ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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I don't really think he's contradicting himself, probably because I tend to agree with him. IF this case goes to trial, which I don't think will happen, it's very possible that a jury will find for ZG. Not because she deserves to win but because they want to see Casey lose.

IMO, it's not about justice or the law anymore, it's a game, like fake wrestling where there's a 'good' guy and a 'bad' guy. We want to see the bad guy suffer and we want to see the good guy win. However, the good guy is only good on TV, in real life he's a wife abuser, or a drug pusher or who knows what. But no one cares, it's all about the entertainment.

We finally agree on something! I can think of NOTHING more entertaining at this point than seeing this particular BAD girl lose. I am also not in the least ashamed to say it.
No offense to RH, but IMO he seems unfamiliar with a couple of basic facts of the case:

Which leaves us with the only piece of connecting information, which is that Casey Anthony apparently visited Sawgrass Apartments, the same apartment complex that Zenaida Gonzalez had visited previously.

... Casey Anthony’s statements were made to investigators during an ongoing criminal investigation; not to initiate a new investigation.

I did appreciate the bit at the end, asserting that in these proceedings, JB's trial opening statement b.s. will be presumed to have come from his client in future proceedings. She can't unride that horse.

... since Jose Baez was Casey Anthony’s “agent” and he gave very specific statements that could only have come from Casey Anthony, and not from inferences based on other witnesses statements, the opening statement is admissible against Casey Anthony, as if she has uttered it herself, as an “Admission by a Party Opponent.”

The above quotes are taken from RH's blog post:
No offense to RH, but IMO he seems unfamiliar with a couple of basic facts of the case:

I did appreciate the bit at the end, asserting that in these proceedings, JB's trial opening statement b.s. will be presumed to have come from his client in future proceedings. She can't unride that horse.

The above quotes are taken from RH's blog post:

I have a lot of trouble accepting that, as RH states, that someone can say anything they like during an investigation and they are immune to prosecution! If, I go to the police and claim that my neighbor raped me because I am angry that he hasn't mowed his lawn in 5 weeks, and he is investigated, his name and likeness sprawled across local headlines and the 5 o'clock news, and it is then found that I made it all up, he has no recourse? Or if a co-worker becomes angry with another co-worker and claims that they sexually harrassed them at work, and that co-worker loses their job, only to find later that the person admitted to lying, they hve no recourse to sue the co-worker? I am simply not believing that! Not at all!
No offense to RH, but IMO he seems unfamiliar with a couple of basic facts of the case:

I did appreciate the bit at the end, asserting that in these proceedings, JB's trial opening statement b.s. will be presumed to have come from his client in future proceedings. She can't unride that horse.

The above quotes are taken from RH's blog post:

Wonder what RH thinks is the reason Mr Greene is apologizing to Zenaida ?
Why would he apologize publicly for someone who has done nothing?
I also think RH is missing some information as to a link between Zenaida and Casey. Maybe he missed the jail video where Casey declines to exonerate
the "girl from Kissimmee'. When given the opportunity to set the record straight she decides to keep Zenaida in her sights...
I don't really think he's contradicting himself, probably because I tend to agree with him. IF this case goes to trial, which I don't think will happen, it's very possible that a jury will find for ZG. Not because she deserves to win but because they want to see Casey lose.

IMO, it's not about justice or the law anymore, it's a game, like fake wrestling where there's a 'good' guy and a 'bad' guy. We want to see the bad guy suffer and we want to see the good guy win. However, the good guy is only good on TV, in real life he's a wife abuser, or a drug pusher or who knows what. But no one cares, it's all about the entertainment.

Great point. I want to see Casey finally "get hers" but I want it to be right in all ways ~ morally, ethically and legally. I am beginning to wonder, though, that because everyone Casey has used, abused and whose lives have been greatly damaged have not been of sterling character (like we see portrayed on TV) that no one will ever be perfect enough to achieve a legal victory over her. It could be a possibility, ugly as it is.

I know I don't need to add the reminder that wife abusers, drug pushers, etc can still be victimized . . . Prostitutes can even be raped.

When I examine my own heart in consideration of the entire wholeness of ZG's lawsuit, I can see that it is lacking in legal substance and perhaps ZG has exaggerated her situation. That makes me very disappointed and heart heavy.

But entertainment? Nope, Willy, gotta firmly disagree with you there. This is not TV and this is not entertainment. It is passion for children who can't speak for themselves, passion for justice and protection of those who have no other voice than us. For me, at least, Caylee and the aftermath is definitely not entertainment.
Great point. I want to see Casey finally "get hers" but I want it to be right in all ways ~ morally, ethically and legally. I am beginning to wonder, though, that because everyone Casey has used, abused and whose lives have been greatly damaged have not been of sterling character (like we see portrayed on TV) that no one will ever be perfect enough to achieve a legal victory over her. It could be a possibility, ugly as it is.

I know I don't need to add the reminder that wife abusers, drug pushers, etc can still be victimized . . . Prostitutes can even be raped.

When I examine my own heart in consideration of the entire wholeness of ZG's lawsuit, I can see that it is lacking in legal substance and perhaps ZG has exaggerated her situation. That makes me very disappointed and heart heavy.

But entertainment? Nope, Willy, gotta firmly disagree with you there. This is not TV and this is not entertainment. It is passion for children who can't speak for themselves, passion for justice and protection of those who have no other voice than us. For me, at least, Caylee and the aftermath is definitely not entertainment.

I could just hug you! Finally, someone gets it. It's not about entertainment, it's about protecting the children, punishing the guilty, righting the wrongs - at least as much as possible being that an innocent child's life can not be restored. Awarding ZG for for taking advantage of this situation and falsely presenting herself a victim only victimizes Caylee further, IMO. Two wrongs do not make a right, and no one should profit from the murder of a child, especially if they have to tell lies to do it. As much as I want to see Casey pay, I want to see it happen honestly. I want the heavens to open up and strike Casey down with lightening, not enough to kill her but to cause her unbearable pain. And when she recovers, I want to happen again. Over and over again to infinity. Awarding a cash judgement to a scam artist (IMO) only belittles Caylee's memory. It's time to end the media circus and start focusing on what's real. Z(no F)G's case is not real, it's something Morgan has concocted to gain national exposure and make himself look like some sort of hero. IMO, it makes him look like a vulture, picking the bones of a sweet beautiful little girl who has already suffered so much indignity.
I get all that too. HOWEVER, seeing as how real justice has escaped this case, I'll take mine any way I can get it please.
Mother's want to protect their children no matter what the cost. In those early days there were many who believed KC's story and ZG's children were terrified by what ill advised people said to them. ZG wants KC to be held accountable for what she has done whether ZG has a case or not. ZG gets that and I believe that is what she wants, some accountability for lies that involved her children's welfare.

Truly the impact of this case would be the testimony of the children and what they endured from KC's lies. You can't just go around tellings lies that involve other people. KC made the connection of ZG being at Sawgrass Apartments within a day of Caylee going missing. There is no way a jury would believe that is coincidental. If KC had had more information on ZG would she have woven it into her story? Obviously she would have because it is a pattern KC has used over and over again in her lies and made up stories.

KC has never apologized for her lying which involved this ZG. It's not as if she did not know she disrupted this family's life. It's not as if KC does not know ZG's children were threatened. KC knows she lied, she knows she cannot be tried again but still has never made an attempt to say I'm sorry you were involved and I never intended for you to be pulled into the middle of this. KC does not say that because it is possible by doing so she would again be lying. This is why it is important to go to trial. It's not as if there was a real person out there. It was always meant to deceive and had ZG been arrested KC would have let the chips fall where they may.

KC has lied and continues to do so and leaves a path of destruction behind her. Her lies have affected truly thousands of people. Thousands have become victims because of her lies: ZG, RK, JG, Jeff Hopkins (but not that Jeff Hopkins, right), TES, her father, her own brother, the 4,000 people who volunteered their time to find a missing child and were subjected to investigations by the defense team, etc. The list goes on and on. She does not care. ZG, RK and TES had decided to at least try and make her realize that what KC has done is wrong and she will be held accountable for her actions in the future. Bravo to them for trying!!!!!

Continuing to enable KC will not help her in the future. Too bad those defending her legally just don't get it. jmo
Mother's want to protect their children no matter what the cost. In those early days there were many who believed KC's story and ZG's children were terrified by what ill advised people said to them. ZG wants KC to be held accountable for what she has done whether ZG has a case or not. ZG gets that and I believe that is what she wants, some accountability for lies that involved her children's welfare.

Truly the impact of this case would be the testimony of the children and what they endured from KC's lies. You can't just go around tellings lies that involve other people. KC made the connection of ZG being at Sawgrass Apartments within a day of Caylee going missing. There is no way a jury would believe that is coincidental. If KC had had more information on ZG would she have woven it into her story? Obviously she would have because it is a pattern KC has used over and over again in her lies and made up stories.

KC has never apologized for her lying which involved this ZG. It's not as if she did not know she disrupted this family's life. It's not as if KC does not know ZG's children were threatened. KC knows she lied, she knows she cannot be tried again but still has never made an attempt to say I'm sorry you were involved and I never intended for you to be pulled into the middle of this. KC does not say that because it is possible by doing so she would again be lying. This is why it is important to go to trial. It's not as if there was a real person out there. It was always meant to deceive and had ZG been arrested KC would have let the chips fall where they may.

KC has lied and continues to do so and leaves a path of destruction behind her. Her lies have affected truly thousands of people. Thousands have become victims because of her lies: ZG, RK, JG, Jeff Hopkins (but not that Jeff Hopkins, right), TES, her father, her own brother, the 4,000 people who volunteered their time to find a missing child and were subjected to investigations by the defense team, etc. The list goes on and on. She does not care. ZG, RK and TES had decided to at least try and make her realize that what KC has done is wrong and she will be held accountable for her actions in the future. Bravo to them for trying!!!!!

Continuing to enable KC will not help her in the future. Too bad those defending her legally just don't get it. jmo

well said and well written. I have more of my own comments but will place them seperately so no one thinks your great words are a part of my opinion.
my own addition, and my own thoughts and opinions:
another casualty of the Casey Anthony story is my faith in our legal system. I know I will be chastized for it but it won't make it less true. I have no faith in our legal system. How can I when it is so obviously skewed? Casey Anthony, queen of the liars, is now a legal victim? those whose lives her lies and actions harmed are now dissected and painted as liars, thieves, and bad guys and in the legal eyes it's okay because either her lies didnt perfectly name them or her attys words don't matter because anything can be said in a court room if it helps her case? she did use the name ZG, she did accuse two men of molestation/sexual abuse. She accused an unnamed person of date rape, she and her legal team dug into searchers lives, allowed so much money to be spent searching, floated mistruths, etc.... those things are now mere dust on the untouchable one's shoulders but ZG is now a horrible person and soon in the legal eyes Tim Miller will probably be too.
I'm glad my children and I have no reason to be in a court of law because I honestly have no faith in it or the legal profession. I'm sorry if my words may not be what some want to read and it is not personal but the other crime, the unnammed victim, of Casey Anthony and her legal cult is my faith in the legal system.
Mother's want to protect their children no matter what the cost. In those early days there were many who believed KC's story and ZG's children were terrified by what ill advised people said to them. ZG wants KC to be held accountable for what she has done whether ZG has a case or not. ZG gets that and I believe that is what she wants, some accountability for lies that involved her children's welfare.

Truly the impact of this case would be the testimony of the children and what they endured from KC's lies. You can't just go around tellings lies that involve other people. KC made the connection of ZG being at Sawgrass Apartments within a day of Caylee going missing. There is no way a jury would believe that is coincidental. If KC had had more information on ZG would she have woven it into her story? Obviously she would have because it is a pattern KC has used over and over again in her lies and made up stories.

KC has never apologized for her lying which involved this ZG. It's not as if she did not know she disrupted this family's life. It's not as if KC does not know ZG's children were threatened. KC knows she lied, she knows she cannot be tried again but still has never made an attempt to say I'm sorry you were involved and I never intended for you to be pulled into the middle of this. KC does not say that because it is possible by doing so she would again be lying. This is why it is important to go to trial. It's not as if there was a real person out there. It was always meant to deceive and had ZG been arrested KC would have let the chips fall where they may.

KC has lied and continues to do so and leaves a path of destruction behind her. Her lies have affected truly thousands of people. Thousands have become victims because of her lies: ZG, RK, JG, Jeff Hopkins (but not that Jeff Hopkins, right), TES, her father, her own brother, the 4,000 people who volunteered their time to find a missing child and were subjected to investigations by the defense team, etc. The list goes on and on. She does not care. ZG, RK and TES had decided to at least try and make her realize that what KC has done is wrong and she will be held accountable for her actions in the future. Bravo to them for trying!!!!!

Continuing to enable KC will not help her in the future. Too bad those defending her legally just don't get it. jmo

Speaking of Bravo - thank you LambChop for this brilliant post! :bow: :bow: :bow: !

This post is so wonderful I can't think of a single thought to add to it.
my own addition, and my own thoughts and opinions:
another casualty of the Casey Anthony story is my faith in our legal system. I know I will be chastized for it but it won't make it less true. I have no faith in our legal system. How can I when it is so obviously skewed? Casey Anthony, queen of the liars, is now a legal victim? those whose lives her lies and actions harmed are now dissected and painted as liars, thieves, and bad guys and in the legal eyes it's okay because either her lies didnt perfectly name them or her attys words don't matter because anything can be said in a court room if it helps her case? she did use the name ZG, she did accuse two men of molestation/sexual abuse. She accused an unnamed person of date rape, she and her legal team dug into searchers lives, allowed so much money to be spent searching, floated mistruths, etc.... those things are now mere dust on the untouchable one's shoulders but ZG is now a horrible person and soon in the legal eyes Tim Miller will probably be too.
I'm glad my children and I have no reason to be in a court of law because I honestly have no faith in it or the legal profession. I'm sorry if my words may not be what some want to read and it is not personal but the other crime, the unnammed victim, of Casey Anthony and her legal cult is my faith in the legal system.

Couldn't agree more. The jury selection/perjury was what really got to me. It was all allowed to happen with a wink and a nod.
I don't think that FCA cared a thing about this civil case because it's all a big game to her. They probably told her that it was a slam dunk case that she could win and also told her she wouldn't have to testify or even be there so what did she care how she screwed around with FG's life.

When the trial was delayed until next year and she realized or was told she would have to be in hiding for another year, I'm betting that FCA threw one h### of a screaming temper tantrum and told Greene he better handle it and get rid of it NOW. That's why I think this "confession" from Greene came from.

Your post made me smile, it makes me feel good to think FCA is upset! I hate the thought of FCA being happy with her life now!
my own addition, and my own thoughts and opinions:
another casualty of the Casey Anthony story is my faith in our legal system. I know I will be chastized for it but it won't make it less true. I have no faith in our legal system. How can I when it is so obviously skewed? Casey Anthony, queen of the liars, is now a legal victim? those whose lives her lies and actions harmed are now dissected and painted as liars, thieves, and bad guys and in the legal eyes it's okay because either her lies didnt perfectly name them or her attys words don't matter because anything can be said in a court room if it helps her case? she did use the name ZG, she did accuse two men of molestation/sexual abuse. She accused an unnamed person of date rape, she and her legal team dug into searchers lives, allowed so much money to be spent searching, floated mistruths, etc.... those things are now mere dust on the untouchable one's shoulders but ZG is now a horrible person and soon in the legal eyes Tim Miller will probably be too.
I'm glad my children and I have no reason to be in a court of law because I honestly have no faith in it or the legal profession. I'm sorry if my words may not be what some want to read and it is not personal but the other crime, the unnammed victim, of Casey Anthony and her legal cult is my faith in the legal system.

BRAVO +1....very well said. I agree wholeheartedly.
well said and well written. I have more of my own comments but will place them seperately so no one thinks your great words are a part of my opinion.

Oh, I welcome all the support I can get. lol Haven't we all been victimized by a liar??? Only KC seems to want to make a career out of it. jmo
my own addition, and my own thoughts and opinions:
another casualty of the Casey Anthony story is my faith in our legal system. I know I will be chastized for it but it won't make it less true. I have no faith in our legal system. How can I when it is so obviously skewed? Casey Anthony, queen of the liars, is now a legal victim? those whose lives her lies and actions harmed are now dissected and painted as liars, thieves, and bad guys and in the legal eyes it's okay because either her lies didnt perfectly name them or her attys words don't matter because anything can be said in a court room if it helps her case? she did use the name ZG, she did accuse two men of molestation/sexual abuse. She accused an unnamed person of date rape, she and her legal team dug into searchers lives, allowed so much money to be spent searching, floated mistruths, etc.... those things are now mere dust on the untouchable one's shoulders but ZG is now a horrible person and soon in the legal eyes Tim Miller will probably be too.
I'm glad my children and I have no reason to be in a court of law because I honestly have no faith in it or the legal profession. I'm sorry if my words may not be what some want to read and it is not personal but the other crime, the unnammed victim, of Casey Anthony and her legal cult is my faith in the legal system.

Excellent post. You speak the sentiments of most of us here. OMG, I forgot about Caylee's father also being victimized by KC. Not only was he denied the opportunity to know his child but now he is also suspected of date rape assuring he would never come forward now.

Maybe the Florida Bar that consist mainly of attorneys should do is what they have been expected to do. Let's take it one step further and start policing their own. The only way to stop this nonsense is for them do something, anything. Old saying...."you don't s**t where you eat." Someone should be going after the defense team for the tax money they wasted for the TES investigations, as in my opinion, they'd be within their rights to do so. jmo
Mother's want to protect their children no matter what the cost. In those early days there were many who believed KC's story and ZG's children were terrified by what ill advised people said to them. ZG wants KC to be held accountable for what she has done whether ZG has a case or not. ZG gets that and I believe that is what she wants, some accountability for lies that involved her children's welfare.

Truly the impact of this case would be the testimony of the children and what they endured from KC's lies. You can't just go around tellings lies that involve other people. KC made the connection of ZG being at Sawgrass Apartments within a day of Caylee going missing. There is no way a jury would believe that is coincidental. If KC had had more information on ZG would she have woven it into her story? Obviously she would have because it is a pattern KC has used over and over again in her lies and made up stories.

KC has never apologized for her lying which involved this ZG. It's not as if she did not know she disrupted this family's life. It's not as if KC does not know ZG's children were threatened. KC knows she lied, she knows she cannot be tried again but still has never made an attempt to say I'm sorry you were involved and I never intended for you to be pulled into the middle of this. KC does not say that because it is possible by doing so she would again be lying. This is why it is important to go to trial. It's not as if there was a real person out there. It was always meant to deceive and had ZG been arrested KC would have let the chips fall where they may.

KC has lied and continues to do so and leaves a path of destruction behind her. Her lies have affected truly thousands of people. Thousands have become victims because of her lies: ZG, RK, JG, Jeff Hopkins (but not that Jeff Hopkins, right), TES, her father, her own brother, the 4,000 people who volunteered their time to find a missing child and were subjected to investigations by the defense team, etc. The list goes on and on. She does not care. ZG, RK and TES had decided to at least try and make her realize that what KC has done is wrong and she will be held accountable for her actions in the future. Bravo to them for trying!!!!!

Continuing to enable KC will not help her in the future. Too bad those defending her legally just don't get it. jmo

You are assuming that everything ZG has claimed about her children and herself being threatened or harassed is true and also that it was as a result of Casey naming her as the kidnapper. I don't believe Casey did name her and ZG herself admits no one said a single word to her or her children UNTIL ZG put herself in the media saying, "Look at me! Look at me! Casey accused me of being the kidnapper!" She brought it on herself because she wanted the attention, she wanted the media exposure, she wanted $. That's how I see it and every move Morgan makes reinforces my believe.

There was no chance ZG would be arrested. Casey specifically and very clearly excluded her as being the kidnapper.

Can you please provide a link showing that the defense investigated 4000 TES workers?
my own addition, and my own thoughts and opinions:
another casualty of the Casey Anthony story is my faith in our legal system. I know I will be chastized for it but it won't make it less true. I have no faith in our legal system. How can I when it is so obviously skewed? Casey Anthony, queen of the liars, is now a legal victim? those whose lives her lies and actions harmed are now dissected and painted as liars, thieves, and bad guys and in the legal eyes it's okay because either her lies didnt perfectly name them or her attys words don't matter because anything can be said in a court room if it helps her case? she did use the name ZG, she did accuse two men of molestation/sexual abuse. She accused an unnamed person of date rape, she and her legal team dug into searchers lives, allowed so much money to be spent searching, floated mistruths, etc.... those things are now mere dust on the untouchable one's shoulders but ZG is now a horrible person and soon in the legal eyes Tim Miller will probably be too.
I'm glad my children and I have no reason to be in a court of law because I honestly have no faith in it or the legal profession. I'm sorry if my words may not be what some want to read and it is not personal but the other crime, the unnammed victim, of Casey Anthony and her legal cult is my faith in the legal system.


I totally agree with your first line. My faith started slipping with the OJ case and was completely shattered with the travesty of every court case involving Anna Nicole Smith's death and the doctors and lawyer who supplied her with drugs. It wasn't that surprising to me when Casey walked. Our system is broken.
You are assuming that everything ZG has claimed about her children and herself being threatened or harassed is true and also that it was as a result of Casey naming her as the kidnapper. I don't believe Casey did name her and ZG herself admits no one said a single word to her or her children UNTIL ZG put herself in the media saying, "Look at me! Look at me! Casey accused me to being the kidnapper!" She brought it on herself because she wanted the attention, she wanted the media exposure, she wanted $. That's how I see it and every move Morgan makes reinforces my believe.

There was no chance ZG would be arrested. Casey specifically and very clearly excluded her as being the kidnapper.

Can you please provide a link showing that the defense investigated 4000 TES workers?

They request all the files and TES brought all 4,000 files to Florida. There is a whole thread on this very matter that lasted for months.

KC has never said ZG was not the kidnapper, ever. And KC being such a "good" liar how would the public know KC wasn't lying about her description of ZG. Problem is KC is a liar who gets innocent people into trouble and enjoys it, no remorse, no accountability, ever. jmo
Don't judges want you to resolve your issues and make a settlement arrangement so they don't have to go to court? Is it possible the judge has delayed the trial so that KC can get past the appeal process so she would be able to testify? That would account for Atty Greene's statement about the apology.

ZG appearing on Dr. Phil should be able to tell us something. jmo
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