Burke Ramsey, has no interest in once again answering questions

Patsy's housekeeper LHP said she had caught JB and BR under the covers in BR's room on several occasions. She'd open the door, and the kids would scream at her to get out!
If you google "Linda Hoffman-Pugh" it used to pull up that information. I haven't done it in a while, so hopefully it is still there. There are some early interviews with LHP on the web, as well as info on the book she had planned to write- and petitioned the courts to be allowed to divulge testimony she gave the Grand Jury. It was denied, and her book never came to be.
LHP said she would have done anything for Patsy, she looked up to her and loved JB. She was so shocked and hurt at being "thrown under the bus" by the Rs. She is a firm PDI. She witnessed Patsy's explosive temper first-hand. Patsy knew this, too. By fingering LHP for the crime from the start, the Rs though they had a perfect "patsy" (no pun intended). LHP was uneducated and from a lower socio-economic level. She was not educated and did not have the means to hire expensive defense attorneys. She knew the family intimately- that made her "dangerous" and best silenced right away.
Unfortunately for the Rs, there was not one shred of evidence that pointed to LHP as having committed this crime. Not a print, hair or fiber was found on the body or the crime scene. She passed writing samples and DNA testing.
Patsy's housekeeper LHP said she had caught JB and BR under the covers in BR's room on several occasions. She'd open the door, and the kids would scream at her to get out! If you google "Linda Hoffman-Pugh" it used to pull up that information. I haven't done it in a while, so hopefully it is still there. There are some early interviews with LHP on the web, as well as info on the book she had planned to write- and petitioned the courts to be allowed to divulge testimony she gave the Grand Jury. It was denied, and her book never came to be.
LHP said she would have done anything for Patsy, she looked up to her and loved JB. She was so shocked and hurt at being "thrown under the bus" by the Rs. She is a firm PDI. She witnessed Patsy's explosive temper first-hand. Patsy knew this, too. By fingering LHP for the crime from the start, the Rs though they had a perfect "patsy" (no pun intended). LHP was uneducated and from a lower socio-economic level. She was not educated and did not have the means to hire expensive defense attorneys. She knew the family intimately- that made her "dangerous" and best silenced right away.
Unfortunately for the Rs, there was not one shred of evidence that pointed to LHP as having committed this crime. Not a print, hair or fiber was found on the body or the crime scene. She passed writing samples and DNA testing.

Again (BBM) something I didn't know about Burke, DeeDee.
It's pretty obvious to me at least, the Patsy jumped on the housekeeper did it pretty fast. Didn't she even claim Linda had a key and had recently asked for a loan from Patsy? John and Patsy did more than write a note and hide a dead body that night, they planned who to point the finger at and how to hide the truth from cops as well as pledging to each other to stick together in their plan to get away with murder. JMO
Patsy's housekeeper LHP said she had caught JB and BR under the covers in BR's room on several occasions. She'd open the door, and the kids would scream at her to get out!
If you google "Linda Hoffman-Pugh" it used to pull up that information. I haven't done it in a while, so hopefully it is still there. There are some early interviews with LHP on the web, as well as info on the book she had planned to write- and petitioned the courts to be allowed to divulge testimony she gave the Grand Jury. It was denied, and her book never came to be.
LHP said she would have done anything for Patsy, she looked up to her and loved JB. She was so shocked and hurt at being "thrown under the bus" by the Rs. She is a firm PDI. She witnessed Patsy's explosive temper first-hand. Patsy knew this, too. By fingering LHP for the crime from the start, the Rs though they had a perfect "patsy" (no pun intended). LHP was uneducated and from a lower socio-economic level. She was not educated and did not have the means to hire expensive defense attorneys. She knew the family intimately- that made her "dangerous" and best silenced right away.
Unfortunately for the Rs, there was not one shred of evidence that pointed to LHP as having committed this crime. Not a print, hair or fiber was found on the body or the crime scene. She passed writing samples and DNA testing.

I did find this - it seems she was granted permission?

Patsy's housekeeper LHP said she had caught JB and BR under the covers in BR's room on several occasions. She'd open the door, and the kids would scream at her to get out!
If you google "Linda Hoffman-Pugh" it used to pull up that information. I haven't done it in a while, so hopefully it is still there. There are some early interviews with LHP on the web, as well as info on the book she had planned to write- and petitioned the courts to be allowed to divulge testimony she gave the Grand Jury. It was denied, and her book never came to be.
LHP said she would have done anything for Patsy, she looked up to her and loved JB. She was so shocked and hurt at being "thrown under the bus" by the Rs. She is a firm PDI. She witnessed Patsy's explosive temper first-hand. Patsy knew this, too. By fingering LHP for the crime from the start, the Rs though they had a perfect "patsy" (no pun intended). LHP was uneducated and from a lower socio-economic level. She was not educated and did not have the means to hire expensive defense attorneys. She knew the family intimately- that made her "dangerous" and best silenced right away.
Unfortunately for the Rs, there was not one shred of evidence that pointed to LHP as having committed this crime. Not a print, hair or fiber was found on the body or the crime scene. She passed writing samples and DNA testing.

I have always thought Burke was responsible for JB death. I know that he was young at the time but he had alot to try to live up to with his sister being the star of their parents eyes. I'm sure there was alot of jealousy that Burke would have felt towards his sister. I still think Burke is the guilty one.
I did find this - it seems she was granted permission?


That was in 2001, ten years ago. Something must have stopped her from writing- I had read she was denied, possibly after this was written?
Of course, the Rs lawyers would be all over her if she was going to finger Patsy in her book. Maybe that's why she never wrote it.
Again (BBM) something I didn't know about Burke, DeeDee.
It's pretty obvious to me at least, the Patsy jumped on the housekeeper did it pretty fast. Didn't she even claim Linda had a key and had recently asked for a loan from Patsy? John and Patsy did more than write a note and hide a dead body that night, they planned who to point the finger at and how to hide the truth from cops as well as pledging to each other to stick together in their plan to get away with murder. JMO

Patsy confirmed LHP had a key- not unusual for a housekeeper to have a key to a house they clean. But the Rs admitted several people had keys (which calls in to question why JR needed to break that basement window when he allegedly got locked out).
Patsy told LE that LHP had asked for a loan of about $2000, which Patsy agreed to. LHP admitted this-she had had a problem with her sister involving rent or some similar issue and asked Patsy for the loan.
LHP was the perfect choice to pin this on. She was poor, uneducated, she was familiar with the house and had intimate knowledge of the family. With limited means to hire a high-priced defense team, the Rs would have never thought she could get out from under this accusation. Only problem? ZERO evidence linking her to the crime scene and body, despite working in the home just days before the murder. She (and her husband and son) gave saliva and writing samples too. NO MATCH.
That was in 2001, ten years ago. Something must have stopped her from writing- I had read she was denied, possibly after this was written?
Of course, the Rs lawyers would be all over her if she was going to finger Patsy in her book. Maybe that's why she never wrote it.
Yes, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit reversed the lower court decision and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case without comment.

January 12, 2004
Also today, the Supreme Court:
Refused to hear a case involving the former housekeeper for the JonBenet Ramsey family who has sought to tell about her grand jury testimony in a book. The justices, without comment, refused to consider Linda Hoffmann-Pugh's free-speech challenge of Colorado grand jury secrecy rules.
Hoffmann-Pugh worked for John and Patsy Ramsey when their 6-year-old daughter was found strangled and beaten in the basement of their Boulder, Colo., home on Dec. 26, 1996. She testified before a grand jury that ended its term in 1999 without issuing an indictment, but is prohibited from disclosing details of the testimony.
Hoffman-Pugh has written a book, The Death of an Innocent. But her attorney told the Court that the secrecy rules have interfered with the publishing of it. Colorado lawyers told justices in a filing that the former housekeeper could still publish a book about her experiences, she just can't reveal what she told the grand jury.
The case is Hoffman-Pugh v. Keenan, 03-661.
This may have been mentioned if so i appologise . Does anyone find burkes decission suspicious or no ? Also maybe its just me but why wouldn't he wanna help IF he is innocent Imean if your innocent wouldn't you wanna do everything humanly possible to help find your sister's Killer ?
This may have been mentioned if so i appologise . Does anyone find burkes decission suspicious or no ? Also maybe its just me but why wouldn't he wanna help IF he is innocent Imean if your innocent wouldn't you wanna do everything humanly possible to help find your sister's Killer ?

Yes Burke should want to help find out who really killed his sister. I mean I would if I were him unless I was the one responsible for her death. If that was the case then I wouldn't want to talk. I think he is the person responsible for his sisters death. If he wasn't guilty why wouldn't he make it his mission in life to find the actual killer of his sister. Burke just looks guilty to me and appears that he has been hiding what he has known for years. I do think Burke was very jealous of his sister and I believe what the maid said about catching him and JB under the covers several times in his room. If I were Burke and wasn't guilty I would want to find the real killer of my sister and wouldn't stop until I did so I could clear my family and my families name. I don't see Burke going out of his way to find the killer. He just wants the entire ordeal to go away but it never will until the real killer confesses.
Patsy confirmed LHP had a key- not unusual for a housekeeper to have a key to a house they clean. But the Rs admitted several people had keys (which calls in to question why JR needed to break that basement window when he allegedly got locked out).
Patsy told LE that LHP had asked for a loan of about $2000, which Patsy agreed to. LHP admitted this-she had had a problem with her sister involving rent or some similar issue and asked Patsy for the loan.
LHP was the perfect choice to pin this on. She was poor, uneducated, she was familiar with the house and had intimate knowledge of the family. With limited means to hire a high-priced defense team, the Rs would have never thought she could get out from under this accusation. Only problem? ZERO evidence linking her to the crime scene and body, despite working in the home just days before the murder. She (and her husband and son) gave saliva and writing samples too. NO MATCH.

What would LHP's motive have been?? I wonder if PR gave an answer to that.
This may have been mentioned if so i appologise . Does anyone find burkes decission suspicious or no ? Also maybe its just me but why wouldn't he wanna help IF he is innocent Imean if your innocent wouldn't you wanna do everything humanly possible to help find your sister's Killer ?

I think EVERYONE finds this suspicious. It was "family attorney" LW who wouldn't allow BR to talk to police, and speaking for BR, he simply said BR had nothing further to say to police. Your last sentence says it all: "if you are innocent"...
If you are guilty or if you know who is guilty and do not want to expose them, then you, of course, won't want to talk to police.
I am not suggesting BR is guilty, though as an RDI I cannot rule out anyone who was admittedly in the house that night. But I do believe he knows a lot more than he has said. And LW doesn't want him questioned. When a defense attorney doesn't allow their client to be questioned, you can bet there is a good reason why that has something to do with their having knowledge of the crime or being involved in the crime in some way.
What would LHP's motive have been?? I wonder if PR gave an answer to that.

The motive the Rs were suggesting for LHP was money. Patsy stresses LHP's financial stress and the fact that she had asked to borrow money.
What Patsy wasn't able to do was explain how the sexual aspect of the crime would have involved LHP. As far as I am concerned, what rues out a sexual predator intruder is that the sexual aspects of the crime were hidden. A sexual predator/killer DISPLAYS his victims and advertises the sexual activity that has taken place or mutilates his victims in a sexual way. But JB's sexual assault wasn't discovered until the autopsy, and the Rs reacted defensively to being informed of it, rather than horrified and wanting to find the person who abused their daughter at all costs.
LHP and her family were all tested for a match to the DNA, and writing as well. NO match.
I believe the Rs had a list of people they planned to suggest to LE as possible perps. Among them were their friends the White's, one of JR's former employees and LHP. The White's and presumably the former employee (Merrick) had the education and means to defend themselves vigorously, and of course, the Rs knew there was nothing to really link them to the crime.
But LHP was much more vulnerable. There was still nothing to link her to the crime, but she was in a much less favorable position to defend herself against them.
JR set the wheels in motion within minutes of bring his daughter's body up from the basement- he looked Det. Arndt in the eye and said "This is an inside job". This DESPITE the RN and suggestion of a "small foreign faction". The Rs couldn't settle on which way they wanted to aim the blame, so they threw out as much as they could to see where it would stick.
It didn't really stick anywhere, did it? NO one they "suggested" was found to have any link at all to the crime, the body, the house, the RN.
Yes Burke should want to help find out who really killed his sister. I mean I would if I were him unless I was the one responsible for her death. If that was the case then I wouldn't want to talk. I think he is the person responsible for his sisters death. If he wasn't guilty why wouldn't he make it his mission in life to find the actual killer of his sister. Burke just looks guilty to me and appears that he has been hiding what he has known for years. I do think Burke was very jealous of his sister and I believe what the maid said about catching him and JB under the covers several times in his room. If I were Burke and wasn't guilty I would want to find the real killer of my sister and wouldn't stop until I did so I could clear my family and my families name. I don't see Burke going out of his way to find the killer. He just wants the entire ordeal to go away but it never will until the real killer confesses.

Well JenniferTx, I can certainly line up with what you've questioned here about Burke's behavior and lack of even being interested in finding or helping to solve his sister's murder.

However, as both a youngster and an adult, he is especially secret about anything having to do with that night. I'm excusing his silence though because of the family he grew up in.

I see his mother as someone who was quite phony in her behavior. Just the example of how she tried to play down the pageants she placed her daughter into. And the long list of accomplishments she placed on her daughter's entry forms for the pageants.

I look at the photos of the majestic costume this little girl wore to compete and can't begin to imagine these competitions as Patsy claimed were just a Sunday afternoon activity. Plenty of preparation and money went into these pageants.

I believe Burke learned his ability to tell the truth or keeping secrets at his mother's knee.

I think EVERYONE finds this suspicious. It was "family attorney" LW who wouldn't allow BR to talk to police, and speaking for BR, he simply said BR had nothing further to say to police. Your last sentence says it all: "if you are innocent"...
If you are guilty or if you know who is guilty and do not want to expose them, then you, of course, won't want to talk to police.
I am not suggesting BR is guilty, though as an RDI I cannot rule out anyone who was admittedly in the house that night. But I do believe he knows a lot more than he has said. And LW doesn't want him questioned. When a defense attorney doesn't allow their client to be questioned, you can bet there is a good reason why that has something to do with their having knowledge of the crime or being involved in the crime in some way.


This is always a big red flag that someone knows something! If the client had no knowledge the attorney would say just tell them what you know, be sure to tell the truth about everything. And, of course, the attorney would sit beside them in case questions and answers go down the twisted lane.

The only other time an attorney will let a guilty or knowledgeable client talk is if the client is cooperating with some sort of deal on the table for either immunity or less jail time.

IIRC, there was an issue with the R's wanting questions in advance too??? Another big red flag for you, waving right in your face.
This may have been mentioned if so i appologise . Does anyone find burkes decission suspicious or no ? Also maybe its just me but why wouldn't he wanna help IF he is innocent Imean if your innocent wouldn't you wanna do everything humanly possible to help find your sister's Killer ?

Well, I'm one of the few who don't find it suspicious. I think her murder AND the aftermath destroyed this family. If I were a family member, I would stay far away from LE. I would think that some things, even discovering the murderer, wouldn't necessarily be worth the price. And he's been paying it in the media for most of his life. JMO
It could just be me seeing something that's not there (or was put there), but I don't think this looks like a typical brother/sister pose. Am I the only one or does anyone else wonder what was on their minds when this was taken?

That is one of the creepiest brother/sister poses I have seen. Doesn't sit right with me. Strange and creepy if you ask me.
This may have been mentioned if so i appologise . Does anyone find burkes decission suspicious or no ? Also maybe its just me but why wouldn't he wanna help IF he is innocent Imean if your innocent wouldn't you wanna do everything humanly possible to help find your sister's Killer ?

It tells you he knows something but would rather not talk about it. If he was ignorant he might say something like:

Well I don't know anymore than I told you before, but if you think it might help, sure I'll come along and we can talk some more

But he does know something so there is no pow pow!

I totally agree with everything you said JenniferTX! That is exactly what I think. WHY ISNT BURKE CONCERNED NOW AS AN ADULT IN FINDING HIS SISTERS KILLER?
I dont believe its because it was his parents. I think his parents fell on the sword for him.
What would be the point of interviewing him now? He was 9 at the time and it was 15 years ago. With all that has happened, any facts or things that he might remember will be all jumbled up in his mind to the point of have little resemblance to reality by now. He would have no clear recollection of events leading up to her death because they would have been routine and unremarkable. No one has an accurate recollection under those circumstances, even at the time (and we are now 15 years on). The mind is not a tape recorder, memory does not work that way, it is a living thing that changes with time and the environment.
What would be the point of interviewing him now? He was 9 at the time and it was 15 years ago. With all that has happened, any facts or things that he might remember will be all jumbled up in his mind to the point of have little resemblance to reality by now. He would have no clear recollection of events leading up to her death because they would have been routine and unremarkable. No one has an accurate recollection under those circumstances, even at the time (and we are now 15 years on). The mind is not a tape recorder, memory does not work that way, it is a living thing that changes with time and the environment.

Maybe, maybe not. His silence prevents anyone from finding whether he DOES, in fact, remember anything from that night.
It is his refusal to speak to LE about it, and his lawyer's refusal to allow it, that is suspicious.
This is an unsolved murder and it was his SISTER. Sometimes cases are solved because of a small fact remembered or something that did not seem important yet was pivotal in solving the case.
What is suspicious here is that he doesn't want to TRY to help.
Believe me, there are many people who would have perfect recall of a night a loved one was murdered at home, child or not.
I remember everything about the day a young cousin died as an infant, though I was only about 5 at the time. I even remember what we all were wearing. I remember the song playing on the radio and what her mother was cooking that day. And I remember every neighbor that came to the house that afternoon to see my aunt.

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