MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #7

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Yes, I agree - even though it sounds crazy it could have happened that way. My family were staying in a short term rental once in a very good area. Around 2am my 4 year old started crying in the hallway because she needed to go to the bathroom. My husband got up (in nothing but his underwear) to take her and there was a man asleep on our couch!!!
We woke him an he apologized and left - seemed quite off his head on 'something'...... Even though the back door was locked, it was a bit dodgy and he'd managed to get it open, put the lights on and come in for a snooze!!!
It was still terrifying and I often think about what might have happened if my daughter had found him by herself......

A grifter is what I call these people. A NC state school board member was raped and murdered by a grifter who broke into homes when he thought the owners were away and he would eat their food, watch their tv, use the phone etc. IIRC, he broke into a home with a woman and her granddaughter present. He also broke into a man's home and didn't bother to use the bathroom, just went right on the floor. He was a messed up druggie. There is a thread about it somewhere around here.

A grifter somehow entered the condo above me a few months back. The owner was away (actually DD and I were the only residents here at the time. Only 6 condos in the building) I heard creeping upstairs and a few days later the owners friend came to check on things and found the bed unmade and number 2 in the toilet. We think he didn't flush because he knew we would hear it. I was totally creeped out, eek.

Something like this is what I have been thinking may have happened at the Irwin home. i just can't believe that mom and dad disappeared Lisa!



I just don't believe Lisa's parents are responsible for her disappearance. Regarding some of the things they said or did that seem "off" to some people, we must remember that we are so much more informed because we're on WS a lot, in my case, way too much. The average person doesn't know what many of us know regarding crimes.
Regarding Dad's unpaid tax bills. These will be income tax related, not real estate. The one that is by Kansas City is what is called the e-tax. It is a 1% tax of your income if you live and/or work in the City of Kansas City. Employers deduct it from your income just like you ss or medicare. Some employers dont deduct it and when you file your taxes a lot of people simply forget it and some simply avoid it especially if you are getting a federal refund and dont want it to get diminished. The state taxes are very much the same, but variable just like federal depending on deductions and credits. There are a LOT of residents that have such cases against them and it means nothing really to their character.
The lead about the teen neighbor scares me. Because if that pans out, the chances that she is alive would seem rather slim. :(

Yes it scared me too. I can also see a teen leaving the house exactly as it was described, including taking the cell phones. And nothing would surprise me when it comes to teens, I think that Alyssa Bustamante (Also in Missouri) showed us what teens can do to younger children.
I really don't think this is the case (phones were not mentioned to police).
One reason is Mike Larette mentioned them indirectly on Twitter well before the press mentioned them directly, and this was when he was just leaving Austin per his twitter account.

When I say indirect, he said that more had been taken than Lisa. I do not think this wasn't mentioned to police at all.

:seeya: If you're right (and I tend to agree because I have not seen this anywhere else), then that incorrect information is very irresponsible.
I just don't believe Lisa's parents are responsible for her disappearance. Regarding some of the things they said or did that seem "off" to some people, we must remember that we are so much more informed because we're on WS a lot, in my case, way too much. The average person doesn't know what many of us know regarding crimes.

You're right about that. We pour over info. and dissect things in and out. But there are so many things wrong with this case. The phones on the counter, just ripe for the taking, for instance.

Also, the mother's assertion that "she would go to anybody" is a red flag to me. She's pushing police and the public toward a certain theory with that statement, hoping that they will believe her daughter easily went with an intruder.
The lead about the teen neighbor scares me. Because if that pans out, the chances that she is alive would seem rather slim. :(

What makes you say this? I'm not sure I agree with this...many kids today watch "Teen Mom" on MTV and want to emulate it by having kids of their own. I am hopeful that if this neighbor/teen did do it it's because they wanted a child...and therefore would not harm the child...
The lead about the teen neighbor scares me. Because if that pans out, the chances that she is alive would seem rather slim. :(

However, that scenario could fit into every detail known about the case...taking the phones, knowing the house layout, knowing how to not frighten or wake the baby, knowing the dad's schedule, even knowing how soundly the rest of the family slept, being inside earlier to leave door unlocked, having access to garage door for entry or exit, not being noticed as out of place by anyone passing by, knowing the route to apartment dumpsters, etc.

If she was taken and transferred to someone else that the teen knew who wanted a child....she could still be safe somewhere.


Many babies have pierced ears. Some of that is cultural. Or just personal preference. Some hospitals will do it after birth. My daughter had her ears pierced at 9 months old by the pediatrician.

I've seen babies with pierced ears but I didn't know how old they were. I've never had children so I wasn't sure. I wonder if her lil ears are pierced?

If they are using the MD in the backyard and there is no evidence of digging then maybe they are looking for a piece of jewelry. I don't think you would need a MD to find a cell phone unless the chip may have been pulled and tossed?
A grifter is what I call these people. QUOTE)

When it happened to us we didn't wake up - not to the sounds of entry, or to the lights being turned on. It was only our daughter who roused us... Makes you think.....
I wonder if this teen was a babysitter for the family? He/she knew the code for the garage!!!

FoxNewsInsider FoxNewsInsider
Tonight at 9ET on #foxnews, @JudgeJeanine interviews the parent's of #lisairwin - Watch the exclusive preview here:
3 minutes ago

JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
Back from KC, I interviewed Lisa Irwin's parents.You'll be able to see it on Sat. night, special ep. of #Justice: "Where's Baby Lisa?" 9pmET
10 hours ago

JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
I'm in Kansas City today, investigating baby Lisa's disappearance for 'Justice.' I want to hear your take: what do you think happened?
22 hours ago
What makes you say this? I'm not sure I agree with this...many kids today watch "Teen Mom" on MTV and want to emulate it by having kids of their own. I am hopeful that if this neighbor/teen did do it it's because they wanted a child...and therefore would not harm the child...

BBM If that were the case then others would know/be complicit; a teen that suddenly has a baby would be suspect.
However, that scenario could fit into every detail known about the case...taking the phones, knowing the house layout, knowing how to not frighten or wake the baby, knowing the dad's schedule, even knowing how soundly the rest of the family slept, being inside earlier to leave door unlocked, having access to garage door for entry or exit, not being noticed as out of place by anyone passing by, knowing the route to apartment dumpsters, etc.

If she was taken and transferred to someone else that the teen knew who wanted a child....she could still be safe somewhere.

Strongly, strongly agree with everything in first 'graf.

Praying that info in second 'graf turns out to be true.
:seeya: If you're right (and I tend to agree because I have not seen this anywhere else), then that incorrect information is very irresponsible.

He mentioned the "more than the baby was taken" on the KCTV5 website.

I asked him directly about it Oct. 5 on twitter - though he said he couldn't say more at that time when I asked if it were more than typical baby items (bunny, blanket, etc).
What makes you say this? I'm not sure I agree with this...many kids today watch "Teen Mom" on MTV and want to emulate it by having kids of their own. I am hopeful that if this neighbor/teen did do it it's because they wanted a child...and therefore would not harm the child...

Well a teen would probably be living with parents, who'd presumably notice a new baby in the house. And being a neighbor, I'm sure that LE have done interviews with the teen and family, and noticed no baby there. This would point at Lisa not being with the teen. Where would she be if still alive after a teen took her?

I guess I'm also thinking of several cases where older kids or teens commit murder, seemingly for the thrill. There was the case somewhat recently in FL, I think (sorry, I cannot remember the names - but think it was a teen who killed a younger girl, and hid her body in his bedroom?). The boys in Scotland, I think? Who lured the toddler away from his mom in a store and killed him. There are others as well. A teen passing a baby off as her own seems far less likely to "succeed" than an adult woman doing the same, KWIM?
Did anyone else hear on that video about the teen being questioned that the person had been at the home and also knew the access code to the garage??? Is this the first we have heard of some type of security system? I need more coffee...maybe I dreamed hearing that.
Well good luck on anyone tracking mine. I'm from an "older" generation and leave mine at home on the charger 99% of the time because I forget I have one and leave home without it. I used to keep it in my purse, then after a week or 2, I discovered it didn't work - no charge, LOL.

I also remember when I "forget" things. I seem to have a built in review that will take me back to when I "didn't" do something, such as lock my door. By then, of course, it's too late, and yeah, I've had a neighbor knock on my door and hand me my keys. The point is, I'm EXTREMELY careful about lock doors and windows 99.9% of the time, but it only takes ONCE for something bad to happen.

I don't lock my doors where I live now, i should but when i lived in an apartment years ago I always did.

Then one night I woke up (i slept with a sleep mask) to the feeling of someone sitting on the end of the bed. It was a creep who lived a few doors down from me. He said "you have something I want" ughhhhhhh and my immediate reaction was to to throw him off, I said "yes i know, a beer" and leapt from the bed. Got him a beer and talked him out of the apartment by saying my bf was coming home, then called my bf freaking out.

Never forgot to lock it again and he must have been trying handles because it was the only time I had.
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