TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #5

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I am trying to put myself in her shoes with the information that we have. First thought is, yes give the paperwork to someone so you know it will be safe and not found, and that could be the only reason she did it. I can't help but wonder if she knew something was up or possibly something was going to happen to her. A gut feeling anything like that so she MADE SURE those papers were safe and at someone else's house.

Now no two people are alike, I would have kept copies with me and with someone else. I don't know if she did that or not. I just have this gut feeling she feared for something and I don't know what that fear was and that is why she gave the paperwork to someone to hold. I thought I also read awhile back that she had given other items or paperwork to other friends as well. Why? Why not just keep all the items and paperwork with that one person you trust.

If your holding onto the paperwork yourself, yes you run the risk of being called out. If someone else holds the paperwork for you, it can't be destroyed upon your disappearance by someone--therefore no one would ever know the secrets that you kept..........

I agree. I recently had a very close friend expecting a divorce basically due to the same sort of situation we are beginning to see emerge with Gail.
She retained an attorney, and every single written exchange with her attorney, as well as financial records, childrens school/medical records, phone records, receipts, etc... EVERYTHING- she kept a hard copy of in a PO box she opened unknown to her spouse, and sent me (across the country, may I add) a copy of everything.

Which makes me think of something (I may have missed this, if so mea culpa) but do we know if Gail had a PO box anywhere?
That is my thought exactly, keep it in two places but an accessible place for yourself so they can be grabbed when needed. I have to go thru the media link tonight, I can't remember when Gail gave the paperwork to Arlene that will give something more to ponder is that time frame....
That is my thought exactly, keep it in two places but an accessible place for yourself so they can be grabbed when needed. I have to go thru the media link tonight, I can't remember when Gail gave the paperwork to Arlene that will give something more to ponder is that time frame....

That's sure as heck what I would do. And now I am really wondering about a PO box. Have all the PO's in the area been checked?

Now, my friend lucked out and got out safely. But she tells me now (she denied at the time) she was beginning to worry that her now ex-spouses' anger was beginning to escalate, and she feared for her safety.

Interestingly enough, she was not worried about him hurting their children. His anger was entirely directed at her.
I am trying to put myself in her shoes with the information that we have. First thought is, yes give the paperwork to someone so you know it will be safe and not found, and that could be the only reason she did it. I can't help but wonder if she knew something was up or possibly something was going to happen to her. A gut feeling anything like that so she MADE SURE those papers were safe and at someone else's house.

Now no two people are alike, I would have kept copies with me and with someone else. I don't know if she did that or not. I just have this gut feeling she feared for something and I don't know what that fear was and that is why she gave the paperwork to someone to hold. I thought I also read awhile back that she had given other items or paperwork to other friends as well. Why? Why not just keep all the items and paperwork with that one person you trust.

If your holding onto the paperwork yourself, yes you run the risk of being called out. If someone else holds the paperwork for you, it can't be destroyed upon your disappearance by someone--therefore no one would ever know the secrets that you kept..........

bolded by me.

Thanks, KathyJ. As far as her being afraid of something: I'm pretty sure that Matt was physically abusive. She had a black eye at one point and told Arlene (I think it was Arlene) that she had "run into a door". I doubt that is what happened. I think this was around the time that the police had been called because Matt had kicked in a door at the house. It sounds as if he has a violent temper. Hope I'm not exaggerating here, I don't mean to. The point is, she definitely had something to be scared of, especially if the cruelty and violence were increasing.

But I think it is even more complicated than physical abuse. It sounds like there was a lot of mental abuse and I think there are some financial issues in this, too, but I don't know what they are, exactly. It all is starting to seem so frightening and very complex.
Columbo- I myself had found myself in a similar situation years ago in life. It's odd, but i was not afraid of him. Even if he did get some hits in. I would say a little scared when I knew what would trigger this behavior but not in fear for my life or anything like that. I never once thought he would do real harm to me.

Perhaps maybe that is how Gail felt, I don't know. I am not sure what the story is there with abuse, just what I have heard thru her friends.

I just keep thinking there was something in those last two days before going missing that put a huge fear in her, a fear I believe none of us have every felt. Something made her leave that lake house in fear or made her go home to something she feared. Something had to come up that day and who in the heck is this woman she was reported with? Such a new twist to things.
I just heard on our local channel 12 commercial break, that new information regarding the case will be reported at 6:00. I wonder if that will be more than a repeat of yesterday's Chattanoogan article. I'll be watching.
I just keep thinking there was something in those last two days before going missing that put a huge fear in her, a fear I believe none of us have every felt. Something made her leave that lake house in fear or made her go home to something she feared. Something had to come up that day and who in the heck is this woman she was reported with? Such a new twist to things.

I keep wondering if the April 27 "day of tornados" was significant to the developments. The whole city was virtually shut down on Thursday and Friday, after that Wednesday, although, as previously stated, Signal Mountain was spared from most of the damage. I've wondered if Blue Cross was closed, or at the very least, if the disaster altered his work schedule any. Schools were closed both days for most local systems, including Hamilton County.

Could all that have altered any extracurricular plans? Or...if they were all cooped up together for longer than usual, could that have caused whatever conflict that was brewing to suddenly boil over?
bolded by me.

Thanks, KathyJ. As far as her being afraid of something: I'm pretty sure that Matt was physically abusive. She had a black eye at one point and told Arlene (I think it was Arlene) that she had "run into a door". I doubt that is what happened. I think this was around the time that the police had been called because Matt had kicked in a door at the house. It sounds as if he has a violent temper. Hope I'm not exaggerating here, I don't mean to. The point is, she definitely had something to be scared of, especially if the cruelty and violence were increasing.

But I think it is even more complicated than physical abuse. It sounds like there was a lot of mental abuse and I think there are some financial issues in this, too, but I don't know what they are, exactly. It all is starting to seem so frightening and very complex.

I'm not sure physical abuse happens without mental abuse alongside.

And I don't believe for a minute that a man who will kick down a door to get to his wife is having a one-time lapse. ANY man. Unless he's trying to rescue himself or somebody else from danger, a man will not kick down a door unless he is violent.

Do we know if the police observed the damage to the door?

Off topic, sort of... the Dr. Phil episode coming on RIGHT NOW is about domestic violence. Local channel 12. 5:00-6:00 EST.
I keep wondering if the April 27 "day of tornados" was significant to the developments. The whole city was virtually shut down on Thursday and Friday, after that Wednesday, although, as previously stated, Signal Mountain was spared from most of the damage. I've wondered if Blue Cross was closed, or at the very least, if the disaster altered his work schedule any. Schools were closed both days for most local systems, including Hamilton County.

Could all that have altered any extracurricular plans? Or...if they were all cooped up together for longer than usual, could that have caused whatever conflict that was brewing to suddenly boil over?

Please someone correct me IF i'm wrong but my understanding now is he wasn't even in Chattanooga on the 27th of April (day of the storms) or the 28th of April (day after).. I thought I read she was expecting him back from the conference on the evening of the 29th but he arrived back home much earlier...

Also, to my knowledge BCBS did not shut down after the storms..MHO..
Chattanooga's local CBS station, WDEF-TV led their 6:00 newscast with the story of Carol, a Marion County woman, saying she had seen Gail at 3:00 p.m. near the Big Fork/Insurance Bluff area the day she went missing. Carol, who gave only her first name, said she didn't want to further identify herself because she has seen a suspicious car near her house. She said she recognized Gail when she saw a picture of her on TV.

She called the authorities in Sequatchie County (yet another close-by, bordering county) and they took a while to call her back. Carol said she saw Gail and another woman driving by in the jeep. She remembered the car because it was different from most that would have been in that area. She said the two women in the jeep had different, very strange reactions. She said Gail, the driver, "slowed down very slow, and instead of glancing at us like a normal person would, she looked DIRECTLY at us so we would see her whole face." She described Gail as looking dazed, like a doe in the headlights, like she wanted to say something, but didn't. The other woman would look away from them the three times they passed.

Carol said Gail stopped by a truck and she hopes someone else will come forward with more information. Carol hoped anyone else seeing Gail "will tell what they know -- it might not be much, but it may be another piece of the puzzle that will help the Police find her."
Chattanooga's local CBS station, WDEF-TV led their 6:00 newscast with the story of Carol, a Marion County woman, saying she had seen Gail at 3:00 p.m. near the Big Fork/Insurance Bluff area the day she went missing. Carol, who gave only her first name, said she didn't want to further identify herself because she has seen a suspicious car near her house. She said she recognized Gail when she saw a picture of her on TV.

She called the authorities in Sequatchie County (yet another close-by, bordering county) and they took a while to call her back. Carol said she saw Gail and another woman driving by in the jeep. She remembered the car because it was different from most that would have been in that area. She said the two women in the jeep had different, very strange reactions. She said Gail, the driver, "slowed down very slow, and instead of glancing at us like a normal person would, she looked DIRECTLY at us so we would see her whole face." She described Gail as looking dazed, like a doe in the headlights, like she wanted to say something, but didn't. The other woman would look away from them the three times they passed.

Carol said Gail stopped by a truck and she hopes someone else will come forward with more information. Carol hoped anyone else seeing Gail "will tell what they know -- it might not be much, but it may be another piece of the puzzle that will help the Police find her."

Ok, that is a bit freaky. Carol is seeing a car by her house. This is just getting scarier as each day passes. That is not good. Starting to feel there are more people involved here that we know about. Wonder if Arlene has experienced any strange things going on around here since she has been on her search.
I'm not sure physical abuse happens without mental abuse alongside.

And I don't believe for a minute that a man who will kick down a door to get to his wife is having a one-time lapse. ANY man. Unless he's trying to rescue himself or somebody else from danger, a man will not kick down a door unless he is violent.

Do we know if the police observed the damage to the door?

Off topic, sort of... the Dr. Phil episode coming on RIGHT NOW is about domestic violence. Local channel 12. 5:00-6:00 EST.

Just wanted to say I ran into the door once, black eye and no damage to the door. I did have a few people ask me about it and seemed skeptical.....
Chattanooga's local CBS station, WDEF-TV led their 6:00 newscast with the story of Carol, a Marion County woman, saying she had seen Gail at 3:00 p.m. near the Big Fork/Insurance Bluff area the day she went missing. Carol, who gave only her first name, said she didn't want to further identify herself because she has seen a suspicious car near her house. She said she recognized Gail when she saw a picture of her on TV.

She called the authorities in Sequatchie County (yet another close-by, bordering county) and they took a while to call her back. Carol said she saw Gail and another woman driving by in the jeep. She remembered the car because it was different from most that would have been in that area. She said the two women in the jeep had different, very strange reactions. She said Gail, the driver, "slowed down very slow, and instead of glancing at us like a normal person would, she looked DIRECTLY at us so we would see her whole face." She described Gail as looking dazed, like a doe in the headlights, like she wanted to say something, but didn't. The other woman would look away from them the three times they passed.

Carol said Gail stopped by a truck and she hopes someone else will come forward with more information. Carol hoped anyone else seeing Gail "will tell what they know -- it might not be much, but it may be another piece of the puzzle that will help the Police find her."

I watched as well, and for the whole report, I was waiting to hear an explanation for the newscaster's leading phrase, that this new development may back up MP's story that GP left him. Just where did that comment come from? Nothing I heard in the report supported that statement whatsoever.

What I saw instead was a very troubling picture (disguised) of a witness now running scared, afraid to use her last name despite the fact it was released yesterday and there's no way to unring that bell.
Pearl, my DVR recorder didn't record the lead about this backing up MP's story.

You are absolutely correct in saying that the story in no way backed up MP's story.

And I thought Carol sounded frightened -- and I don't think she is frightened of Gail.
I watched as well, and for the whole report, I was waiting to hear an explanation for the newscaster's leading phrase, that this new development may back up MP's story that GP left him. Just where did that comment come from? Nothing I heard in the report supported that statement whatsoever.

What I saw instead was a very troubling picture (disguised) of a witness now running scared, afraid to use her last name despite the fact it was released yesterday and there's no way to unring that bell.

I am really not seeing how this witness is backing up the story of MP that she left him...well she left him alright, but I don't think it was willingly. How does that even point in the direction she left on her own. Again, if this was the case someone would know she left--maybe not early on but by now yes they would and the attempts to search for her and all these sites looking for her would be gone.

If she and Arlene are as close as Arlene says (and I am not questioning that) I don't think we would see this passion to find her that we are coming out of Arlene. My friend who I am the closest to and the one I trust would know what I did, maybe not right away but eventually. I would trust her enough to tell her and it would not take 6 weeks to tell her.

I don't like that the news put that out there about backing MP's story up...what is that??? Ugh.:banghead:
F. Lee and KathyJ...did you hear the newscaster say that in her first couple of sentences? I didn't record the newscast, but surely I heard what I thought I heard.... It was never re-stated in any way, however.
I watched as well, and for the whole report, I was waiting to hear an explanation for the newscaster's leading phrase, that this new development may back up MP's story that GP left him. Just where did that comment come from? Nothing I heard in the report supported that statement whatsoever.

What I saw instead was a very troubling picture (disguised) of a witness now running scared, afraid to use her last name despite the fact it was released yesterday and there's no way to unring that bell.

Earlier on, I was going to say that if I were Carol, I would feel like going into the witness protection program, given the twists and turns that this case seems to be taking, and now her full name is out there. I didn't post it because I thought it might sound I'm thinking maybe I was right, after hearing how she has now seen a strange car near her house. I'm worried about her.
F. Lee and KathyJ...did you hear the newscaster say that in her first couple of sentences? I didn't record the newscast, but surely I heard what I thought I heard.... It was never re-stated in any way, however.

I am not in the area so I did not see the newscast, I was going off what you said
Please someone correct me IF i'm wrong but my understanding now is he wasn't even in Chattanooga on the 27th of April (day of the storms) or the 28th of April (day after).. I thought I read she was expecting him back from the conference on the evening of the 29th but he arrived back home much earlier...

Also, to my knowledge BCBS did not shut down after the storms..MHO..

bolded by me.

I think you are right, Emeralgem. Of course, we know he didn't even go to the conference, but those were the days he was gone.
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