FN's Guy Fieri Accused of Off-Color Comments


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Foodie Fieri Accused of Off-Color Kitchen Comments

by Adam Buckman
Oct 18th, 2011 | 10:33 AM

“Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” chow hound Guy Fieri is being accused of homophobia and sexism by a disgruntled former producer.

In an interview with an alternative newspaper in Minneapolis, producer David Page said Fieri is uncomfortable around gay couples. And, said Page, Fieri has a breast fixation.

The interview in the paper known as “City Pages” was picked up by the New York Post, which reported on it here...
One of my DH's friends went to school with this dude, but then his name was Guy Ferry... According to our friend he was EXACTLY the same in school as they are saying he still is today... Oh well... Some people never grow up...
From the article-
Our take: Sure, it’s certainly spicy to learn what goes on behind the scenes at one of our favorite food shows. But the real scandal would be if any of these off-color comments about “poop” or breasts actually were aired. Since they don’t make the final cut, though, we think such comments are just part of the production process, as Guy struggles to find the right things to say while standing in a restaurant kitchen with his mouth full of food.

OK, so Guy says some inappropriate things while filming “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” — that’s what editors are for, right?

I don't care for him but this is a 'so what?' IMO. He's weirded out by gay people - so what?
He's the only host who makes off color remarks? I don't think so.
Well, I am weirded-out by Guy Fieri, and always HAVE been. I've always found him obnoxious and wouldn't want to eat anything he prepared. He seems like someone who would sleep in his clothes and forget to wash his hands before he cooks. Ick.
Awww. I LOVE Guy! I love Triple D (as he calls it... hmmm) I know he's a jokester, maybe the comments were taken out of context?
I dunno.. i think he has a right to be uncomfortable around gay people if he chooses.. JMO. BUT, he's not allowed to discriminate against them being on the show!
Lasty, i know alot of guys that have breast fetishes and can't help but sneak as many peeks as possible, but he needs to act professionally and not leer!
I won't look at him differently.. He may need to grow up and he might be a bit of a perv and a homophobe, but as long as he's not hurting anybody.....
The title of this thread is weird -Accused of off color remarks - as though it's illegal. Accused and found guilty, as are we all - so what? Is someone after him because gay people 'weird him out'?. Is that what this is all about?
I wonder if Jewish cooks weird him out too? Or, perhaps those of a different color (keeping in context with the thread title).

UGH, true colors are showing. I never thought he was much, and now will easily hit the clicker when I see him show-up.

Think I've seen the show once or twice, not real memorable. My only thought is it sounds or could be a disgruntled employee trying to cause grief for the host. It wouldn't be the first time someone got their shoulders up. <shrug>
Not sure what to think about him personally, but... just a few weeks ago I went to his new restaurant Johnny Garlic's that opened in my area. I was expecting gourmet food. The portions are generous, and the decor was decent, but self-promoting. In the waiting/lobby area is a flat-screen TV of him playing constantly "Diners, Drive-In's, and Dives" (which I have to admit we like that show), and books by him. The food was underwhelming to me and wasn't cheap. Although I like the coconut shrimp appetizers and the bread in olive oil, the salad was nothing special, and the best part of my dinner was the mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy on my chicken, but the chicken was dried out! Not gourmet food in my book, and we didn't go to the Grand Opening when he was there. Don't plan on going back anytime soon!
P.S. apparently, not all the items on his menu are his own recipes/creations! He also tends to favor dishes with alcohol in them- Bourbon and such...
Im not a huge guy fan, but i do love triple D. Sorry but there are a lot of things people do worse than be uncomfortable around gay couples, or checking out cleavage. This is just one great example of someone wasting news space to promote their own agenda/priorities.
DDD is one of my fav shows. He did a DDD here in San Diego that was fun, and I enjoy watching him. If he said anything, I'm sure it was in jest. My goodness people are soooo sensitive these days ;)


Not sure what to think about him personally, but... just a few weeks ago I went to his new restaurant Johnny Garlic's that opened in my area. I was expecting gourmet food. The portions are generous, and the decor was decent, but self-promoting. In the waiting/lobby area is a flat-screen TV of him playing constantly "Diners, Drive-In's, and Dives" (which I have to admit we like that show), and books by him. The food was underwhelming to me and wasn't cheap. Although I like the coconut shrimp appetizers and the bread in olive oil, the salad was nothing special, and the best part of my dinner was the mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy on my chicken, but the chicken was dried out! Not gourmet food in my book, and we didn't go to the Grand Opening when he was there. Don't plan on going back anytime soon!
P.S. apparently, not all the items on his menu are his own recipes/creations! He also tends to favor dishes with alcohol in them- Bourbon and such...

Hi Linsa, when I think of GF the last thing that comes to my mind is gourmet. He's a bar/pub type o' guy. I checked out their web site and didn't see much of a difference between his co-owned restaurant than most Chili's or Friday's in our area.

But there's no excuse for dry chicken. That's just a bad chef! And who (in this economy) is gonna pay 14 bucks for a burger? Not me.

One would assume that if this restaurant keeps the prices high and the quality low, then it will fold like so many others. In this day and age, folks are very particular in how they part with their money.

I wish him well, but I don't think this business venture is going to last all that long.


Hi Linsa, when I think of GF the last thing that comes to my mind is gourmet. He's a bar/pub type o' guy. I checked out their web site and didn't see much of a difference between his co-owned restaurant than most Chili's or Friday's in our area.

But there's no excuse for dry chicken. That's just a bad chef! And who (in this economy) is gonna pay 14 bucks for a burger? Not me.

One would assume that if this restaurant keeps the prices high and the quality low, then it will fold like so many others. In this day and age, folks are very particular in how they part with their money.

I wish him well, but I don't think this business venture is going to last all that long.


He does have several other restaurants in the Bay Area, he's from Santa Rosa. I was assuming that since he won Food Network Star, that his food would be better than it was. He's parlaying his name...
'Fieri has a breast fixation'

hhhhmmmm maybe that's why it's called DDD

jus sayin'.
The title of this thread is weird -Accused of off color remarks - as though it's illegal. Accused and found guilty, as are we all - so what? Is someone after him because gay people 'weird him out'?. Is that what this is all about?

The thread title comes from the headline of the news article that I posted/linked. I omitted the word "kitchen" because it would have been too long as a thread title. jmo
And the first line is about his homophobia and sexism - homophobia coming in first. It's a 'He doesn't like homos - lets beat him him up and see if we can ruin his career' article.

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