2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Morning Session)

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But ICA has been asked repeatedly whether she is happy with her counsel and if she wants him to continue. He is her choice.

I totally agree. She dug her heels in after being advised over and over to seek a new attorney. You made your bed ICA...
My head hurts. Does anyone know who is testifying after lunch?
Sidebar as JB is unable to stop asking the same question after HHJP "sustained" the State's objection 3 TIMES!!!!!

JB's big daddy up at sidebar to tell him what to say. Glad he woke up to join us.
I must respectively disagree. But I do absolutely respect your opinions.

There is a HUGE, gigantic, monumental difference between a snide comment from JA in court about JB texting (which was indeed rude to the Court and to JA) and JB failing to fulfill his obligations to his client and the COURT.

Trials are not done by ambush. JB has tried at every single turn multiple times to fail to give the prosecution what is statutorily their right to receive. Reciprocal discovery is just that, reciprocal. HHJP has had to verbally and in written order form MAKE JB follow the rules, yet he still continually willfully violates HHJP's rules, repeatedly.

JB is indeed engaging in gamesmanship and IMO is disrespecting the Court and his Client IMO. This is ICA's life at stake. And he's playing chicken with the Court in regards to her life.

JA might make unprofessional and snide remarks while in Court but he's still abiding by HHJP's Court orders. IMO there is absolutely no comparison to the level of professionalism exhibited by the SA's (including JA) and the DT. The SA team has the DT blown out of the water in their ability to follow the rules that COUNT and their level of decorum within the walls of the Courtroom (and outside the courtroom as well).

All IMO.

Thank you. You said what I was trying to say so much better.
LOL! I asked my DH turn off a movie last night at 8pm to watch Nancy Grace and he took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes and jokingly reminded me that one day this trial will be over. Which as this point, I am not so sure!

Choosing NG over a movie? Isn't that grounds for a divorce right there? :floorlaugh:
Baez is just so far out of his league. Let DCS ask the questions, let CM ask. The time would be cut in half. When Baez is on the stand it's all objection, sustained, objection, sustained, sidebar. He has so little grasp of what to ask a witness and how to do it.
I don't see this guy is an expert? How can the judge let him in as an expert??? Maybe his country has alot less qualifications than our country???

Academic qualifications are taken very seriously in Europe.
I don't see this guy is an expert? How can the judge let him in as an expert??? Maybe his country has alot less qualifications than our country???
That's what I want to know, it seems like he is not qualified as a DNA expert per US guidelines.
Oh and by the way, it's the flipping USA, they have every specialist under the sun there. Why did Baez need to go to the Netherlands? Hmmm.

IMO - to get in the "junk science" testimony perhaps?
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
Eikenboom is another defense questionable expert. Won't be surprised if Judge excludes him. #caseyanthony #hlntv #josebaez #CayleeAnthony
5 minutes ago
I am 53. Is it too late to go to law school so I can apply for a job to work with Jeff Ashton?
But ICA has been asked repeatedly whether she is happy with her counsel and if she wants him to continue. He is her choice.

She doesnt know any better.

I dont know if she will get a do over but I do think she deserves one.

Eikelenboom says he has been called to tesify as an expert more than 70 times. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
half a minute ago via Twitter for iPad

Has testified twice in the U.S. (now Dr E corrected it to 3 times) in the state of Colorado.
#CayleeAnthony Couple back row jurors taking swig of water. Now six is in front row. Two looking extra zen-like today.
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