2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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OMG! LKB needs to shut up. She doesn't even know what she is saying - She just told Mike Brooks that Caylee died in the pool, so there would not be any decomposition odor.

DUH! There was an odor, therefore she DID NOT die in the pool! :gavel:
Thanks for asking. It makes me feel like a knowledgeable person. :)

On the server and after uploading you can delete your local copy and it will have no bearing on PB.

Thanks! OT, but I'm trying to delete a lot of pictures/graphics stored on my computer for the simple reason I have too many and it's taking forever for my anti-virus to do it's daily scan. I thought I might transfer to Photobucket to free up my computer. :)
It drives me crazy to hear people saying the cadaver dogs, etc are not that damning, etc. This is the crux of a circumstantial case. Of course any one piece of the SA evidence doesn't say much ON ITS OWN. But together, how do you explain away all the ties...

smell of dead body by 6 people... dr. vass testimony... death band hair... stain in trunk...cadaver dogs
dr. vass chloroform testimony...FBI chloroform testimony...chloroform searches

These are strong links of evidence to paint a picture of what happened. The jury doesn't look at these pieces on their own. They look at them together. THAT is powerful.
LKB talking about her lovely Casey and blaming GA. She said if they had GA and CA cell phone records they would have seen that GA was not at work, but they don't have them otherwise they would have brought that in.

She said how could Casey plan this. She is not a villain. Shes not Hector(sp?) in Silence of the lambs. She is a 21yo, do you really think she is out there planning this. OMG ....im sick....

She was an impulsive 22 year old, no she did not plan this far ahead, just comes up with new stories.

And I`m sure you don`t need cell records to verify if George was at work.
Just imagine how shocked the jurors were today hearing that any searches happened for chloroform at all! And then there is more testimony coming to clarify it.

They heard all the testimony about chloroform and decomp in car, now that someone was looking it up. That must have really rocked them awake. We have known it for 3 years, they are just learning about it.

Think about, have you ever looked up chloroform, how to make it, or anything as such, before this case? Would you have?
The evidence is all new to me...I virtually knew nothing other than Caylee vanished, Casey was arrested, and that Caylee was later found deceased and vaguely, that her family was less than helpful to police.

So I am kind of pretending to be a juror; I have learned stuff thru WS though, since the trial began, from other threads here, so it is not the same as a juror who would not have access to all of that. Still, I am waiting for proof of intentional murder, vs. accidental killing and cover-up by a clearly disturbed woman.

I agree with the other poster who said you should keep us updated with your opinions. It's interesting to me to hear how someone who didn't follow the case these last three years feels about the happenings of the trial.
Freedomland! I was wondering if someone (IS) was going to bring that movie up. That movie made me cry when I saw it and I did think of this case because of the overdose on cough medicine and the mother used it to knock him out so she could do her own thing. The scene that is especially memorable was when the woman who led the search party was trying to get her to nod by acting like she was telling a story and the person in the story was begging the woman to answer, without outwardly asking this woman if her son was dead.

Casey would never admit to what happened like the mother in that movie did.

A must see film, imo.
Someone should tell LKB that she sounds delusional and unintelligent. She makes her points by ignoring the facts! I honestly can't listen to her anymore. She's an absolute joke!
JB can't be sued for accusations he made in opening statements but can LKB be sued for her allegations since she's no longer paid counsel?
Good afternoon ev1! Left work early, doing alot of that lately lol. I have a question that has probably been asked. Does anyone know if the Jury during sequestration are allowed to have their cell phones? So many people have Smart Phones and internet access phones. I know they are restricted and bound to the Laws of the court and sequestration. But is that monitored if indeed they are allowed?

No, they are not allowed to have them all the time, just for calls to/from family I believe.
grandmaj do you possibly know the answer to my question? You read so many threads I thought you just might!

I have a question that has probably been asked. Does anyone know if the Jury during sequestration are allowed to have their cell phones? So many people have Smart Phones and internet access phones. I know they are restricted and bound to the Laws of the court and sequestration. But is that monitored if indeed they are allowed?
Inquiring minds want to know...:

Why were the cadaver dogs asked to search only the back yard and not the rest of the house?
Look out because the bus that was set in motion by Baez and Casey has lost its GPS and it won't be long before it is on a run away path headed right for other people.

As lawyers, a fair trial should be what is important. I find these television interviews of LKB ethically questionable. She should be embarrassed by her behavior.
It drives me crazy to hear people saying the cadaver dogs, etc are not that damning, etc. This is the crux of a circumstantial case. Of course any one piece of the SA evidence doesn't say much ON ITS OWN. But together, how do you explain away all the ties...

smell of dead body by 6 people... dr. vass testimony... death band hair... stain in trunk...cadaver dogs
dr. vass chloroform testimony...FBI chloroform testimony...chloroform searches

These are strong links of evidence to paint a picture of what happened. The jury doesn't look at these pieces on their own. They look at them together. THAT is powerful.

Powerful enough to prove there was a dead body there, but does it prove it was murder? Does it prove who murdered her? Those are the questions the jury has to ask when deliberating Count #1. Otherwise, it could just have easily been an accident that she was too stupid to get help with, and tried to cover up, in which case, she would only be convicted on the lesser charges.

I agree with most that this is murder, but the State has to make that link. They just can't say "there was a body here." And then leave it at that. Now, based on their chronological presentation, we're not at the point where they'll make that link, and I suspect they will, but right now, they haven't proved murder (beyond a reasonable doubt). JMO, though.
Oh yeah! I couldn't see where the officer was pointing to for the final trained alert in the back yard. Can someone fill me in? TIA.


here is the photo that Brewer circled - same location where Gerus alerted with Forgey


  • Brewer Bones final alert.jpg
    Brewer Bones final alert.jpg
    34 KB · Views: 38
I've probably said it a dozen times by now; but the silliest and at the same time greatest thing JB ever did was make his opening statement such a complex lie. Should've kept it simple, blamed it all on Casey. If I were a jury with no knowledge of this case at all, I could've been inclined to believe it. Of course, that is, before the chloroform information would've been presented. He would've lost me by then. Why'd you need chloroform for a dead person?
Thanks! OT, but I'm trying to delete a lot of pictures/graphics stored on my computer for the simple reason I have too many and it's taking forever for my anti-virus to do it's daily scan. I thought I might transfer to Photobucket to free up my computer. :)

However be aware that photo hosting sites normally try to reduce the size of photos for economical reasons. So PB will likely reduce the dimensions and quality of your photos.
The restaurants may be closed during the time the jurors are dining.

Many area restaurants have "private" areas since we have so many celebs living down here due to the no state tax situation. Tiger Woods, Shaq, many, many other sports stars, coaches, TV personalities etc. Plus, Disney is a huge draw. So, that could be one explanation as to how they're pulling off private dining.
this is where Forgey circled that GERUS made his final trained alert - same as Brewer marked with BONES


  • finalalert.jpg
    12.2 KB · Views: 28
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