2011.03.17 - Billie Dunn was arrested

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This is starting to remind me of Jarred Harrell, who is in jail awaiting trial for killing Somer Thompson. He took pictures of himself molesting a very young girl who was associated with his family. I wonder if they think Shawn has molested one of his family members.

I think this is the most suspicious thing Billie has done yet, lying to LE. I doubt I'll be climbing on her fence again.
Dunn is SA's grandma, it is in Scurry County.

Big Spring is SA's mother, it is in Howard County.

Colorado City is in Mitchell County.



search warrant was for howard...

ktab reporter stating the search is over in dunn (scurry)

sounds like perhaps multiple things were going on at once

Hi Everyone.

Need a quick favor. Can someone post an update as to what we know so far. This way members coming in late (yours truly) can be caught up quicker and we don't have to search the thread.

Feel free to update long threads with breaking news every 5 pages or so.


Thanks to our wonderful Moderators who were and continue to be on top of the situation.

Take care,
I think LE want to photograph SA's body for any tell tale markings (moles, tattoos) to compare with images on the computer and stick taken during the investigation. Child *advertiser censored* may have had images of male but no face, so they want to see if SA was in any of these images with children.
I would think/hope if the charges were something simple, they would already be listed?????????

I have an ex-husband in LE. He was a Baltimore street cop for 20 years and has retired to be a bridge cop. He told me that when he pulled someone over, he generally had not decided whether to issue a warning ro a ticket, or what to charge the driver with, whether to search the car, etc. The behavior and demeanor of the person he pulled over made the decision for him. He always said that he never wrote a ticket that the driver didn't talk him INTO.

So the charges may not be listed yet, since she could be charged with any of several things, depending on her level of cooperation, and hit with ALL the possible charges if she isn't forthcoming. Like falsely claiming Shawn was not at her home when LE arrived with a warrant for his arrest? That could add an obstruction charge to whatever else they had on her, but if she is helpful, that could wind up being the ONLY charge. KWIM?
Bd will be arrained before a precinct Justice of the Peace , Willams. Keep in mind this is only a JP NOT the County Judge. IMO

Now he can stew.

Billie is in custody, and he is not.

Wonder what she will say? :waitasec:

Wonder what Shawn is worried that she will say?...hmm..I'm hoping sleep evades him tonight and his mind tormented...
Thursday, 9:30 p.m.
The Mitchell County District Attorney's Office tells KTAB's Michelle Ashworth that Billie Dunn will face three charges: hindering apprehension or prosecution, possession of dangerous drugs and false report to a police officer.
We're told the drugs in question were prescription drugs without a proper prescription.

Howard County went to the home in an attempt to serve a search warrant of Shawn Adkins' body.

Scurry County is in the process of serving a search warrant for Adkins' grandmother's home in Dunn.

update http://bigcountryhomepage.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=353096

Did they search mom's and gra'ma's or just one? I am confused/
Dunn is SA's grandma, it is in Scurry County.

Big Spring is SA's mother, it is in Howard County.

Colorado City is in Mitchell County.


TY! And, it was Howard County that had the warrant, right?
This gives me some hope, that at least there will soon be answers. They may be horrible, but at least they will give her some peace.

I have never mentioned this, but I have a Haley, my firstborn. Her middle name with a y(long story) but if this had been her missing, there would be hell to pay.
My son is 18 and ready to go to college and I track him.

My babies and grandbabies are so precious. I just cannot fathom
Yes sounds like they were doing the big news in Dunn while they were frantically search and gathering evidence in Big Spring
Trying to be thankful for small mercies here. The CP is a horrific thing, but finding it has given probable cause for search warrants on all places lived/visited by SA.

BD appears to be in deep doo doo.

(Thanks Dad - I knew you were listening)
RE- charge of a false report- could it be considered that, if one reports someone missing, when they know darn well where that someone really is???
Maybe trying to see if they can identify, er parts of him in some of the *advertiser censored* pictures?

Yes, that's where my mind was going also.

What if . . . and this is extremely disturbing to me . . . what if BD said there were pictures of herself and SA among the *advertiser censored* pics but really it was SA and Hailey?

Wouldn't that be "filing a false report" and "hindering an investigation"?
Hi Everyone.

Need a quick favor. Can someone post an update as to what we know so far. This way members coming in late (yours truly) can be caught up quicker and we don't have to search the thread.

Feel free to update long threads with breaking news every 5 pages or so.


Thanks to our wonderful Moderators who were and continue to be on top of the situation.

Take care,

Billie has been arrested on 3 misdemeanor Aand B charges bond hearing will be tomorrow
Hindering, apprehension or prosecution, possession of dangerous drugs and false report to a police officer.

she lied to LE and said shawn wasn't there when LE came to serve a search warrant of his body

Either shawns moms or grandma's or BOTh are being searched we're not sure yet..
the took out GOBS of stuff though including blankets and bags and they were using flourescent lights as well as flishlights
also they were going through outbuildings cars and an unattached garage.

that is all i got LOL
dangerous drugs hmmmm. .... like deadly? Is a drug charge always written this way?

Big Country Homepage said the drugs were prescription medications found that no valid prescription were found. i.e. pain medication in a pocket but no bottle or prescription to go with it results in illegal drugs. IMOO
They live in different counties, Mom in Howard County, Grandma in Scurry County !
DPS have been staying close to Grandma's house for the past week, not AT her house, but 1/2 mile down the road , both to the North and South !
Watching for speeders ! of sorts !!
This is starting to remind me of Jarred Harrell, who is in jail awaiting trial for killing Somer Thompson. He took pictures of himself molesting a very young girl who was associated with his family. I wonder if they think Shawn has molested one of his family members.

I think this is the most suspicious thing Billie has done yet, lying to LE. I doubt I'll be climbing on her fence again.

Billie has pushed the few supporters she had left right off the fence all by herself imo. It seems to me that she has left them with no reason to believe in her and every reason not to...
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