2011.06.27 TRIAL Day Twenty-nine (Morning Session)

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Maybe JB has been taken off the case. It seems like that would make KC happy about now. JMO:waitasec:
per MN the DT file a complaint against the SA's for misconduct re: Dr. Rod... however, that motion has now been withdrawn.
She's got papers she's reading...probably her "script" for when she takes the stand...I think she's going on today....she seems "self righteous"....
school run - done
coffee - done
large bottle of gaviscon - done
Large bottle of Vodka - just in case ..done

Morning all, I feel especially anxious this morning, she looks way too happy...
Many thanks in advance for all your postings - I'm in the office today and I sure do appreciate all of you keeping me up to date!

No plea - ICA is probably just happy that AF is there and she thinks she'll get a mistrial today. I wish the jury could see her happy act right now.
ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
#caseyanthony appears to be wearing new blouse tdy. White button down w/ small black buttons and puffy sleeves. "Take the stand blouse?"
1 minute ago

I am thinking the "Ann Finnell went shopping" blouse...
Casey definitely looks to me like she thinks the DP is being taken off the table, or she's getting a mistrial.
WDBO Caseyday29 Robyn Walensky 'I said good morning"2Cindy upstairs. She has a serious look2day BOTH busy writing away here incourt #caseyanthony
Ugh she's totally laughing and cracking up!
I think that the DT may think they have caught something like witness tampering or some other reason to get a mistrial

Is it possible that she is so happy b/c JB told her that CA and/or GA is taking the fall?
Anybody gotten a look at the SA this morning - how they look will tell us if this is a happy occasion for ICA this morning or not.
KC chatty again and very "chipper" seeming - giggling, smiling, laughing, etc. Gahhhhhh!
She looks like Xmas came early. =/ This is making me nervous as hell...
I agree with those that are saying AF is there to argue against the death penalty due to the recent court ruling... just to get it on the record in case the DP does end up being abolished in FL.

I don't see how it would be abolished. The finding directly relates to jurors decided death penalty. jurors do not have to disclose the aggravating factors that led them to decide on death vs. judges do have to disclose this information. I don't see how correcting this issue, would impact death penalty cases in the long run.
I like Anne Finnel,I just don't like having to listen to her .ICA should have asked her to be lead .
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