2011.06.27 TRIAL Day Twenty-nine (Morning Session)

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I don't understand? They would have to have a new jury and trial just to take the DP off the table. Serious? That is ridculous. So she would get a NEW opening statement and a do over??
This is waaaaay too much stress on top of waaaaay too much stress at 8:30 in the morning.
Lots of papers being passed around at the DT table.. Kind of looks like AF has taken charge.
#CaseyAnthony Wish I were a fly on that wall..,house fly, blow fly whatever.

by bobkealing via twitter at 5:46 AM
AF filed a motion for mistrial coming off of the ruling last week regarding the Florida dealth penalty deemed unconstitutional

He ruled it unconstitutional in that ONE particular case, given the background of that defendant. I wonder what ICA's excuse is?
bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Burdick leaving court with her assistant. Mason and Finnelll talking to Casey. Ashton came out Holding big envelope.
I feel sick .. none of this can be good. ICA is way to happy.
Jose Baez and Ann Finnell head back into chambers. Cheney Mason is sitting with #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 7:50 AM
:dunno: AF may have filed that motion, but if there are witnesses waiting, I doubt it would be granted. All for show, IMO
InSession In Session
The attorneys for both sides of the #CaseyAnthony trial have been called back to Judge Perry's chambers
@vinniepolitan Jim Hoover and Dominic Casey in the hallway this morning. #CaseyAnthony #HLN
school run - done
coffee - done
large bottle of gaviscon - done
Large bottle of Vodka - just in case ..done

Morning all, I feel especially anxious this morning, she looks way too happy...

Scotslass...honey you need a glass of fine Scotch Whisky...not Vodka!
VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
Jim Hoover and Dominic Casey in the hallway this morning. #CaseyAnthony #HLN
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Could she be on some type of "happy" meds.

I wish I could put some duct tape on that ugly smile of KC's
Is VP guessing or stating....why would AF be there unless judge is settling her motion.....darn is that a mistrial if so
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