MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #4 - *D. Lane guilty*

Reading between the lines of Kym Worthy's announcement re: the charges today, I feel strongly that there are witnesses. She intimated that DL had abused the child on the day that she disappeared. This suggests to me that there was a witness to the "paddling" or whatever the he!! he did to the precious two-year-old. jmo

Good point. I had wondered about that... I'm sure people weighed their options and being a witness versus being charged as an accessory was a much more appealing choice.

I'm interested to know how they determined she died the day she disappeared. By that day do they mean after DL left in the am? Or in the wee hours of the morning while it was still dark outside?

If there are witnesses, it doesn't sound like he hurt her in the car? I'd think it had to have occured in the home.
I believe we will hear about the abuse in the home and the child being "out of it" or unresponsive the next morning from someone who was in the home. Perhaps the other daughter who was supposed to have stayed there also or son/nephew that was in the car that morning.

Ok lets see what Nancy has to say.......
I'll be checking in for updates from NG's show for anyone posting them! TIA TIA!
They found the carjacking story to be false and that there was child abuse (not sexual) the day of the child's disappearance....NG is playing clips from the fathers previous interview on her show, where she couldn't get him to answer any questions.
nancys airing the press conference... Fathers been arrested for 1st degree Felony Murder and child abuse. "Arraignment tomorrow...that there is a "LOT" of circumstantial evidence...which can sometimes be better than direct evidence."
I hope Mom will reconcile with the fact that Bianca is dead at some point. She will be needed at the trial, and a case without a body is tough enough to prove. She needs to be on board, as impossible as it may feel to her.
Thank you for the updates everyone. I'm back and forth checking on the kiddo's who are still outside playing. It hit 81 at O'Hare today... and it is still 76.

Keep the updates coming. I'm hoping the transcript will be available before I call it a night and will post it as soon as it is up.
Ugh, I can't even stand to look at him...good thing I won't be on the jury.

Gotta find some humor with this tragedy or we'd all lose our minds and not be able to follow these cases as we do.

Yes, x1000! ITA. And I needed the reminder tonight. :)
I hope Mom will reconcile with the fact that Bianca is dead at some point. She will be needed at the trial, and a case without a body is tough enough to prove. She needs to be on board, as impossible as it may feel to her.

I honestly feel there is an intellectual impairment with Mom, which could account for the unrealistic belief that Bianca might still be alive and will come home.
Praise the Lord (or whatever deity or greater power you choose to praise) that he finally got slapped with his well-deserved murder charge. I have been biding my time and waiting. I have seen this before with Wayne County, where they say there are charges ready to be filed, or they are waiting to file, or a charge is pending. And they they just keep saying that, especially in a difficult case, hoping that the perp will confess and cut a deal. Sometimes it works. SOmetimes it doesn't.

In this case, I think that's what they announced back in January that there were pending charges. They did not, at that point, have the evidence that they wanted to prosecute D'andre, but they knew, logically (as everyone did) that he had killed Bianca. But over time, probably, like Cubby said, from lab testing, they got that evidence and they are moving on it now.

I prefer having to wait this long for a solid charge in a solid case with solid evidence, as opposed to seeing them cave to public pressure and take an iffy case to trial. As long as they have what they need to nail his slimy little self to the wall, I am happy with the wait.
I hope they have the evidence to back up this arrest. Precious sweet Bianca deserves Justice, and soon.
Praise the Lord (or whatever deity or greater power you choose to praise) that he finally got slapped with his well-deserved murder charge. I have been biding my time and waiting. I have seen this before with Wayne County, where they say there are charges ready to be filed, or they are waiting to file, or a charge is pending. And they they just keep saying that, especially in a difficult case, hoping that the perp will confess and cut a deal. Sometimes it works. SOmetimes it doesn't.

In this case, I think that's what they announced back in January that there were pending charges. They did not, at that point, have the evidence that they wanted to prosecute D'andre, but they knew, logically (as everyone did) that he had killed Bianca. But over time, probably, like Cubby said, from lab testing, they got that evidence and they are moving on it now.

I prefer having to wait this long for a solid charge in a solid case with solid evidence, as opposed to seeing them cave to public pressure and take an iffy case to trial. As long as they have what they need to nail his slimy little self to the wall, I am happy with the wait.

Thank you nmk'. IIRC, it was actually sometime in December the announcement was made an arrest warrant was requested and then an announcement no charges until after the New Year.

My guess is in addition to forensic evidence, LE made that announcement so potential witnesses could come forward....

I don't mind the wait either. No need to rush if it means ensuring a conviction.

I can only imagine the ludicrousy of DL's story was even more motivating to LE to get this case solved.
Looks like there's a chance we'll see justice claiming this one on behalf of a beautiful helpless little baby. I don't understand how a parent can murder their own child and make up a story without becoming undone. DL better start slowly letting the air out of his ego-bubble. At least he won't be on the streets and under the sheets creating some more unwanted unsupported offspring. Poor little Bianca , I do hope they find her body. And no, not if it means DL will get a plea deal to reveal where he tossed her.

I honestly feel there is an intellectual impairment with Mom, which could account for the unrealistic belief that Bianca might still be alive and will come home.

I'm not sure I agree with this statement. Keep in mind, the following is based only on written MSM info regarding Banika's comments after the charges were announced.

It's got to be tough to come to terms with your childs other parent murdering your child. That is any parents worst nightmare.

DL gave what he hoped to be the performance of his life time. Media appearances, LE man hours, volunteer man hours.. the list goes on and on...

For her to come to terms with this, she also has to come to terms with knowing DL tossed their baby, their child away like trash. She would have to come to terms with knowing DL has known Bianca's location since day one of this nightmare she is facing. She not only has to come to terms with that, she has to do so in a way she can explain it to her young daughter. That's a tough pill to swallow imo.

(respectfully, I may change my mind as future information comes out.)
DL gave what he hoped to be the performance of his life time. Media appearances, LE man hours, volunteer man hours.. the list goes on and on...

--let's not give him credit for something he DID NOT do.

--he (says he) wanted to! go out and search, but he was getting 'threats', on the advice of his lawyer, he stayed inside, so the 'focus could be on bianca' and not him.

--i cannot WAIT for him to be quivering in his pants at the arraignment thursday-----first degree murder! first degree child abuse! zero bail!---that should wipe that 'but i'm the great d'andre' look right off his face.
Don't know why I stayed up to wait for these NG transcripts. IMO, they aren't worth the paper they're printed on, but here they are.


After reading the above, all I can say is I think NG seems to have forgotten Banika is a VICTIM here. NG is starting to get a bit too, Rush Limbaugh'ish, Roseann Barr'ish. I don't know. I think NG has lost perspective completly. Her show is more like a circus than a service to victims.

In defense of Banika's reaction.... or peoples disappointment in her reaction. Two things stand out to me:

1) Kym Worthy stated in yesterdays presser Banika was not called and informed ahead of time these charges against D'Andre were forth coming shortly prior to the announcement.

Worthy, who called Jones' mother a victim, said her office had not contacted Banika Jones about the charges because, until the body is found, she believes her child isn't dead.
"Sometimes we have to deal with parents who are cooperative, but not fully 'in' with the direction the investigation is going," she said. "She is a victim and that's all I'm going to say about that."


2)I'm not necessarily certain people who do not follow true crime really get prosecuting no body murder charges. No one is stating there is mass amounts of physical evidence here. As a parent, I could be confused with loads of circumstancial evidence only... and as a parent, I could be conflicted between mostly circumstancial/no body and what every parent of a missing child/family member is told - to hold out hope. I could, if I was not as familiar with following these cases as I am.

That said, has there EVER been "breaking news" via NG that hasn't already been reported? Anyone?

I'm going to choose to reserve my thoughts on Banika's response until we know more about what the evidence is, and whether she chooses to accept it slowly in time, or not.

Usually when things get to trial there is some pretty damning evidence or not. I'm going to hope there is enough for a conviction, but until then, no one knows exactly what they have.
--let's not give him credit for something he DID NOT do.

--he (says he) wanted to! go out and search, but he was getting 'threats', on the advice of his lawyer, he stayed inside, so the 'focus could be on bianca' and not him.

--i cannot WAIT for him to be quivering in his pants at the arraignment thursday-----first degree murder! first degree child abuse! zero bail!---that should wipe that 'but i'm the great d'andre' look right off his face.

By volunteer man hours, I meant the hundreds of citizens of the Detroit area who battled the bitter cold, the run down hazardous buildings, needles, trash, dumpsters... and participated in a 10 square mile (iirc) grid search for this precious child.

IOW the cumulative hours of everyone who did partake in the search for Bianca. Not the person now charged with her murder who, well, might one day be sued by the city like Casey was for their costs.

My apologies for not phrasing it well in my previous post. I see how it could be easily misinterpreted. :truce:

Don't know why I stayed up to wait for these NG transcripts. IMO, they aren't worth the paper they're printed on, but here they are.


After reading the above, all I can say is I think NG seems to have forgotten Banika is a VICTIM here. NG is starting to get a bit too, Rush Limbaugh'ish, Roseann Barr'ish. I don't know. I think NG has lost perspective completly. Her show is more like a circus than a service to victims.

In defense of Banika's reaction.... or peoples disappointment in her reaction. Two things stand out to me:

1) Kym Worthy stated in yesterdays presser Banika was not called and informed ahead of time these charges against D'Andre were forth coming shortly prior to the announcement.

Worthy, who called Jones' mother a victim, said her office had not contacted Banika Jones about the charges because, until the body is found, she believes her child isn't dead.
"Sometimes we have to deal with parents who are cooperative, but not fully 'in' with the direction the investigation is going," she said. "She is a victim and that's all I'm going to say about that."


2)I'm not necessarily certain people who do not follow true crime really get prosecuting no body murder charges. No one is stating there is mass amounts of physical evidence here. As a parent, I could be confused with loads of circumstancial evidence only... and as a parent, I could be conflicted between mostly circumstancial/no body and what every parent of a missing child/family member is told - to hold out hope. I could, if I was not as familiar with following these cases as I am.

That said, has there EVER been "breaking news" via NG that hasn't already been reported? Anyone?

I'm going to choose to reserve my thoughts on Banika's response until we know more about what the evidence is, and whether she chooses to accept it slowly in time, or not.

Usually when things get to trial there is some pretty damning evidence or not. I'm going to hope there is enough for a conviction, but until then, no one knows exactly what they have.

Agree with the bolded part completely. That show should have been about the evidence they had, about the lies he told, and about the case in general. NOT about Bianca's mom believing her child was still alive and not believing he could be responsible. No mother is going to accept their child is dead until they see it for themselves, and just as hard to accept that the child's own father could have been responsible. Even with the proof, it takes time for it all to sink in.
Thanks for the link to the transcripst, even though it was a waste to read it.

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