Terri: Waved Goodbye at 8:45/Left School at 9:00 -- Significance

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I think even if we give TH the benefit of the doubt about guesstimating the time we would have to give her sooooo many other benefits of the doubt...say she said goodbye to Kyron...She still has to get to her car, buckle the baby in and get out of the parking lot while probably others are leaving, too. Best case scenario, I'm thinking this would take 5-7 minutes, which still brings us to 8:50 to 8:52. Then if she hits no lights, no traffic (I don't know about Portland but there's always a little traffic where I live around this time due to school drop offs and errands and people still going to work) but say she gets there in 7 minutes (which I contend is pushing it) that's 8:57 to 8:59. Now she has to go into what people say is a large store, find the aisle for whatever medicine she needs (I don't care how many times I go look for medicine for myself or my kids in a large store, it always takes me longer than I planned to pinpoint the exact aisle and section of aisle- i.e. is this the pain reliever aisle or the cold medicine aisle?)...then I have to determine there is no medicine that I am looking for- I would probably look for a couple of different name brands, then maybe the generic...or speak to the pharmacist if it is a prescription...now let's say someone else is there and I have to wait on line- isn't that almost always the case at this time of the morning? Now even if they're out of the otc medicine, I think I'd ask the pharmacist to make sure before going all the way to another store but definitely if it's a prescription they're out of it will take them a few minutes to check this out and they will offer to call the other store to make sure they have it before wasting your time and gas)...I don't think I would ever go through all of these motions in less than 10-15 minutes because I really don't want to go all the way to another store...and as I said it had to take at least a couple minutes to get to the right aisle...so then I decide to buy something and there's no line for that either...hmmmm....that's a lot of leeway but I guess it's all humanly possible if she did leave exactly at 8:45 and every star was in alignment and she just decided to round up the time to friends to 9:00 for some reason...
According to Terri, at least someone saw Kyron after she left him, whatever time that was. I am referring again to her June 5 email

" I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left."

Where did she get that information?? Did she make it up?? If she did make it up, why would she do that? If not, why the heck wasn't LE immediately looking for a male chaperon who was not on the list AND put out a sketch that would have been provided by whomever told her this.? And what "girls" are she referring to? And how did she know what chaperon's were on the list? Did each parent receive a notice of that?
Except that when Staton said 9:00, he said that was by a student who had been interviewed.

When LE, a few weeks later, on June 18, said Terri was the last person to see Kyron, they didn't give a time.

For both to be so, I think the student they interviewed who said he/she saw him at 9:00 must have turned out later to be Terri in disguise? :)
But, now it is August and we have Terri's email released for all to read. It is TERRI that tells her friend (and now all of us) that she left the school at 9:00am, in an email dated June 5th and released to the public within the last few weeks or so.

LE has never changed their announcement that Terri was the last person to see Kyron.

So, we can conclude that, since LE states that Terri was the last person to see Kyron, it was at 9:00am.

These are a few of the facts we have been privy to.

Put them all together and that is what we have.

I think the time matters most because it blows Terri's alibi of checking out at the FM by 9:12am right out of the water, along with any shred of possible credibility on Terri's part.

My thoughts on this.

I agree. Not taking attendance before the children separated into small groups and started wandering around was idiotic. What do they think attendance is for if not to keep close track of what children have arrived at school?

I just added this to my list of questions for the teacher on that thread ;) I hope this was not too far OT on your thread, but my dander is up just thinking about this!
It just seems to me, that if it takes 15 minutes to get to the truck from waving to Kyron, then she wouldn't be likely to suddenly move with such efficiency that she could be leaving FM 12 minutes later. Some times are approximate and some are exact. I'm guessing that's a factor in here somewhere before the computer at FM clocks her out.
According to Terri, at least someone saw Kyron after she left him, whatever time that was. I am referring again to her June 5 email

" I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left."

Where did she get that information?? Did she make it up?? If she did make it up, why would she do that? If not, why the heck wasn't LE immediately looking for a male chaperon who was not on the list AND put out a sketch that would have been provided by whomever told her this.? And what "girls" are she referring to? And how did she know what chaperon's were on the list? Did each parent receive a notice of that?

I have asked this before- I concluded on my own that if she had told them this it would have been the first direction taken in the investigation with a sketch put out immediately. Which made me conclude that it was a bunch of BS...No one since has ever mentioned this and at the beginning of this investigation, if this was even a possibility, I think LE would have been all over it...
Which infers to me, at least, that THIS teacher failed to do what seems not only instinctive, but standard operating procedure.

We don't know if that was Ms Porter's choice or if that was the administrations idea for the day. The school principal said that attendance was taken when school started at 10:00, so it's not unreasonable but also not certain that attendance was not supposed to be taken until 10:00.
Either way, it was a stupid move.
But, remember, she wrote to a friend the next day and said she didn't leave the school until 9:00am? This email was released to the public. So, 15 minutes was lost for her to have driven from Skyline school and to have checked out of FM store at 9:12am.

She just trips herself up constantly, in my opinion.

I think I may be the only person in this forum that thinks no one specifically was looking at their watch (I doubt the child that saw Kyron/Terry was wearing one) between 8:45 - 9:00 AM.

I also think that this time frame is a guesstimate. I give time quotes like this all the time, which could be unfortunate to the others that are involved. I'm going to start watching that behavior on my part.

Quick question for parents in Portland, even better if in the Skyline school district:
When do the AM bells ring? And do they ring during performances?
Approximately 8:45

Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Kyron's stepmother brought him to school for a school science fair and last saw Kyron near his classroom at about 8:45 a.m.

TP, Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.

Okay, this thread is making my head spin. Everyone has great points. Here's a question. Weren't the kids supposed to get with their class groups at 8:45 a.m. to go escorted by their teachers to see the exhibits? If so, why was Kyron going off to see "this cool electric one" at that very time, when TH supposedly just dropped him off near class? Did someone lure him to a "cool electric one" with the intention that he never actually get to see it? Also, why wouldn't the friend have said, "But Kyron, we're supposed to be with Mrs. So and So right now. If you go, you'll get in trouble!" You know how kids are with rules and calling other kids out when they break them? What do you guys think?
According to Terri, at least someone saw Kyron after she left him, whatever time that was. I am referring again to her June 5 email

" I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left."

Where did she get that information?? Did she make it up?? If she did make it up, why would she do that?
If not, why the heck wasn't LE immediately looking for a male chaperon who was not on the list AND put out a sketch that would have been provided by whomever told her this.? And what "girls" are she referring to? And how did she know what chaperon's were on the list? Did each parent receive a notice of that?

You ask: "Did she make it up??"

I vote for: "She made it up."

Why? To cover her own crimes against Kyron and because that is what she does and "cuz she can. (This is my opinion).

If later her statement is contradicted by anyone she will just say that that person is confused, or forgetful, or some other nonsense in an attempt to erode the person's credibility.

I have faith that Terri's lack of credibility has already been established by those who matter, and that everything she says, writes, and does will just further her downfall.

It sounds like a living nightmare. She should spare everyone, including herself, anymore of this and confess.

Okay, this thread is making my head spin. Everyone has great points. Here's a question. Weren't the kids supposed to get with their class groups at 8:45 a.m. to go escorted by their teachers to see the exhibits? If so, why was Kyron going off to see "this cool electric one" at that very time, when TH supposedly just dropped him off near class? Did someone lure him to a "cool electric one" with the intention that he never actually get to see it? Also, why wouldn't the friend have said, "But Kyron, we're supposed to be with Mrs. So and So right now. If you go, you'll get in trouble!" You know how kids are with rules and calling other kids out when they break them? What do you guys think?

I think most kids would say, "Okay. Bye."
Maybe this was already said, I'm jumping half way in here.

Teri made it a point to be seen with Kyron around 8:15, made it a point of taking the alibi pic made it a point to get a receipt, made it a point to be seen at 2nd FM...then why for heaven sake didnt she make it a point to be seen leaving the school alone. "hey joe blow see you later, bye Cher, have to leave now and get meds for the baby.

OK folks, I will tell you why ...because she left with kyron. If there were hundreds of people there, how many stoped and oooed and awwwed over the baby. Was she showing off the baby? Baby in the stroller, puts a damper on speedy get aways, baby in arms, eveyone wants to goo goo gaa gaa at the baby.

Tons of people coming in, that's why I agree with the the other poster that she left earlier than 8:45, before the big crowd. Teri knows the bell rings at 8:45, she doesnt have to be there to hear it ring. Besides, the kids had to be in their classrooms at 9:00 to get ready to go out in groups of 4-5 ... tour 9-10. then class starts at 10...roll call is taken, kyron absent...oh hes with his mother, dont call her, hes safe.

How would a mysterous kidnapper know when the coast was clear to take Kyron at that exact moment and place. What if he was hanging with his buddies, or the teacher wanted him to stay at his poster ...to many variable for the kidnapper ...he wasnt in control, whereas, Teri was in control and knew the perfect time to get him to the truck.

Oh but officer, I didn't take him, his backpack and coat were in the class room and and and, didnt someone say "it" happened between 9-10. But lookey here I have a receipt for 9:12 at a store far far away, 7 miles from the school.

Countdown to 10 ....kill some time, drive around, go to another store get more alibis. Finally 10:10, stupid school didnt call about him being missing. Now 90 minutes to dispose of him, then get to the gym to make it look like another normal day.

Easy peasy. They wont look at what I did after 9, heck the crime took place 9-10. why doe LE want my cell phone pings and phone records and computer? I'm the innocent mom who left her precious stepson in the good care of the school with sloppy systems in place.
I agree. Not taking attendance before the children separated into small groups and started wandering around was idiotic. What do they think attendance is for if not to keep close track of what children have arrived at school?

I know that I read early in the investigation that roll call was taken twice that day, once before they left in groups to tour and then again at 10 AM when they returned to their class..
I do not have a link and do not have time at this moment to search(which is known to take FFFOOOOOOOREVRRRRRR)
So if no one else knows about this then I will delete my post no prob... Just wanted to put it out there for those who keep up with links much better than I...

As i said I have no prob deleting if I am alone in remembering this from very early on...
According to Terri, at least someone saw Kyron after she left him, whatever time that was. I am referring again to her June 5 email

" I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left."

Where did she get that information?? Did she make it up?? If she did make it up, why would she do that? If not, why the heck wasn't LE immediately looking for a male chaperon who was not on the list AND put out a sketch that would have been provided by whomever told her this.? And what "girls" are she referring to? And how did she know what chaperon's were on the list? Did each parent receive a notice of that?


Maybe the names on the chaperon list were all women. Maybe the "male chaperon" info came from LE while TH was in their good graces and cooperating before the "failed" LDT. This is certainly a question for both LE and TH, I doubt KH or TY are going to verify this. JMO
Maybe this was already said, I'm jumping half way in here.

Teri made it a point to be seen with Kyron around 8:15, made it a point of taking the alibi pic made it a point to get a receipt, made it a point to be seen at 2nd FM...then why for heaven sake didnt she make it a point to be seen leaving the school alone. "hey joe blow see you later, bye Cher, have to leave now and get meds for the baby.

OK folks, I will tell you why ...because she left with kyron. If there were hundreds of people there, how many stoped and oooed and awwwed over the baby. Was she showing off the baby? Baby in the stroller, puts a damper on speedy get aways, baby in arms, eveyone wants to goo goo gaa gaa at the baby.

Tons of people coming in, that's why I agree with the the other poster that she left earlier than 8:45, before the big crowd. Teri knows the bell rings at 8:45, she doesnt have to be there to hear it ring. Besides, the kids had to be in their classrooms at 9:00 to get ready to go out in groups of 4-5 ... tour 9-10. then class starts at 10...roll call is taken, kyron absent...oh hes with his mother, dont call her, hes safe.

How would a mysterous kidnapper know when the coast was clear to take Kyron at that exact moment and place. What if he was hanging with his buddies, or the teacher wanted him to stay at his poster ...to many variable for the kidnapper ...he wasnt in control, whereas, Teri was in control and knew the perfect time to get him to the truck.

Oh but officer, I didn't take him, his backpack and coat were in the class room and and and, didnt someone say "it" happened between 9-10. But lookey here I have a receipt for 9:12 at a store far far away, 7 miles from the school.

Countdown to 10 ....kill some time, drive around, go to another store get more alibis. Finally 10:10, stupid school didnt call about him being missing. Now 90 minutes to dispose of him, then get to the gym to make it look like another normal day.

Easy peasy. They wont look at what I did after 9, heck the crime took place 9-10. why doe LE want my cell phone pings and phone records and computer? I'm the innocent mom who left her precious stepson in the good care of the school with sloppy systems in place.

Great Post! And beautifully and eloquently said...

ITA with so many of your points..:)
I think even if we give TH the benefit of the doubt about guesstimating the time we would have to give her sooooo many other benefits of the doubt...say she said goodbye to Kyron...She still has to get to her car, buckle the baby in and get out of the parking lot while probably others are leaving, too. Best case scenario, I'm thinking this would take 5-7 minutes, which still brings us to 8:50 to 8:52. Then if she hits no lights, no traffic (I don't know about Portland but there's always a little traffic where I live around this time due to school drop offs and errands and people still going to work) but say she gets there in 7 minutes (which I contend is pushing it) that's 8:57 to 8:59. Now she has to go into what people say is a large store, find the aisle for whatever medicine she needs (I don't care how many times I go look for medicine for myself or my kids in a large store, it always takes me longer than I planned to pinpoint the exact aisle and section of aisle- i.e. is this the pain reliever aisle or the cold medicine aisle?)...then I have to determine there is no medicine that I am looking for- I would probably look for a couple of different name brands, then maybe the generic...or speak to the pharmacist if it is a prescription...now let's say someone else is there and I have to wait on line- isn't that almost always the case at this time of the morning? Now even if they're out of the otc medicine, I think I'd ask the pharmacist to make sure before going all the way to another store but definitely if it's a prescription they're out of it will take them a few minutes to check this out and they will offer to call the other store to make sure they have it before wasting your time and gas)...I don't think I would ever go through all of these motions in less than 10-15 minutes because I really don't want to go all the way to another store...and as I said it had to take at least a couple minutes to get to the right aisle...so then I decide to buy something and there's no line for that either...hmmmm....that's a lot of leeway but I guess it's all humanly possible if she did leave exactly at 8:45 and every star was in alignment and she just decided to round up the time to friends to 9:00 for some reason...

5 to 7 minutes is actually much longer than people think. I am sure I could get out of a school that size and across the parking lot to my car in about 20 seconds. It doesn't seem to be that far. I could buckle (and have) a kid into her car seat in 30 seconds or even less. You just plop them in, adjust the straps, snap the lock and give them binky or bottle from the bag. That does not take 5 minutes unless the kid is really thrashing around. It depends how much traffic there was but it was probably under a minute just to get onto the main road. That's about 2 minutes right there.
I think I may be the only person in this forum that thinks no one specifically was looking at their watch (I doubt the child that saw Kyron/Terry was wearing one) between 8:45 - 9:00 AM.

I also think that this time frame is a guesstimate. I give time quotes like this all the time, which could be unfortunate to the others that are involved. I'm going to start watching that behavior on my part.

Quick question for parents in Portland, even better if in the Skyline school district:
When do the AM bells ring? And do they ring during performances?

I couldn't agree more, when TH said 9:00 she could have been rounding up. I do that all the time. At that point, June 5, she hadn't taken a LDT and hadn't had any reason to narrow her time down yet. If she indeed has a receipt from FM for 9:12 "checkout" then, she probably left somewhere in between 8:45 and 9:00. I really think the question remains, dead or alive, who was with her? But the other part of her email, about someone seeing Kyron with an unidentified male and two girls. Now THAT is a very big question. I still say she either was telling the truth, that is, she is the one who saw Kyron with an unidentified male, and it just sorta slipped out OR she made that up to try to steer people away from ....a direction I would guess she never thought people would be heading....hers.
I know that I read early in the investigation that roll call was taken twice that day, once before they left in groups to tour and then again at 10 AM when they returned to their class..
I do not have a link and do not have time at this moment to search(which is known to take FFFOOOOOOOREVRRRRRR)
So if no one else knows about this then I will delete my post no prob... Just wanted to put it out there for those who keep up with links much better than I...

As i said I have no prob deleting if I am alone in remembering this from very early on...

No, that does ring a bell but I don't know if that was a news report or speculation on the board.
Okay, this thread is making my head spin. Everyone has great points. Here's a question. Weren't the kids supposed to get with their class groups at 8:45 a.m. to go escorted by their teachers to see the exhibits? If so, why was Kyron going off to see "this cool electric one" at that very time, when TH supposedly just dropped him off near class? Did someone lure him to a "cool electric one" with the intention that he never actually get to see it? Also, why wouldn't the friend have said, "But Kyron, we're supposed to be with Mrs. So and So right now. If you go, you'll get in trouble!" You know how kids are with rules and calling other kids out when they break them? What do you guys think?


I totally agree that a friend (I read best friend somewhere but I don't know if that's true or rumor) would say exactly that if his friend was going to go off on his own when he was supposed to be going to class. He might even tell the teacher (cause even friends of this age tend to tattle on one another when trying to curry favor with a teacher)...
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