Work Gloves...used in the crime?


Its my opinion, that who ever broke the paint brush, was trying to hide the fact, that it was a paint brush.

That IS an interesting point. We have two pieces of the three sections the brush was broken into. The middle piece was used to make the garrote. And I believe the tapered end is missing. But the BRUSH end was found in the paint tote- and was easily matched to the piece with the cord around it. It is the brush end which identifies the sticks as being broken pieces of a paintbrush. IF someone wanted to hide the fact that it actually WAS a paintbrush that was used to make the garrote, why leave behind the ONE piece that proves it was a paintbrush? AND leave it right there in the paint tote?
This is one of just so many puzzling pieces. The paintbrush was not even needed to make the garrote- it really had no necessary function. She could have been strangled with the cord without making that contraption. The way the cord was knotted didn't seem to allow for any REAL "tighten and release" pattern that one would see with an erotic asphyxiation. So the whole contraption is a puzzle.
That IS an interesting point. We have two pieces of the three sections the brush was broken into. The middle piece was used to make the garrote. And I believe the tapered end is missing. But the BRUSH end was found in the paint tote- and was easily matched to the piece with the cord around it. It is the brush end which identifies the sticks as being broken pieces of a paintbrush. IF someone wanted to hide the fact that it actually WAS a paintbrush that was used to make the garrote, why leave behind the ONE piece that proves it was a paintbrush? AND leave it right there in the paint tote?
This is one of just so many puzzling pieces. The paintbrush was not even needed to make the garrote- it really had no necessary function. She could have been strangled with the cord without making that contraption. The way the cord was knotted didn't seem to allow for any REAL "tighten and release" pattern that one would see with an erotic asphyxiation. So the whole contraption is a puzzle.

And I believe the tapered end is missing.
This end may have been used to mask a prior molestation, or at least that was the intention, ST's remarks about splinters inside JonBenet does lend credence to the idea that the missing piece was left inside JonBenet, if you then make use of the remainder of the brush as a garrote you have something similar to Lou Smit's sexual predator profile.

So the whole contraption is a puzzle.
Quite likely last minute staging and I can see no real reason for removing the missing piece of the brush especially, as you point out, the remainder was placed back into the paint tote?

Someone deliberately constructed a crime-scene in the wine-cellar with deviant sexual overtones.

We know that Patsy had admitted to keeping latex gloves in the home for when she dyed her hair, so she would not have needed to use work gloves. I think you are right in that work gloves were found somewhere on the property and presented at the GJ. I'd be willing to bet they were brown as JR is pretty quick to point out that he once owned gray ones!

I always thought it was strange that Patsy said 2 or 3 times that she "thought" she dyed her hair that day (I think it was Christmas day). Maybe she used gloves from a hair dye kit when staging the murder and put that out in case the police found that the gloves were missing from the kit.
That IS an interesting point. We have two pieces of the three sections the brush was broken into. The middle piece was used to make the garrote. And I believe the tapered end is missing. But the BRUSH end was found in the paint tote- and was easily matched to the piece with the cord around it. It is the brush end which identifies the sticks as being broken pieces of a paintbrush. IF someone wanted to hide the fact that it actually WAS a paintbrush that was used to make the garrote, why leave behind the ONE piece that proves it was a paintbrush? AND leave it right there in the paint tote?
This is one of just so many puzzling pieces. The paintbrush was not even needed to make the garrote- it really had no necessary function. She could have been strangled with the cord without making that contraption. The way the cord was knotted didn't seem to allow for any REAL "tighten and release" pattern that one would see with an erotic asphyxiation. So the whole contraption is a puzzle.

Okay DeeDee, you have my mind working here. You are right of course it is a puzzle like the rest of the case...

I take into mind (as Im sure that you do) the adrenaline rush the stager/staggers must have been on, their nerves and panic, perhaps it was put back in the tote by mistake and that person thought they had it with the other piece. The question I guess is why leave it behind if you are going to take the other piece with you? Why break it at all?

Possibly it fits into the restaging. Maybe the first staging found the paintbrush left whole and during the restaging or undoing someone found it far more sinister to break it...

DeeDee, I have a question and maybe you can answer it for me. Did LE find fingerprints on the paintbrush, Ive tried to find a source and have found nothing as of yet? Im curious to know, if Patsys were found as they should have been. Or did it too suffer from lack of, like the RN and flashlight?

That garotte was an after thought. The weapon that was used needed to be a disgusting as what had happened to JBR, in the hopes it would point away from the R's. I mean how could they ever do such a thing and anyone that could, surely was capable of molesting a child and everyone knows affluentual people are not capable (my arse).

Could it be that it was staged to look like one parent and the other turned the tables, placing part of the brush in the tote? (pointing the finger in the other direction)

Ding Dang Dong, :banghead:
I always thought it was strange that Patsy said 2 or 3 times that she "thought" she dyed her hair that day (I think it was Christmas day). Maybe she used gloves from a hair dye kit when staging the murder and put that out in case the police found that the gloves were missing from the kit.

Patsy also had medical supplies in the house from her cancer treatments. Its more likely in my estimation that she had latex gloves and plenty to go around. These would have been easily explained as having belonged there.
DeeDee, I have a question and maybe you can answer it for me. Did LE find fingerprints on the paintbrush, Ive tried to find a source and have found nothing as of yet?

ST depo

Q. Were you ever told by anyone that

22 the reason the Ramsey lawyers were allowed to

23 see the garrote and to see the firsthand

24 original of the ransom note is because both

25 items were getting ready to be tested in a

1 fashion that would be destructive
and that

2 from a strategical standpoint somewhere down

3 the road it might be advantageous for the

4 defense lawyers not to be able to claim foul

5 by saying that they didn't have a chance to

6 observe these pieces of evidence before they

7 were destroyed
? Did you ever hear that

8 explanation given as to why the Ramsey

9 lawyers were allowed to look at those two

10 items?
I have a question that bugs me.
If they were so careful to get rid of the cord and tape, why indeed leave the unused piece of paintbrush in the tote?doesn't make sense.
all this starts to drive me nuts.until we know which of them did it and why and how much the other one knows nothing will make sense.and until we know what exactly they were actually trying to hide,sexual abuse,corporal punishment ,accident,the other childs psycho problems,etc.too many's just too sick.this isn't even a normal many elements just don't make sense!
WTH happened in that house and how many people were involved.
but until cops have the guts to start asking the right questions nothing will happen.
a parent who is capable of such a staging is NOT normal,sorry.I know that people are capable of lots of things when they panic BUT this is too just can't put a cord around your childs neck,not even when he/she's DEAD.unless you wanna cover-up OTHER this means she was hurt before by one of them which points again to someone being very sick in that family.and there's the other option,it was done on purpose and one of them is a cold blooded KILLER.period.I still don't get how so many claim it was just an accident.if it was an accident,the cover-up is more cruel and sick than the crime itself,it's horrible.
oh this is brilliant.their best defence was sticking together.hard to charge a couple.unless someone speaks up we will never ever know which one did what and who actually killed JB and why.
this is a perfect crime."it doesn't matter what you know,it's what you can prove in court".they can't prove anything and I really don't think things will change.and I really don't see JR telling the truth.BR was trained very well I bet.
it's over..............
:clap: wtg Ramseys.
the perfect murder.with the help of the BPD and the DA office.beautiful. :clap:
I hope you'll all meet her someday and face her,MAYBE she will forgive...cause you're so very religious,right?
oh this is brilliant.their best defence was sticking together.hard to charge a couple.unless someone speaks up we will never ever know which one did what and who actually killed JB and why.
this is a perfect crime."it doesn't matter what you know,it's what you can prove in court".they can't prove anything and I really don't think things will change.and I really don't see JR telling the truth.BR was trained very well I bet.
it's over..............
:clap: wtg Ramseys.
the perfect murder.with the help of the BPD and the DA office.beautiful. :clap:
I hope you'll all meet her someday and face her,MAYBE she will forgive...cause you're so very religious,right?

Dont forget, they were allowed to make money from this crime. The devil, is in the details.......
a parent who is capable of such a staging is NOT normal,sorry.I know that people are capable of lots of things when they panic BUT this is too just can't put a cord around your childs neck,not even when he/she's DEAD.unless you wanna cover-up OTHER this means she was hurt before by one of them which points again to someone being very sick in that family.and there's the other option,it was done on purpose and one of them is a cold blooded KILLER.period.I still don't get how so many claim it was just an accident.if it was an accident,the cover-up is more cruel and sick than the crime itself,it's horrible.

Maddy, I'm so sick of arguing that one, I'm ready to just give up.
oh this is brilliant.their best defence was sticking together.hard to charge a couple.unless someone speaks up we will never ever know which one did what and who actually killed JB and why.
this is a perfect crime."it doesn't matter what you know,it's what you can prove in court".they can't prove anything and I really don't think things will change.and I really don't see JR telling the truth.BR was trained very well I bet.
it's over..............
:clap: wtg Ramseys.
the perfect murder.with the help of the BPD and the DA office.beautiful. :clap:
I hope you'll all meet her someday and face her,MAYBE she will forgive...cause you're so very religious,right?

Wow, Maddy. That's powerful, to say the least.
It's not a coincidence that the Rs and their lawyers insisted that there would be NO police interviews UNLESS they were interviewed together. They were afraid one of them would crack or say something incriminating if they were questioned separately, not to mention they might have differing stories.
it's clear and it's no secret that the BPD screwed this up.the crime scene should have been secured,no people should have been allowed in the house,the parents and friends should have been questionned right that day.

what I don't get is,the Ramsey team keeps blaming the BPD for messing up the crime scene,cause that's why the intruder wasn't caught so far,right,the evidence wasn't properly collected,leads weren't pursued,etc

Why isn't JR suing the BPD????????it's their fault (his own words) that the killer is still free,right?
I would sue their a@#$%% if I were him and innocent.
it's clear and it's no secret that the BPD screwed this up.the crime scene should have been secured,no people should have been allowed in the house,the parents and friends should have been questionned right that day.

what I don't get is,the Ramsey team keeps blaming the BPD for messing up the crime scene,cause that's why the intruder wasn't caught so far,right,the evidence wasn't properly collected,leads weren't pursued,etc

Why isn't JR suing the BPD????????it's their fault (his own words) that the killer is still free,right?
I would sue their a@#$%% if I were him and innocent.

The Ramsey lawyers approached DA Alex Hunter and told him that they were going to sue on behalf of the Ramseys. Alex responded "Don't hold your breath."
it's clear and it's no secret that the BPD screwed this up.the crime scene should have been secured,no people should have been allowed in the house,the parents and friends should have been questionned right that day.

what I don't get is,the Ramsey team keeps blaming the BPD for messing up the crime scene,cause that's why the intruder wasn't caught so far,right,the evidence wasn't properly collected,leads weren't pursued,etc

Why isn't JR suing the BPD????????it's their fault (his own words) that the killer is still free,right?
I would sue their a@#$%% if I were him and innocent.

Maddy, for the R's to sue LE, they would have to prove that LE was wrong. LE would have had the R's right where they want/ed them...In court, on the stand and answering question. Not suing, is strategic and nothing more.....

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