is a scientific impossibility. A sugical suite is not even sterile, the only thing sterile is something that can be autoclaved or the like. I do believe that Ca and GA think that they could clean Caylee away and if that wasn't enough they were prepared to lie on Kc's behalf. JMO.

Ok, I see what you're saying now. I mean, I guess that IS a possibility. Anything is a possibility, never know.

Thanks for the clarification
I absolutely hate when the discussions come back to this. There is nothing to suggest this. I am sorry but I believe this discussion about Lee being the father takes away from the credibility of what websleuths is all about. It juist seems mean and hateful. Of course, this is just my opinion.


Sorry but the entire discussion of Lee or George and some form of incest or abuse is way out of line. It is some sort of gruesome speculation fed in part by LP's mistaken understanding of Mitochondrial DNA results.

Honestly we have pretty clear evidence that KC was typically like a cat in heat, and seemed to have no problem finding men to remedy that outside her family. Any actual paternity tests are far more likley to identify the 2005 Denver Bronco's as the father then they are her family members.
Well we have a conception date about the end of Novemeber- begining of December based on Caylee's birthdate of the beginning of August. Now Uncle Rick says he thinks
casey got pregnant during a Christmas party. [The tread must of have been deleated.
Rick was on here about 8/20 because I was lurking at the time and had just registered and by the time I was able to post the thread was gone] I have always wondered about his comment of an a Christmas party. Why would a Christmas party come to mind. Isn't early December a little early for Christmas parties?

But a family get together for Thanksgiving is not too late for the end of November.
Just a thought.

I live in Central Florida. The whole of December is for x-mas here. With parades and other events going on every weekend. Places are booked years in advance for the company partys. DJ's as well. Hubby's company would have theirs during the first 2 weeks of December. On a Saturday Night, of course.

I dont' recall the uncle saying it was a family event. Just that it was a Christmas party. That is a rather open statement. Don't know who was hosting it. Who she was there with, etc.
I absolutely hate when the discussions come back to this. There is nothing to suggest this. I am sorry but I believe this discussion about Lee being the father takes away from the credibility of what websleuths is all about. It juist seems mean and hateful. Of course, this is just my opinion.

I agree with you. It is so perverted and degrading to the memory of Caylee. I never understood where this whole rumor started. Don't kids who have brothers/sisters as parents have genetic diseases and are usually deformed? It's degrading to the poor angel to allude that she was the offspring of a bro and sis especially if this is totally unfounded.
I agree with you. It is so perverted and degrading to the memory of Caylee. I never understood where this whole rumor started. Don't kids who have brothers/sisters as parents have genetic diseases and are usually deformed? It's degrading to the poor angel to allude that she was the offspring of a bro and sis especially if this is totally unfounded.

No, genetic diseases and malformations are not "typical" of children of incest. Sometimes visual indications don't show up for generations of in-breeding if at all. Look at the animal world - sometimes visual issues, sometimes no clue that it was a brother/sister or father daughter relationship between say dogs or cats or SQUIRRELS!!! :crazy:

We will eventually find out the truth. I'm sure if LE is using some info such as this in the trial, we won't hear about it until then but they may have released it to Jose B. Of course, HE wouldn't let it out either would he? We shall see - maybe it's nothing, maybe it's everything!
Why is LP involved in this case anyway? He injected himself in it because he thought he was going to be a "conquering hero" and bring Caylee home. Maybe if he had minded his own business in the beginning, Casey would have realized the futility of her silence sitting in jail until her trial.

LP has tainted the entire case with his frequent postulations which remain unproven. It's disgusting to see this ridiculous wannabe cowboy, putting forth theory upon theory based on nothing but his own highly suspect agenda. The old kook needs to shut up and the TV media needs to stop giving him a forum to publicize his "bounty hunter" business.

LP may not have all the right answers, but I think his heart is in the right place. For some reason, I just like the man. :)
Do you think they'll speak of this during the trial? Do you think they've performed DNA tests on some of the people that's been in speculation of being the father (or their family members - to the one that casey said is deceased)?
I don't see any point in disclosing the name of Caylee's real father. It would only serve to answer the question of "who" for the curious. It has the potential of creating more sorrow in a case that already has enough. Why drag another person, with his own family members, into this highly dysfunctional family tragedy.
Dr Baden stated on a Fox News show one day- ages ago, before he signed on with the defense, that LE KNEW who the Father was, by DNA testing. The interviewer did not pursue his statement, so that's all there was to it- I wish I had saved a copy of that interview now.....
Do you think they'll speak of this during the trial? Do you think they've performed DNA tests on some of the people that's been in speculation of being the father (or their family members - to the one that casey said is deceased)?

No. I believe it is a dead issue, no one has come forward and no one has been name in 5 years. Since KC is not known chastity, I do believe that there is a good chance that even she does not know ho the father is.
As CA famously has said, I don't see the relevance.
The defense may want it to come out, but only if they can find a way to accuse him of her death.
I suppose they dont actually know. they couldnt very well dna test all FL for example. and if no one would give real names and ICA never told anyone....not much chance. needle, haystack and all that.

ITA there is no relevance.

or, that may well be the Baez's super secret "soon everyone will go AAAHHH and understand everything" defense.
well, hypothetically, if the father found out 20 years from now, he might be upset that he wasn't told earlier

so for that reason, I believe he & his family have a right to know (if they don't already)

I agree it doesn't have much relevance to the trial, except to show KC's character if she doesn't know or care who the father of her baby is

but I also think that if anyone suspects they might be the dad, they should come forward and get dna testing and claim Caylee as their own

she deserves no less than to at least be honoured & grieved in death by one parent since the other one's IMO her murderer and her grandmother thinks she's still somehow alive :waitasec:
I totally agree with LadyL. It just breaks me heart that her 'family' is still acting the way they are... I wish her dad would come out/find out who he is. Maybe he has half a heart. Who knows.
I think this is completely relevant. It is one more symptom of the strange family dynamics that brick by brick led to this poor child's demise. An unacknowleged pregnancy and then an unacknowledged father. And now an unacknowledged murder. It goes to show, in a crazy kind of way, the long slow path to motive.
I just don't see how it could help or hinder the trial, HOWEVER . . . . . like the family of Nichole Brown Simpson, Caylee's father/fraternal family should have the right to file for wrongful death. JMO.
Suppose now, just suppose that JB knows the name of the real father. And suppose one of the reasons he wants to look at the TES records is to see if Caylee's father took part in searching. Could that be why they want the names of all the searchers regardless of where they searched???? jmo
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