NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #29

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"To prevent this shrinkage, the fuller would place the wet cloth on a large wooden frame, a "tenter", and leave it to dry outside. The lengths of wet cloth were stretched on the tenter (from the Latin "tendere", to stretch) using hooks ... By the mid-eighteenth century the phrase "on tenterhooks" came into use to mean being in a state of uneasiness, anxiety, or suspense, stretched like the cloth on the tenter. [2]"

OMG 138 members, 157 guests!

Wow, so we're waiting like a wet, stretched out cloth. Neat! :)
Does Rupa Mikkilineni have a twitter page? I'm sure she is on scene today.
There are a few boards discussing the ZB case with the intensity we are. I wouldn't be surprised if the folks on those boards pop over here to visit from time to time. I know I pop on over there, just never joined. I considered WS's my home. Not sure if I'm allowed to actually mention the names of the boards, so I will obstain. But good sleuthing going on all over the place. Great job everyone!
I see, wouldn't it be nice if you clicked on the tag it takes you to that page in the thread it was at. Oh well.

Those things are scattered all through the thread , not just one page.
Nah, dont. Easy oversight. We're all so :crazy: now, and waiting on tenterhooks (wth is a tenterhook anyway, and why are we waiting on them?) it's easy to overlook something like that.

Algebra...yuk. Better you than me.

ten·ter·hook (tĕnˈtər-ho͝okˌ)
A hooked nail for securing cloth on a tenter.

Sorry - couldn't resist. :angel:
Anyone else feels like the calm before the storm is going on?
There are a few boards discussing the ZB case with the intensity we are. I wouldn't be surprised if the folks on those boards pop over here to visit from time to time. I know I pop on over there, just never joined. I considered WS's my home. Not sure if I'm allowed to actually mention the names of the boards, so I will obstain. But good sleuthing going on all over the place. Great job everyone!

Good point, and esp the part RBBM.

We should organize field trips. Or surprise one another with "flashmob" events... OK NEED NEWS NOW. :crazy:
ok - my husband just figured out that it was actually "as useless as *advertiser censored* on a boar". He always thought it was "*advertiser censored* on a board" and he objected to their "non"-usefullness. (ok - way too much information and way off topic but couldn't resist!)
ten·ter·hook (tĕnˈtər-ho͝okˌ)
A hooked nail for securing cloth on a tenter.

Sorry - couldn't resist. :angel:

Phrase Etymology While Waiting on a New Thread

on tenterhooks
Anxiously waiting for news about someone or something: She was on tenterhooks until her son called and said he was not hurt.

Etymology: based on the literal meaning of tenterhook (a hook that holds cloth that is stretched to dry), suggesting that someone's emotions are tightly stretched like a piece of cloth held by tenterhooks
See what happens when we get no information?

trouble. the lot of you. :angel: ;)

and still no reply from Rad. Hmmm...
I was well into elementary school before I realized there was no such thing as a dawnzerly light.
I don't want to get too deep into this, but I would like to point out that everyone here is anonymous unless they choose to say who they are, and only rarely is there a situation where Tricia will check on this information. The only information the staff here has that the members do not is the email address you use, unless you have chosen to disclose that. We don't have anyone's real name (unless they tell us), nor is there even a place to keep track of it in the Board software.

So if you are sending confidential information in a PM, how do you know the recipient is entitled to see it?

I would only send confidential info to a poster I know personally, in real life. Any other info would be not confidental. Unless mods or Tricia read PM's but I thought Tricia had clarified for me that they do not.
Confused again....:banghead:

For example- my significant other is also a poster here. I might PM him with confidential info because I both know him (obviously) and know that he is bound by the same confidentiality issue I am. Is this okay? So confused.
ok - my husband just figured out that it was actually "as useless as *advertiser censored* on a boar". He always thought it was "*advertiser censored* on a board" and he objected to their usefullness. (ok - way too much information and way off topic but couldn't resist!)

LMAO, what a riot! Thanks for the laugh.
I wonder if the media has been asked to go dark while they confirm something big?
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