HOW does the State Prove it was not George?

How does the defense get from ICA "thinking dad may have messed with her", in a letter and considering what a liar she is to an actual accusation of abuse? This just does not seem right to me.

I have heard 'talking heads' for the DT saying it was because she was afraid to tell anyone the full extent of the incest and abuse because of the shame and guilt.

They might say she caught Daddy messing with Caylee. Remember how he said the last time he remembers being with Caylee he was helping to potty train her?

So Casey caught him and things went bad. And he told Casey to leave and to keep quiet or he would accuse her of harming her child. Then he framed Casey himself and here we are now.
And don't forget that Cindy said she had never seen the "Big Trouble" t-shirt at her house. So George went over to TonE's and got the shirt and dressed Caylee in it before he threw her away?? No way.
True, but I am beginning to think they are going to go more with George being a pedophile who accidentally killed Caylee. imoo

I think I read in the Lawyer's thread that they're going to need for someone to testify to that though. The only one that can testify about abuse is Casey and the jury knows Casey lies. The defense can't just testify themselves. They're going to needs witnesses to testify to the alleged abuse.
They don't have to prove anything about George, but the evidence can speak and point to Casey. There is something hinky about the duct tape though. They need to make clear when the garage was first searched and what happened to the silver duct tape after being used at the command center. The duct tape should have always been in the garage. No man would keep that locked up in a lawn or pool storage shed. It should have been out in the garage with all the other things used in the crime, and there could have been more than one roll.

WEll, my point is that they might have to defend George because I think their CIC is going to be a massive assault on him. And they are going to point all of
the evidence against Casey and show it could have applied to George as well.

And I think it is going to come down to the jury having to decide which of the two is guilty. If they cannot decide that George is not guilty then she may walk away from this, imo.
And don't forget that Cindy said she had never seen the "Big Trouble" t-shirt at her house. So George went over to TonE's and got the shirt and dressed Caylee in it before he threw her away?? No way.

They will say it was in the car.
It's not the States responsibility to disprove every fantasy Baez chooses to throw at the Jury....It's only the States responsibility to Prove Casey's Guilt. They have met their burden of Proof with evidence and witness testimony. If Mr. Baez chooses to pin his Clients murder on SODDI....He'd bear the burden of proving his own garbage to Jurors, if he has any hope of his wish of getting it believed. Although the DT doesn't have to prove their Clients innocence as this is what she pled to......nobody will believe she's innocent if they have to muddy their own credibility with... all of the other people they have tried and failed to pin this on and then most recently accident / caused by George the molester/Kronk stuff. Their credibility is lacking existance. They did this to themselves. I find it hysterical that the Defense keep muddying the waters as to whether they are putting on a Defense or not. One time they tell the Judge they are, next they are not. Like Baez is playing a game of marbles and saying you put yours down and then I will. The State must have lots more they can use towards their case, but only if Baez chooses to put on a Defense and tries to blow holes in the States case, then he will be sorry. Baez doesn't like anyone knowing what sneaky and creepy thing he's planning next......JMO.... I wouldn't blame Judge Perry if he really lets Baez have it in the real near future . He has been better to Mr. Baez then he has deserved........JMO
I think I read in the Lawyer's thread that they're going to need for someone to testify to that though. The only one that can testify about abuse is Casey and the jury knows Casey lies. The defense can't just testify themselves. They're going to needs witnesses to testify to the alleged abuse.

YUP. I believe she will testify. She wants to be the driver of the bus as it rolls right over George.imoo
Let's say what JB alleged was true. Caylee died accidently and George demanded it be covered up. What is the motive for that? How does one get from the leap that he abused KC to he hid the body? Why would it be assumed that KC would tell on George even if he did molest her? She would call 911 and say her child drowned, oh and by the way, my father molested me when I was a child. If she didn't tell anyone all those years why was George supposed to think that this would cause her to spill the beans now? One doesn't have anything to do with the other, does it?
Great question!!

Their evidence is no evidence. They have nothing or no one, save one to back up these allegations. Personally, I think ICA will testify and I will relish the moment.

Anything George had access to; ie car, tape, laundry bag, garbage bag, Casey did as well. And so did Cindy for that matter.

The defense would have me believe that George feared Casey more than he loves Caylee. What would ICA be holding over his head? Who was she gonna tell? Cindy? didn't she tell someone that she did tell Cindy about Lee trying to sex her up and Cindy didn't believe her?

Casey feared George? Didn't she ridicule him by giving him a book about Finding Jobs for Dummies? And she did this while pretending she had a job, so she was better than him? Is this behavior for one who was supposedly abused or is this the behavior of a spoiled little nitwit who knew no boundaries, respect and no responsibilities?

I can't wait for the state to try and throw George under the bus. There seems to be something very important they forgot and I'm not gonna tell them. :floorlaugh:

Casey did not live in a make believe world. She manipulated real people to get her way and get over on these real people. She took the life of her daughter the night of June 15th. That's quite a ride back from Mt. Dora with Cindy asking questions. My guess is she found out about mommy wearing the flag and all kind of stuff hot the fan when Casey showed up later. MOO

So happy to see that you won't be telling them...Let's wait and see.

I don't care what anyone says.George would have called 911 and attempted to revive Caylee with CPR.

Ain't no doubt about it.
They don't have to. They've already proved Casey did it.

They haven't proved Caylee was murdered. All they have proved is that KC is a liar. Being a liar doesn't make one a murderer. By the way, "homicide" is listed as the manner of death in accidents as well. They might have enough to get a manslaughter conviction, but they don't have enough for murder, IMO, and certainly not capital murder.
They will say it was in the car.

The state can also say that the shirt wasn't in the home being laundered and put into drawers or seen by Cindy. It must have been kept in the little bag that Casey took with her when she always went to "work". According to the defense theory, the little bag shouldn't have even been in the car yet until Casey left the home to head to Tony's. After that, it was gone.
The state does not have to prove it was not George. George is not on trial. All the state has to prove is that it was Casey. IMO, they have done that.
I cant understand why GA would cover up an accident unless HE was the reason for that accident. I cant imagine that if it WAS an accident that he helped ICA cover up, why he wouldn't have admitted to that to LE long ago to keep ICA off death row.

The only other suspicion i have is that maybe HE did something to Caylee and she died. Why he would allow ICA to fry for it is beyond me. Cant possibly be a fear of CA because if he had half a heart he would admit it, go to jail and not have to face CA and ICA would be saved. But thats just not the case.

Or is it.. I just dont know. I am having some hinky feelings about GA and the Duct tape. The only way i can see him using that duct tape for the Caylee posters is if he OBVIOUSLY had no idea what the Ducttape had been used for. And if this was all ICA, then he had no idea...
They don't have to. They've already proved Casey did it.

I don't know if they have. I know they have proven that Caylee was decomposing in her trunk. But they have not totally proven that she was the one who put her there. Obviously I believe she did, but Does the jury have all of the same info I have had?

I really believe that the DT is going to put on a very aggressive and shocking Case in Chief, which may include Casey describing specific incidents of sexual abuse from her childhood. She is a very accomplished liar.

And there is a lot of dirt on George still ready to be revealed. I predict that there will be some big blows to the states case at some point. I am concerned about it.

In february I posted this theory on the Defense Strategy Thread and people laughed at me. LOL And here we are now. I knew it because he is the only possible patsy.
I just don't believe that George did anything to Casey..she didn't say he did anything to Caylee. Most child sex offenders will go after all the children, not just one.

Now, George was asked if he molested Casey but Lee was not..I am thinking that maybe Lee will get on the stand and say that George did abuse Casey and maybe even say himself. Who knows, but it just makes no sense to me. I could see Casey being angry and black mailing George and saying well I will blame you for the death..but call 911 ASAP. Not keep quiet until the day of her trial.

No matter what she went through she knew her baby girl was dead, and Casey kept on living..but living the good life. There is so much that has not been said and IMO it will come out after the defense spews their lies. :cow:
Let's say what JB alleged was true. Caylee died accidently and George demanded it be covered up. What is the motive for that? How does one get from the leap that he abused KC to he hid the body? Why would it be assumed that KC would tell on George even if he did molest her? She would call 911 and say her child drowned, oh and by the way, my father molested me when I was a child. If she didn't tell anyone all those years why was George supposed to think that this would cause her to spill the beans now? One doesn't have anything to do with the other, does it?

Exactly! Evil Kenevil couldn't make that leap.
I cant understand why GA would cover up an accident unless HE was the reason for that accident. I cant imagine that if it WAS an accident that he helped ICA cover up, why he wouldn't have admitted to that to LE long ago to keep ICA off death row.

The only other suspicion i have is that maybe HE did something to Caylee and she died. Why he would allow ICA to fry for it is beyond me. Cant possibly be a fear of CA because if he had half a heart he would admit it, go to jail and not have to face CA and ICA would be saved. But thats just not the case.

Or is it.. I just dont know. I am having some hinky feelings about GA and the Duct tape. The only way i can see him using that duct tape for the Caylee posters is if he OBVIOUSLY had no idea what the Ducttape had been used for. And if this was all ICA, then he had no idea...

That is the point. I think they are going to try and say he was framing Casey.
And they may even say he was a pedophile, and Casey was threatening to turn him in. and bla bla bla...
There has not been any testimony to implicate George in any wrongdoing. Baez's opening is not to be considered testimony by the jury. Unless Casey testifies, George is a non-issue.
They haven't proved Caylee was murdered. All they have proved is that KC is a liar. Being a liar doesn't make one a murderer. By the way, "homicide" is listed as the manner of death in accidents as well. They might have enough to get a manslaughter conviction, but they don't have enough for murder, IMO, and certainly not capital murder.

They needed to prove that the victim is dead, that it was because of a crime and that Casey committed that crime. That crime can be aggravated child abuse. In my opinion, they tied most of the evidence (the car, the chloroform searches, the bag, the ducttape, the way the body was disposed of, etc) to Casey. The fact that she is liar, makes me believe that everything that comes out of her mouth, including her defense, is a lie. Add Zanny the imaginary Nanny, her behaviour during those 31 days and the defense silly a "a cop thought it would be better to throw a body in the woods and risk being accused of murder/manslaughter than to report a tragic accident" and to me, that proves murder.

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