NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #1

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If someone posted this from the most recent ABC article, I missed it:

"Former neighbors told ABC News that the stepmother was a stern and cold parent, forcing the child the walk long distances on her prosthetic leg and grounding her for lagging behind."

What a witch!

Geeeez - what a horrible person! :eek:
Police dogs smell remains at missing girl's house

By MITCH WEISS (AP) – 12 minutes ago
HICKORY, N.C. — Police dogs detected the smell of human remains on two cars at the home of a missing girl who has bone cancer and a prosthetic leg, a search warrant said Monday.
The document filed in a Hickory court didn't indicate that police found any remains in their search, which was conducted Sunday night. The warrant said the dogs detected the smell on a sedan and SUV belonging to the father and stepmother.
Earlier in the day, the police chief cast doubt on accounts by the father and stepmother of 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker
I know there isn't anything funny about this, but that writer could've reworded the first it looked like the smell of police dogs remained at the house, meaning the house smelled like the police dogs. :banghead:
Isn't Rotenberrry the name of the friend that has been saying so much? And now Charles Rotenberrry finds a messy glove???????????????
Cherryville? Geez....that's where I live! Cherryville is a small town of about 6,000 city residents. We have local schools here in town....wonder if Zahra went to the elementary school here?

BTW, one thing I noticed today while watching the father this morning on TV with the Police Chief. Did anyone notice that when the dad broke down at the end of his interview and began to weep (which seemed heartbreaking, at the time), the Cop didn't reach out and comfort him? Most people would reach over and at least pat the dad on the back or give his arm a squeeze or something.....Nope, nada...didn't reach over at all. He just stood there and stared at him. Bad sign, imo.

I think the cops know this dad has something to do with this crime. Chief also refused to eliminate dad as a suspect....

It looked like he was sort of turning toward the Chief as if he wanted him to comfort him and that the chief just didn't know what he should do. By the way, I live in the same county as you! ;)
yes it it tehcloser. Horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This case is a roller coaster already.

Praying for Zahra. I think she is gone. I hope she did not suffer.

Praying here and agree that she is gone and IMO.....

she suffered horribly. :sick:
Isn't Rotenberrry the name of the friend that has been saying so much? And now Charles Rotenberrry finds a messy glove???????????????

I don't know when he found it though. Maybe he found it at the beginning of the investigation, called the tip into police and NOW he's saying so much because it set his hinky meter off?
The thank you button wasn't enough :)

Communities really need to step up and look after these precious children. I am positive all my WS friends here do this but pass the word on to everyone you know too. Children have got to be protected.

Off Topic, but relevant -- I work as an Educational Assistant sub for a local middle school in Canada. I was assigned an Autistic 7th grader to work with for the day. At the end of the day, it was unclear as to whether he was to take the bus or be picked up, and he could not communicate it adequately to me. I accompanied him out the school door as he finally told me his father was picking him up. I followed him to a van parked in the lot, and introduced myself to the man sitting in it. It was obvious by the way they greeted each other that he was his father. The father thanked me for taking the time to make sure his son made it to the car, and was happy that I was checking to see who he was. I would NEVER have let that boy just walk away into the parking lot-- even in a small town like the one where I was. Yes, your WS friends are like that!!
Watching JVM now. If there's anything interesting or new, I'll post it.
Nothing we haven't discussed here on the JVM show. They are going to take questions after the break....
I don't know when he found it though. Maybe he found it at the beginning of the investigation, called the tip into police and NOW he's saying so much because it set his hinky meter off?

It could be a relative but it's a different person. The glove finder is Charles Rotenberry and the former neighbor who said all the other stuff is Kayla Rotenberry. Her fiance is Bobby Green.

"I hope and pray we find her and she'll be okay," said family friend Kayla Rotenberry.

She and her fiance, Bobby Green, used to be next door neighbors to the Bakers. Their girls used to played together.
Yet another case that makes my blood boil. I have a problem with Dad's story. If LE came out to your house around 5:30 am and found your SUV on fire and a ransom note about your boss's child being kidnapped, wouldn't you run like a bat out of He!! to your "sleeping" daughter's room to check on her??
Hickory police chief Tom Adkins said Chief said "We are questioning the validity of that note. We have no further demands from the note."
The note was addressed to the employer of the girl's father, Mark Coffee, and when his daughter was found safe police left.
Watching JVM now. If there's anything interesting or new, I'll post it.

Thanks, Kaylnn...I will look for any updates you might have from the program. I have to get busy on the spaghetti sauce or we won't be eating it til breakfast! :crazy:
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