2010.10.08 - MISTY's St. Johns Co. FELONY SENTENCING @1:30PM (secret witness?)

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It wouldn't have to be a Jesus moment...maybe a moment of self preservation & clarity. Even Misty, could surely read the writing on her future's wall.

Oh my gosh dodie, I sure hope not because imo Misty's self preservation is why she has constantly lied for 20 months.

Her future is bleak no doubt but to go to prison as a drug trafficker does not carry the shame as it would if it were known she was directly involved with the killing of a young child.

Imo, I have always thought it was in Misty's best interest to never tell the truth. I just don't see her confessing to a crime like this one. Now if it was drugs or something else not so horrible she may.

The docket doesn't reflect a motion to continue, and if one was filed it should be there. There are no entries after 09/02/10 when the case was reset to yesterday. Whatever the reason for the delay, it was a last minute issue. We'll have to wait and see once the docket updates.

Thank you, but didn't the DA say it has been continued and will not be held until January 2011? It may show up on the docket Monday.

Oh my gosh dodie, I sure hope not because imo Misty's self preservation is why she has constantly lied for 20 months.

Her future is bleak no doubt but to go to prison as a drug trafficker does not carry the shame as it would if it were known she was directly involved with the killing of a young child.

Imo, I have always thought it was in Misty's best interest to never tell the truth. I just don't see her confessing to a crime like this one. Now if it was drugs or something else not so horrible she may.


You may be right about Misty wanting to never tell the truth about Haleigh but as far as being in her best interest, I don't know about that so much. She COULD end up doing far less prison time for her part in Haleigh's case than she would be doing for the drug charges. She has nothing in this life BUT time, so that is her most precious commodity. I would think she may reconsider the truth as an option, but then again, so far that hasn't proven out.
Bathbuddys, I have no way of knowing what is in Lindsay's head and heart. So, I would have to guess as to her motives to divorce Tommy and leave him. He's going to be in jail a long time, and when he's released he has a large fine to pay. Maybe she's one of those women who does not want to wait for a man with that kind of future. I know I would have to think long and hard if I were young and in that situation with my husband.

She may have taken into consideration what is best for her children and her own welfare and decided to find another lifestyle.

As for not being heard from or seen, Lindsay may be laying low so as to not be lumped in with the Croslin family.

Or, maybe it could be she knows too much about what happened to Haleigh and for self-preservation she's staying far away as possible.
Like I said, it's all guess on my part.

Only my opinion, but I think Lindsey started to see her "husband" for the shallow person that he is when she visited him in jail and they were discussing the tax return money. He instructed her to NOT spend any of that money so they could use it to get him out of jail. She didn't have gas money, nor money to repair the van, no food for the kids, etc. and he told her not to spend any of that money. I think reality began to sink in then and it only got worse after that. If she's laying low, I don't blame her. She needs to get on with her life and make the best of it. Her kids need a more normal life and she needs to know where their next meal is coming from - her earnings and not try to depend on someone else that is so irresponsible. As I say, this is only a gut feeling on my part but, I think she began to piece different time slots together when she had time to really think about it and she may know a lot more than anyone else at this point as to what the possibilities are. I think we'll see Lindsey again but, this time it will in the courtroom giving testimony.
You may be right about Misty wanting to never tell the truth about Haleigh but as far as being in her best interest, I don't know about that so much. She COULD end up doing far less prison time for her part in Haleigh's case than she would be doing for the drug charges. She has nothing in this life BUT time, so that is her most precious commodity. I would think she may reconsider the truth as an option, but then again, so far that hasn't proven out.


I don't really see how that could happen. Imo, LE is simply not going to believe Misty if she now tries to come back with another story that it was an accident or that she did not participate trying to negate her own responsibility. She would have revealed that long ago before LE said Haleigh's death was a homicide.

Misty has dug a hole for herself, imo. The long months of continuous lying shows that this was no accident nor that Misty was merely a witness, imo.

In a way it is sort of like the DA using the circumstantial evidence of CA not reporting Caylee missing for 31 days. For Misty to say now it was an accident or that someone else did it is strong circumstantial evidence that she is still lying and trying to diminish her own role in the crime.

LE/DA looks at what is reasonable imo and it simply does not make sense if she didn't have a part in this horrible crime that she would have kept up this lying game for 20 months.


I don't really see how that could happen. Imo, LE is simply not going to believe Misty if she now tries to come back with another story that it was an accident or that she did not participate trying to negate her own responsibility. She would have revealed that long ago before LE said Haleigh's death was a homicide.

Misty has dug a hole for herself, imo. The long months of continuous lying shows that this was no accident nor that Misty was merely a witness, imo.

In a way it is sort of like the DA using the circumstantial evidence of CA not reporting Caylee missing for 31 days. For Misty to say now it was an accident or that someone else did it is strong circumstantial evidence that she is still lying and trying to diminish her own role in the crime.

LE/DA looks at what is reasonable imo and it simply does not make sense if she didn't have a part in this horrible crime that she would have kept up this lying game for 20 months.


The cops just want to know what happened to Haleigh, thats all they want from Misty, and sentences can be mitigated its just a fact.
The cops just want to know what happened to Haleigh, thats all they want from Misty, and sentences can be mitigated its just a fact.

I think LE wants to know a heck of a lot more than that. They want Misty to answer the repeated question of where Haleigh's body is. She will never give that up, imo.

You mean if there is a trial? Mitigations are entered in the sentencing phase of a trial.

So Ron is damned for agreeing to testify but Misty is going to get a sweetheart deal for her part in Haleigh's disappearance/homicide by revealing where her body is? Isn't that a little like holding Haleigh's remains as ransom?

You really think she is going to confess after lying her tail off for 20 months?

Well I don't believe that for one second.

If she confesses to what she and Tommy did I will be the first one to say I am shocked beyond belief that it happened.

I think LE wants to know a heck of a lot more than that. They want Misty to answer the repeated question of where Haleigh's body is. She will never give that up, imo.

You mean if there is a trial? Mitigations are entered in the sentencing phase of a trial.

So Ron is damned for agreeing to testify but Misty is going to get a sweetheart deal for her part in Haleigh's disappearance/homicide by revealing where her body is? Isn't that a little like holding Haleigh's remains as ransom?

You really think she is going to confess after lying her tail off for 20 months?

Well I don't believe that for one second.

If she confesses to what she and Tommy did I will be the first one to say I am shocked beyond belief that it happened.


I disagree. They want to know what happened that night in the trailer and who did what. They dont need a body, this will be a case tried without a body, it was declared homicide without a body.

And yes, she will tell the truth, and she will be tested, and her testimony is going to be critical for bringing Haleigh justice. She knows the truth, and LE knows the truth. She just needs to confirm it.

I disagree. They want to know what happened that night in the trailer and who did what. They dont need a body, this will be a case tried without a body, it was declared homicide without a body.

And yes, she will tell the truth, and she will be tested, and her testimony is going to be critical for bringing Haleigh justice. She knows the truth, and LE knows the truth. She just needs to confirm it.jmo

If she knows the truth and LE knows the truth and they don't need a body, why haven't there been any charges filed? Also why when MC and TC told the story about what happened to HC and they declared this a homicide investigation and took them to the river, didn't they arrest someone? They took RC out of jail to talk to him and Crystal, and inform them of what they were doing, as the parents of Haleigh and not as a suspect in her disappearance. jmo
I disagree. They want to know what happened that night in the trailer and who did what. They don't need a body, this will be a case tried without a body, it was declared homicide without a body.

And yes, she will tell the truth, and she will be tested, and her testimony is going to be critical for bringing Haleigh justice. She knows the truth, and LE knows the truth. She just needs to confirm it.


I don't think Misty is capable of telling the truth. I believe most of her life has been based on lies, manipulations and deceit.

I never said anything about 'needing' a body. It is common decency for LE to want to know where Haleigh's remains were discarded so she can be brought back home for a proper burial especially if they know Misty and Tommy knows where that is. Police are human beings also with hearts .....especially for a little innocent 5 year old child. Misty didn't testify they were asking her to cough up who did it. She said they were still asking her to lead them to Haleigh's body.

They have long said they know 95% of what happened in that house that night. Misty is the other 5% and imo LE wants to know why she killed that little girl and why she had her brother come over and help her and where they tossed Haleigh's remains, imo.

Yes, LE does know the truth and IMO they know Misty and Tommy are both up to their eyeballs in Haleigh's homicide and is the reason why Haleigh's body hasn't been found. So that is why all the finger pointing at someone else has not worked.

The two involved will not give up where Haleigh is. Imo, the entire boat ramp tale was a ruse. Haleigh's body is not there and that is why they led the police on a wild goose chase.
I don't think Misty is capable of telling the truth. I believe most of her life has been based on lies, manipulations and deceit.

I never said anything about 'needing' a body. It is common decency for LE to want to know where Haleigh's remains were discarded so she can be brought back home for a proper burial especially if they know Misty and Tommy knows where that is. Police are human beings also with hearts .....especially for a little innocent 5 year old child. Misty didn't testify they were asking her to cough up who did it. She said they were still asking her to lead them to Haleigh's body.

They have long said they know 95% of what happened in that house that night. Misty is the other 5% and imo LE wants to know why she killed that little girl and why she had her brother come over and help her and where they tossed Haleigh's remains, imo.

Yes, LE does know the truth and IMO they know Misty and Tommy are both up to their eyeballs in Haleigh's homicide and is the reason why Haleigh's body hasn't been found. So that is why all the finger pointing at someone else has not worked.

The two involved will not give up where Haleigh is. Imo, the entire boat ramp tale was a ruse. Haleigh's body is not there and that is why they led the police on a wild goose chase.

I agree that the boat ramp incident was a ruse, but if she was willing to implicate herself and others in this, why would putting pressure of more jail time on her now make her give up information. She wasn't worried about it then. jmo.


I think plenty of women have various motives for leaving their spouses that have nothing to do with the idea of the husband harming or kidnapping a child.


I agree, Lindsay still shows up for Tommy. She may of divorced him for any reason, it did not have to be because she felt Tommy killed Haleigh. IMO, if that was the reason she would of never showed her support in the court hearing for Tommy nor would she of been so devastated when he got sentence. She is a mother and I hope that she left him for her children's sake, sure it was hard for her I would assume, seems like she really loves Tommy. But with all that is going on and the DCF investigation as well, she had to chose IMO and she chose her children. Kudos to her... all JMO :cow:

As for Misty's delay I pray that she is talking now, that is all I want. They can drop all her drug charges I don't care, just want Haleigh found and the person/s who hurt her to be punished to the max. It is time for Haleigh to have Justice, that is all that matters.
I agree, Lindsay still shows up for Tommy. She may of divorced him for any reason, it did not have to be because she felt Tommy killed Haleigh. IMO, if that was the reason she would of never showed her support in the court hearing for Tommy nor would she of been so devastated when he got sentence. She is a mother and I hope that she left him for her children's sake, sure it was hard for her I would assume, seems like she really loves Tommy. But with all that is going on and the DCF investigation as well, she had to chose IMO and she chose her children. Kudos to her... all JMO :cow:

As for Misty's delay I pray that she is talking now, that is all I want. They can drop all her drug charges I don't care, just want Haleigh found and the person/s who hurt her to be punished to the max. It is time for Haleigh to have Justice, that is all that matters.
Even if Misty tells the truth, & for some crazy reason she was only involved after the fact, & was threatened & coerced & all that, I don't think she'll get all of her drug charges dropped. I think LE is serious about punishing all of these people with prison. Now, she could work out a deal & get less time, but I still expect Misty to get at least 15 years.
Even if Misty tells the truth, & for some crazy reason she was only involved after the fact, & was threatened & coerced & all that, I don't think she'll get all of her drug charges dropped. I think LE is serious about punishing all of these people with prison. Now, she could work out a deal & get less time, but I still expect Misty to get at least 15 years.
& when it's all said & done, I don't think any of these people, (& a few of their family members & acquaintances), need to be free, to roam the streets. IDK how long it would take, but they all need to be humbled, & learn a few things, because they're all too danged wild, to follow civilized rules.

I don't really see how that could happen. Imo, LE is simply not going to believe Misty if she now tries to come back with another story that it was an accident or that she did not participate trying to negate her own responsibility. She would have revealed that long ago before LE said Haleigh's death was a homicide.

Misty has dug a hole for herself, imo. The long months of continuous lying shows that this was no accident nor that Misty was merely a witness, imo.

In a way it is sort of like the DA using the circumstantial evidence of CA not reporting Caylee missing for 31 days. For Misty to say now it was an accident or that someone else did it is strong circumstantial evidence that she is still lying and trying to diminish her own role in the crime.

LE/DA looks at what is reasonable imo and it simply does not make sense if she didn't have a part in this horrible crime that she would have kept up this lying game for 20 months.


I don't know why it's so difficult to see how that could happen. You're looking at it from YOUR point of view which is she and Tommy are responsible for Haleigh's demise. I am looking at it from MY point of view that she's been lying to cover for someone else all this time. She's already looking at 25 years and COULD be looking at a possible 240 years and we all know LE can make any kind of deals they want to in order to come to certain resolutions in many cases, so it shouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that she could see far less time by telling the truth as opposed to not doing so.
I don't know why it's so difficult to see how that could happen. You're looking at it from YOUR point of view which is she and Tommy are responsible for Haleigh's demise. I am looking at it from MY point of view that she's been lying to cover for someone else all this time. She's already looking at 25 years and COULD be looking at a possible 240 years and we all know LE can make any kind of deals they want to in order to come to certain resolutions in many cases, so it shouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that she could see far less time by telling the truth as opposed to not doing so.

EXACTLY!!!! I do also believe she is covering and you are correct..The LE can make any deals they want....moo
I don't know why it's so difficult to see how that could happen. You're looking at it from YOUR point of view which is she and Tommy are responsible for Haleigh's demise. I am looking at it from MY point of view that she's been lying to cover for someone else all this time. She's already looking at 25 years and COULD be looking at a possible 240 years and we all know LE can make any kind of deals they want to in order to come to certain resolutions in many cases, so it shouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that she could see far less time by telling the truth as opposed to not doing so.

Even if the DA believes she killed Haleigh? Do you think the DA would offer a plea deal?

She might wind up with a plea of 25 years to run concurrently with the other 25 year sentence on the total drug charges but imo the DA will not plea with her concerning Haleigh's case nor are they going to plea with Tommy.

IMO In light of what is all going on...99% we know nothing about ....it IS POSSIBLE Misty could be offered a deal....OR Tommy as well......IT IS POSSIBLE....moo
IMO In light of what is all going on...99% we know nothing about ....it IS POSSIBLE Misty could be offered a deal....OR Tommy as well......IT IS POSSIBLE....moo

I agree, either could be offered a deal for their testimony in the Haleigh case. I do not see much written in stone, though, until the SA knows for sure what either or both has to offer, and then nothing will be set until whatever they say pans out...meaning it has to be the truth this time, and there must be some means for verifying that it is the truth.

Even a person who killed someone can get a deal, usually for a lesser charge, in exchange for testifying against someone else who was also involved. If there is only one perp in a crime they might get a guarantee of no death penalty, or they might get an offer of possibility of parole at some point vs. LWOP. And depending on the circumstances, they can get a whole lot more! Check out that article I posted in the other thread (Misty lead LE to Haleigh) about the dude who physically abused an 18-month-old girl. His trial ended in a hung jury, and rather than go through the time and expense of retrial, the SA offered the perp 10 years in prison for pleading guilty. He took it; certainly if found guilty he would have faced considerably more than 10 years.

And I hope it didn't go unnoticed that his sentence is less than half what Misty got for trafficking, and he beat a baby to death!

Yup, deals happen every day, even for some pretty heinous crimes if it will ensure much-needed testimony for a conviction or, as in Haleigh's case, if it will ensure getting to the truth.
IMO In light of what is all going on...99% we know nothing about ....it IS POSSIBLE Misty could be offered a deal....OR Tommy as well......IT IS POSSIBLE....moo
I agree with you, and with krkrjx. Even at this late date, Misty could be offered a deal, depending on the circumstances. IF she has key information on someone else, AND she's fully cooperative, she might avoid spending the better part of her adult life behind bars. Naturally, the SA's not going to be as willing to bargain as he would've been 20 months ago, or even 9 months ago. And Misty's attitude will have to undergo a major adjustment. The same for Tommy.

That would still leave Misty facing 25 years in St. Johns County, and I don't get the feeling that Judge Berger's going to change her ruling. But 25 is better than LWOP if she's charged with first degree homicide. With so few facts, it's tough to speculate, but I don't think we can rule anything out just yet.
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