2011.05.18 Nancy Grace

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Caller: Could the private matter have anything to do with GA/CA, maybe GA taking the heat to save ICA?

NG: could be something JB needs to take care of at home.........(commercial break cut her off)
Caller asking if GA CA are part of the "private msg" - also JB's kids... and then my feed CUT TO A STUPID COMMERCIAL!!!!
There is no way in h*ll the State would offer her 10 years in a plea, no way! They have way too much and are too secure in their evidence. Rightly so!
LP just said he doesn't think a jury would go for murder one. Ynot gagged.

LP just trying to start a debate to try and draw attention to himself....

Here at WS, we would give him a TO for that behavior! :floorlaugh:
I believe Lenny has forgotten way too much and is delirious!
Just checking in to let ya know that I'm "listening" to NG. So far, I have no comment.

Re: Leonard Padilla. He'll say whatever NG tells him to say. If she wants him to be pro-Casey, that's what he'll do. If NG wants him to speak against "tot-mom", that will be his direction. NG has LP by the ba**s. jmo
There is no way in h*ll the State would offer her 10 years in a plea, no way! They have way too much and are too secure in their evidence. Rightly so!

Remember to keep in mind that this came from Lenny!!!! But it is possible that she offered that AT ONE TIME. But not now. No way. I could see them offering 15 - 20 for Count 3 - Manslaughter of a child. Also remember that she is going to get 3 years credit for time served. IF she was offered 10 - then its really only 7. LDB ain't gonna go for that - no way.
I'd only hope a deal would be no death penalty just life without parole.
LP is old news BUT I do think if he is called to the witness stand he will be an extremely interesting witness under oath.

Yeah, and they'll never get him to quit talking!:floorlaugh:
LP just trying to start a debate to try and draw attention to himself....

Here at WS, we would give him a TO for that behavior! :floorlaugh:

I vote for a charge of treason! Off with his head! Banishment from the kingdom of WS at least?? :innocent:
So did we set a record here with all those people on the forum at noon crashing the server? Our en masse wtf posting?
Thank you Nancy for showing the clip of prisoner KC, in chains, being booked into the new jail.

I have just had it up to here with her in the courtroom in a new outfit everyday, eye makeup, unbuttoning her top button today, flirting, sashaying and a struttin' with every entrance and exit, checking out text messages and the internet and running the defense table.

COME ON!!! This is a convicted felon on trial for murder. She is being treated the same way that her parents treated her (Imagine if she were a minority woman charged with the same crime).
Never never never in all the many cases I have watched since early Court TV days have I every witnessed a defendant who had so much control over the courtroom. It is making me crazy.
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