WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 3

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Also, the photo of Sky was not taken on Nov. 6th. In the mom's flickr account, that photo was uploaded on April of this year. Sky was in a mini van.
That recording made me sick. Shes got her daughter so worked up over visitation. That happens with coaching. Shes recording it because she knew it would happen. Its twisted. Wanna know why you dont hear the son crying? He is too young for coaching.
I don't see anything strange about the number of pictures, but it is the way that they were taken. Sky is in the corner or not really the center of lots of them, but they are just so scattered.

She's not taking many of those pictures, who is?
In my opinion, the kids seemed very well taken care of. But that is just from looking at the pics. I would have never imagined that this mom that took so many pics of her children, who are clean, healthy and well dressed, would leave them unattended for 11 hours.
Respectfully snipped for space and relevance.

This^^^ Totally for me. I don't see anything strange about the number of pictures, but it is the way that they were taken. Sky is in the corner or not really the center of lots of them, but they are just so scattered. M is totally different, like every second. This really stood out in the folder on fb about going to the doctor for the first time. Just clicking the album and it opening up with every movement of the child in the car seat. Just gave me a weird vibe. Don't know what it is, but felt strange.

I think these parents just kept going back and forth at each other, with accusations and pulling on these kids like a tug-o-war... :(

In the end, I believe that it ultimately cost Sky his life. I think she went over the edge. Just my opinion. And I really do hope I'm wrong.
It's not the same outfit that he was reported to be wearing when he disappeared. That photo you see was taken months prior -- it's in JB's flickr account, I think from March. The family owns several versions of those striped pants in different colors. Same thing with the hooded sweatshirts. That's why it sounds like it's the same outfit but appears to be a different color in the photo. It's not the same outfit.

Please see my post here:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #2

It is the same EXACT clothes the police said..not the same DAY though..
She's not taking many of those pictures, who is?

I guess that in truth we really don't know. Would be interesting to find out that it was dad. He didn't seem, from the recordings to not want or feel anything odd or lesser towards the daughter. But dad also has no pics (at least visible) of the kids on facebook and she has lots of just one event (among others) and if he hasn't seen the kids, then one would assume that it was her. The Flickr is in her name. There are lots with her in them, but that doesn't means she isn't handing her camera off to various friends and relatives. Hard to say as far as any of it goes.
In my opinion, the kids seemed very well taken care of. But that is just from looking at the pics. I would have never imagined that this mom that took so many pics of her children, who are clean, healthy and well dressed, would leave them unattended for 11 hours.

I wish people would stop associating clean clothing and hair as a sign they are well cared for. A childs behavior is far more indicative of love than an appearance. You only have to talk to a kid for five minutes to learn pretty much everything there is to know about them.

For some people appearance is everything. Their kids always pay for it.

Could be why she was able to keep him away for almost a year. Total speculation. Just saying, I am surprised that she could keep him away that long. I don't know how they do it there in WA, but in VA they have this "fatherhood initiative" going on now and you just cannot keep a father from his children. Period. Even if they are a violent RSO who harmed the child to earn that title: they still get at the very least supervised visitation. It sucks, but it is what it is here and there is no question, so I wonder how she kept him off that long. There was a court order in place at some point that allowed him visitation. What happened to end that?

Do we know that there was a court order that ended his visitation? Is it possible that the exchanges were so traumatic to his children and Julia so obviously mentally distressed that he may have thought it healthier and safer to wait until this recent mediation was completed before seeing the children again? Maybe his not seeing them was voluntary and for the sake of his children's best interests.
Did she not have a cell phone? Who doesnt have a cell phone these days?
Scratch that question. Her facebook says her daughter is handy with her Iphone. So she decided to walk instead of calling AAA or anyone. Noted.
Funny you mention this. Did anyone else notice how messy the hotel room was? You would think a woman with severe OCD that obsesses over cleaning would make sure the room was nice and tidy.

OCD can manifest itself in many different ways. In fact, I believe that hoarders are often diagnosed with OCD and they are definitely not clean freaks.
Biryukova had no additional adult criminal history, but was charged with second-degree theft as a juvenile when she was 16 after she was caught stealing clothes from the Bellevue Square Nordstrom store, according to juvenile-court records.

Court documents say she was stopped by a loss-prevention officer, who recovered six tank tops, three skirts, three pairs of jeans and a dress, together valued at $587.90, that Biryukova had stuffed into old shopping bags.

"Julia admitted to the theft, saying that she did it because she didn't think it was fair that her friends stole and had all these new clothes that they didn't pay for and she wanted her clothes for free; she also said it was peer pressure," a Bellevue officer wrote in a police report.

I find it ironic that Nordstrom in Bel Square was a "like" on her FB. This early behavior seems to fit with the whole lifestyle thing of the more recent past IMO.

OCD can manifest itself in many different ways. In fact, I believe that hoarders are often diagnosed with OCD and they are definitely not clean freaks.

Sorry to quote myself but I thought of a question after I posted this. Many people seem to be doubting the OCD diagnosis because of the messy hotel room but we have also heard that she was a neat freak. Those of you that have experience with OCD, is it possible for their compulsive behaviors to change over time? For example, if someone with OCD compulsively washes their hands could they, over a period of time, stop that behavior and start compulsively hoarding magazines or something?

Not sure that this has anything to do with this poor little guy but I would like to know anyway.
That recording made me sick. Shes got her daughter so worked up over visitation. That happens with coaching. Shes recording it because she knew it would happen. Its twisted. Wanna know why you dont hear the son crying? He is too young for coaching.

I totally agree.She sounds so manipulative.She is trying to convince him that he is the bad guy.So twisted.That's the right word.
As far as the OCD did you guys notice the pictures when she is feeding spaghetti to the girl? She is wearing a white shirt and the mom is so concerned with her shirt not getting dirty.
God,what did she do to Sky? I try to keep an open mind in the case but it's hard.
She did change her profile picture or somebody did it for her.
"The dreaming demon" linked to her facebook days ago and I looked at it it was just a picture of her,no Sky
Dont know if this has been discussed.

In the mom's Facebook, already talked about in MSM, her daughter was taken to the dr's, for the 1st time ever, at around 2 years of age. Now, she took her to a Homeopathic Doctor's office based on the extremely detailed pics of that visit.

Why would the Mom take Sky to a hospital if she believes in Homeopathy? Doesn't add up.

It was mentioned earlier that the kids attended a pre-school. Wouldn't the school require updated medical records i.e. immunizations, etc? Schools around here do.

When mine were babies/toddlers and got sick on non-business days, I still called the pediatrician and they decided whether I should take the child to an ER, etc. I'm sure they must have had one as I couldn't see someone with her background not having a permanent doctor for her children.
It was mentioned earlier that the kids attended a pre-school. Wouldn't the school require updated medical records i.e. immunizations, etc? Schools around here do.

When mine were babies/toddlers and got sick on non-business days, I still called the pediatrician and they decided whether I should take the child to an ER, etc. I'm sure they must have had one as I couldn't see someone with her background not having a permanent doctor for her children.

I haven't heard anything about the children attending any per-schools.
I haven't heard anything about the children attending any per-schools.

King 5 says :
LE were back out today to survey the area not to search.
Neighbor is the one who seen him last.
40 minutes before he was reported missing witness's seen no one in car.
There is traffic provisions that could have made her go the route she did.
She used to have a apartment nearby.
Uncle still considers Julia family and has a picture of her on his wall.
Attends City church in Kirkland, police were there yesterday.
Kids attended Elite kids preschool, police were also talking with them.
Mom has hired a criminal attorney.


Also read up on WA regs and immunizations are required and must be recorded.

Mods: Not sure if this is ok to post, so if it isn't, feel free to remove.
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