2011.02.04 - Status Hearing

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Yes, agree - there were some glory moments in there - for sure. It is Baez chasing his tail over and over again I really find extremely difficult.

I keep hoping HHJP will lean over the bench, look at Baez and say ZIP IT JOSE!

I'd rather see him lean over the bench and bonk JB on the noggin with his gavel. :innocent:
I don't understand the Twitter references.... :waitasec:

Ok, I will quit asking and go read from p. 5 forward. Maybe the video will be uploaded by then. lol
Can someone please help me? Was Baez scheduling time off to "meet" with Kathy Reichs in Tahiti? In Florida? I'm confused on that part. :(
At the American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting in Chicago that`s running from the 21st or so until the 25th IIRC. He`s going to try and arrange a meeting with them all but hasn`t told any of them about it yet..or so it seems lol!
I wonder what happens if the judge calls the lab & finds out they have already issued their report. Anyone know?

Also, Baez sure was worried about that diary wasn't he? I can't wait to see more reports on that!!

He said the state had that evidence for 2 1/2 years and waited to test it. That is not true and wasn't corrected by the state. We know BC had it for some time. Evidently something caused the state to go back and get the diary.
So folks I'm a little concerned about LDB's demeanor today. I didn't like her facial expressions throughout the conference.

She seemed very sullen when they came out of the closed chambers meeting before the open conference took place.


Well, my thought is, she may just be having a bad day, headache, personal issues. I don't think it's anything bad for the SA, at least I hope not. IMHO
Hi all-new here :seeya: Such an innapropriate statement from Baez when he refrenced experts working for JAC "slave" wages.
I'd rather see him lean over the bench and bonk JB on the noggin with his gavel. :innocent:


This literally made me laugh out loud. The mental image is Freaking PRICELESS! My assistant came in my office to check that I hadn't lost my mind. Poor girl thought the stress of this week finally got to me.

I don't understand the Twitter references.... :waitasec:

Ok, I will quit asking and go read from p. 5 forward. Maybe the video will be uploaded by then. lol

JA gave Court tweets from Reichs showing her at home, reviewing her book, doing this/that, then off on vacation to Tahiti.

Both showing there was PLENTY of opportunity for JB to get time with her as well as priorities ... that a vacation is more important than reports or testimony.

A body slam against the Defense and their true focus, efforts and, priorities.
I don't understand the Twitter references.... :waitasec:

Ok, I will quit asking and go read from p. 5 forward. Maybe the video will be uploaded by then. lol

for twitter references you need to go all the way back to like page 3 or 4 I think Beach. Tweeting came up at the beginning of the hearing. The first 2 or 3 pages are us whining about where's the audio.
JB- this case is different. How many times have we heard that?

I wish Baez was asked Just HOW is this case different?

There have been, there are and will be DP cases, both men and women
There have been, there are and will be high profile cases

What EXACTLY does Baez mean when he says This case is different? Other than the obvious...the lead attorney's lack of experience and is not DP qualified.
I don't understand the Twitter references.... :waitasec:

Ok, I will quit asking and go read from p. 5 forward. Maybe the video will be uploaded by then. lol

kathy Reichs twitters her life and JA went back and got her tweets for the period in question where JB said she was out of the country. Apparently she was at home working at one point, nursing a sick cat etc.
Busted oops I mean thwarted :)
That's what I thought too. HHJP doesn't trust JB. If he did he wouldn't have requested the name and phone number.

I loved that - slipped in at the last second of the hearing - I think they were already packing up when he said that.

JB was definitely not looking as well fed and smirky today as he usually does. Maybe it was just my video, but he looked like he's dropped a few pounds and was pretty pale with those bright red blotches high up on his cheekbones.

I don't understand the Twitter references.... :waitasec:

Ok, I will quit asking and go read from p. 5 forward. Maybe the video will be uploaded by then. lol

The state presented her twitters to show that she was on vacation and various other points that show she was available to the defense. No reason they couldn't have gotten her report by now.
Yeah, at times JA looked like he could use some headache meds.

Anyone notice how LDB kept her back turned to Baez? She sure did!ETA:at the very end

You know it has to be very hard on them to sit in that courtroom listening to JB go on and on and on, never saying anything of substance, and consistently delaying their efforts to bring justice to a murdered 2 year old. I know how I personally feel at times, and I can't imagine that they haven't aquired physical conditions over the almost 3 years that this BS has gone on. Headaches, digestive problems, sleep deprivation. I'm sure they have experienced all of these while JB was jetting around, doing interviews, eating crab puffs, and apparently soliciting falsified documents. :banghead:
anyone have a link to the hearing today so I can watch now?
At the American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting in Chicago that`s running from the 21st or so until the 25th IIRC. He`s going to try and arrange a meeting with them all but hasn`t told any of them about it yet..or so it seems lol!

Thanks kaRN! So that would be like me flying to Chicago in hopes of having lunch with Oprah? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I missed the hearing today and have to leave in 15 minutes for an appointment. I hope there will be some sort of summary thread on this hearing. From just the few pages I've read, it sound like it may have been a decisive hearing.

Any summary will be appreciated..........thanks! :smile:
I don't understand the Twitter references.... :waitasec:

Ok, I will quit asking and go read from p. 5 forward. Maybe the video will be uploaded by then. lol

Baez was expounding that Dr. Reich was just not available and JA jumped up and presented lists of the good Dr's tweets - she had been home with her cat, she was sitting around working on her book, clearly not busy. Now she is holidaying in Tahiti. LOL.
um, is JB really accusing the state of attempting to slide in gotchas?? Really?

He is just peeved that it doesn't give him enough time to TAMPER with any additional evidence before trial....:loser:
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