TX TX - Amber Hagerman, 9, Arlington, 17 Jan 1996

sits on a bench staring at a tree planted in memory of his big sister Amber who was brutally murdered 15 years ago. The words “Amber” and “Angel” are spray painted on a wall directly below the tree, the very spot where his sister was last seen alive. (video)

For the link!
I did-not know much about Amber, other then i knew about the Amber Alert nationwide.

Two miles from where she was abducted, is where she was found. He wanted her found, I assume. Perhaps he was even taking her back to where he took her from, but then decided against that, and left her where she was found. He kept her couple of days they said. Broad daylight. He was out searching that day perhaps, and came upon amber. All premeditated perhaps. After taking her, took her to the place he had already prepared for her. I don't think he traveled far, not with having a kidnapped child with him. He grabbed her, and took her straight there. Close by perhaps, within a 5 mile radius from where she was taking i am speculating.

Perhaps he drove into a open barn, or got out and opened it then drove inside, so no one would see the child getting out of the vehicle perhaps. A barn or other dwelling with a loft inside.
Where hay is stored for periods of time.

If LE was here, i would ask them if any of there POI, lives or lived in such a dwelling.

Though they mention Sexual assault, nothing mentioned about DNA? Perhaps another method and examination determined such.


I know you cannot be 100 percent certain, and I know that only the Demon would know for sure.

But where do you stand, that there may be a connection to the fact that she was taken after appearing on the local news pertaining to a story they were doing?

Could the Demon had made the decision to take the girl because of some celebrity status the demon had in there mind at the time, from her appearing on the local news. And so he found out where she lived etc, and waited to take her because he knew in advance the case would receive more attention and recognition since she was shown locally on the news?

I have not read much about this case, so if the above has been answered long ago, then a moderator can delete at any time.
College students to investigate Amber Hagerman case

A group of Atlanta college students is launching a yearlong investigation into the 1996 Arlington kidnapping and murder of Amber Hagerman.

An official with Bauder College's Cold Case Investigative Research Institute is scheduled today to join the mother of the child for whom the Amber Alert was named to announce the organization's effort.


What were the results of there findings?
.(The link is no longer available).

January 13 1996
A Saturday.

It never surprises me how many of these abductions occur over the weekend.
Friday through Sundays.

If I had to make a guess. I would say the demon worked during the week and had the weekend off!
Anderson Cooper 360 is going to be doing a segment on Amber's case "next week" at 10 PM EST on CNN. It is part of a special series that they're doing called, "360's Most Notorious Cold Cases". They did JonBenet's case today and her segment was about 10 minutes so it should be the same for Amber's case.

Would you be able to provide a link to the video?
I came across this link on one of the Haley Dunn missing facebook pages,aparently this guy may be connected to the AMber case.
He has a 9 year old and a 14 year old girl living with him.I hope after his facebook was reported they get help for the little girl.I can't get her pictures out of my mind.I am so sad and sick about this.
I came across this link on one of the Haley Dunn missing facebook pages,aparently this guy may be connected to the AMber case.
He has a 9 year old and a 14 year old girl living with him.I hope after his facebook was reported they get help for the little girl.I can't get her pictures out of my mind.I am so sad and sick about this.

OMGosh I was just reading that too and came here to see if her thread was updated with the new findings.

There are more stories at this media site:


I am sickened by what I read.

I hope and pray her killer is found and put away for good so her family can have closure. You will receive justice, Amber.
This is so horrible.Every "friend" you click on you can find something shocking.
Oh my god,I hope they save these babies and I hope they bring Amber's case to a close as well.It sounds too coincidental for it not to be true.Did you read the comment from "Bill's past haunting him"?
This is so horrible.Every "friend" you click on you can find something shocking.
Oh my god,I hope they save these babies and I hope they bring Amber's case to a close as well.It sounds too coincidental for it not to be true.Did you read the comment from "Bill's past haunting him"?

No, I didn't read that, I had to click out of the Facebook, it was sickening.

I agree it is too coincidental for it not to be true, I just hope LE has DNA evidence to nail him for Amber's murder, Texas will put him to death.

I haven't read all of the Observer's article and comments yet, I am going to do that then get some zzz's.
I'm still reading the Observer site, OMGosh, thud! And I was thinking the Facebook comments were sickening. WOW. I can't believe he got away with the crap he did for so many years. :sick:

The reporter covering the story reminds me of Levi Page!
yes,the comment is under the article not on facebook, apparently it's from the person that gave the tip in the first place.Beyond sickening,do you work nights as well because I'm about to go to sleep myself,but now I can't stop thinking about little Lana.
I would not be surprised if it turns out there is a link to SA as well.
I hope this might be the key to more than just the Amber case and I hope they get those babies away from these people
I remember reading about this case in the Newspaper; I was 11 years old when this happened.

I hope LE eventually question Bill Fry about the Amber Hagerman case.

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