2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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Kathi B and Bill S are saying that ICA had asked CA to care for Caylee while she went to Puerto Rico and CA said no. They said this was the time these online searches took place - in response to CA not watching Caylee while ICA went to Puerto Rico.

Hand-to-hand Combat
Head Injuries
Middle Meningial Artery (A terminal branch of the external carotid artery; rupture of this artery could cause an epidermal hematoma.)
Ruptured Spleen
Chest Trauma
Internal Bleeding
Hypovolemia (Decrease in blood volume.)
Ummm. Look what wiki says under Reality Based Self Defense:

To be acquitted of any kind of physical harm-related crime (such as assault and battery and homicide) using the self-defense justification, one must prove legal provocation, meaning that one must prove that he was in a position in which not using self-defense would most likely lead to death or serious injuries.

I think she was planning on killing the parental units, then claiming self defense. You know, from all that abuse.

Plausible to me
I agree...I think the parents were next!!!!

:waitasec: I agree, but my opinion is they were her first target but something happened on June 15th that "triggered" ICA ...

And remember, she told Amy that she would be able to move in with her at Hope Spring Drive ... and that TL could come over any time he wanted to ...

Makes you go hmmmm....
I believe ICA is capable of just about anything. From the start of this case I always wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and actually felt kind of bad for her. Don't ask me why but now the picture is getting clearer and clearer and she is one evil person.

But this was in March. I believe she 'invented' the Zenaida injuries on the fly (which was not till months later) because she had to quickly figure out a way to explain to her mother why she and Caylee were in "Tampa" and couldn't come home!

RBSD - Reality Based Self Defense (RBSD) is a blanket term for an approach to self-defense training that focuses on practical application. RBSD practitioners emphasize training that directly relates to the most dangerous of all possible situations. .... More »
I do not think it goes to premed because I myself have been a link hopper on Wiki. Believe me, I think ICA is guilty, but I don't think the Wiki searches give it away. Not at all.

They don't by themselves...but combined with everything else we know about the case, especially the chloroform in the trunk...it's a completely context different than someone just link hopping. How many coincidences can happen here? I guess we'll have to see if ICA testifies.
There just has to be something more to tie this all together and make a nice concise package of incriminating evidence. Look at everyone on here - imagine the jury is as dis-jointed as we are (as a group) concerning this....surely there is something significant coming from the SA.

Can someone explain "middle meningeal artery?" What is it and why would Casey be looking it up?
Why click on a link you're not interested in? This isn't an isolated incident, it's in the context of a murder trial. She may just as easily have been formulating new plans to murder someone as merely satisfying strangely-timed curiosity. That is where giving the benefit of the doubt comes in. I mean we're talking about ICA here.

Meh, it's not as slam dunk for me. Like I've said, I've link jumped all night once. Reading things that I was curious about (and no, I have harmed no one). They could have left in just the chloroform search and have their point taken.

All this extra information of items she searched doesn't mean much to me. The links are there for people to read. And yes, I have been one of those people reading them.
Kathi B and Bill S are saying that ICA had asked CA to care for Caylee while she went to Puerto Rico and CA said no. They said this was the time these online searches took place - in response to CA not watching Caylee while ICA went to Puerto Rico.

Add to that her money source drying up, thwarted by Cindy.
And there you have your motive by one self-proclaimed spiteful *****, IMO
That's true...to get to 'alcohol' from 'chloroform' for instance you would be reading the section on "Inadvertent formation of chloroform" (describes using household chemicals). It'd be interesting to track the sections she was reading to get to each of the links she followed.

Sweet. Thanks for checking into this!
An aside......a poster mentioned the book Stiff....the other day. I can't recall who it was, but I downloaded it to Kindle and am half way through it.

Just facinating reading.....here is one of the most touching parts so far..

One young woman’s tribute describes unwrapping her cadaver’s hands and being brought up short by the realization that the nails were painted pink. “The pictures in the anatomy atlas did not show nail polish,” she wrote. “Did you choose the color?…Did you think that I would see it?…I wanted to tell you about the inside of your hands…. I want you to know you are always there when I see patients. When I palpate an abdomen, yours are the organs I imagine. When I listen to a heart, I recall holding your heart.”

Roach, Mary (2004). Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (p. 37). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.

In a way... I kind of see Caylee like this student viewed her training cadaver... A person that remains with you in many ways...one that reminds you of the sanctity of life.
Caylee will live on through the future cases argued for other children. Her case touched so many LE and other related professionals and has impacted how searches, recovery, and prosecution is handled.

Wow! Post of the day!
Kathi B and Bill S are saying that ICA had asked CA to care for Caylee while she went to Puerto Rico and CA said no. They said this was the time these online searches took place - in response to CA not watching Caylee while ICA went to Puerto Rico.

Yes! I knew I couldnt be the only one who remembered the booking of this trip was around the time of those specific searches and Caylee disappering literally days before takeoff to PR.

I think, along with everything else she wanted to do, she really wanted to go on that trip.
Someone said in the post:

And it's important to note that the witness testified that these WERE NOT searches, but auto generated links that came from the initial searches on chloroform. You click on one, and then more are generated that are "like" the one you just clicked on. So chloroform will link to suffocation/inhalation, that link will link to something else, and so on and so on.

Since a lot of these were auto generated I don't' think this is the slam dunk many were expecting.

Help me out. I don't think it makes sense. If Casey googled chloroform, how would it link to "internal bleeding", "neck injury", etc, etc. And he mentioned that these were all Wikiepdia sites. Which also has a search option. I don't see the correlation between "internal bleeding" and "chloroform" for them to appear in the same results on a page in GoogleSearch. When googling Chloroform, none of the keywords the witness mentioned appeared in the results, or a wikipedia link there. She could've gone on wikipedia and continued searching there. But I really don't think her computer kept "feeding" her different links that matched. And she just sat there and let it all played out. She had to search and find and click. Someone explain it to me, if I misunderstood the witness.

And the "like" searches Google generates are chloroform related. I just googled, and this is what they suggested I might've been looking for:
buy chloroform
purchase chloroform
chloroform recipe
make chloroform
chloroform uses
chloroform effects
chloroform msds

Nothing about "internal bleeding" etc.

INFACT, if you google "chloroform and neck breaking" as one term, the results you'll find are only 553,000 (results are usually in millions and billions) and you guessed it, news reports from today testimonies.
So the case follower part of me is thinking

Wow Casey had to explain so much to cindy that she had to make sure fake accident claims are backed up details the she has to learn on the fly as she plots her lies.

Which the state proved she plotted even if they wanted to show the plotting of the chloroform they did not because there is doubt she was searching that because of RM my space.

But she is a plotter so she now has a new plot stored in her head actually many which she uses when she lies about the injuries we are seeing her read about.

Jury weakness is I dunno if they would think about it like that. The witness said the searchers were auto gen'ed and then it apears Casey followed link and link and link.
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