MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #11

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It came from a newscast early on. Don't have a link because it very possibly could have been just a part not online as much has been. I wouldn't even begin to know where to look for it either, but it was.

Oh....I agree...I know it was. What I was responding to was a person saying that he reached into his own pocket to get the phone to all 911. I was asking this so that the person might give the link to where he called from his work phone because I hadn't heard that. Thanks's so hard to keep everything on track..:)
Who said it was an experienced baby snatcher? And already the house probably had some lights on, so if they wanted to creep around in the dark they'd have had to turn lights off once they got in there.

Also, the cell snatching doesn't bother me because pocketing 3 phones probably doesn't make that much noise. Heck, she apparently didn't wake up when J drove up to the house after work, opened and closed his car door, opened and closed the front door and opened her bedroom door. If that didn't wake her, why would someone trying to be stealthy?

I have been lurking here the past few days and read some very interesting points and views but this one made me decide to jump in....

She also said she had a baby monitor in her room and still didn't hear a thing??? Most of those monitors are very sensitive and you can practically hear any movement or sound that is made.....and her baby was sick with a cold at that.....I personally would have checked on my baby a few times between 10:30 and 4 am, but again that's just me.....
EricKCTV5 Eric Chaloux
Candles just lit for #LisaIrwin vigil starts at 8 Chelsea and North Lister KCMO.
13 minutes ago
I really enjoyed this. Could you hear me laughing (from miles away) during the brief discussion about NG passing gas with an Irish accent? :floorlaugh:

During the [in a British voice] Pasodoble. :floorlaugh:
In my family... to wake someone up for no reason is one of the rudest things you can do... just to ask them a question "you" need an answer too... extremely rude.

I just asked my husband if he came home at 4 am and all the lights were on and the door was unlocked would he wake me up to tell me. He thought for a half a second and said no. I would just assume you forgot and then in the morning I'd ream you for not locking the door! (Which he wouldn't even because he has left the back door unlocked when he has come in from smoking and I am always behind him locking the doors.) If he didn't see our child in their bed, he would assume the she was in ours. If she wasn't there, THEN of course he would wake me but not because I may have forgotten to turn off the lights.
I've "eaten" plenty in my day! LOL
Yes, I would say that I, figuratively, over the years, have chewed my way through several haberdasheries full of hats.

Several fields full of crows, too.
I wonder where the info came from then that he was running through the neighborhood knocking on doors to use their phone?

It came from a newscast early on. Don't have a link because it very possibly could have been just a part not online as much has been. I wouldn't even begin to know where to look for it either, but it was.

Police say Lisa’s father returned home from work around 4 a.m. to find the child missing and immediately started banging on neighbors’ doors asking if they had seen her.
I much prefer Crow and I may have to eat it but I agree with you Lavanda Dolce. I just don't see it.

ETA I see Elepher50 may be joining me in eating Crow if need be. :)

I will eat my shoe
Just getting caught up with the thread. Some interesting points made.

The point made that a new kitten could be used to help the boys deal with the loss of the baby was interesting - do we know when they got that kitten?

Regarding who wears the pants in the family, I still feel it is DB. MOO.

My overall theory is the same:
1) Sunday baby Lisa had a cold at birthday party.
2) Back at the house, she is accidentally overdosed on Tylenol.
3) Parents freak out, and feel this could jeopardize custody of one or both boys. They also can't face their family with their tragic mistake.
4) Parents come up with kidnapping story, not realizing that things would snowball out of control with the media and police attention.
5) JI as part of this story works the graveyard hours, his first time doing so (LE should check with his boss when this idea came about - it should be within 24 hours of the shift.)
6) The clothes/diapers/blanket were burned in dumpster at 2:28 A.M. (apparently by DB)
7) The baby was buried in a nearby location.
8) The cell phone story IMO was relayed AFTER their initial story, on Tuesday when LE asked for the phones. DB was not expecting to be asked for the phones. They got rid of the phones, specifically her phone and JI's phone, plus an old one to craft a story that deflects attention away from the two phones that have evidence of their 2:38 communication.
9) Motive for staging this was to ensure they don't lose custody of JI's son, as I suspect his mother wants him.
10) Financial advantages will be tempting to this couple and I would anticipate further exclusives offered to media, etc. and even a book deal down the road.

What can be done?

a) Use recent re-enactment and other evidence of story outnesses (the 2:38 call/text is the biggest one) to GET A CONFESSION.
b) My opinion is that JI will break before DB will. She is "all in" and in Casey Anthony mode, IMO. Whereas with JI, I feel he is more vulnerable to collapse. I recommend putting your hand on his shoulder to get into his world more, get him to look in your eyes when he answers, use a LD as well, and use the best FBI guy available. I would tell him I know it was an accident and that if he works with us, we will work with him, etc. I'd tell him how many mothers are terrified of their baby being abducted around the world right now, and that we need the truth. Yes I would press him. The only way the damn will break is with pressure.
c) Continue to interview DB and work to expose further inconsistencies in her story. Expose them and demand the truth. I would try a female agent.
d) Cadaver dogs used on all areas within 5 mile radius. Include the backyards of family.
But I would do a,b and c first.

I'm not from the U.S. and I have a question about your doors. You are talking about the door being unlocked. Do you mean the door was actually open or was it closed but not locked with a key? If it's the last one..can you open the door from the outside if it isn't locked with a key? In my country when you close the front door, you can't open it from outside. Locked with a key or not.
I have been lurking here the past few days and read some very interesting points and views but this one made me decide to jump in....

She also said she had a baby monitor in her room and still didn't hear a thing??? Most of those monitors are very sensitive and you can practically hear any movement or sound that is made.....and her baby was sick with a cold at that.....I personally would have checked on my baby a few times between 10:30 and 4 am, but again that's just me.....

I couldn't "go there" either with the bad chain of thought. But I think my mama instincts and mama love would still be wanting to care as much as I could for my baby- even if from a distance. I would want to be begging to whoever had my child to care for her in the ways that only a mom knows her own baby could. (In addition to begging for her return home!)

BBM - That's what I have been missing through all of this, the begging and pleading for whoever it is to take care of the baby.
Very unusual,I have never seen a dumpster on fire.Why do I think this is connected?

Dumpster fires are common and firefighters hate them. If you google you will find alot of articles about them
I'll try.

Police back at Irwin's testing trying to climb in window
Family handing out fliers at Kansas Speedway, race day
no suspects or POIs yet
Lisa is still missing :(

Shelby1 has a timeline in her siggy; I know I've missed things.

I'm testing to see if the link show up, don't mind me lol :)


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If someone took the cell phones just to delay calling 911. How much time would really be lost? I would run to my neighbors immediately if I had no phone. I don't think it would delay me by a whole lot of time to make a difference since we have no idea what time between 10:30 and 4:00 that she no longer in her bed.
I have been lurking here the past few days and read some very interesting points and views but this one made me decide to jump in....

She also said she had a baby monitor in her room and still didn't hear a thing??? Most of those monitors are very sensitive and you can practically hear any movement or sound that is made.....and her baby was sick with a cold at that.....I personally would have checked on my baby a few times between 10:30 and 4 am, but again that's just me.....

Two young rambunctious boys in the house, 10 months post partum, cranky baby from cold...I think she could have slept through a monitor. We don't know her sleep habits if she is a super sound sleeper, etc. Like you, I too would have been checking a number of son slept in our bedroom in a porta crib next to the bed and then on a mattress in a car bed next to our bed as he started with severe grand mal seizures at 11 months old so it was a must for me! My other two children were both quite, my daughter practically slept with us all the time from about 10 months - 2 years old...had a heck of time getting her to sleep in a crib and then her own bed. My last child, a son...never sick...never fevers...nursed him until a year old so was used to going in if he woke up or my "body" knew when to go in. So hard for me to judge this one.
I am surprised by how many of us think mom is innocent.

I have been frightened to admit it....but I don't think she is. where is the crow?
No crow? Ok, then....I'll take the turducken.
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