Defending the R's

Yes they employed professionals to defend them.And that implied coming up with stuff about an alledged intruder.It's what defence atty's and their teams do,blame it on someone else.

What was your alleged intruder is now an evident intruder. The profile is good and includes specific information that is obviously based on the ransom note.
Nice try, but he said right at the outset that his lawyer friend had called around with food that evening and had observed the way the BPD was treating them and advised him that they needed lawyers, cause the cops were trying to fit them up with the murder!

That's certainly the story he's given us. Trouble is, he made several statements to the effect that the SOLE purpose of the investigators was to follow up leads that the police supposedly weren't following up on, when that was not true. Their job was to undercut the evidence LE had amassed. And they went about it in some pretty ugly ways, not the least of which was trying to set up a handwriting expert to go to prison on a trumped-up charge so he wouldn't be able to present his analysis of the RN in court against Patsy. Like I said, there's a reason the lead investigator for the Rs quit.

Subsequently, when it became obvious that the Rs were the sole focus and that the BPD were not interested in investigating anyone else, their team took leads and did follow up some of these as far as they were able.

My bold. You're wasting your time with that.

The private investigator did some good work (you know, the one you said was crooked?).

I don't recall using the word "crooked" to describe him, Murri. But truth be told, that accurately sums up some of what they were doing. Now, if you're referring to the one who quit, I guess even he had standards.

JR in earlier days had tried to contact the BPD to pass on some of these leads, but they didn't return his calls.

The cops were a lot nicer than I would have been! I'd have thrown the lot of them in jail for interfering in a police investigation! How does that hit you?

All the other potential suspects interviewed by BPD were asked more questions about the Rs that about their own whereabouts etc.

Only for purposes of digging up any kind of dirt at all that could be used as reasonable doubt in court. You're an awfully trusting soul, Murri.

So, again he didn't lie, both of these things were true. The lawyers were to keep him out of jail and at the same time they did try to follow up some leads given to them by the public, but as you would be aware, without access to all the evidence, this was pretty futile. The two aims were not mutually exclusive.

Look again, Murri. In his depo, he says that the investigators' primary purpose was to keep him out of prison. On the rare occasion they followed up leads, it was only incidental to this. And the Rs knew that, and persisted in telling us for years that their guys were the only people doing any real investigations.

Then there's the bit about the charity in JB's name...oh, boy!
The original post was that the R's defended themselves instead of helping to find the killer. This is false because they published more information than anybody to do just that, and employed professionals to do it. That is still the case today.

All to help themselves. Anyone can see that. Granted, I didn't for a long time.

BPD was so bent on PR or JR that they never published such a profile.

Given what you and the other IDIs say about everything they HAVE released, I can only imagine what you'd say if they had!
That's certainly the story he's given us. Trouble is, he made several statements to the effect that the SOLE purpose of the investigators was to follow up leads that the police supposedly weren't following up on, when that was not true. Their job was to undercut the evidence LE had amassed. And they went about it in some pretty ugly ways, not the least of which was trying to set up a handwriting expert to go to prison on a trumped-up charge so he wouldn't be able to present his analysis of the RN in court against Patsy. Like I said, there's a reason the lead investigator for the Rs quit.

My bold. You're wasting your time with that.

I don't recall using the word "crooked" to describe him, Murri. But truth be told, that accurately sums up some of what they were doing. Now, if you're referring to the one who quit, I guess even he had standards.

The cops were a lot nicer than I would have been! I'd have thrown the lot of them in jail for interfering in a police investigation! How does that hit you?

Only for purposes of digging up any kind of dirt at all that could be used as reasonable doubt in court. You're an awfully trusting soul, Murri.

Look again, Murri. In his depo, he says that the investigators' primary purpose was to keep him out of prison. On the rare occasion they followed up leads, it was only incidental to this. And the Rs knew that, and persisted in telling us for years that their guys were the only people doing any real investigations.

Then there's the bit about the charity in JB's name...oh, boy!

Curious RDI says he did nothing to try to find the intruder he believed killed his daughter, and when it is pointed out that he did do something, you say he should have been thrown in jail for interfering in a Police investigation. No wonder he had trouble dealing with the Cops.
This is a lie, because they did plead to the public for help. They published a profile, a flyer, and a full page ad. They hired profilers who developed this profile and I can prove it. They attempted to warn the public, which is more than the police ever did. Even today, JR's remark about someone outspoked on capitalism is a vital clue to this crime, which he published.

IMO their actions have been more appropriate than than BPD, CBI, or FBI both back then and now. Fact is, JR is further ahead on this investigation than the police.

Too bad they waited FOUR MONTHS to talk to Police!
Okay...if I had an IDI theory...I have a person in mind and I know I can't name that person openly.

Lets get back to the sexual assault on JonBenet...

According to the Coroner, she had acute and chronic injuries. Dr. Cyril Wecht places the chronic injuries about 36 hours.

The Ramsey Christmas party occured on the 23d. Could a sexual assault taken place that day/night?

What I'm trying to say is this: whomever had access to JonBenet on the 23d and the 25th certainly should have been scrutinized more.
Curious RDI says he did nothing to try to find the intruder he believed killed his daughter,

Damn right.

and when it is pointed out that he did do something, you say he should have been thrown in jail for interfering in a Police investigation.

Nothing of the kind was pointed out. Just a bunch of self-serving propaganda the Rs put out to poison a jury pool. And I didn't say JR should have been thrown in jail; I said the private investigators should have been.

No wonder he had trouble dealing with the Cops.

Oh, I understand perfectly why he had trouble dealing with the cops!
Okay...if I had an IDI theory...I have a person in mind and I know I can't name that person openly.

Lets get back to the sexual assault on JonBenet...

According to the Coroner, she had acute and chronic injuries. Dr. Cyril Wecht places the chronic injuries about 36 hours.

The Ramsey Christmas party occured on the 23d. Could a sexual assault taken place that day/night?

What I'm trying to say is this: whomever had access to JonBenet on the 23d and the 25th certainly should have been scrutinized more.

Right. The perception when mentioning her chronic injuries is that they happened months before, even years. But in actuality, she may have received those injuries just days before her death, and as you say, the R party on the 23rd is a very likely opportunity. And we have the added mystery of JB's crying incident and odd comment about "not feeling pretty". Add to this this mysterious 911 call that night and the refusal to admit the police who showed up at the door that night.
Little is said about the family's activities on he 24th, but you are right i saying that should be looked at also.
I don't know who you have in mind, Toltec, but if it's the person I have in mind, calling him an intruder would be stretching, to say the least. But I guess if anyone came in the home that night without the R's knowing, they would be considered as "intruding", so we may be on the same train of thought after all.
I think if the R's were not wealthy they wouldnt have lawyered up right away. Its just something wealthy people do. They could see the focus was on them and they wanted legal protection. I really dont blame them for wanting to protect themselves. If someone broke in their house and murdered their daughter (which is possible since we dont know for a fact what happened) and the police were only interested in them as suspects, I can see why they did it.
"THOMAS HANEY: This dust ruffle? PATSY RAMSEY: Well, it's not hanging very straight right there. You know, it should be falling a little more smoothly.(INAUDIBLE.) THOMAS HANEY: What did you say? PATSY RAMSEY: I say I am wondering if somebody was under that bed. That was -- THOMAS HANEY: Did you go under that bed for anything when you were packing? PATSY RAMSEY: No. I can't remember. I mean, I never had a habit of putting things under that bed. Because it was -- it sat low, kind of low board, you couldn't get much under there."

That's another one of the Patsy statement's that make ME think she's guilty.
Why would you say an intruder may have hidden under a bed but in the very same interview admit there's no space? To me,it just happens again and again reading through these interviews,she's like a child caught in a lie and then makes everything worse by saying something ridiculous.
I think if the R's were not wealthy they wouldnt have lawyered up right away. Its just something wealthy people do. They could see the focus was on them and they wanted legal protection. I really dont blame them for wanting to protect themselves. If someone broke in their house and murdered their daughter (which is possible since we dont know for a fact what happened) and the police were only interested in them as suspects, I can see why they did it.

So can't we all, Peepers. The problem here is, even if you ARE innocent, a lawyer will defend you like you're guilty.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the problem is not that the Rs got lawyers. Anybody would have. The problem is how they shamelessly tried to GAME the system, and succeeded to a great extent. They shouldn't get all the blame. Certain Supreme Court decisions have given defense attorneys far too much power. But that's far and away different from this.
To me,it just happens again and again reading through these interviews,she's like a child caught in a lie and then makes everything worse by saying something ridiculous.

I completely agree. Obviously, PR never met Landon Ricketts: "When you find yourself in a hole, first thing to do is stop digging."
Oh SD, you just made me think of my ex husband. Seems like every other day there was an occasion where I would tell him to "stop digging". My dad used to put it another way. He would say "don't turn around, you'll run smack dab into that wall you just backed yourself up against.
You want an example of a flat-out lie, Murri? I got one for you. When the Rs hired their own investigative team, they said it was to follow up leads on suspects the police weren't interested in pursuing. We KNOW that was a lie, because JR said in his deposition that the private investigators were there solely for the purpose of keeping them out of prison should charges ever be filed. (I won't go into HOW they went about doing it, but suffice to say that the head PI QUIT because of what he was being asked to do.)

How's that for a starter?

I would love spending a day talking with him. I can imagine that would be VERY interesting.

that morning?he was sent away with FW,I don't recall them asking an officer to go along.
And PR says what happened re the guard they hired,BR didn't like it and they let him go. S.Stine took she could handle a SFF if necessary.............

There is no reason to fear a SFF if you KNOW they DON'T exist! Sorry, but if I had a son and had just lost another child, I would protect my son at all cost, whether he 'liked' it or not. I also would not ask a friend to do it, thereby risking her life also. Can't any of you who believe IDI grasp these thoughts, even if nothing else? It makes NO sense. IF they were innocent!

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