TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #34

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Didn't Billie and Clint take any photos or videos of Christmas and the days surrounding Christmas? Like ones showing people opening gifts, showing what gifts they got, showing them doing activities, and maybe cooking and eating a meal. Most people take a lot of photos and videos at Christmas, and especially families with a new baby or small children. Maybe any photos or videos would tell something that hadn't been noticed before.
It's just a personal style thing. All my friends were doing it when I was younger (punk/metal scene) but I never really got it. Fairly common these days. I think a lot of it originated from various subcultures/counterculture, but it's become more and more mainstream over time.


lol y'all noticed 'Beach liked this post...she's liking the part about me never getting into it. Instead she had to deal with the guys we brought home to meet her who were full of piercings/tattoos. lol
Didn't Billie and Clint take any photos or videos of Christmas and the days surrounding Christmas? Like ones showing people opening gifts, showing what gifts they got, showing them doing activities, and maybe cooking and eating a meal. Most people take a lot of photos and videos at Christmas, and especially families with a new baby or small children. Maybe any photos or videos would tell something that hadn't been noticed before.

Seems like someone mentioned something about videos quite a few pages back, but that they are keeping them private. ETA: It seems as if one of the locals may have posted about it, but I can't recall who.

lol y'all noticed 'Beach liked this post...she's liking the part about me never getting into it. Instead she had to deal with the guys we brought home to meet her who were full of piercings/tattoos. lol

OT: Another phase thwarted...:great:
Seems like someone mentioned something about videos quite a few pages back, but that they are keeping them private. ETA: It seems as if one of the locals may have posted about it, but I can't recall who.
The videos referenced a while back were surveillance tapes from that Dollar Store showing Hailey (and possibly Clint or the child) on Sunday. Not Xmas videos.

I would think that CD has a bunch of pix of Xmas - he has a brand new baby - baby's first Xmas and all. But he's kept them private - I say good for him.
The videos referenced a while back were surveillance tapes from that Dollar Store showing Hailey (and possibly Clint or the child) on Sunday. Not Xmas videos.

Thank you! Yes, that's what it was, and not home movies. Oh well.

Wise Old Owl said:
I would think that CD has a bunch of pix of Xmas - he has a brand new baby - baby's first Xmas and all. But he's kept them private - I say good for him.
The police may have seen them. Maybe there was just nothing unusual about the pictures.
Well, unless we learn for sure that LE has it in for Billie, or are making things up to put on the affadavits, I am going to go ahead and stick with them for now. Even when they contradict themselves, they are more believable than Billie right now.

I'm confident that rudeness and you do NOT go together!! You always go the extra mile to construct your thoughts with kindness, imo!:hug:

Confusion is common when reading posts... 'cause..uhm...,well...I sorta, kinda, thought "AA" meant "Alcoholics Anonymous" when I read your post the first time!! :giggle: -- I've been trying to scan the totality of thoughts covered in the past three threads and obviously missed some details!

Belimom "rude" ??? Not a chance! :snooty:




(In all honesty, I think there was a huge misunderstanding and w/o knowing the background to my post, I can understand someone getting upset about that one comment out of context.)
By all accounts, she never went to her Dad's house. And for that matter, she never went to her friend's house either, and in fact, there was never a plan for her to spend the night with her friend.

The sleepover story didn't come from CD, but from SA, and he supposedly was the last one who actually saw her. That's his story - no one forced him to tell it that way. He also told the story about Hailey saying she was going to walk to her Dad's, but considering the source, that was probably a lie also.

There's a reason many of us are looking at SA instead of the Dad. It's all about his story and how it doesn't check out.

Let's also think about this: CD has a past of small-time drug abuse (not that unusual in the world). SA has a history of small-time drug abuse (on video!) but also collecting freaky horror movie costumes, a fascination with knives, and says he threatened Hailey before. Sounds like the right suspect to me! JMOO

I agree with pretty much everything you are saying. I'm all for looking at other people, but in this case, while there may be (and IMO are) other people to look at, they all tie in and go right back to SA, who, IMO, is the ONE who needs to be looked at.

But...IMO, since the story was she said she was going to dad's, and dad's was right there to go to, LE should have searched dad's as well as mom's. There could have been clues there, notes, a diary, some pictures, anything helpful, regardless of if they suspected dad of foul play.

I don't suspect CD at all, but come on. Anyone who has read these forums and/or much of real life crime knows how common it is for a perp to say, "Nope, never showed up here." That should be LE 101.
Okay, but the FBI must have a reason for NOT searching his house. Obviously LE knows all about his past history.

I find it hard to believe the house wasn't searched. If he gave permission for it and didn't ask for a warrant there would be no record of it.

There's no history of any violence towards Hailey either that I've seen anywhere. By all accounts she had a pretty good relationship with her Dad, except for maybe some tension which isn't that rare for teenage girls no matter how ideal the situation (and we know this wasn't an ideal situation, but that's not just CD's fault). JMOO

Believe or not, beats me since I can't find his g/f house was ever searched. He can't give permission for his g/f house. You know, the g/f he has a new baby with and lived with, before they got kicked out of Sec. 8 housing for pot?

JUST ME, but I think HD loves both her parents. I don't think either hurt her. I think both her parents love her and her brother.

Law enforcement has searched around Lake Colorado City, but not in it.

Kampfer said that there have been no leads that indicate Hailey could be found in the lake and that to drag it would be expensive.

"It is cavernous," Kampfer said of the lake, which is southwest of the city. "It is like a canyon, the bottom (is) shaped like a V, so it would be very difficult to drag it."


Well... this is where TES could help: side-scan sonar, free of charge.
Can I just say that while yes..pot is illegal, which IMHO other than the fact that it is illegal, it affects far fewer families in a negative way than alcohol does. Not justifying in any way just saying that if you think about it ...how many DV incidents have you heard of involving weed vs alcohol..or fights in general due to marijuana by itself?.It does not make one violent and while there may be a very rare exception, I've never seen it. I have for many years felt that if one were illegal, so should be the other be. I know many will disagree and that's fine by me. :) Funny part is that some that will get indignant over me saying that (or of the idea of a parent partaking of the ganja) may be doing so while already partaking of one too many drinks at this very moment..just sayin'..

The only reason I bring this up is that if weed were the ONLY illegal 'substance' being used by ANY parents and we knew that for sure..I would not factor that into Hailey's disappearance at all..UNLESS..it involved dealing and moving some major weight...which we have seen NO signs of and would be highly unlikely anyway..I just don't believe that to be the case unfortunately.. <ALL MOO...
My point is just that if SA lied about Hailey spending the night with a friend, then he probably lied about Hailey going to her Dad's. Both statements came from him and no one else, therefore both have to be seen in the context that there's some deception going on.
Calling it a night. This is my wish list for answers tomorrow:

1. Where's Hailey?
2. Where was SA at all times on 12/27 and 12/28?
3. Where did the cell phone ping for the text that was sent on 12/27 at 2 p.m.
4. Who are the other POIs?
5. What were the goings-on in BD's house on 12/26? What were they doing? What kind of interactions went on that last night Hailey was ever seen? Who else visited the house? What did Hailey talk about the last time anyone spoke with her? It's odd to me that we don't hear about last conversations and such - usually parents bring up the last words they had with their kids before they go missing and what they were doing together.

Nite all...
I think it is important to remember that only a very few documents were released so we really don't know what properties may have been searched.

Also, it is important to distinguish here that Clint has not been named a POI or suspect by LE. And thus, we can discuss his statements, his actions, what is printed in MSM but we can't go further than that. He is not fully sleuthable and we cannot implicate him when there is no factual basis to do that at the present time.

It goes the same with other individuals. The facts just don't support pointing the finger at anyone at the present time other than what LE has done and named SA a POI. We know others have been looked at by LE but, until named that is a :nono: The family members are victims until we hear otherwise.
Believe or not, beats me since I can't find his g/f house was ever searched. He can't give permission for his g/f house. You know, the g/f he has a new baby with and lived with, before they got kicked out of Sec. 8 housing for pot?

I'm sorry to disagree with you, but I do. The girlfriend as well as her baby are not suspects (and neither is Clint, actually) according to the sources we have right now. And if they got kicked out of their housing, I feel sorry for them, considering what they're going through right now.

And yes, that's Just Me and My Opinion. :cow:

Ransom said:
JUST ME, but I think HD loves both her parents. I don't think either hurt her. I think both her parents love her and her brother
I can at least agree with that! :)
Do we have a link that Clint and GF got kicked out of public housing? And for what reason?
My point is just that if SA lied about Hailey spending the night with a friend, then he probably lied about Hailey going to her Dad's. Both statements came from him and no one else, therefore both have to be seen in the context that there's some deception going on.
Here's a new twist on an "old" story. Do we have anywhere - video or print where SA HIMSELF tells this story of how Haliegh says she's going to dad's and then on to MB"S?

It has always been BD telling the story that SA said this. Now I know - why would BD lie about this - seems SA would correct her pretty dern quick but he hasn't. He lawyered up fast and has since shut up. I still don't get if he was solely responsible for this then why he would place himself square in the crosshairs by being the last one to see her. Hailey was home alone (DD still at friends) that Monday. SA could have gotten there and said there was no one there when he arrived. As it is he has Hailey leaving 15 minutes after he got there. There has to be others involved and it was decided he would be the fall guy and take the heat - KWIM?
I think it is important to remember that only a very few documents were released so we really don't know what properties may have been searched.

Um, yeah -- I googled to see if I could find out if CD's house was searched... and I kept getting google hits back to this thread... :crosseyed:

(That's one reason why we do need to be careful on here: we post something - a name of an innocent person or a rumor - and then google searches pull up that info and people take it and run with it. This isn't the first time I tried to verify something on here, only to have the post I was trying to verify come up in the search)
Well, unless we learn for sure that LE has it in for Billie, or are making things up to put on the affadavits, I am going to go ahead and stick with them for now. Even when they contradict themselves, they are more believable than Billie right now.

I have complete trust in them that they will pull it all together...We can speculate about why they are doing something until the cows come home and we will, lol..FACT is that we really have No Clue as to what they actually do have, where they have searched or who all has been questioned..so we can only guess...and I'm thinking they have MUCH..they just can't afford to act too soon..ESPECIALLY, if there is more than one perp. That's alot of ducks to get in a row..:)
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