GUILTY MO - Breeann Rodriguez, 3, Senath, 6 August 2011 - #1

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She's such a beautiful little girl. I'm praying for you, Breean.
I heard about the case on NG last night and I'm freaking out since it's been at least 3 days that Breeann has been missing. I have a four year old (just turned 4) and I'm trying to think what my daughter would do on her bicycle. In the best case scenario, she would follow a path for bicycling. If the corn rows were nearby and accessible to her, maybe Breeann went into the rows since they would look like little roads. In the worst case scenario, someone or some people took Breeann from were she was. I would be like the mom that someone posted above, hollering her name through a loud speaker and running like crazy through the corn field with my ears as open as possible. I would go mental over this. I wish for the best outcome here for the family and if Breeann is out there in the fields, I hope that she holds on until someone can get to her. OMG.....
What a cutie, she is so beautiful.

I wonder what kind of evidence they found.

How come they haven't said what shoes, sneakers etc she was wearing?

Prayers she is found safe. :praying:
Or a person could use a child's own bike to make them more willing to go along with him. You know, "Come on, I know a good place to ride your bike, let's go..."

Or even if they saw her fall or looking anxious for her brother offering to bring her to her mommy, and "we'll just put your bike right here in my car." She probably would have gone willingly.
What a cutie, she is so beautiful.

I wonder what kind of evidence they found.

How come they haven't said what shoes, sneakers etc she was wearing?

Prayers she is found safe. :praying:

From the Help Find Breeann facebook page:

"Breeann was last seen wearing a blue shirt and pink shorts with her hair in pigtails. She was riding a pink bicycle with training wheels. Breeann's bicycle is gone as well."
I think there's still a strong possibility that she rode off on her own, but even that doesn't bode well since it's been so long. I can see her perhaps exploring a cornfield, but where's the bike? I'm trying to think of where else she could gone by herself where she still wouldn't be found. Rode into someone's open garage and they didn't know it and closed the door? Nah, they'd have checked the neighborhood.
This new article mentions a the end that they will be putting out digital billboards today:

It also has some quotes from a neighbor who describes the street as quiet and mostly old people, which is different from the article I read earlier (will try to find) that describes the street as having many kids who would play outside (though I suppose both could be true).
Finally found the other article, with some quotes from a different neighbor:

"I never thought that it would happen
right here. Never. This is the safest place," says neighbor Jennie Hunter.

Bikes lay riderless, toys unattende, beautiful summer days are now spent

"We're all inside. Usually there'd be so many kids running up
and down this street, it would be unreal and it's so fun to watch, but
everybody's hiding. Everybody's scared and worried for their kids," Hunter explains.

Scared, after reality sets in that even small towns like this one can
still grab headlines and tear hearts.
The question now is who would take 3-year-old Breeann Rodriguez while
riding her tricycle in broad daylight, right outside her home.

"Why wasn't it my kid, you know. And that upsets me because it
could have been. It could have been any of our kids, and I want to know why," says Hunter.
Caught this on GMA this morning and then came here to find her thread. It really sickens my heart to learn about another precious baby girl missing! I'm praying so hard for you Breeann!!!
According to Senath Police Chief Omar Karnes, the van is an older model panel van with no windows, and a ladder on the back for roof access. Karnes said the make, model, and license plate are unknown.

Think I'll walk around Senath on google maps in hopes of seeing this van...long shot I know but stranger things have happened.

If they aren't still looking for this van would someone pls let me know...TIA
What a beautiful little girl. I hope this precious child is found safe and very soon.
I'm wondering if there was any construction going on in the area or if maybe someone was having a house renovated or remodeled. The description of the van makes me think of handyman, painter, plumber, heating and AC or construction type worker.
On the street view of Ode Johnson Street I see a hill of dirt and a couple of pallets of bricks in one front yard.
According to Senath Police Chief Omar Karnes, the van is an older model panel van with no windows, and a ladder on the back for roof access. Karnes said the make, model, and license plate are unknown.

Think I'll walk around Senath on google maps in hopes of seeing this van...long shot I know but stranger things have happened.

If they aren't still looking for this van would someone pls let me know...TIA

"It will be a daily thing until we find her or find out what happened," Karnes said. "It turns this community upside down."

"We are searching again, all of the areas," Karnes said. "We have done a house-to-house all over Senath. We've looked in everybody's backyard, we've looked in sheds, under vehicles...ditchbanks, field rows, cotton fields, and we are going back over them again today.

The police chief reiterated that the person of interest who was questioned on Saturday night was a dead end, and has been released.

"This is a calm street everybody knows everybody," said Edgar Rodriguez.
He and his wife, Claudia were out searching the fields and neighborhoods again Tuesday.

"We have two city workers that live on the end of this street," Rodriguez said. "Somebody saw something, something that didn't belong. If somebody asks me one person that would take my daughter, I don't have anybody that would come to mind."

Senath Police Chief, "We're also working on a few other tips at this time."
Okay, not sure how old the google map images are but there was construction going on in that neighborhood...I see two houses under construction.
This is Breeann's home.

This is Breeann's home on google maps so obviously the maps aren't very recent.

With all due respect momtective... you yourself said the googlemaps images must be out of date as obviously Breeann's house and front yard look a lot different on the news... that house on google maps that is under construction could very well be not under construction now! I don't think we can really rely on googlemaps images as up to date and accurate!
Even if the construction had been done within the last year someone at the construction site could have been watching Breeann. At this point I think anything is worth a shot, even if it is a shot in the dark.
The picture of my house on googlemaps is at least 3 years old, my old car is on the driveway, and i've not had that for a long time! Just trying to show how old some of the images on googlemaps are!
You are correct IMO they need to look for a handyman or worker. This was a crime of opportunity. Who was working in the area that day??...Your idea is RIGHT ON even if the images are old. I hope the police are as bright as you are.
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