IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #24

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Keylime, it sure seems this way. But I don't know this type of social circle, so perhaps it's not all that unusual, i.e., lots of friends but no one to have your back.

In my stream of consciousness I wonder, did the GFs want her to go to JRs that night knowing that something bad might befall her? Or did they just not want to be around her? Or not want to do any drugs? Were they glad to see her go? Do they feel she got what she deserved?

Years ago I read Margaret Atwood's "Cat's Eye" and although the girls in the story are much younger, it illustrates how cruel youth can be.

IMO, there may be a subgroup who can backstab or is unreliable but true friends have your back. I just learned that a girl my daughter considered a friend has bullied her over a boy (who likes my daughter). This girl took another friend's cell, sent an ugly text to my daughter, and then deleted it on the cell she used. In essence, she made it seem like another girl, not her, sent the message to my daughter! I'm beyond p*ssed (and sad). Trying to be positive, her real friends feel the same.

Actually, I guess that's kind of opposite from what JR may have done. But yes, kids can be cruel. We can't really compare this to LS, obviously, because it's high school vs. college. But what if, for example, someone took LS' cell for some reason (as has been speculated here before) ... or didn't alert her to some potential danger? Or maybe someone hid her phone so she couldn't call JW, and then told JW she was with CR? IDK ...

Anyhow, I do think some of LS' friends are acting strange. Also, I'll check out "Cat's Eye" ... I read "A Handmaid's Tale" (by MA) many years ago ... very good but scary.
Hello and many thanks to the tireless efforts of this community. I have been visiting and following the discussion since late June, but have been reluctant to post since the insight offered here is superior to anything I could share. However, I have tried to make a difference by contributing to the Find Lauren fund and discussing her disappearance with former associates in the media (tv and radio) industry.

There are a handful of 'six degrees' and connections for me to this case, which I am more than willing to disclose if anyone is interested. For now, I'd like to just share the point of my post which resulted from a conversation that I had with my brother (Indiana County Sheriff - neither in Monroe or Porter) last night regarding the [ame=""]tragic case of Amanda Bach[/ame]. The suspect was taken into custody in Bloomington (while visiting friends) and transported back to Porter County. He is also the son of an Indiana police officer. My brother would never discuss or share details of an ongoing investigation, but when I asked him if there was any chance this suspect could have involvement into LS' disappearance, he hesitated ... then said 'of course the possibility exists, you need to consider everything' and that officers will certainly run through a series of checks and comparisons. I would be interested to hear from all of you on the likelihood these two cases are connected in some way. I know that we all have the same goal - to make sure that LS is reunited with her family.
The suspect in that case is the victim's boyfriend. They live 4 hours from Bloomington. No relationship to this case, clearly.
hmmm... do we have any idea who the friends were that he was visiting?
hmmm... do we have any idea who the friends were that he was visiting?

I do not, but will try to get the btown address where he was picked up. His facebook wall is public and after a quick check, I didn't come across any LS
POIs. Most disturbing - his profile pic seems to include the victim.
an interesting "favorite quote" on his FB profile "never give up on someone you cant go a day without thinking about"

but I agree with AE that it's not likely to be connected... my bet is he was visiting some HS friends who are now IU students... and possibly trying to stay OUT of Valpo??
While I think it's worth an inquiry (and I'm pretty sure BPD will do that), I have a hard time connecting this the the LS disappearance..

My bet is that this one has to do with unrequited love... and the lack of ability to let go...

And... he clearly didn't hide Amanda's body very well...
The Spierer's private investigator is still in town & working. He came into my wife's office today, told her who he was & asked if they had video from their business on 9 & walnut. Unfortunately there is no cameras at the Place.

I wonder why so late. I thought they hired him right away? Anyone know?
Unless these security system footage has a server that hold Gigabytes or even Terabytes of storage, I'd doubt any footage from local businesses from 6/2-6/3 that hasn't already been turned over to LE would have been preserved.

I myself run a business and the cameras record only "open" business hours 11am-10pm. We store only a weeks footage locally and then it erases itself to make room for the following weeks footage. It's a reoccurring cycle.
I know that I'm going to regret saying this, but unless this guy admits that he killed Amanda, I'm leaving open the possibility that when she had car trouble, it wasn't him that took advantage of her. Would someone really leave his friend 300 yards from his home? I'm not so sure. Just like I'm honestly not sure that LS wasn't taken by someone after rounding the corner at 5 North. Just sayin.
I know that I'm going to regret saying this, but unless this guy admits that he killed Amanda, I'm leaving open the possibility that when she had car trouble, it wasn't him that took advantage of her. Would someone really leave his friend 300 yards from his home? I'm not so sure. Just like I'm honestly not sure that LS wasn't taken by someone after rounding the corner at 5 North. Just sayin.

I doubt he was arrested simply because she was going to see him or was with him, or found near his home, none of that would be enough. They must have more on him.
My first thought when I read that he'd been arrested was that he was an easy catch... so I agree with you re him...

LS.. I just am not sure... I still really lean toward the boys -- simply because they have circled the wagons...
I'm glad you come here and talk, Alliecog. I hope you find it helpful. :seeya:

thanks, i definitely do. i was part of the LSCD page and barely read it... people were too crazy and annoying on there. thank god for WS
thanks, i definitely do. i was part of the LSCD page and barely read it... people were too crazy and annoying on there. thank god for WS

I'm sooo with you on that alliecog!! LSCS was a train wreck!! :banghead:
pass it on... [ame=""]Lauren Spierer Special Announcement - YouTube[/ame]
Interesting comments recently posted at JRNTT - some additional circumstantial evidence connecting JR and DB, and therefore suggesting that DB was in fact JR's guest.
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