ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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Why doesn't she just effing say what she wants to say??? Hmmmmm? Just what exactly is keeping her from talking? I just don't get what she will say. Will she explain why she killed her daughter because of all of the abuse she suffered as a child? I mean, what else could be so riveting that she thinks she has to spill her lying guts? Does she think that if she keeps up the lie that was spewed at trial people are gonna like her or something?
Not in a million.
From todays Current News Thread
During a chat with WFTV-Channel 9 legal analyst Bill Sheaffer, Greene turned to the camera and said: “Miss Gonzalez, I apologize from the bottom of my heart and I’ll make sure Casey Anthony does, too, if you’ll dismiss this case.” http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/ent...-gonzalez.html

And there you go M & M! Right there is your confession from CONVICTED FELONS mouth piece. Take it all the way to a jury cuz if they see this gold nugget they will find CONVICTED FELON guilty.
Mr Greene, put your foot in your mouth much?

If it didn't come from Casey's mouth, it's meaningless. Besides, it doesn't say what he (or Casey) would apologize for.
From todays Current News Thread
During a chat with WFTV-Channel 9 legal analyst Bill Sheaffer, Greene turned to the camera and said: “Miss Gonzalez, I apologize from the bottom of my heart and I’ll make sure Casey Anthony does, too, if you’ll dismiss this case.” http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/ent...-gonzalez.html

And there you go M & M! Right there is your confession from CONVICTED FELONS mouth piece. Take it all the way to a jury cuz if they see this gold nugget they will find CONVICTED FELON guilty.
Mr Greene, put your foot in your mouth much?

I personally would like to see the actual video of this interview of Greene, see how he actually says this and his facial expressions, etc...... but without that, IMO, it sounds like me maybe is being sarcastic or facetious to me. They have said all along Zenaida does not have a leg to stand on, so now he is asking her in a backwards-kind-of-way to dismiss the lawsuit that he says has no merit to begin with and FCA will apologize? I don't believe he said this in a serious manner, but again, without the video of this interview.......

up thread someone posted that RHornsby predicts the case will be dismissed at the next hearing.
In the above article attorney Jeff Deen also predicts the case will be dismissed

YET..in the the same article the lawyers representing both sids (M&M and Greene) predict the civil suit will end with a trial

"But both sides told Sheaffer they think Gonzalez’s defamation suit will end with a trial."

Greene also said OCA would like to tell her story but on her terms...

Maybe Greene doesn't want to be presumptuous in front of the judge??? As for Morgan??? Who knows.
Snipped from article above:

Greene countered that Gonzalez isn’t seeking money because Anthony is unemployed and indigent. Greene added that Anthony “would love” to tell her story, but will do so on her terms.

Yep. You can take it to the bank that FCA is working on either a book deal or TV interview deal.

AFAIK she is not living in a homeless shelter- she has a dog, a camera and a computer for sure, so she is not truly indigent. I just paid several Vet bills, new bedding and food for my dogs and it costs a lot of $$$ to keep them. I'm sure Mommie dearest is bankrolling Casey's new lifestyle courtesy of Dr Phil.
Maybe Greene doesn't want to be presumptuous in front of the judge??? As for Morgan??? Who knows.

I think Greene ( who now feels so threatened he carries a gun) has finally realized what a Jury will do to his client. He is not in this for money, so he must need the publicity... but I have a feeling he will be notorious rather than famous for defending Casey.
If it didn't come from Casey's mouth, it's meaningless. Besides, it doesn't say what he (or Casey) would apologize for.

I'm pretty sure it's because he parted his hair on the wrong side of his head. ;))
I don't think that FCA cared a thing about this civil case because it's all a big game to her. They probably told her that it was a slam dunk case that she could win and also told her she wouldn't have to testify or even be there so what did she care how she screwed around with FG's life.

When the trial was delayed until next year and she realized or was told she would have to be in hiding for another year, I'm betting that FCA threw one h### of a screaming temper tantrum and told Greene he better handle it and get rid of it NOW. That's why I think this "confession" from Greene came from.

Zenaida Gonzalez attorneys to Casey Anthony: We want all your tweets
1:52 p.m. EST, March 14, 2012|
By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel

"In a series of new filings Wednesday, attorneys for the Morgan & Morgan law firm requested copies of any Twitter posts Anthony may have made..

Meanwhile, Gonzalez's attorneys on Wednesday also filed a notice indicating that they plan to seek a subpoena for Thomas Magorrian, circuit administrator for the Florida Department of Corrections."


M&M want all of OCA's tweets and will try to get her address from Dept of Corrections

Holy flight plan Batman....Quick to the Bat Cave..:ufo:
I'm pretty sure it's because he parted his hair on the wrong side of his head. ;))

No need to be sarcastic. Greene and Casey could apologize that ZG apparently believed that she was ZFG. That's not an admission of anything. After seeing the video, I believe that he was bluffing - basically saying that even if ZG gets what she says she wants, an apology, she won't drop the suit. I think he's right. Now that Morgan has requested Casey's tweets, I'm even more certain. That's simply harassment. Not that Casey doesn't deserve it but it appears to me that Morgan wants to be known as the attorney who took Casey down, it has nothing to do with justice or clearing ZG's name.

Zenaida Gonzalez attorneys to Casey Anthony: We want all your tweets
1:52 p.m. EST, March 14, 2012|
By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel

"In a series of new filings Wednesday, attorneys for the Morgan & Morgan law firm requested copies of any Twitter posts Anthony may have made..

Meanwhile, Gonzalez's attorneys on Wednesday also filed a notice indicating that they plan to seek a subpoena for Thomas Magorrian, circuit administrator for the Florida Department of Corrections."


M&M want all of OCA's tweets and will try to get her address from Dept of Corrections

Holy flight plan Batman....Quick to the Bat Cave..:ufo:

I hope M&M have got someone watching Mason, Greene, that church, and the Anthonys. CM stated that they would move her if they found her so if the subpoena is granted, all they have to do is watch and wait for them to move KC. Then, serve her as they try to move her.
No need to be sarcastic. Greene and Casey could apologize that ZG apparently believed that she was ZFG. That's not an admission of anything. After seeing the video, I believe that he was bluffing - basically saying that even if ZG gets what she says she wants, an apology, she won't drop the suit. I think he's right. Now that Morgan has requested Casey's tweets, I'm even more certain. That's simply harassment. Not that Casey doesn't deserve it but it appears to me that Morgan wants to be known as the attorney who took Casey down, it has nothing to do with justice or clearing ZG's name.


I agree that Morgan want to take KC down, but I don't think it's just about being known as the attorney who did it. I have always said that Morgan seems to be deeply disturbed by what many believe KC to have done, and he has used his position as an attorney to try to "bring her down". (It makes me giggle to say that. "Bring her down!" Lol!) It appeared, at least to me and I believe I posted as much, that during the early stages of the investigation, he was trying to help convict her by utilizing the ZG case to press certain issues. It didn't help, but I don't doubt that Morgan feels about KC the same way as many, many people do.

I agree that Morgan want to take KC down, but I don't think it's just about being known as the attorney who did it. I have always said that Morgan seems to be deeply disturbed by what many believe KC to have done, and he has used his position as an attorney to try to "bring her down". (It makes me giggle to say that. "Bring her down!" Lol!) It appeared, at least to me and I believe I posted as much, that during the early stages of the investigation, he was trying to help convict her by utilizing the ZG case to press certain issues. It didn't help, but I don't doubt that Morgan feels about KC the same way as many, many people do.

I think Morgan's motivation is a combination of a number of things, notoriety, attempting to get admissions from Casey (which isn't going to happen), having too big an ego to admit he has egg on his face and drop the suit, and, as we agreed, wanting to the "the" attorney. At first it bothered me because I felt he was using ZG as a pawn but I've since come to realize that ZG has her own motivation for being involved and it has nothing to do with justice, IMO. I think it's sad that Morgan is abusing the court system and the Florida taxpayers to pay for his ego stroking. If I were a resident of Florida, I'd be outraged.
From todays Current News Thread
During a chat with WFTV-Channel 9 legal analyst Bill Sheaffer, Greene turned to the camera and said: “Miss Gonzalez, I apologize from the bottom of my heart and I’ll make sure Casey Anthony does, too, if you’ll dismiss this case.” http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/ent...-gonzalez.html

And there you go M & M! Right there is your confession from CONVICTED FELONS mouth piece. Take it all the way to a jury cuz if they see this gold nugget they will find CONVICTED FELON guilty.
Mr Greene, put your foot in your mouth much?

I hope she says too little too late Mr. Greene. I'll see you in court! At least drag her through it after all this time and denied justice Ms. Gonzalez.
I think Morgan's motivation is a combination of a number of things, notoriety, attempting to get admissions from Casey (which isn't going to happen), having too big an ego to admit he has egg on his face and drop the suit, and, as we agreed, wanting to the "the" attorney. At first it bothered me because I felt he was using ZG as a pawn but I've since come to realize that ZG has her own motivation for being involved and it has nothing to do with justice, IMO. I think it's sad that Morgan is abusing the court system and the Florida taxpayers to pay for his ego stroking. If I were a resident of Florida, I'd be outraged.

Shouldn't your outrage begin with FCA's abuse of the court and probation system...ZG hasn't wasted a fraction of a fraction of what FCA and her team(s) have.
I think Morgan's motivation is a combination of a number of things, notoriety, attempting to get admissions from Casey (which isn't going to happen), having too big an ego to admit he has egg on his face and drop the suit, and, as we agreed, wanting to the "the" attorney. At first it bothered me because I felt he was using ZG as a pawn but I've since come to realize that ZG has her own motivation for being involved and it has nothing to do with justice, IMO. I think it's sad that Morgan is abusing the court system and the Florida taxpayers to pay for his ego stroking. If I were a resident of Florida, I'd be outraged.

I see your point. And, I'm sure the peope of Florida have been outraged since July of 2008. This whole case has been a sad, sad rollercoaster ride.
No need to be sarcastic. Greene and Casey could apologize that ZG apparently believed that she was ZFG. That's not an admission of anything. After seeing the video, I believe that he was bluffing - basically saying that even if ZG gets what she says she wants, an apology, she won't drop the suit. I think he's right. Now that Morgan has requested Casey's tweets, I'm even more certain. That's simply harassment. Not that Casey doesn't deserve it but it appears to me that Morgan wants to be known as the attorney who took Casey down, it has nothing to do with justice or clearing ZG's name.

Nah, not being sarcastic...Was just having a little fun with ya. :peace:

up thread someone posted that RHornsby predicts the case will be dismissed at the next hearing.
In the above article attorney Jeff Deen also predicts the case will be dismissed

YET..in the the same article the lawyers representing both sids (M&M and Greene) predict the civil suit will end with a trial

"But both sides told Sheaffer they think Gonzalez’s defamation suit will end with a trial."

Greene also said OCA would like to tell her story but on her terms...

Just another one of her lawyers who do not seem to get it. She is a convicted liar. No one would believe ANYTHING she has to say. We do not want to hear "her story."
I think Morgan's motivation is a combination of a number of things, notoriety, attempting to get admissions from Casey (which isn't going to happen), having too big an ego to admit he has egg on his face and drop the suit, and, as we agreed, wanting to the "the" attorney. At first it bothered me because I felt he was using ZG as a pawn but I've since come to realize that ZG has her own motivation for being involved and it has nothing to do with justice, IMO. I think it's sad that Morgan is abusing the court system and the Florida taxpayers to pay for his ego stroking. If I were a resident of Florida, I'd be outraged.

how do you feel about Mr Mason and Mr Baez?
how do you feel about their targeting the searchers on the State of Florida's dime while knowing there was no reason to? would you consider them the same as your low opinion of Mr Morgan?
not snark, a legit question because I really don't know and am curious.
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