ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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You're clearly out to get her and implying that the rest of us have our heads in the sand is silly and pointless. No one is idolizing her or calling her mother teresa...not sure what the point of that exaggeration is.

Again, I am not "out to get her" and can't think of any reason why I would be. I'm just trying to keep things real. It is a fact that Z?G lost her home and job prior to Casey giving LE a name similar to hers. It is a fact that Z?G's name is NOT the name used to file the lawsuit. It is a fact that Casey said ZFG had no children. I fail to see why a discussion of the true facts is such a problem on a board that is supposed to be all about sleuthing out the truth.
I was thinking about this deposition and still laughing about OCA's "disguise" and realized - you know - there is something about OCA that is just "off". Dr. Krop claimed she has above average intelligence - but I wonder if this is about the sociopathic personality. That idea of imitating a person with a soul but never quite getting it right....

Just for a minute - think about it...when in high profile cases do people wear disguises to testify in cases? When they do not want the public to know their identity or what they look like.

Well duh...This woman, her lawyer and her family has made a point of making sure every angle of her face, every expression she has probably made, including her reactions and the way she walks, how her voice sounds...we know it all.

So what's to hide? Some peeps have said - because her first "get out of jail free" pics haven't been sold. Well excluding the Ohio ones...but will those pics be a surprise? Would an interview have anything at all that would be new and different? Nope - same old same old. Sure fix that nose or those teeth or puff up the lips if you want....still the same old KC...

It's like she doesn't "get" it.....disguises are for people we have never seen, not her...we know how she reacts, what her face will do, how her body will look as her expressions change. A couple of superficial changes will never change that. So I think this was her very own high drama moment, that and she is afraid to face the general public yet, as herself, without the protection of the courtroom, or her lawyers....IMO

Great post. I know when I heard about the D & G sunglasses, the first thing I thought was that the "eyes don't lie". IMO, it was a psychological self ptotective measure.
Great post. I know when I heard about the D & G sunglasses, the first thing I thought was that the "eyes don't lie". IMO, it was a psychological self ptotective measure.

You have to wonder though, what would she be lying about when taking the 5th. She certainly can't hide her body language and apparently she had plenty of that. jmo
Good God...My daughter and I were driving home one night and had a person following so close I could hardly see to drive so I had to go slow. They followed us home and of course I was a little scared. I told my girl to run in the house, lock the door and get ready to call 911. We live out in the boon docks. Turns out it was LE, they were looking for a vehicle that matched my description. He asked if I had a dog with me, I replied as nicely as I could...NO...That was my daughter!!!! He apologized and explained the situation and I still pointed out to him that his brites blinded me and made it difficult to see the road..That's WHY I was driving so slow..Duh....Nobody start throwing rocks...I love LE..My brother works in LE in the K9 unit.
I was ticked so imagine if LE showed up at my door asking me about a child and kidnapping. ZG is another victim of FCA and I don't much care how she exaggerates her story...as long as the point is made...JMO
You have to wonder though, what would she be lying about when taking the 5th. She certainly can't hide her body language and apparently she had plenty of that. jmo

I agree that she couldn't hide her nostrils flaring but I am a believer of the eyes are the window of the soul. Even is she pleads the fifth, the eyes could reveal the truth.

Again, I am not "out to get her" and can't think of any reason why I would be. I'm just trying to keep things real. It is a fact that Z?G lost her home and job prior to Casey giving LE a name similar to hers. It is a fact that Z?G's name is NOT the name used to file the lawsuit. It is a fact that Casey said ZFG had no children. I fail to see why a discussion of the true facts is such a problem on a board that is supposed to be all about sleuthing out the truth.

Truth is, KC lied and because of that ZG was harassed and vilified.
The A's lied a lot and you don't want to see them charged with perjury. What part about that is keeping it real? Truth is, KC lied and because of that ZG was harassed and vilified.

Where did I say that about the A's? Please don't put words in my mouth - or my typing hands as the case may be.
I was thinking about this deposition and still laughing about OCA's "disguise" and realized - you know - there is something about OCA that is just "off". Dr. Krop claimed she has above average intelligence - but I wonder if this is about the sociopathic personality. That idea of imitating a person with a soul but never quite getting it right....

Just for a minute - think about it...when in high profile cases do people wear disguises to testify in cases? When they do not want the public to know their identity or what they look like.

Well duh...This woman, her lawyer and her family has made a point of making sure every angle of her face, every expression she has probably made, including her reactions and the way she walks, how her voice sounds...we know it all.

So what's to hide? Some peeps have said - because her first "get out of jail free" pics haven't been sold. Well excluding the Ohio ones...but will those pics be a surprise? Would an interview have anything at all that would be new and different? Nope - same old same old. Sure fix that nose or those teeth or puff up the lips if you want....still the same old KC...

It's like she doesn't "get" it.....disguises are for people we have never seen, not her..this attempt was just plain goofy...we know how she reacts, what her face will do, how her body will look as her expressions change. A couple of superficial changes will never change that. So I think this was her very own high drama moment, that and she is afraid to face the general public yet, as herself, without the protection of the courtroom, or her lawyers....IMO

Well stated LG. Nobody 'innocent' would feel the need to hide and disguise. As far as Morgan getting the impression she was mad, she may as well be angry with herself. The story about ZFG being the kidnapping babysitter was all her own idea. Yep, how DARE Morgan and Morgan call her out on it.
I agree that she couldn't hide her nostrils flaring but I am a believer of the eyes are the window of the soul. Even is she pleads the fifth, the eyes could reveal the truth.


I'm not sure about that bayouland, although it believe it is true with most people. We saw her eyes a lot during the trial, and those were some cold dead empty eyes we were looking at.
Well, Zenaida had a car with NY License Plates
MITNIK: Well, we certainly -- that is the purpose of those written questions. And I believe if she horses around and ducks those and doesn`t make a sincere effort to provide us this information, when we get back to the judge, we`re liable to end up in a live deposition with her.
GRACE: And Keith, very quickly, before we go to break, what connection did your client, Zenaida Gonzalez, have with Sawgrass Apartments?
MITNIK: She was there applying to move in there.
GRACE: Right.
MITNIK: And her name was on an application. She was...
GRACE: And that was it.
MITNIK: ... driving her car from New York, and suddenly, her name comes up and this woman is saying it`s a lady from New York and we believe there may be connection.
GRACE: Oh, did Zenaida have New York plates?

Aired February 2, 2009 - 20:00:00 ET
I was thinking about this deposition and still laughing about OCA's "disguise" and realized - you know - there is something about OCA that is just "off". Dr. Krop claimed she has above average intelligence - but I wonder if this is about the sociopathic personality. That idea of imitating a person with a soul but never quite getting it right....

Just for a minute - think about it...when in high profile cases do people wear disguises to testify in cases? When they do not want the public to know their identity or what they look like.

Well duh...This woman, her lawyer and her family has made a point of making sure every angle of her face, every expression she has probably made, including her reactions and the way she walks, how her voice sounds...we know it all.

So what's to hide? Some peeps have said - because her first "get out of jail free" pics haven't been sold. Well excluding the Ohio ones...but will those pics be a surprise? Would an interview have anything at all that would be new and different? Nope - same old same old. Sure fix that nose or those teeth or puff up the lips if you want....still the same old KC...

It's like she doesn't "get" it.....disguises are for people we have never seen, not her..this attempt was just plain goofy...we know how she reacts, what her face will do, how her body will look as her expressions change. A couple of superficial changes will never change that. So I think this was her very own high drama moment, that and she is afraid to face the general public yet, as herself, without the protection of the courtroom, or her lawyers....IMO

Great post LG...As to her IQ...two words...Charles Manson. There is a difference between book smart, common sense smart and general intelligence. FCA is smart about deceiving, stealing other peoples money, manipulating other people to keep her... otherwise she's as dumb as a bag of rocks.......:floorlaugh:......imo

LE wears sunglasses for a reason. I myself have had times where I felt uncomfortable and reached for a pair of sunglasses. If you study behavior you can see on faces, appearances that some people will wear their hair back with their face totally exposed much like FCA did during the trial. This was their tactic, no matter how small it seemed, to send a message that FCA had nothing to hide. Notice when FCA, JB and CM went up to the podium after verdict was read, CM at one point reached over and pulled FCA arm down as to say...keep your hands away from your face while judge is speaking to you. She was constantly putting her hands to her face, not to wipe tears but to cover her guilt. This disguise tells me she is hiding her face, maybe from shame and guilt but I don't think shes capable of those emotions. More like fear and self importance. Regardless she is hiding.

I worked with a lady and I always knew she was unhappy because she would wear her hair close/covering her face, almost as if she was using her hair to hide her face and walk with her head down, avioding eye contact. Turned out her husband was beating her. After her divorce she started wearing her hair back, walking with her head up and smiling. It's not a full proof method but when you get to know someone it can be a useful guide.

If FCA is going to change her appearance so she can move among the public freely, then do an interview, this wouldn't make sense. Could be their purpose is to keep her.."in the dark" during the interview. Maybe they are trying to make her infamous, a mystery to keep the publics interest. Create an image of mystery surrounding her, no one will ever know what she looks like..ever. Problem is she can't change her name, her walk, her angry fisties. Doesn't matter what she looks like on the outside, can't change who she is on the inside plus I don't think their smart enough to come up with the idea......:floorlaugh:

I think it was just an attempt to keep the safety issue alive, JB likes to keep that card in his back pocket. Also her attempt to make herself feel important..movie star quality, I think the glasses have always had that meaning to her. She just lives in her own fabricated...very small world and hopefully she will stay there!...JMO
Great post LG...As to her IQ...two words...Charles Manson. There is a difference between book smart, common sense smart and general intelligence. FCA is smart about deceiving, stealing other peoples money, manipulating other people to keep her... otherwise she's as dumb as a bag of rocks.......:floorlaugh:......imo

LE wears sunglasses for a reason. I myself have had times where I felt uncomfortable and reached for a pair of sunglasses. If you study behavior you can see on faces, appearances that some people will wear their hair back with their face totally exposed much like FCA did during the trial. This was their tactic, no matter how small it seemed, to send a message that FCA had nothing to hide. Notice when FCA, JB and CM went up to the podium after verdict was read, CM at one point reached over and pulled FCA arm down as to say...keep your hands away from your face while judge is speaking to you. She was constantly putting her hands to her face, not to wipe tears but to cover her guilt. This disguise tells me she is hiding her face, maybe from shame and guilt but I don't think shes capable of those emotions. More like fear and self importance. Regardless she is hiding.

I worked with a lady and I always knew she was unhappy because she would wear her hair close/covering her face, almost as if she was using her hair to hide her face and walk with her head down, avioding eye contact. Turned out her husband was beating her. After her divorce she started wearing her hair back, walking with her head up and smiling. It's not a full proof method but when you get to know someone it can be a useful guide.

If FCA is going to change her appearance so she can move among the public freely, then do an interview, this wouldn't make sense. Could be their purpose is to keep her.."in the dark" during the interview. Maybe they are trying to make her infamous, a mystery to keep the publics interest. Create an image of mystery surrounding her, no one will ever know what she looks like..ever. Problem is she can't change her name, her walk, her angry fisties. Doesn't matter what she looks like on the outside, can't change who she is on the inside plus I don't think their smart enough to come up with the idea......:floorlaugh:

I think it was just an attempt to keep the safety issue alive, JB likes to keep that card in his back pocket. Also her attempt to make herself feel important..movie star quality, I think the glasses have always had that meaning to her. She just lives in her own fabricated...very small world and hopefully she will stay there!...JMO

Well Said!!..:seeya:
Well look at you go! LOL - fun, isn't it!!! :skip: :skip: :skip:

Gosh...I suddenly feel so grown up...Not!...:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I have conquered a small part of the computer that hates me...:rollercoaster:

Next thing ya know I'll be hooking up my own DVD players...:takeabow:
I'm not sure that's correct. Casey was driving Tony's jeep with NY plates at the time. Z?G had lived in Florida for years, there's no reason her car would have had NY plates.

Are you saying it's unlikely that Zenaidas car had NY plates or impossible. Unlikely would be reasonable. What if a relative of Zenaidas from NY decided to help her out and give her a car and she hadn't transferred the title yet. I don't know myself.
I'm not sure that's correct. Casey was driving Tony's jeep with NY plates at the time. Z?G had lived in Florida for years, there's no reason her car would have had NY plates.

ZG car she was driving during that time belonged to her brother and he had NY plates on his car. So when LE went for a statement, bam, she had NY plates on a car similar to the one KC described. jmo
ZG car she was driving during that time belonged to her brother and he had NY plates on his car. So when LE went for a statement, bam, she had NY plates on a car similar to the one KC described. jmo

I know that's the rumor that's been spread around, but what is it based on? From what I've read, Z?G drove her own car which was only similar in color to the one Casey described. It was a different make and much older.
Are you saying it's unlikely that Zenaidas car had NY plates or impossible. Unlikely would be reasonable. What if a relative of Zenaidas from NY decided to help her out and give her a car and she hadn't transferred the title yet. I don't know myself.

Of course I'm not saying it's impossible. I think MITNIK got the info wrong. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that's happened in this case.
I'm not sure about that bayouland, although it believe it is true with most people. We saw her eyes a lot during the trial, and those were some cold dead empty eyes we were looking at.

I thought she was purposely straring straight forward at trial trying to show no emotion as I am sure she was told to do along with the head shaking, but, to me there were times that she was out of control, angry, sad, that her eyes were telling.

I'm not saying she isn't cold and unfeeling but I do think that these glasses are a part of a protective mechanism. Reminds me of my kids when they would try and lie to me......no eye contact, strange looks.....

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