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I wonder if JI now coming out and saying he was supposed to leave work at 10:00 is a way for him to say, "Oh well yes, I was only scheduled to work until 10:00, so that's why you see that on my work schedule. But no, I had to stay later."

I would absolutely believe JI's story if I saw a punched time card, or if the alleged Starbucks video everyone keeps talking about had a time stamp (and I could actually SEE this video), or if LE came out and said, "Jeremy Irwin has an ironclad alibi". But so far...I haven't seen any of those things. All I've seen is Jeremy Irwin himself telling us what time he came home, that LE have cleared him, etc.etc. And right now, Jermey Irwin's word doesn't carry any weight with me.
Do they have two kitchens? Was there one in the basement? We had a house like that...a full kitchen upstairs and another in the walk-out basement.

I believe that kitchen with the black granite counter top is the kitchen in the home where they are currently staying.
I am dense. Why am I seeing two different houses that they lived in? There was a tour of a very tidy home I saw in the beginning. The other day there was a kitchen I didn't recognize. The house was not neat and most of the stuff around was not from LE. They left the box and the glasses? Was there fingerprint residue on this stuff. I didn't see it but I didn't look closely. I better watch this again.
I am dense. Why am I seeing two different houses that they lived in? There was a tour of a very tidy home I saw in the beginning. The other day there was a kitchen I didn't recognize. The house was not neat and most of the stuff around was not from LE. They left the box and the glasses? Was there fingerprint residue on this stuff. I didn't see it but I didn't look closely. I better watch this again.

The picture of the kitchen with the wine glasses on the counter (Deborah and Jeremy are hugging) is in the kitchen where they have been staying since the disappearance, a family member's home.

The kitchen with the the wine box and all the messiness is their house. The mess comes from LE spending 17 hours on Wed. going through everything and every part of the house looking for evidence. The house was fairly tidy before LE did the big search. The news reporter went through the house before the big search.
I first heard about Lisa because a friend had posted the Amber Alert on FB. I used to live in a suburb of KC, so it felt kind of close to home. KWIM?

I mentioned it at class that same night to several class mates. Do you know what every single class mate said to me? Basically the sentiment was, why does everyone put out these alerts and start up a media frenzy because it's always the mother or father, usually the mom.

We didn't have any statements from DB/JI yet. However, a significant portion of the public already had their mind made up. Now, as we hear even more information, it becomes too easy to look at all of the information through "the mom did it"-tinted glasses. Everything ends up going through that filter. I also think many in the public, including posters here, are still pissed about the CA trial. I completely understand as I was pissed after that trial as well. However, I believe that some of that anger is being misdirected onto this case.

It could go either way IMO. I'm still on the fence. I agree with IndaMiddle. Sometimes the boogieman does exist and sometimes that boogieman is not Mommy or Daddy.

Anyway, just sad for Lisa and rambling... IMO, MOO :twocents: and all that.. :(

I played devils advocate throughout the 'other case'....(much to the annoyance and frustration of many WS members. I'm sure I ended up on more than one 'ignore' list LOL.)
I was always concerned that it may result in a NG verdict. I was neither shocked nor pissed, because I was prepared for it. Even though I felt she was guilty I wasn't convinced it was as slam-dunk as many others did.

Lisa's case has been completely different for me. I have never had such a strong gut reaction before.

4.15 of this video was when that gut feeling began. I just feel that at that point when she closes her eyes, she is seeing Lisa dead again. Like it's replaying in her mind, over and over.

[ame=""]Baby Lisa's Parents Take Questions From Reporters - YouTube[/ame]

I hoped that my feelings would change with time, and that I could be that annoying devils advocate again regardless of my gut feelings. But with each interview I see, and each different story I hear out of Db's own mouth, that feeling gets stronger and stronger....and it fits logically.

I do 'think' DB played a role in Lisa's disappearance, but am not so narrow-minded that I cannot embrace the possibility of an abduction if any evidence points in that direction.

I would love nothing more than to hear that Lisa was abducted by some unstable but well-meaning person who just wanted a baby to love, and that she will be returned safe and sound. I won't give up hope, but that doesn't change my current feeings. I also don't discount any theories of a ill-meaning abductor. All of these options are possible IMO.

IIRC DB herself stated that she had followed several cases and always thought it was the parents, so I don't understand what all the fuss is about, and why she should expect to be treated any differently.

As long as LE is following all leads and being thorough in the investigation in order to find Lisa, that's all that matters.

Praying she is found soon.:prayer:

Whose house had the kitchen we just saw with the attorney?

That's Baby Lisa's house.
=carole;7277995]The picture of the kitchen with the wine glasses on the counter (Deborah and Jeremy are hugging) is in the kitchen where they have been staying since the disappearance, a family member's home.

The kitchen with the the wine box and all the messiness is their house. The mess comes from LE spending 17 hours on Wed. going through everything and every part of the house looking for evidence. The house was fairly tidy before LE did the big search. The news reporter went through the house before the big search.

okay, so the messy house belongs to DB and the very neat house belongs to JI's it..(I hope) This messes up the profile I was working on. I didn't think that overly neat house fit anyway.

The black counter belongs in the Irwin Parents' house and the other belong to DB and JI. I was that interview.
I believe that kitchen with the black granite counter top is the kitchen in the home where they are currently staying.

Are they trying drive me insane? Is the home where they're currently staying also have a box o' wine on the counter along with 2 glasses? Because in the early video I didn't see any wine in the kitchen, then I did, with 2 glasses.



Okay - I think I got it.

The wine glasses = the home they are staying at

The box o' wine = Lisa's home

So, exactly how long did DB and bf stay at the house Lisa was abducted from after she vanished? That video they showed sure messed me up. They did some serious editing....

Looks like they left the house the same day. I would have stayed. Maybe the boys could stay with GMA for a time, while I go over the house and try to figure out what happened. I have to review all those videos again. I hadn't been this confused in quite a while.
So, exactly how long did DB and bf stay at the house Lisa was abducted from after she vanished?

Looks like just hours....

I don't think they ever actually went back and lived there after she disappeared. They've been staying with family.
So they showed us clips of where they are staying now and slipped in Lisa's bdrm from the other house...a piece of it anyway. We never got a complete view of Lisa's room..just a corner of it. They showed a crib with a bathtub in it and a patched up window.

I thought it was odd to have old stuff piled in Lisa's bed. I would want it to be special, not a storage bin. Most parents who have lost children treat their room like a shrine...not these two....hmm.

One other time, a parent did this was in the SP case and we all know how that turned out!
I wouldn't want to leave the house. I would want to feel Lisa's energy. They throw their stuff in some suitcases and move on.
Missing Mo. baby's age makes her harder to find

The problem, officials say, is that at her age — just 10 months when she went missing on Oct. 4 — countless babies match the same description, right down to the bright blue eyes and two bottom teeth. She does have a distinguishing birth mark on her right thigh, but that would hardly be noticed from a distance.
I am glad people are looking for her, anyway.

Babies that age change very fast. In a couple of months she'll look quite different. I think the chances of someone spotting her with strangers at a drive-in and being right are rather small but if you know someone who didn't used to have a baby before and now does it's another story.
I always look at babies and children. Partly because I love them but also I look for missing children. We had a little nine year old girl go missing in NC on Valentine's day in 2000. I still look for her.

Her name is Asha Degree. I've memorized her hairline, eyes, eyebrows, her smile. Hoping, still hoping!
I always look at babies and children. Partly because I love them but also I look for missing children. We had a little nine year old girl go missing in NC on Valentine's day in 2000. I still look for her.

Her name is Asha Degree. I've memorized her hairline, eyes, eyebrows, her smile. Hoping, still hoping!

I remember Asha. I live just ouside of Charlotte. It's such a mystery what happened to her. They did find her backpack, I think, buried, but there's been no sign of her. So very sad.
I remember Asha. I live just ouside of Charlotte. It's such a mystery what happened to her. They did find her backpack, I think, buried, but there's been no sign of her. So very sad.

Yes they did find her backpack in a field. Her Daddy had gotten her a box of candy for Valentine's and they found wrappers from the candy in an old shed. It still hurts a lot of us!
I'm guessing we won't be hearing much from LE until the test results are back. It's nice to see people still calling in with "sightings" and haven't given up hope.
I don't think all these people just made things up. This is a missing kid case. There is a baby missing. Different people who do not know each other are all just lying? I don't buy that. And they didn't call LE because most people don't when they see something strange. With all the publicity, what they saw may have begun to nag at them until they felt they should report it.

It has happened in other cases, where later eyewitness testimony helps crack a case.

However, they may be mistaken about what they think they saw. The mind is a mysterious thing. We we're talking about that on the mystery man thread.

Do you remember way back when -- when a person got sick at a stadium and then the everyone started feeling sick at the stadium!!

You make a good point -- the mind works in mysterious ways.

However, if a person witnessed someone carrying an infant, clad only in a diaper, in the middle of the night, in the cold, as soon as news broke of a possible kidnapping, they would have contacted LE immediately -- IMMEDIATELY, not wait a week or more and say -- oh by the way .......!!!!!!

Upon hearing one person say this, then the next person jumped on the bandwagon.

I'm not saying that this is what happened, it's just an opinion on what these infant sightings could be. Even the talking heads, along with experts seem to be querying these sightings.

IMO only
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