NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #36

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This is why i believe children being homeschooled need to be checked up on
once the school notifies that the parent is homeschooling these children become lost in the system and could very well be abused JMO

I don't want to get in any kind of homeschool debate, but there has to be a reason for anyone to be checked on. There are plenty of kids left totally alone to get themselves on the bus to go to public school. I don't believe there is any evidence that homeschoolers need to be watched more than any other parents.
IMO with all the possible lies told during the 911 calls it is important to note what comments followed what other comments. I do not recall the sequences.

Such as does it make sense that EB was checking on Z at around 2 am? This paragon of motherhood?

Does the the comment about Z having a stomach virus or touch of flu follow the 2 am check on statement? Perhaps to explain why EB would be checking on Z at 2 am?

in the fire 911 call laced by EB does the first statement about hubby being landscaper come to alert FD that there is an additional hazard, or is it there to prepare FD for the bizarre scene that awaits them, piles of burning mulch all about, employer's vehicle doused in gas, etc etc and so forth?

I think the answers are all there in the 911 calls. We just need to know what the questions are.

Just me musing.
Also this, from the old article:

Her grandmother Karen said Zahra's eyes lit up when she saw the soldiers waiting to take them to camp.

"Her eyes couldn't have been any bigger. She loves the whole army business," Ms Baker said.

"The picture tells the whole story, she handles everything with a smile. She has been on camp a couple of years ago, but she hadn't been well enough to go again until this year.

"The Camp Quality people are just wonderful."

Officer Commanding B Squadron, 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment Major Gerry McGowan said troops were honoured to help make the camp a memorable experience for the kids.

"We often use the drive between Townsville and Innisfail as a training run, it was very easy for us to alter our schedule to fit this in," he said.
sorry if I missed it somewhere, but do we have a date the school called EB and were told that they were homeschooling? To me, this date would indicate a date that Z was not present (or alive) as I believe that was said to cover up the fact that she wasnt at school.

the school was never notified.

they moved districts and did not register her at the new location.

she was never registered as a homeschooled student.

EB and/or AB told LE (after she was reported missing) that she was "homeschooled"
whew, okay, caught back up. So, per punKnLuV CSI has been at the house over teh weekend despite lack of press coverage, breaking news, bombshells. Good to know. And LE confirms they will be there again this week and are gathering there now. Also good to know.

Bless LE and how very hard they are trying to solve this case.

I don't know if they were inside investigating though. I didn't actually walk around and check. I did see a police car in the back parking lot (the one where we took most of the pictures on 10/28 that belongs to Bistro 127). I will ask hubby when he gets here with lunch if he recalls 100% seeing the CSI van also.
FWIW, I was 'homeschooled' by an abusive parent (whom EB's personality seems to resemble a lot, which is what brought me here in the first place--Zahra's story is very close to home for me).

In my own experience--these kind of people do fly off the handle about things, and impulsively burn bridges, sometimes deciding instantly that a person or organization is their sworn enemy. And, to echo an earlier sentiment, school staff can raise way too many red flags. If a parent like this can convince themselves that they're righteous and victimized by society and that they're homeschooling for the child's 'own good', and then have the 'bonus' of it helping them to abuse more and answer less questions, the choice makes a lot of sense in that context.

JMOO, though.

BBM This is so spot on it sent chills down my spine.

From one abuse survivor to another, my heart goes out to you, Kiki. I know how hard it is to recover from that kind of childhood and build good life for yourself beyond it.
I guess that means the investigators are not at a GJ hearing. So I think it is unlikely murder charges or manslaughter or any charges dealing with Zahra will be handed down today.

I don't believe that all the investigators would be required at a GJ so maybe one is still convening with regards to this case.
I don't know if they were inside investigating though. I didn't actually walk around and check. I did see a police car in the back parking lot (the one where we took most of the pictures on 10/28 that belongs to Bistro 127). I will ask hubby when he gets here with lunch if he recalls 100% seeing the CSI van also.

CSI van is there again today as of 12:30 pm DST.
Still O/T - I take .25 xanax for insomnia and took a sominex the other night instead. I swear it worked just as well. Melatonin didn't help me sleep but did give me some weird dreams when I did sleep.

It's funny how different people react to different supplements. Two of my sis-in-laws have tried Melatonin with two different results! One of my nephews has been diagnosed with ADHD and she gives it to him also.

Xanax makes me feel like a zombie the next day lol and the Melatonin doesn't.

another the 911 call AB states that Zahra is brooding and they only see her when she wants something. Yet in an interview when the reporter asks about what his daughter is like, he says that she was just always happy and smiling.

I do not believe this little girl was hitting puberty. If she had been acting like that, IMO it is because she just finally had her spirit beaten out of her and was miserable sad and depressed. And if this woman could do that to her strong spirit, after surviving all that she had to go through with cancer, speaks to just how sick EB was and how much Zahra had to go through with her. Maybe little Zahra finally stood up to her and said she was not going to take her abuse anymore,threatened to call her gramma or someone who could help her, and it sent EB over the edge.
intersting how former abuse victims tend to recognize and be drawn to one another based on that common experience yes?

I am willing to bet there are alot of former victims on this board, the need to speak for these new vicitims, it's what calls to us and keeps us coming. moo
hugs to you KiKi, I am sorry for what happened in youth but may I just say that fire seems to have forged one h*ll of a human being?

Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm sure Zahra went through much worse than I, but I can't help but see a little echo of my younger self when I see those pics of her. I'm smiling in every one of my pictures, too.

I'd go through my bad experiences all over again if it meant I could be even a small part of bringing those who treated her so badly pay for what they've done. Thanks to everyone for including me here.
intersting how former abuse victims tend to recognize and be drawn to one another based on that common experience yes?

I am willing to bet there are alot of former victims on this board, the need to speak for these new vicitims, it's what calls to us and keeps us coming. moo

A big key in my recovery was discovering why it occurred, if only to force myself out of the hate bubble that ate me alive. I think that's part of what drew me here to this's ingrained in me to have to understand why. I can't help these kids, and I know that, but I want to answers the whys for them because to me, that equals release. (Lord, that sounds smaltzy.)
CSI van is there again today as of 12:30 pm DST.

Did you happen to notice if it was there over the weekend. I could of swore I saw it....but now I'm wondering if I'm just crazy lol. I do know the red Fairbrook vehicle was still there.

Ok hubby said yes the SBI Scene van was parked all weekend. He just drove by and the HPD CSI suv was back and he had the tailgate open and was working.

:moose::moose::moose: Welcome to WS from a fellow :canada:

Thanks! Been around a while now. Was first drawn here by little Tori Stafford's case and spent alot of time on Somer's thread as well. All these little angels pull at my heart. Zahra's story has been one that has particularly drew me. For a child to go though an illness with much more strength and courage then I could imagine having as an adult, it amazes me. I hope the truth comes to light soon.
was it just my laptop or did WS expereince one huge hiccup just now?
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