2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Now that I don't know ... and I hope someone here has an answer ... but there has got to be SOMETHING that can be done !

There are cases where "jury tampering" was PROVEN ... I just did a quick search ... but I do not have the time to read and check it out right now ... so if anyone has the time, please check ! TIA !

So ... if "tampering" has been proven in other cases ... and people were sent to prison for this...




From what I understand these types of investigations are usually initiated by a defense team for wrongful conviction when jury tampering, fraud is suspected to try and get the conviction over turned.
The jury foreman on a clip said the first vote on the murder charge was 10-2...10 "innocent" and 2 guilty. Innocent? He can't even get the terms right. I thought they were all so sick to their stomachs because they thought KC was involved but the state didn't prove the case, but then they voted "innocent". OMG. I live in bizarro world and the inmates are running the asylum.

They were lying:liar: about being sick to their stomachs imo in order to deflect the criticism about their verdict.
From what I understand these types of investigations are usually initiated by a defense team for wrongful conviction when jury tampering, fraud is suspected to try and get the conviction over turned.

Thanks ... But I am still wondering if there was any type of "tampering" where a "NG verdict" was rendered, and it was proved the defendant was clearly GUILTY -- like fingerprints, DNA, murder weapon -- anything ?

Now that the jurors are speaking, nothing they are stating makes sense ... NOTHING !

I think Cheney should move to Iran if he hates free speech so much.

I've said it before- he's simply trying to guilt people into shutting up. It won't work.


:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I'd pay his air-fare for a one-way ticket !!!

On HLN JVM said police will be holding the "1 1/2 hour Q&A" with reporters possibly because they are peeved the evidence was not considered (all but the quoted, I'm paraphrasing)...I can see it.

Now, heading to presser (Q&A) thread. :great:
They were lying:liar: about being sick to their stomachs imo in order to deflect the criticism about their verdict.

How many of them have said they were sick? I have only heard one, but I have also been staying away. I am only watching today to see what Yuri says.

ETA: I also saw on a clip today that the foreman didn't like that his signature would be on the same page as hers, but that is all I have heard.
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

I don't know why that made me so happy, but it did.

I love it when people hold true to their belief and aren't weakened by peer pressure.

You're welcome! I felt good about it.
Something I just heard bugged me. They are talking about a memorial walk people want to do for Caylee on Sunday. They are talking about the spot in the woods where the remains were found. Jim & JVM keep saying, "The site where Caylee was laid to rest." Um she wasn't laid to rest, she was thrown out like trash.
I believe George did exactly what he set out to do. Cause the jury to look at him, deflecting attention from the real killer. He and Cindy both. They didn't fall on the sword, but they sure nicked themselves pretty good for the defense. They gave JB exactly what he needed, whether it was suspicious body language, combative and evasive answers, lying about stupid things, or providing the DT with the photos of Caylee at the sliding glass door and up the pool ladder.


Of course JB had to get those pics of Caylee opening the sliding door and Caylee climbing the pool ladder from the As.
What did he say to the As to get those Pic?
"hey, if you want your daughter not to spend what's left of her life on death row or the rest of her life in prison, we have to proooooove it was an accident."

The As, in their quest to keep their daughter alive, were probably more than happy to provide those pics.
Maybe when they provided those pics they had no idea George would be crucified the way he was at trial.
Just thinking out loud.
Something I just heard bugged me. They are talking about a memorial walk people want to do for Caylee on Sunday. They are talking about the spot in the woods where the remains were found. Jim & JVM keep saying, "The site where Caylee was laid to rest." Um she wasn't laid to rest, she was thrown out like trash.

The words "laid to rest" seem so much more powerful to me after this case...and you're right. Caylee was not 'laid to rest' at that site.
Maybe after that 'peace walk', 'memorial walk', I'll feel a little more like I can 'lay her to rest', myself. This case has been long and draining for all of us.
her book comes out tomorrow!

Now that's a book I will buy and read. I will not buy any Anthony book even when they go on the $1.00 bargain book table at the book store. I just will not do it!!:banghead:
Thanks ... But I am still wondering if there was any type of "tampering" where a "NG verdict" was rendered, and it was proved the defendant was clearly GUILTY -- like fingerprints, DNA, murder weapon -- anything ?

Now that the jurors are speaking, nothing they are stating makes sense ... NOTHING !


exactly! watch "runaway jury." defendants try this all the time. it is a felony and it is cause for a do over with a not guilty verdict.
At the end of the day, IMO the jurors were likely truthful when they said they only followed the case "somewhat" in the news.

Jose planted reasonable doubt about George in the jury's mind. Likely, the jury's George was a different George than I observed. The jury and I do not know George in the same context. The George the jury knew, was the OS George. They studied on the stand through Jose's OS prism.

Had they watched this story daily while George searched for Caylee, had they seen George sit with LE and be interviewed early on, had they understood the depth of Cindy's denial and her capacity to mislead and misdirect, ... they could not have reached the verdict they did.

Based on the time I spent watching this case unfold, I would have been disqualified from the jury. Because of that entire family, the only one I've ever wanted to (could stomach) listen to was ...


Did the PT do everything possible to make the "George did it" an unreasonable doubt? Could they have done more? (Those are just rhetorical questions...obviously.)



Thanks for your post. I can relate. As silly as this may sound to some/many of you, I hadn't followed this situation much at all until it went to trial in late May of this year. By way of example, feel free to check the date when I joined this forum. Yes, I'm a bit of a late bloomer ;) and in fact, it was my outrage at the trial's outcome that brought me here.

Anyway, back to the point: Yes, I knew about this case (How could I not, especially being a Floridian!). But it was my daughter's interest in the case that spurred mine. She's a student at UCF and is thus relatively near the events, and mentioned to me not long ago that the case was going to trial. As it turns out, I was in Orlando on the first day of trial (May 24th) and happened to catch a bit of the local TV coverage (opening statement days mostly) and 'got hooked'. Since that time, I've looked into it a lot more, as far as online documents, etc., are concerned, and followed the 'live action' trial online pretty much every day and/or caught up with it via Orlando video news stations online at night.

That said, prior to this televised trial, I honestly didn't have any pre-conceived notions about the Anthony family and its various 'characters', with the exception that I did have a fairly strong "mom feeling" that Casey did commit this crime...but it never occurred to me that anyone else might have been involved, until I started watching the trial. That's not to say that I bought any of that idea, but just that it hadn't occurred to me prior to the trial.

However..........the more I watched, and the more evidence I saw presented, the more convinced I became that Casey had done this dastardly deed and had done so alone. Even so, I will admit to feeling a bit 'unfair' to her at that time, having only to that point heard one side of the story...the state's. However, I then did make a conscious decision to really give the whole thing a 'wait and see' attitude, which I think I did fairly well. But, as the trial rolled on, and the defense shared their side of things, I couldn't help but see how ludicrous much of their 'story' was, ESPECIALLY in light of the QUANTITY AND QUALITY of the state's case. In the end, it was a total no-brainer for me.

My point is, if we assume that the jurors were like me and really didn't know much about this case prior to jury selection (I'm willing to take them at their word on that), I STILL don't understand HOW they were even remotely able to reach the conclusion that they reached. Granted, we, the TV viewing 'audience' did see and hear more than the sequestered jurors (e.g., proffers, news coverage, etc.), but still, I really just don't understand HOW they could ignore SO much that was given to them to consider, HOW they could make George out to be the 'villian' in all of this, and especially, HOW they could essentially ignore all of the instructions given to them by Judge Perry.

Really, I just don't get it, and am still reeling from the result.
I just checked my DVR, and she says "Coming up" in reference to CM. It was CM who calls ICA "bright" and "articulate" not the juror.

There was no mention of "sincere."

MASON: What of know of Casey she an incredibly likeable person despite the lynch mob mentality on the street. To talk to her a just few minutes is to like her. She is very bright very articulate. She's got guts. She is as tough as they come.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-th...hose-who-have-threatened-jurors#ixzz1RtvyYrm1

ITA with mason right there.... you'd have to have "guts" and be "tough as they come" in order to duct tape your baby's face, drive around with her in the trunk of your car, then toss the bagged remains.

great choice of words, CM. :twocents:
exactly! watch "runaway jury." defendants try this all the time. it is a felony and it is cause for a do over with a not guilty verdict.

With respect, Runaway Jury although a very good novel and movie is fiction. I'm not saying jury tampering doesn't happen but I have yet to see where a non guilty verdict is overturned because the State investigated for jury tampering or fraud. The question was brought up on Vinnie Politan's show (HLN)....and expert attorneys and I believe Judge Alex was also a guest said it ain't gonna happen. It's very difficult to prove and it never happens by the prosecution. It is always by the defense. I wish it wasn't so but it is what it is.

For my own curiousity, I will google and will post any findings if this has ever occured.
I absolutely agree. Moo) From the onset, some of these people were more interested in who the 12 would be rather than hearing any evidence. Here's an interesting article ... must read.


Wow... Portending excerpts?

May 26
"As court continued today in the Casey Anthony murder trial in Orlando, Florida, it was revealed that the 17 jurors in the case are antsy to find out who will be deciding the fate of the alleged murderer of Caylee Marie Anthony"

"The fact that the jury is concentrating on who will be leaving -- and sending notes to the judge to that effect -- instead of focusing more on the daily case details or being present to ensure there isn't a mistrial is concerning."

"Casey Anthony's car smell will hopefully not be testimony looked over by the jurors today, as they learned that the judge wasn't going to give them the information they desired. Anthony's jurors are also Caylee Marie Anthony's potential hand of justice. Could one of them be willing to forget that?"

Continue reading on Examiner.com Casey Anthony case: Jurors request show disregard for Caylee's justice? - National Criminal Profiles | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/criminal-pr...-disregard-for-caylee-s-justice#ixzz1Rue6uF8n
I believe George did exactly what he set out to do. Cause the jury to look at him, deflecting attention from the real killer. He and Cindy both. They didn't fall on the sword, but they sure nicked themselves pretty good for the defense. They gave JB exactly what he needed, whether it was suspicious body language, combative and evasive answers, lying about stupid things, or providing the DT with the photos of Caylee at the sliding glass door and up the pool ladder.

LancelotLink ....... I soooo agree. I have NEVER wavered in my belief the WHOLE fam damily had ONE goal ............ get her OFF!! That's exactly what they did! Furthermore, the 'denied visit' by CA, I call BS ....... just another 'act' in the play! I continue to regard the entire lot of them as manipulators who lie with NO conscience, and were NEVER as attached to Caylee as they were to KC. Whatever they get, they ALL deserve - GA, CA, KC AND LA. jmo
okay... so the first vote according to juror 11 was 10-2 for first degree murder...

I want to hear from the two that raised their hands that casey was guilty and want to know why they didn't fight for their beliefs!!!
I'd like to know how the SIX who voted guilty for manslaughter were swayed to the not guilty side- in such a short period of time.
Casey was already listed on one of those E! shows as the number 1 most notorious woman (or something like that), just saw the last 3. Couldn't believe she was #1. :loser: Though that #1, who wants that.
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