2011.06.11 Sidebar (Trial Day Sixteen)

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Hey peeps. Thank you for cleaning up the links to pictures of Caylee's remains. This is the policy here. You may link to the MSM pics but not bring the pictures here. Just the link. No FB, no blogs, no twitter pics that we know are out there.

This is a decision of the Administrators of WS. Thank You for understanding that it is our intent to comply with the order of HHJP. :blowkiss:
Why is CM talking about fractures when the State never said anything about broken bones, only suffocation?

He's wanting the jury to have the facts. He's wanting the jury to find that Caylee was NOT an abused child.
I don't think Caylee drowned,but kids who drown are not necessarily swimming in their swimsuits!!!! They fall in reaching for a ball,or a dog ,or a leaf. ETC. Two year olds don't necessarily change themselves to a swimsuit before they drown.
A bathing suit proves nothing.But I don't think she drowned,not with duct tape plastered on her. JMO sorry for yelling ,but this is important : )

I could not agree more!! In fact, in my mind, the fact that she was not in a bathing suit lends what little credibility can be lent to the accidental drowning defense. Kids whose parents know they are in the pool are more likely to be watching them and they are less likely to drown. It's the ones you didn't take precautions with, thought they were playing outside or in their rooms and you fell asleep on the couch that are accident scenarios. And no child of two would have been able to place that duct tape on themselves. I believe she is guilty as sin and I do believe that duct tape to be the murder weapon. Chloroformed to stop the struggle.
The comment above does nothing to help answer any of our questions. As far as I know, Caylee always looked clean with a fresh set of clothes. Nobody has ever said otherwise. Besides, George said he did the feeding, that is, during his second interview. And, if you remember, he said he knew what Caylee had been wearing and it wasn't what they found in and around the bag.

Ya know wbg, I always thought the same thing; but the last video taken of precious little Caylee, I thought her hair looked as though it hadn't been brushed from the night before & seemed like she was a little bit cranky and/or tired during one portion of the video.
So what about the twin canvas laundry bag being in a black plastic garbage bag? Something ICA intended to dispose of, but forgot to?
I could not agree more!! In fact, in my mind, the fact that she was not in a bathing suit lends what little credibility can be lent to the accidental drowning defense. Kids whose parents know they are in the pool are more likely to be watching them and they are less likely to drown. It's the ones you didn't take precautions with, thought they were playing outside or in their rooms and you fell asleep on the couch that are accident scenarios. And no child of two would have been able to place that duct tape on themselves. I believe she is guilty as sin and I do believe that duct tape to be the murder weapon. Chloroformed to stop the struggle.

You do some excellent posts and comments HRCODEPINK, but unfortunately from now on I will have to disregard them. I just noticed your sig line says you are NOT a chemist.....:innocent:
Isn't the area where the remains were found a dead end street - a street that branches off a thru street but comes to an end and is not a through street? I believe so.
Not sure why children would be walking down a dead end street except to go to school. If so they would not be walking past the dump site, it was down further.
Also wanted to comment that Baez asked the CSI woman how far the remains were from the road, meaning the beginning of the pavement. When he asked her how far they were from the edge of the "boulevard" where the overgrown area started, she did not know that from memory and said Baez would have to ask another tech. (Boulevard was not the word Baez used but you get my drift.)

So if the boulevard was 5 or 6 feet from the pavement to the edge of the pavement, that means Caylee's remains would be 15 feet or less into the brush. So ICA could have walked a few feet in - decided it was too much work, given the bag a good heave and had it tumble slightly down the slope.

Works for me.:rocker:

The school is at the end of the dead end street - so someone could have walked past the dump site, but school was out.

The school is at the end of the dead end street - so someone could have walked past the dump site, but school was out.

Oh boy! Thank you - I'd better look at that map again. It figures - I have left right dyslexia - my mind was telling me it was the other way around. :banghead:

is that certainly true? I dont recall seeing pics of them from that date, if that is so then it makes me rethink my personal theory.

Yes, same shorts but a different shirt. Caylee didn't wear the trouble shirt to see GGP. You can see the shorts in the pics of Caylee with GGP.
Ya know wbg, I always thought the same thing; but the last video taken of precious little Caylee, I thought her hair looked as though it hadn't been brushed from the night before & seemed like she was a little bit cranky and/or tired during one portion of the video.

I agree-- she seemed weary, and wary. I think she may have been privy to the tension regarding KC's theft on that visit. Heartbreaking to know that was her final day on earth. :cry:
Worked for her too, for longer than it could have had it not been for Tropical Storm Fay.
She got lucky on that one.

She wasn't about to go to far into those woods, with the animals and reptiles that are in there; and she knew it too.And, if it went down like I and others think, with George on her arse, then she didn't have much time to make the toss and get out of Dodge before George figured it out that she had turned in the other direction.

BBM..You know since I cant find the transcript of Kronks initial calls to the tip line in August (prior to flooding)..Did he or was it the officer who went there mention something about snakes in that area and abandonned going any further??..maybe someone who knows where that is can locate it...have no clue where to even look here...

IIRC that one of these LE peeps got fired or demoted for their lack of investigating or reportings or something..not sure tho...There is no way KC would venture too far in there with her load..and she was lucky to find that log to stash poor Caylee..

KC was lucky that things happened the way they did..between weather, and lack of following up Kronk's initial calls..She caught a huge break...but fortunately Caylee's angels have won the day in linking so much to KC...
But even walking past the site where Caylee was left. She was triple bagged, the heart sticker was on the duck tape that covered her mouth. That would be a freak of nature that a child would drop a sticker, it would go that far into the woods and just happen to stick to the duct tape around Caylee's mouth.
Yes, same shorts but a different shirt. Caylee didn't wear the trouble shirt to see GGP. You can see the shorts in the pics of Caylee with GGP.

Just watched the nursing home video again and listened to an interview with a worker there, Ms Angel. She said Caylee was wearing white shorts and blue shirt and that pretty much sounds like what I saw in the video.
I remember watching that one. He lived just across the street, and just a couple of lots closer to the school. And, he indicated that there was standing water on his side of the street up until just a few weeks before Dec 11.

Yes, he also said that his girlfriend was angry with him for always wanting to go out there and search, cause she didn't want him involved in any way, shape or form should he find her because of the circus it had become.

He was standing in his backyard, there was a fence to the back, and he was pointing across the street to the reporter.

It must have been when they found Caylee, cause if I remember, it was rainy or overcast the day of the interview.

Oh, and he also had frown up in that neighborhood, and was still living at home with his mother.
Just an addition to this. I live in a very wooded area and many times drive down a road that used to be a dirt road and is now paved. There are no houses on it and it runs through some power lines

Many times, like yesterday I can drive that road and get a whiff of what I think is a dead animal. In all actuality I suppose it would be a great place to dump a body. I do not stop and get out and look as I am usually alone.

When my daughter was very little I used to walk her down there in the stroller and then as she got older on her pony and the dogs.
One time I cut into the power lines and that road is a little higher and drops off on the side. I thought I smelled something bad and kept on looking off to the side without bringing attention to my daughter.

Lo and behold there was a black plastic bag and I could see the back of a dog sticking out as animals had obviously got to it already. My thought at that point was I did not want my daughter to see it and second what sadistic person would do such a thing.

And here comes Casey Anthony. And her daughter.

What I am trying to get at is a rotting animal is a horrible smell and they have said during this trial that human decomposition does not smell like that so I can't even imagine how horrible it must be. Under water you would not smell that at all. So someone passing by might not have even smelled anything at all, by then she was a skeleton.

Except Fay didn't hit until August, right? Mid-June to Beg-August is enough time to decompose - I'd think the smell would be strongist then (because the car already had the smell before Caylee was even dumped :sick:).
Just an addition to this. I live in a very wooded area and many times drive down a road that used to be a dirt road and is now paved. There are no houses on it and it runs through some power lines

Many times, like yesterday I can drive that road and get a whiff of what I think is a dead animal. In all actuality I suppose it would be a great place to dump a body. I do not stop and get out and look as I am usually alone.

When my daughter was very little I used to walk her down there in the stroller and then as she got older on her pony and the dogs.
One time I cut into the power lines and that road is a little higher and drops off on the side. I thought I smelled something bad and kept on looking off to the side without bringing attention to my daughter.

Lo and behold there was a black plastic bag and I could see the back of a dog sticking out as animals had obviously got to it already. My thought at that point was I did not want my daughter to see it and second what sadistic person would do such a thing.

And here comes Casey Anthony. And her daughter.

What I am trying to get at is a rotting animal is a horrible smell and they have said during this trial that human decomposition does not smell like that so I can't even imagine how horrible it must be. Under water you would not smell that at all. So someone passing by might not have even smelled anything at all, by then she was a skeleton.

I've mentioned this before and your post reminded me that on December 11, 2008 when Caylee's remains were found, there were people at the scene - onlookers, who were watching the police work at the remains site. Reporters were interviewing people and one particular report has stayed with me since that day.

A teenage boy, about 16 or 17 years old, said he lived just up the street and back in June or July there was a bad odor in the neighborhood and someone called the police. An officer came out and checked the along the road and found a dead animal just off the pavement concealed by the vegetation. I don't recall if the animal was removed, but I know here in California, animal control will come out and remove a dead animal. The boy said the odor lingered for a while and all the neighbors attributed the odor to the dead animal that was found.

I thought at the time that in retrospect the odor of that dead animal close to the road may have masked any human decomp, and certainly once people knew a dead animal was found they would naturally assume that any bad odor was just the lingering odor of that animal.
He's wanting the jury to have the facts. He's wanting the jury to find that Caylee was NOT an abused child.

I kinda think that it is abuse to sleep with your daughter in the same bed with your lovers...but I am kinda freaky like that.:crazy:
IMO she has garbage bag inside dog crate was to cover the pad so it stays clean for her doggies,suitcase was for dirty clothes,cooler to store the ice in . I am not as anal as Cindy with my house but I also have garbage bags in the above area's. I also keep extra bags in all my garbage cans under the bag in use,when I take off used bag I just pull up a new bag to use.My mom was a nurse in hospital and that is how hospitals do it.
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