2011.05.13 - Jury Selection DAY FIVE Afternoon Session

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Ick. has the media caught on yet about Bolin and her history? So freaky.

I like her. I have a good feeling. She seems like she will carefully and fairly consider the facts and then vote guilty of first degree murder.

BTW, I believe, but can't be sure, that after all of the jurors have been gone through, in this stage, they then recall them and one by one, the sides decide to use the peremptories or not and when the seats fill up, they are done.

So, how many more do we need to go through in this stage, anyone know? Wasn't it a total of about 67 or so?

Thank you for sharing your educated opinion about PJs I appreciate your input! :tyou:
I'm shocked at how many of these pj's don't pay attention to news! Maybe I am a new junkie I suppose.

I don't pay attention to news. I think i actually missed a war or two

but ya can't get around it. its everywhere.

its the paying attention that matters. ya can't avoid it, if your conscious in america and have a computer, a tv, and can read.

but if your in afganistan?
HHJP - COULD you vote to recommend a sentence of death?

Juror - I think I can


Juror - Yes sir

HHJP - Any hesitation or reservation?

Juror - No sir
People with mental problems can serve in the jury depending on the condition and severity.
Asperger Syndrome for example people with it are very high intellect but lack social skills. He might still be a wild-card but can really play a positive role if put on the jury.

AS is not a mental problem. It's a brain functioning issue.

This lady concerns me greatly. i can see her saying: "Oh now, my, no! That sweet young lady smiled at me. She can't have hurt her baby! She's so pretty and sweet looking."
I don't think either side will object. She'll be in.
I do too. She leads a simple life, and seems very forthcoming, but Kimster may have something with the sequestration being difficult if she prefers not to socialize. I like this lady.

She comes across like a true innocent. Very untarnished and not judgmental.
I do too. She leads a simple life, and seems very forthcoming, but Kimster may have something with the sequestration being difficult if she prefers not to socialize. I like this lady.

My mom doesn't have any friends left, but she's smart and fair and would make a great juror. She does have 6 daughters and a son who all live within 25 miles of her.
Maybe not. Maybe just keep to herself while being sequestered.
I know I would be that way if I was sequestered. Just as long as I have my animal planet (and Blue Jackets during the NHL season), and books on wildlife, I'm content.

My son has AS and he is AWESOME! He is not very sociable but he is honest, kind and fair minded. He would make a wonderful juror but would not enjoy being sequestered with strangers or taken out of his routine.

He would actually be able to clear his mind and concentrate on just what he heard at trial.
Something has changed I think, it seems to me that some of these PJs didn't want to be on the Jury day 1...... but now it seems like they are all over willing...to me.
I don't know if I want this woman on the jury to be honest. Something about her does kinda set off alarm bells.
Prosecution may need to strike this one. She's waffling on her feelings about the DP.
Death, maybe i can say yes (after i hear evidence).
Parole for life, i [can] say yes.
I am going to ask a stupid question. Will all 68 people have to go through voir dire. Or will they at some point stop this process and choose from a smaller group?
I was just about to post the same sentiment. I wonder if they vote in national elections.

We went from Pot jurors to pj's and I keep looking down at the pj's I'm wearing. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
She may be chosen and then ultimately used as the last alternate, only use her if seven others drop out for some reason. Of course, she'd have to sit in on everything, but in the end, may be pushed to last.
She has facebook and likes to play farmville.

If she doesn't get picked, I wonder if she will friend me and be my neighbor, lol.

I had to run an errand (right after I said I didn't want to miss any more of this...) so I've missed some pages. I just wanted to say these PJs are not banned from the internet or FB or Twitter, they are just not to discuss this case, period. They go into all this detail explaining this for those special people who say things like, "But I didn't SAY anything, I just posted on FB..." etc, etc. Like my kids tried to pull when they were little, "But Mom, you didn't say (whatever)".
Juror states she has no opinion on the DP. Never thought about it before.

For a person to be of the age that this woman appears to be (as stated by media folks), I find this rather suspect.

Even as a late teenaged girl, I had thought about the death penalty and how I felt about it. Now, as a middle-aged (!!!) woman, I think about it.

How can a person who has lived as long as this person apparently has, not ever have considered their own feelings on the death penalty?

I do not trust this woman, and I do not make that statement with a light heart.
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