Sidebar Discussion #2

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:seeya: Hey peeps! Please do not sleuth fellow posters or try and say 'so and so is so and so'

thanks so much...
A link has been posted to an article detailing the psychological meltdown and many personalities being exhibited by JB's client.

JUST IN TIME for the weekend depo! Who would have guessed? :-0

If the sources in this article are trying to gain sympathy from people, it isn't going to work! At least not with me! I don't believe a word in that article about how Casey's acting. I don't think she gives a carp that she has to pay money back b/c she probably thinks she'll make millions, or that people hate her and are ticked off that she got acquitted. That probably actually makes her happy because, to people like her, any attention is good attention!

Thanks again for posting the article!
If the sources in this article are trying to gain sympathy from people, it isn't going to work! At least not with me! I don't believe a word in that article about how Casey's acting. I don't think she gives a carp that she has to pay money back b/c she probably thinks she'll make millions, or that people hate her and are ticked off that she got acquitted. That probably actually makes her happy because, to people like her, any attention is good attention!

Thanks again for posting the article!

You know, I think you are wrong - which is a good thing:great:. I think we all are. We haven't heard one peep from the<modsnip>..... Call me :crazy: but I really think reality is beginning to settle in for miss Casey.... I really think she's living on the money she made from TMZ for the Ohio photos; (she's very likely at the buddist retreat), and I think it isn't a whole lot after the attorney cut, heck - even if JB and the other angels didn't take a cut - it's going to run out soon. My bet if I were a betting woman? She has no friends - THAT I would bet a paycheck on, maybe just Dorothy. If she was visiting with dear old mom and dad, trust me on this one, we'd KNOW. <Modsnip>....... My best guess is that she's miserable. That makes me :woohoo:
Another book :

Beautiful Life? The CSI Behind the Casey Anthony Trial

Claims a "portion" of the proceeds will be donated to the Children's Safety Village of Central Florida. References association to "Safe Kids" - isn't that the organization that GA got involved with early on that bought him a boat?
Another book :

Beautiful Life? The CSI Behind the Casey Anthony Trial

Claims a "portion" of the proceeds will be donated to the Children's Safety Village of Central Florida. References association to "Safe Kids" - isn't that the organization that GA got involved with early on that bought him a boat?

That was Kid Finders (who have never found a kid) and one of their subsidiary "non-profits."
Another book :

Beautiful Life? The CSI Behind the Casey Anthony Trial

Claims a "portion" of the proceeds will be donated to the Children's Safety Village of Central Florida. References association to "Safe Kids" - isn't that the organization that GA got involved with early on that bought him a boat?

Great, that means it'll be pro-Casey. So not buying that book. And where have I heard of Robyn Walensky before? Sounds familiar, but I can't place the name...
Great, that means it'll be pro-Casey. So not buying that book. And where have I heard of Robyn Walensky before? Sounds familiar, but I can't place the name...

Not sure if it would be pro-Casey - JustK corrected me in that Safe Kids is not associated with them - I was mistaken. (It was Kid Finders).

Still, not sure what "portion" is going to the kids. Probably pretty small.

Apparently, Robyn Walensky was a reporter for WDBO.

Book might not be too bad - talks about YM in the book. :rocker:
Another book :

Beautiful Life? The CSI Behind the Casey Anthony Trial

Claims a "portion" of the proceeds will be donated to the Children's Safety Village of Central Florida. References association to "Safe Kids" - isn't that the organization that GA got involved with early on that bought him a boat?

They may want to change their font on the description of the book because it too small to read, for me anyway and when I zoom in it becomes blurry. It would be great if someone who wanted to read it would post their impressions of the book here so we could get an idea if it is worth reading ourselves. jmo
They may want to change their font on the description of the book because it too small to read, for me anyway and when I zoom in it becomes blurry. It would be great if someone who wanted to read it would post their impressions of the book here so we could get an idea if it is worth reading ourselves. jmo

Okay so I copied and pasted the square of the book and blurb and then enlarged it to 250%, and it is made up of the comments you will see under the about the book tab, by the OCSD, a CSI, Yuri, etc. plus a small yak about the book - but it's mainly those same comments.

PS - it does NOT sound pro-defense unless she is pulling a fast one...
Sorry - decided not to be so lazy so I brought most of the blurb over...

"In Beautiful Life? You will hear first-hand from CSI&#8217;s & Detectives at the Orange County Sheriff &#8217;s Office who investigated the disappearance & death of Caylee Marie Anthony. Veteran News Reporter Robyn Walensky shares her observations from WDBO Radio&#8217;s Courtroom Seat #1 at the Casey Anthony Trial in Orlando, Florida.

&#8220;On the 1st whiff. I immediately, without a doubt, knew something dead had been in the trunk of the car.&#8221;

- Crime Scene Supervisor Michael Vincent

&#8220;I think forensics speak the facts. Unlike suspects or witnesses who can tell a story; I think the evidencespeaks fot victims who no longer can.&#8221;

- CSI Jennifer Welch

&#8220;It&#8217;s surreal. Why would somebody get a tattoo of &#8216;Beautiful Life&#8217; three weeks after their child &#8211; in their words &#8211; died as a result of an accident in a pool?&#8221;

- Corporal Yuri Melich, Lead Detective on the Casey Anthony Case

&#8220;We gave it 100 percent of our effort, trying to locate her. And to bring to justice the individuals who were responsible for this case.&#8221;

- Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings

&#8220;Whoever left this child here, whoever dumped this body in this scene never wanted little Caylee to be found again.&#8221;

- Reporter Robyn Walensky guest on CNN&#8217;s Nancy Grace Show

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Okay so I copied and pasted the square of the book and blurb and then enlarged it to 250%, and it is made up of the comments you will see under the about the book tab, by the OCSD, a CSI, Yuri, etc. plus a small yak about the book - but it's mainly those same comments.

PS - it does NOT sound pro-defense unless she is pulling a fast one...
Sorry - decided not to be so lazy so I brought most of the blurb over...

"In Beautiful Life? You will hear first-hand from CSI’s & Detectives at the Orange County Sheriff ’s Office who investigated the disappearance & death of Caylee Marie Anthony. Veteran News Reporter Robyn Walensky shares her observations from WDBO Radio’s Courtroom Seat #1 at the Casey Anthony Trial in Orlando, Florida.

“On the 1st whiff. I immediately, without a doubt, knew something dead had been in the trunk of the car.”

- Crime Scene Supervisor Michael Vincent

“I think forensics speak the facts. Unlike suspects or witnesses who can tell a story; I think the evidencespeaks fot victims who no longer can.”

- CSI Jennifer Welch

“It’s surreal. Why would somebody get a tattoo of ‘Beautiful Life’ three weeks after their child – in their words – died as a result of an accident in a pool?”

- Corporal Yuri Melich, Lead Detective on the Casey Anthony Case

“We gave it 100 percent of our effort, trying to locate her. And to bring to justice the individuals who were responsible for this case.”

- Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings

“Whoever left this child here, whoever dumped this body in this scene never wanted little Caylee to be found again.”

- Reporter Robyn Walensky guest on CNN’s Nancy Grace Show

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Thanks, Logicalgirl. This is much better to read.
Okay so I copied and pasted the square of the book and blurb and then enlarged it to 250%, and it is made up of the comments you will see under the about the book tab, by the OCSD, a CSI, Yuri, etc. plus a small yak about the book - but it's mainly those same comments.

PS - it does NOT sound pro-defense unless she is pulling a fast one...
Sorry - decided not to be so lazy so I brought most of the blurb over...

"In Beautiful Life? You will hear first-hand from CSI’s & Detectives at the Orange County Sheriff ’s Office who investigated the disappearance & death of Caylee Marie Anthony. Veteran News Reporter Robyn Walensky shares her observations from WDBO Radio’s Courtroom Seat #1 at the Casey Anthony Trial in Orlando, Florida.

“On the 1st whiff. I immediately, without a doubt, knew something dead had been in the trunk of the car.”

- Crime Scene Supervisor Michael Vincent

“I think forensics speak the facts. Unlike suspects or witnesses who can tell a story; I think the evidencespeaks fot victims who no longer can.”

- CSI Jennifer Welch

“It’s surreal. Why would somebody get a tattoo of ‘Beautiful Life’ three weeks after their child – in their words – died as a result of an accident in a pool?”

- Corporal Yuri Melich, Lead Detective on the Casey Anthony Case

“We gave it 100 percent of our effort, trying to locate her. And to bring to justice the individuals who were responsible for this case.”

- Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings

“Whoever left this child here, whoever dumped this body in this scene never wanted little Caylee to be found again.”

- Reporter Robyn Walensky guest on CNN’s Nancy Grace Show

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Okay, good. It doesn't sound Pro-Casey after all. And it has a quote from Yuri!!!! I don't know if I'll buy it, but I might leaf through it if I see it in a store, or come here and see what people say about it. I can already see my husband shaking his head when the Jeff Ashton book I ordered gets in, LOL.
funny...I just commented about the attempt to trademark KC's name the other day and look what TMZ has for us today???

Wow. I can't believe someone wanted to profit off of Casey's name. What BS. I don't think they have to worry about anyone else trying that. Sheesh. Then again, it's TMZ, so I don't always trust their stories.

Yeah, right. I'm sure there's a line of people wanting Casey's name. Give me a break. The only person there is Cindy to make sure no one profits off of Casey's name but her, LOL.
Wow. I can't believe someone wanted to profit off of Casey's name. What BS. I don't think they have to worry about anyone else trying that. Sheesh. Then again, it's TMZ, so I don't always trust their stories.

Yeah, right. I'm sure there's a line of people wanting Casey's name. Give me a break. The only person there is Cindy to make sure no one profits off of Casey's name but her, LOL.

LOL Aedrys - this attempt was done immediately after the verdict - just the usual hoping to make some quick bucks - I don't believe the same company would make the same application this month based on what is not happening in the life of OCA....
I might have to back to "The" other thread - groan...

The rehash thread closed a little too early, we ended up one short of having our own WS12, I guess JF did not get the memo. :)

Sorry, my intentions were good in starting the rehash thread, since it seemed most were not interested in beating a dead horse. I simply wanted a place to talk about evidence that would not disrupt other threads. I was surprised at the number of posts, and at how quickly it became heated and unraveled. I apologize if this thread caused anyone to be upset or angry.
Maybe you peeps can tell me - after looking at this recent book up thread - is there a book out there that focuses entirely on the forensic evidence? I don't know of one - and this might actually be a good one - separating urban myth from actual fact/evidence....

Hmmmm:waitasec: If it is sprinkled with comments from the likes of Yuri, to keep it from being too dry reading - it would be worth reading....
So, I heard on HLN this morning that FCA has her deposition tomorrow but JB says she will plead the 5th, say nothing.

I do have questions, especially why FCA searched "shovel".
So, I heard on HLN this morning that FCA has her deposition tomorrow but JB says she will plead the 5th, say nothing.

I was very happy to see some threads closed today, hope I didn't cause any problems.
I do have questions, especially why FCA searched "shovel".

I've been thinking about that...:waitasec: and wondered if it's really something she did a search on something else, got four answers, and one was shovel, so just for the heck of it - she looked it up. You know..the kind of thing when you have lots of time on your hands and are sitting around just wasting it.

Now you and I are reasonably bright...and many ways could a person use a shovel? Or maybe she was thinking of using it to bash her parents while they slept and wanted to know how much a replacement would cost..I think the answer is likely ..simple..
I've been thinking about that...:waitasec: and wondered if it's really something she did a search on something else, got four answers, and one was shovel, so just for the heck of it - she looked it up. You know..the kind of thing when you have lots of time on your hands and are sitting around just wasting it.

Now you and I are reasonably bright...and many ways could a person use a shovel? Or maybe she was thinking of using it to bash her parents while they slept and wanted to know how much a replacement would cost..I think the answer is likely ..simple..

You know me LG...simple isn't a word I play well with. You are probably right and it's not a deep subject, just one that bugs me. I was thinking along the same lines that FCA had alot of things in the works, one being she was setting up the possibility that GA would kill CA then kill himself. FCA might have wanted those searches to show up for LE. One big problem she had was getting both at the same place, same time. She never figured on CA going off on her about grandpas stolen money.
Last weekend I watched a detective show where a daughter had stabbed her mother to death, 32 times. I was taken back on how easily she sat with LE and explained her thought process which lead her to her mom. She had told her boyfriend she was pregnant. Then she confessed over the phone she wasn't. Her mom grabbed the phone and apologized for her daughter. The girl first planned to kill herself with aspirin, then the boyfriend became her target.Then she decided the parents would become her targets. Her father went to church so her mother became the victim.
It surprises me at times how often I see forms of FCA and CA in other crimes committed. It's just impossible for me to separate her thoughts into any clear line because of the lack of evidence and so manys lies.

One thing I did hear differently this morning was when HLN was reporting on FCA and her deposition, it sounded like really old news. I'm not sure if it was the way I heard it or the way it was reported but for the first time I looked at FCA as just another old news criminal. Maybe it was just when I went to bed last night, I felt I had wasted the whole day...:slap:
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