Who Has Heard Burke's Voice on The 911 Tape?

Have You Heard Burke's Voice on 911 Tape??

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Now for my next question... Does anyone hear that voice right after the 911 operator's last "Patsy" and just as PR says "Please" does anyone hear that voice? It sounds male but not sure if it sounds young. I lean more towards a quiet JR.

It's a male voice and I believe he is saying "Hang up"

Agatha, may I suggest you (and anyone else, for that matter) download the free software program I use to work with audio files, and then see if you can isolate the parts you want to listen to. (Did I mention that it's FREE?) Below is my earlier post about it:

BTW, if you want to get the software I use for audio editing, it's free (my favorite kind), and it's really helpful once you learn how to use it. It's not that difficult to learn how to use (Quick intro here: http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/tutorial.html). If you want it, it's available here: http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/index.html.

I'm really interested in hearing more of what you can hear on it. I think it's really a bombshell, if Patsy is can be heard saying, "They're gonna arrest me," when she is supposedly calling to report her daughter missing. I hear it now that you pointed it out. Does anyone else?
My 17 year old knows nothing about this case and didn't see the title of the tape says it sounds like a little kid (boy) crying and saying " Are they going to arrest me". I could not make out the words, but it does sound like a child to me too
This is what I hear on the 911 tape beginning @ 1:19 ..

PR, in a more-composed voice than when on the phone with th 911 operator: "Baby, "what did you tell me, what did you d[uh] ". The 'd[uh]' sound ends abruptly but sounds like a lead-in to saying "do".

Then, perhaps BR: "she wouldn't let me".

Beginning @ 1:20 is a sound similar to if someone were rubbing a finger across a phone mouthpiece. This continues to the end of the available call audio.

The available call audio ends @ 1:24.

That PR was speaking in a more-composed voice tells me she was speaking to BR .. avoiding a paniced voice so as not to stress BR? If PR was speaking to JR at that time I expect she would maintain the paniced voice.

I believe BR was awake and in the room during at least the end of the 911 call.

The audio I 'hear' has BR stating "she wouldn't let me".

AFAWK, the only other "she" in the house at that time besides PR was JBR.

What wouldn't "she" let him do, and when?

Was BR awake when JBR was eating pineapple?

If the Rs did not prepare the pineapple snack for JBR, whom did so?


It is unclear if John and Burke are estranged, or if they have each just chosen a city of residence where they feel most comfortable living, despite the fact that they are the only two remaining members of the family--and separated by many miles.

Burke Ramsey's young sister JonBenet was a 6-year-old at the time of her tragic--and still unsolved--death in Dec. 1996. And since Burke was but 9 at the time, his age may now lend itself to further disclosures that can help the police with the case.

Police Chief Beckner said as much when he discussed the continuation of the investigation, alluding that Burke isn't the only person they are contacting.

"This [investigation] has included additional contacts and interviews with those who may have information pertinent to the case."

"I understand that they met with Burke and gave him a card and said, 'If you want to talk to us, here's how you would contact me," Lin Wood, the Ramsey family attorney said, per a Fox News report.

Burke Ramsey has not conceded to make that call or welcome any interviews with police as of yet, however.

Wood attempted to make clear that the police's initiation of contact with Burke in no way incriminated the older brother of JonBenet, but rather, instead, it might aid law enforcement in some new information received somehow.

"Whatever the reason for any type of approach with Burke, it would have nothing to do with the case other than with the reality that John and Burke could help the Boulder police as witnesses in the investigation."

Burke Ramsey's parents underwent years of suspicion and interrogation about the unexplainable death of his sister JonBenet. The entire family was exonerated, however, in 2008 by then-District Attorney Mary Lacy per Wood. So it is highly likely the young man who was but a child at that time is unwilling to reopen the door in any shape, form or fashion.

JonBenet Ramsey's brother Burke Ramsey, however, could potentially provide some small bit of information that aids law enforcement in finally closing the murder case of his sister JonBenet.

BPD is revisiting BR as 'standard' investigation follow-up .. and I believe the 911 call might be in-topic during any potential interview(s).

To date, there is no public indication BR is ready to cooperate.
The Police want to speak to BR, because he is indeed on the tape all the Ramsey's are. Some great friends of mine with a small recording studio helped me all morning long. There are four voices, two were very similar.... 911 operator "Patsy"...JR "Whose on the phone"?.... PR "Please, help me Jesus, help me Jesus!"... JR "Hang up".... Smaller, similar to PR was the muffled voice of BR, as if his face was pressed against his mother "They're going to arrest me"....

He does not stay quiet to protect his crime as he won't be in trouble, but he does stay quiet for the crimes that happened after and what would happen to poor ole pa. IMO
I've tried listening to the tape using Audacity (also free, my favourite kind of software), and it is clear that PR, or whoever, says something different to the "Help me Jesus" lines from before.

This makes me wonder.

1. If she does say "They're going to arrest me", it of course implies she knows that it is not a kidnapping...but doesn't mean she did it.

2. If it is BR saying it, then he also knows something is wrong which could only point to him having some involvement. It would explain the scold from JR (which I honestly can't hear) and ties in well with the comment only being said if someone KNOWS a non-kidnapping has occurred.

2a. If BR DID accidentally kill his sister, one assumes that of course the Rs are going to get him out of the way and throw in as many red herrings as possible to keep him protected.

This whole thing does your head in thinking about the various possibilities.

However, I am now of the opinion that guilty or not, BR NEEDS to be spoken to.

Out of interest, what would the penalty have been for 2nd/3rd degree murder/manslaughter for a 9 year old?
Wonderllama.. Burke was only a few weeks away from turning ten.. From what I understand nine year olds are not tried as criminals in Colorado/Boulder, however being that he was almost ten would that make the difference I'm not sure.

otg posted on this thread of a program that you can use, I loaded it and it helped, but I was lucky enough to have some good friends with some state of the art equipment, we were able to edit out all sound except the background and thats when I was able to make out only two of the things JR said.

Now on the recording on ACR, right after the operator says the last "Patsy" You hear a deep sound, short and fast and on its heals is PR's, "Please", thats when he asked whose on the phone? the hang up could only be heard when no other sound was on the recording, thats when he said "Hang up". You wont hear it on the ACR version, as he says it while PR, is saying the last "Help me Jesus".
otg posted on this thread of a program that you can use, I loaded it and it helped, but I was lucky enough to have some good friends with some state of the art equipment, we were able to edit out all sound except the background and thats when I was able to make out only two of the things JR said.

Now on the recording on ACR, right after the operator says the last "Patsy" You hear a deep sound, short and fast and on its heals is PR's, "Please", thats when he asked whose on the phone? the hang up could only be heard when no other sound was on the recording, thats when he said "Hang up". You wont hear it on the ACR version, as he says it while PR, is saying the last "Help me Jesus".

I sure hope (and I'm sure everyone else here does too) that you'll be able to post some of your enhanced recordings so we can listen.

I appreciate that you did that, and had friends that could help you. I also appreciate your valuable contributions to the conversation here, Agatha.
otg.... I woke this morning with the horrible feeling that I let over excitement and enthusiasm get the better of me yesterday. You know what they say about a pack of dogs? "It only takes one to excite the rest". Well, I had the feeling that my pack of dogs and I did just that.

I have spent this morning doing it my way, ALONE! with open mind and unbiased opinion, what I found was nothing more then I had already heard prior and posted here. I learned that you can make white noise sound like anything especially if someone else swears they hear it too.

So I ask that you forgive my over enthusiasm in jumping the gun and let us get back to matters at hand. There is no mistaking what I hear now and have always heard at the end of that 911 call. A male voice (no longer sure if its BR or JR) speaks at the end of the Last "Patsy"? and PR, "Please, ya da ya da, they're going to arrest me". I lean towards that being PR more then BR, just not as sure as before.

otg, would you be able to tell me how I post my wave pad finding on youtube and here.... lmao, I'm tech challenged...'

Again, please except my apology. I will try to keep the dog on a leash.
There is no mistaking what I hear now and have always heard at the end of that 911 call. A male voice (no longer sure if its BR or JR) speaks at the end of the Last "Patsy"? and PR, "Please, ya da ya da, they're going to arrest me". I lean towards that being PR more then BR, just not as sure as before.

otg, would you be able to tell me how I post my wave pad finding on youtube and here.... lmao, I'm tech challenged...'

I hear the same thing, Agatha, and I don't think it's a case of "folie à deux".

For video screen capture (or screencasting), I use a program call “SnagIt” (by TechSmith) because it was provided to me by my employer. They offer (like many others) a 30-day free trial, but there are also other completely free programs that do the same thing. Of those, I’m familiar with “Jing” by the same company, and Capture Fox (a plug-in for the Firefox browser). Here’s a comparison listing from Wikipedia:

Each program will act differently probably, but will do the basically same thing -- capture what you see on your screen and hear from the audio, and then save it as a movie. Once you have the movie, simply upload it to Youtube and share the link. If you already have a Youtube account, you can use that; or you can (like I did) create a new account just for what you want to upload and share here.

If you’ve learned how to use the WavePad, just plan what you want to show and do it with the screencast recording your desktop.

For better quality sound than you’ll get from the video, save the edited WavePad audio recording in mp3 format, and then upload that to an appropriate website. When I first came here, I didn’t know where to share the audio files, and cynic suggested MediaFire. I tried it, and it works just fine (thanks again, cynic). My audio files are here:

I hope that covers everything you need. But if not, don’t hesitate to ask here, or drop me a private note and I’ll be glad to help in any way I can.
Unfortunately (for this case) my area of expertise is image analysis, and even then it is satellite imagery. But I am acutely aware of the saying 'Beware the canals of Mars'.

Sometimes the longer you look at something, the more you try and make it fit something which you already know or are familiar with. I assume there is an auditory equivalent of that saying....perhaps 'Beware the EAR canals of Mars' ;)

Having said that, I do think PR says something slightly different after her last 'Help me Jesus'...
Agatha C and Wonderllama, it just now occurred to me that I didn't welcome either one of you to Websleuths and the JonBenet forum. Please accept my apologies. I'm truly glad you're here and looking forward to more of your great posts!
Agatha C and Wonderllama, it just now occurred to me that I didn't welcome either one of you to Websleuths and the JonBenet forum. Please accept my apologies. I'm truly glad you're here and looking forward to more of your great posts!

Gee .. I never received such a welcome .. is it because I do not subscribe to the RDI philosophy? :waitasec: j/k

I also do not subscribe to the IDI philosophy .. I attempt only to follow what is presented as actual fact in this case. Now and then I might miss what is actual fact and confuse certain issues but it never is with an intent to do so. :angel:
So you would be in the DWDI theory.

Dunno Who Did It!

However, conclusions can be reached by others based on the facts....just doesn't mean they'll all be the same conclusions or the right ones, which I suspect is why nobody has ever been charged.

I always like the saying, 'You can be 100% sure...and still wrong'.
Gee .. I never received such a welcome .. is it because I do not subscribe to the RDI philosophy? :waitasec: j/k

I also do not subscribe to the IDI philosophy .. I attempt only to follow what is presented as actual fact in this case. Now and then I might miss what is actual fact and confuse certain issues but it never is with an intent to do so. :angel:

Actually, Chuck, it was because I could tell by the number of your posts that you were not new to Websleuths. It would seem that I owe you a welcome to the JonBenet forum. Welcome! I happen to believe you have made some excellent posts and points.
Tadpole12, was that friendly fire? j/k. I will point out that the end of that 911 call is not White noise. Clearly PR is begging Jesus for his help and someone is afraid of being arrested.
Re: white noise

White noise has all frequencies and if listened to at an average volume over a period of a short time, some people can here suggetive words or music in a background of the noise. If listened to at a higher volume some can hear reconizable songs with all instruments and lryics. A lower volume usually leads to hearing voices. - guest poster, D-man.

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