Mommie Dearest?

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Am I the only one that doesn't think KC was a great mother? I don't see how dragging your child around your life is being a good mother. No 'Mommy & Me" playdates, no letting Caylee have HER OWN childhood. Letting a child roam around an apartment and answer the door by herself--in this day and age no less; leaving her child alone in an apartment with the balcony door open; putting her child to bed on a friend's couch while she parties; having her child sleep in bed with her boyfriends. Whaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nope, you're not alone at all. If that is what being a great mom comprises, then I'm glad I didn't have a great mom. I guess I wasn't a great mom either. How could she parent when as we've seen she was hardly ever around Caylee when she wasn't on the phone, or computer, or texting.

ETA - raising kids is more than dressing them in cute outfits, and taking pictures.
Did it ever come out to be truth that Casey did the *advertiser censored* site stuff and remember when LE had all those pics to show George?
If Narcissists do one thing well, it's ACT.

My mother was a Mommy Dearest and she deserved an Academy Award for her acting abilities.
As a mother to three (soon to be four) babies, ages 6, 4, & 3...I can't think of any of my friends and family that would get on the stand and talk about how I never once made a parenting mistake in their presence. Obviously I don't abuse or torture my children but there have been instances where I've yelled and I certainly get frustrated with them. Certainly there have been times where I'm not all grins and giggles as ICA is reported to be when caring for Caylee.

Is this all part of ICA's ruse of a life or was she really just the perfect mother who snapped?

I agree with you. When I was a kid my Mom, as well as all the mothers in our neighborhood yelled a lot!!! BUT we were not abused nor murdered.

I don't yell. :innocent: I discuss ... loudly. Alot.

I think KC was "on" when she was with her friends, she was certainly not the character Caylee got when they were alone-- KC is a huge faker almost all the time. Incredible.

eta: I was going to post the "wire hangar" scene from Mommy Dearest, but toooooo spooky!

I think ICA was a totally different person when she was alone with Caylee.
Look how she turns it on and off when the jury is in the room and out. 2 different personas.

Am I the only one that doesn't think KC was a great mother? I don't see how dragging your child around your life is being a good mother. No 'Mommy & Me" playdates, no letting Caylee have HER OWN childhood. Letting a child roam around an apartment and answer the door by herself--in this day and age no less; leaving her child alone in an apartment with the balcony door open; putting her child to bed on a friend's couch while she parties; having her child sleep in bed with her boyfriends. Whaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never did a mommy and me playdate. My son didn't have playdates. His dad and I both worked, alot of hours - he was with a private sitter from 7 am to 6 pm. 4 days a week I worked from 5:30 am till 9 pm until I went back to school. He was around other kids his age though during that time.

I would never dream though of leaving him alone. Heck, I didn't un-babyproof the house till he was 10 and I still hid anything with a chemical in it, lol.
I don't yell. :innocent: I discuss ... loudly. Alot.

I think ICA was a totally different person when she was alone with Caylee.
Look how she turns it on and off when the jury is in the room and out. 2 different personas.

I never did a mommy and me playdate. My son didn't have playdates. His dad and I both worked, alot of hours - he was with a private sitter from 7 am to 6 pm. 4 days a week I worked from 5:30 am till 9 pm until I went back to school. He was around other kids his age though during that time.

I would never dream though of leaving him alone. Heck, I didn't un-babyproof the house till he was 10 and I still hid anything with a chemical in it, lol.

I guess my point was that Caylee was hanging around adults all the time--when was there any interaction with kids her own age???? What 2 year old doesn't want to play with friends and what mother doesn't seek out other children for her child to play with????
Did it ever come out to be truth that Casey did the *advertiser censored* site stuff and remember when LE had all those pics to show George?

If she did...I think it is only a matter of time before the state releases this bombshell the Jose and ICA are toast! Not because she did
it, but because she hid it.
fwiw ~ whatever one choses to do, own it, be proud, no need to lie! Most people hate liars.
I am not one to judge another mother, as I don't like being judged myself.

BUT, this video has always haunted me.

Hope the link works. It's the Strange Breakfast video

Ew, I hate this video! I think Caylee was saying her own name, then KC (not mommy)-- but notice the mirroring of squinting her eyes around 2:03-5-- I think she was given a menacing glare. jmo

Am I the only one that doesn't think KC was a great mother? I don't see how dragging your child around your life is being a good mother. No 'Mommy & Me" playdates, no letting Caylee have HER OWN childhood. Letting a child roam around an apartment and answer the door by herself--in this day and age no less; leaving her child alone in an apartment with the balcony door open; putting her child to bed on a friend's couch while she parties; having her child sleep in bed with her boyfriends. Whaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, you are not alone. I have never thought she was a good mother. Several little things have come up, besides her just dragging her around all day and night. Ie. Tony talking about how Casey kept trying to keep Caylee from the pool at his apartment ... you take a 21/2 yr old who loves the water, and keep her away from the pool? I think when she was on the run/in the car in the last couple of months,there was ever a routine for that baby, which they really need in those years. When did Caylee ever play or interact with other children? What exactly was she doing all those hours, besides eating bologna & cheese in the car? If she really did not want Caylee, it would have been so easy just to let her parents take her; look where they'd all be today. Whatever Casey might have wanted to do with her life, she might have at least been able to try and find out. Her selfishness, pride and vengefulness did her in, she is so evil.
I haven't seen or heard of ICA doing anything that would be considered child abuse.

She might not "mothered" her to everyone's standards. But in reality, everyone here has different standards of what they considered norm or right. What ever way a person can think of as a perfect way to raise a child, someone can come along and consider something about it as child abuse.

Some folks think that children should be children and making them do chores is child abuse. Some folks have just the opposite opinion. There is no win in that game.

When she was with her friends, her Mother (CA) wasn't around. SHE and she alone was Caylee's Mother. So there was none of that stress we seen in the family video's. If she didn't 'do' for Caylee fast enough, she didn't have to worry about CA jumping in there and doing it before ICA realized it needed to be done. So, while it might have been a show, it's also could be because of the different environment and situation.
Am I the only one that doesn't think KC was a great mother? I don't see how dragging your child around your life is being a good mother. No 'Mommy & Me" playdates, no letting Caylee have HER OWN childhood. Letting a child roam around an apartment and answer the door by herself--in this day and age no less; leaving her child alone in an apartment with the balcony door open; putting her child to bed on a friend's couch while she parties; having her child sleep in bed with her boyfriends. Whaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think ICA's MOTY act in front of hrt friends was just that. an act. Just like her "career". She could sustain the fantasy in front of others as long as necessary, to keep the fiction going, but when no one was around to witness her actions, she was probably totally ignoring Caylee, too busy phoning, texting, IM ing, etc. She wouldn't have had time to mother and be the party girl event planner, too/ JMO
I don't yell. :innocent: I discuss ... loudly. Alot.

I think ICA was a totally different person when she was alone with Caylee.
Look how she turns it on and off when the jury is in the room and out. 2 different personas.

I never did a mommy and me playdate. My son didn't have playdates. His dad and I both worked, alot of hours - he was with a private sitter from 7 am to 6 pm. 4 days a week I worked from 5:30 am till 9 pm until I went back to school. He was around other kids his age though during that time.

I would never dream though of leaving him alone. Heck, I didn't un-babyproof the house till he was 10 and I still hid anything with a chemical in it, lol.

There's a difference had a rigid work schedule. ICA had NO work schedule...or for that matter, any schedule at all.
I guess my point was that Caylee was hanging around adults all the time--when was there any interaction with kids her own age???? What 2 year old doesn't want to play with friends and what mother doesn't seek out other children for her child to play with????

It's very telling that Casey didn't befriend other young mom's to have play dates and take the kids out together or to the park. Not even any at her birthday party. Other mom's would ask way too many questions, and be too boring.
Posts removed - we are NOT to be digging up information about the personal lives of the witnesses and/or jurors UNLESS it is released in the mainstream media. :tos:

This has been posted by the mods often. Pay attention. This is not a good time to get a time out or be restricted from posting for the duration of the trial.
Bill Sheaffer commented today that a few of the Jurors are women in their 50's and 60's and as he said they are from a completely different generational mindset when it comes to a young mother taking her child to late night parties, different beds, sharing beds with casual boyfriends, and he expects that will "not elevate ICA in their opinion of her mothering". They will not think she was the good mother that JB would have them think...
I haven't seen or heard of ICA doing anything that would be considered child abuse.

She might not "mothered" her to everyone's standards. But in reality, everyone here has different standards of what they considered norm or right. What ever way a person can think of as a perfect way to raise a child, someone can come along and consider something about it as child abuse.

Some folks think that children should be children and making them do chores is child abuse. Some folks have just the opposite opinion. There is no win in that game.

When she was with her friends, her Mother (CA) wasn't around. SHE and she alone was Caylee's Mother. So there was none of that stress we seen in the family video's. If she didn't 'do' for Caylee fast enough, she didn't have to worry about CA jumping in there and doing it before ICA realized it needed to be done. So, while it might have been a show, it's also could be because of the different environment and situation.

It's hard for me to believe that ICA never abused Caylee. Several reasons. 1. How could a supposedly loving mother go from never disciplining let alone abusing to murdering a child? 2. We have all seen ICA's temper...enough said. 3. There was a lot of time that ICA was supposed to be working, that she had to have had Caylee, since there was no nanny...and that goes back to in all that time did she never abuse her child, but got so angry with her she killed her on a whim. We all know she was researching ways to kill someone, and whether it was for her parents or Caylee, we will never know. But if it had been for Caylee, then it was obviously on her mind for months that she wanted to get rid of her.

I am more inclined to think that it wasn't necessarily physical abuse, but more along the lines of mental abuse because ICA is a master at playing mind games and I would not be surprised at all to learn that she had done some horrid mentally abusive things to Caylee prior to killing her.
I have had the exact same thoughts. I have 2 young children, myself, and while my family is always telling me what a good mother I am, and what a good job I do with my children (I'm a SAHM)...I know for a fact that they have seen me discipline my children, and on rare occasions get frustrated with them and have to walk away for a minute to collect my thoughts.

I found it extremely telling, and was curious if anyone else had noticed that the only thing negative that was said about her relationship with Caylee, was by Ricardo Morales (I think) about Casey always having problems putting her to sleep. Obviously, that had to have stuck out in his mind for him to bring it up....but when you think about it...if Caylee had often been drugged, or left in the trunk, or duct taped, to be kept quiet or put to sleep, I believe I, too would put up a hell of a fight at bed time.

Anyway, every time I heard the witnesses questioned today, I kept thinking, this girl was putting on a show for everyone because NOBODY is perfect!!!

I didn't hear his comments. So I don't know if more was said about it. But From the texts we have read, it seems like ICA would make promises, then later make claims for why she couldn't show up on time, or at all. If she couldn't get Caylee asleep, it might have been an excuse she used often. ALSO, if explaining what she is doing "bragging" about , she could also point out she is 'busy' being a Mom.. Such a wonderful, perfect Mom, busy with child. Another words, I could be one of the lines she used for what ever reaction is trying to achieve for the moment.
If given the chance, the dt will probably say that Casey took Caylee to spend the night at Ricardo's, tried to move in with Jesse, and moved in with Tony out of fear of George. They'll also say that she stole due to trying to get money to get away. The chloroform and other searches will probably be claimed as researching ways to protect herself from George while in the home. They have it all covered.
Bill Sheaffer commented today that a few of the Jurors are women in their 50's and 60's and as he said they are from a completely different generational mindset when it comes to a young mother taking her child to late night parties, different beds, sharing beds with casual boyfriends, and he expects that will "not elevate ICA in their opinion of her mothering". They will not think she was the good mother that JB would have them think...

I never even considered that but you are 100% right. I know my mother AND grandmother both would DIE if I had ever done anything like that with my's so taboo for their generation. Also, the women from that generation, will not necessarily think GA 'hitting' ICA is abuse because like some previous posters have pointed out on various was not uncommon for their generation to be hit/spanked with spoons, etc.
I didn't hear his comments. So I don't know if more was said about it. But From the texts we have read, it seems like ICA would make promises, then later make claims for why she couldn't show up on time, or at all. If she couldn't get Caylee asleep, it might have been an excuse she used often. ALSO, if explaining what she is doing "bragging" about , she could also point out she is 'busy' being a Mom.. Such a wonderful, perfect Mom, busy with child. Another words, I could be one of the lines she used for what ever reaction is trying to achieve for the moment.

When questioned, RM had said he thought she was a good mother yadda blah blah. I don't remember if he was asked specifically if Caylee had ever been punished, or if he is the one that mentioned it, but that was the only thing, out of anything he said about Caylee and ICA's interactions that he brought up (that she often had a hard time getting Caylee to go to sleep.) and I believe one of the reasons that was even brought up is because apparently, ICA had taken Caylee to spend the night at RM's house quite frequently. I just thought it odd that that was the only thing he thought important enough to mention, or that he thought it important enough to mention period.
I don't understand how JB thinks it won't totally backfire to portray ICA as someone who can act SO WELL that none of her friends knew anything wrong after she supposedly witnessed her daughter drown to death and then her body be hidden by her abusive father. One could easily reason that a person capable of putting on such an act in the face of something so overwhelming could easily put on the "good mom" face for shorter periods of time in the face of far less stress. Abusers do it all the time.

I mean, really, you can't have it both ways. All of her former friends who testified that her love for Caylee was "genuine" also testified that her behavior was totally normal and happy while her daughter was actually dead. She's either a great actress or not, and I'm sure her former friends don't consider her a great mom just because she appeared that way sometimes, anymore than they consider her a carefree party girl with a nanny and a great job just because she acted that way for 31 days. The jurors aren't stupid and they'll see that too.

Most serial killers are the really nice guy next door.
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