CA - Rebecca Zahau Nalepa - suicide or murder? #10

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Perhaps RZ was sleeping in guest house, call awoke her, but she wasn't quick enough to answer, so checked message. What if that message lured her into main house?

Just a thought.
Yes, the figure was on the side. So she was hanging first, then laid on the side, yet livor mortis was posterior?

Interesting, since it doesn't fit with what 'science' tells us.
Jjenny, of course she was. She was on her side after hanging herself and her body, unlike all other bodies, decided to do it's own thing and make it look as if the livor mortis was posterior. It's just like when AS did CPR on Rebecca without unbinding her hands and placing her flat on her back. Rebecca must have been an extremely special individual for all of these things to be able to occur to her that is not possible in anyone else.

Sorry, just tired of all the lies and coverup that the LE and now apparently JS are doing to make this just "go away". Rebecca deserves for the truth to be told even if it makes someone elses life a little uncomfortable!
Perhaps RZ was sleeping in guest house, call awoke her, but she wasn't quick enough to answer, so checked message. What if that message lured her into main house?

Just a thought.

AS was sleeping in the guest house. He last saw RN at about 8 pm. She was in the main house. He retired to the guest house. So the idea that RN was sleeping in the guest house doesn't fit with that statement.
So, we have already disproven one thing, beyond a shadow of doubt. Livor mortis does not fit the pattern of Rebecca being cut down at 5:30 is and placed on her side for 12 hours.

We also know for a fact thet she was found hanging 9'2" from the balcony railing but has injuries more in line with strangulation vs hanging.

What's nest? Are they going to claim Rebecca strangled herself?

Whoops, should be six thirty, not five.
AS was sleeping in the guest house. He last saw RN at about 8 pm. She was in the main house. He retired to the guest house. So the idea that RN was sleeping in the guest house doesn't fit with that statement.

Unfortunately, I don't think anyones statements have been investigated thoroughly enough. Even including LE. imho, moo etc., etc., etc/
AS was sleeping in the guest house. He last saw RN at about 8 pm. She was in the main house. He retired to the guest house. So the idea that RN was sleeping in the guest house doesn't fit with that statement.

They found woman's clothes in one of the bedrooms.

Long shot, but throwing it into mix.
There is a big piece of rope hanging from her arms (clearly visible from the photo). So just making loops around wrists and ankles is not going to be enough-we have to know much rope was left hanging from the arm binding.

..some info on the rope from the autopsy report--
--RZ autopsy---pages 11-12---

Neck: There is rope ligature around the neck and over the decedant’s long hair. It has 2 free ends extending from it and the knot is a slip knot.The free-slipping portion of the rope which passes through the knot extends 5 inches from it and has an additional 1 ¼” extension of frayed fibers.

A 22 inch segment of rope extends from the knot itself, and is fixed to the knot.
There is a small amount of apparent black paint on this segment.

Wrists: The wrists are bound behind the back with the reddish-orange braided rope described above. There are 5 loops around the right wrist and 6 around the left. There is an 84” segment of rope extending from a slip knot on the left wrist. This 84” segment pulls through the slip knot. The segment extends from the left wrist into the right hand and exits between the right middle and index fingers.

Ankles: The ankles are bound by rope similar to that on the neck and the wrists.
The right ankle has 6 loops, the left has 8. There is a knot on the proximal right lower leg, exiting anteriorly. There is a 2nd similar knot on the left ankle.

Wrapped within the bindings is a yellow plastic tube which encircles one strand of thicker rope which appears to be a water sport tow rope handle. There is a warning on the yellow handle stating among other things----intended only for towing up to 2 people or 340 lbs. on an inflatable tube.
I agree that the lividity noted in the AR doesn't fit.

By the time the ME performed the autopsy, the lividity was fixed. The AR stated it was posterior.

Since she lay on the ground for 12+ hours, tilted toward her left side, the lividity should have pooled on her left posterior side, since that was the lowest side of her body, IMO.
So, we have already disproven one thing, beyond a shadow of doubt. Livor mortis does not fit the pattern of Rebecca being cut down at 5:30 is and placed on her side for 12 hours.

We also know for a fact thet she was found hanging 9'2" from the balcony railing but has injuries more in line with strangulation vs hanging.

What's nest? Are they going to claim Rebecca strangled herself?

Whoops, should be six thirty, not five.

And AS slept through all of it ... "rescued" her, took a "lie detector test", then conveniently disappeared with no trace .. huh??
I agree that the lividity noted in the AR doesn't fit.

By the time the ME performed the autopsy, the lividity was fixed. The AR stated it was posterior.

Since she lay on the ground for 12+ hours, tilted toward her left side, the lividity should have pooled on her left posterior side, IMO.

And prior to that she was hanging for hours. Livor mortis would have started to develop in her feet, not on her backside.
They found woman's clothes in one of the bedrooms.

Long shot, but throwing it into mix.

..rebecca's sister was probably staying in the guest house before adam arrived and was then staying there.

---MS autopsy:

7/11--Maxie was at his father's part-time home in Coronado with rebecca zahou and her minor sister, xena zahou.

---RZ autopsy:

On 7/12 rebecca drove her sister to the airport to return to her home. While at the airport she picked up Jonah's brother Adam ,who flew into town to be with his brother. They went to the hospital to meet Jonah and then the 3 went out to dinner.
The sister uses make up at 13? Leaves her clothes on the floor and doesn't take them with her when she leaves for the airport? The new guest is put into the house that has not been tidied up? Maybe but I am not convinced.
I noticed the same thing. Would they know 2 days before that Maxie would likely be brain-dead I wonder?

FWIW, I have not asked about the timeline and when DS was informed of the turn for the worst. DS is in so much pain, as we all can imagine and there is belief that Maxie was suffocated so talking about it usually revolves around that belief, not the events leading up to it. I'll keep everyone updated though if I hear anything else.

Thanks for posting. Sufficated as in purposefully? Life someone stopped his breathing with a pillow or by holding his nose and mouth, or sufficated by his fall, i.e. accident?

Thanks for posting. Sufficated as in purposefully? Life someone stopped his breathing with a pillow or by holding his nose and mouth, or sufficated by his fall, i.e. accident?


Suffocated purposefully is the belief of some family members in how Maxie died.

I personally believe Maxie's fall was an accident. I believe he was on the razor in the hallway, Ocean jumped in the way, and he went over the railing. I think if he did say "Ocean" when he was down, he was worried that the dog may have been hurt in the accident, or trying to convey that Ocean was the one that got in the way. :(
It has to, because the one she used had to be much longer than 5 feet. The drop itself was 9 feet, then there is rope to bind hands and feet. And the one on the hands still had a large piece remaining after binding was done.

Geez... am having a hard time keeping up! :crazy:So if this has already been stated, my apologies.
A typical recreational ski rope is 75' long..
And AS slept through all of it ... "rescued" her, took a "lie detector test", then conveniently disappeared with no trace .. huh??

Sounds awfully convenient, does it not?

Suffocated purposefully is the belief of some family members in how Maxie died.

I personally believe Maxie's fall was an accident. I believe he was on the razor in the hallway, Ocean jumped in the way, and he went over the railing. I think if he did say "Ocean" when he was down, he was worried that the dog may have been hurt in the accident, or trying to convey that Ocean was the one that got in the way. :(

I still find it difficult, if not impossible that Max could have spoken at that time. I was not there, but it was stated that he was found without pulse and not breathing. This was stated to ems. The other quotes, if I recall correctly, were after Rebecca's death.
I have a couple of questions to throw out. Can we make any determinations about who tied the bindings by asking:

Would the direction of the way the hands were bound be different depending on which hand was the dominant hand of the person doing the tying?

Whether they were facing Rebecca rather than Rebecca tying them in front of her as demonstrated in the video?

Or if her hands were actually bound behind her back orignally rather than transferred?

Or the combination of the two factors (handedness) + (whether tied facing) (in front of), (same direction as video), (behind back).

I am wondering outloud if any of that would make a difference or if a difference could be noted.
Sounds awfully convenient, does it not?

I still find it difficult, if not impossible that Max could have spoken at that time. I was not there, but it was stated that he was found without pulse and not breathing. This was stated to ems. The other quotes, if I recall correctly, were after Rebecca's death.

I agree. I am not certain where the statment came from that Maxie said Ocean and then was unresponsive. Rebecca's family? I do recall LE saying at the PC that Rebecca found him unresponsive. Nothing about him speaking first.
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