Tampering Investigation Who? What? When? Where? We already know why!

The Laura in the letter says her birthday is March 19, 1986 (I think it is 86, I can see the 8 but not sure of the last number). LB was born 6/20/1980 so they are not the same person.

Isn't March 19 also Casey's birthday? Same year?

ETA: I see that someone else had the same thoughts I did. My apologies for being a bit behind the times. :)
Isn't March 19 also Casey's birthday? Same year?

Yes it is.

Is there an echo in here lol (I kid, I kid)

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6083165&postcount=430"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Tampering Investigation Who? What? When? Where? We already know why![/ame]
faefrost, thank you for this post. I have been contemplating the psychological background for LB's compulsion to insert herself into this case and attach herself to CA for some time. It is not my intent to derail this thread, but I want to say that it chills me to note the parallels between LB and KC: the rigid forced smile in all pictures we've seen of LB and KC, the communications between CA/KC and CA/LB that IMO surpass normal boundaries, the ever-shifting stories/lies/mistruths that both KC and LB have spewed.

When this is all done, I don't plan to read any book written by an Anthony, but I would very much appreciate a deep and insightful psychological dissection of the varied dysfunctions we have encountered since July 15 2008.

No LB really isn't like KC. She is an entirely different school of fruit loop. Sadly in my prior career I had to deal with way way too many LB's over the years, and have developed a bit of a radar for them. I described them in an above post as "vanity Heroes". One of the major differences between someone like LB and KC is they do actually care about others... sort of. They just have a strange and often deeply flawed way of getting there. In most situations they are ultimately harmless but will get in the way of legitimate law enforcement or emergency services. At least so long as they don't have a book or matches or a vial of Pavulon.

This guy is the textbook example of the extreme and dangerous end of this sort of behavior that was driving LB. http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/notorious_murders/angels/male_nurses/4.html
I actually knew this guy and used to encounter him in my work.
I love how Andrea Black says to LDB when discussing re-reading to the statute...

"That's why (inaudible) you and I differ all the time." (paraphrased)

Shame Shame Andrea.........your personal feelings are showing. How very UN-professional. One should never let their insecurities cloud their professional judgement.

LOL, I am trying quite desperately to catch up on all of my "pet" cases tonight so I am a bit behind the times. I should have known that someone else here would have caught the date significance.

OT--I need to (1) learn how to read faster, even though I can read a 500 page book in under 10 hours, or (2) learn how to prioritize which of these cases I really want to keep up with on a daily basis.

The problem with the latter is that I get involved in cases in their infancy and then they spiral into chaotic messes; Hailey Dunn's case is turning into as much of a confusing mess as this one is.

These real life true crime dramas keep my mind/brain stimulated, and my blood moving--I would much rather read about stories such as these, than to read some drippy romance novel. LOL
Don't put me in that category, I'm in my own category. AB

Would you like to be another big cat? LDB
And recall Judge Perry's "warning" to the defense about enterprising attorneys cashing in on an opportunity to collect misused JAC funds.

Things that make you go hmm....:waitasec:

This "warning" would make one think that there are already "enterprising attorneys" chomping at the bit to collect the misused JAC funds that Baez & Co. have squandered! I can just see them waiting in the wings and making note of each red cent spent on this case.
I love how Andrea Black says to LDB when discussing re-reading to the statute...

"That's why (inaudible) you and I differ all the time." (paraphrased)

Shame Shame Andrea.........your personal feelings are showing. How very UN-professional. One should never let their insecurities cloud their professional judgement.

Bless Linda Drane Burdick for her patience.

IMO, listening was almost as difficult as reading this deposition.

I need a :drink:
I love how Andrea Black says to LDB when discussing re-reading to the statute...

"That's why (inaudible) you and I differ all the time." (paraphrased)

Shame Shame Andrea.........your personal feelings are showing. How very UN-professional. One should never let their insecurities cloud their professional judgement.

And that is exactly why, Ms. Andrea Black, you will NEVER be Linda-Drane Burdick!
Bless Linda Drane Burdick for her patience.

IMO, listening was almost as difficult as reading this deposition.

I need a :drink:

Listening was harder because of the audio interference. The "tone" was worth the effort though.
I was thinking the same thing, but I can't zoom in the picture, I was trying to do a side by side comparison.


Script gets a bit scruffy, but here ya go.
LancelotLink doesn't that say "My name is Laura"? So it WAS a letter from LB? Why was she writing to KC?
LancelotLink doesn't that say "My name is Laura"? So it WAS a letter from LB? Why was she writing to KC?

We have no proof that Laura is the same as LB. Not yet, anyway. ;)
Thank you LL for getting the letter like that!
Can you transcribe the writing in the letter?

And what date was this photo released in Discovery?

That photo is from an old, old doc dump. Part of the photos take by LE during the search on 12/11/08(?). (Immediately after the discovery of Caylee's remains).

I wonder what, if any ramifications there are for the defense's failure to do due diligence and thoroughly check out their "key witness". Think about how many hearings were related to the TES searchers, depositions taken, magistrate appointed all on the basis of a lie!

The defense needs to be held accountable!

And the defense needs to be held accountable for violating Discovery Rules and not turning over that fake TES search sheet to the Prosecutors the moment Laura faxed it to Mort!
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
Thank you LL for getting the letter like that!
Can you transcribe the writing in the letter?

And what date was this photo released in Discovery?

That photo is from an old, old doc dump. Part of the photos take by LE during the search on 12/11/08(?). (Immediately after the discovery of Caylee's remains).

Laura did write in one of her emails to NeJame (or someone) that she believed that she could "extract info" from KC .... so, maybe that letter was Laura's first attempt at sideling up to KC?

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