17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #8

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Supporters of Trayvon Martin's shooter fearful of speaking out

“The family has had death threats, the father and mother, George has had death threats. Anything related to George is a target,” said Miguel Meza, who identified himself as Zimmerman’s cousin.

THAT IS WHY George is now a victim -
I will always say that the second Al Sharpton got on the scene I knew this was not going to be good. It brings out every kind of rabble in existence.

Now anyone who did witness this will have to hide. :(

Incidentally.....there is some women saying she heard whimpers of a child and they have to be TM's whimpers not GZ.
Well I am not sure how many whimpers she has heard to know that….I was recently in the hospital emergency for 2 days with a relative. Those who whimpered all sounded like children with one exception... a man with a very deep voice.
After director Spike Lee erroneously re-Tweeted their address as belonging to Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman, a school-cafeteria lunch lady and her husband were essentially forced to flee their home amid unwanted attention.

Death threats, hate mail, swarming reporters and fearful inquiries from neighbors were all too much for the woman, 70, who has a heart condition, and her husband, 72, who temporarily moved to a hotel to avoid the spotlight and possible danger.

Read more celebrity gossip at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2...zimmerman-address-elderly-coup/#ixzz1qQ4m0i9K
So, after being followed by someone that makes you want to run to get away from them... You just stop and linger around right near where you lost them?

Earlier reports said TM played football with friends in the area where he was shot. It's quite possible he was looking to see if any of his friends were at home, or trying to find someone who would let him inside. Point is he was traveling away from GZ and at that point TM was on his own ground...GZ wasn't. jmo
It is entirely possible that he got around the corner out of eyesight of GZ, and GZ went in front of the apartments and cut through between two buildings instead of following the exact path that TM took.

We don't know where GZ was parked when he called LE, nor where TM was located when GZ claimed he was running, or where either of them were when GZ claims that he didn't know where "that kid" is. So there is far too much room for error to truly make an interpretation of how fast or how slow anyone was walking or that they stopped. IMO JMHO and stuff

The point is that he was all of 20-50 feet away from where he supposedly "lost" Zimmerman. And that's where they both wound up. It doesn't make sense.
This has become a racial and political issue.
If GZ had shot a whit boy it would not have this National Sensationalism
and could not ad to the Money Machine.

IMHO There are about 2 minutes that we do not know and will not know what exactly did happen.
it is only obvious that we have a dead boy and a witch hunt. :(

I do not like the new law at ll.
I do not believe the police should just take someone’s word.
I believe they should look into it and make sure he is telling the whole truth.

If Zimmerman had murdered a white boy, he'd be under the jail right now. People can preach to the choir all day long about how this isn't a racial issue but sadly it is because Zimmerman made it a racial issue when he described Trayvon as a "*advertiser censored***** coon." If you want to blame someone for turning it into a racial issue, the blame clearly lies with Zimmerman.

After director Spike Lee erroneously re-Tweeted their address as belonging to Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman, a school-cafeteria lunch lady and her husband were essentially forced to flee their home amid unwanted attention.

Death threats, hate mail, swarming reporters and fearful inquiries from neighbors were all too much for the woman, 70, who has a heart condition, and her husband, 72, who temporarily moved to a hotel to avoid the spotlight and possible danger.

Read more celebrity gossip at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2...zimmerman-address-elderly-coup/#ixzz1qQ4m0i9K

I hope Mr. Lee has offered to pay for this mistake. jmo
Earlier reports said TM played football with friends in the area where he was shot. It's quite possible he was looking to see if any of his friends were at home, or trying to find someone who would let him inside. Point is he was traveling away from GZ and at that point TM was on his own ground...GZ wasn't. jmo

Why didn't he just go back home? Was he looking for the house he was staying at?

I though GZ lived there?
Because you don't have a point about him having stopped...you can't with any degree of certainty tell where on any sidewalk anyone was at any given time....therefore you have no basis to claim any knowledge of anyone having stopped. The only hard and fast fact that we know of is approx where they were when the shooting occurred.

Then everyone just should stop speculating immediately and let the DOJ and new prosecutor resolve it.
Well, it makes sense if he's reached a destination to meet someone, and now this unwelcome and alert spectator has also arrived at the location.
so where is the person you speculate he met up with? Why didn't we hear about this "person" at all?
The more I picture this, the more I wonder what it was - exactly - Trayvon was doing.

His parents have characterized him in a way that has turned out not to be true. Besides never getting in trouble, we also know that he in fact didn't leave during a basketball half time, planning to return before the beginning of the second half. We don't know when he left the condo, when he was planning to return, and how long he'd been gone, and the reason for his being gone. We can infer that because his brother didn't mention anything at all about where Trayvon was or that it was an issue he didn't return from his short errand that was specifically to buy skittles and tea, that that wasn't the understanding when he left the home. It seems it was an open ended thing, he was leaving, and when he never returned no one wondered why.

What will come out in the investigation? Mainstream media has shown no willingness whatsoever to print the truth about this, all the information that has come out recently has been by conservative bloggers and other people who have an interest in truth about this, not just being PC.

I do feel for Trayvon's parents, who do seem to be truly good and decent people who have suffered an awful loss. But I also feel for GZ - that while Trayvon's parents lament that the media is just trying to ruin Trayvon's reputation, this horrible incident may have also ruined GZ's life unfairly.

GZ chose to carry a loaded gun
GZ chose not to simply wait for LE, GZ chose to follow TM,
and ultimatley GZ chose to fire his gun and as a result TM is dead

ultimately every choice that night was GZ's he could have prevented any of this at many many different points along the way and he chose wrong each and every time. So forgive me if I DON'T find it unfair that he have to Prove that he had a REASONABLE FEAR FOR HIS LIFE when he pulled that trigger.

IMO JMHO and stuff
The more I picture this, the more I wonder what it was - exactly - Trayvon was doing.

His parents have characterized him in a way that has turned out not to be true. Besides never getting in trouble, we also know that he in fact didn't leave during a basketball half time, planning to return before the beginning of the second half. We don't know when he left the condo, when he was planning to return, and how long he'd been gone, and the reason for his being gone. We can infer that because his brother didn't mention anything at all about where Trayvon was or that it was an issue he didn't return from his short errand that was specifically to buy skittles and tea, that that wasn't the understanding when he left the home. It seems it was an open ended thing, he was leaving, and when he never returned no one wondered why.

What will come out in the investigation? Mainstream media has shown no willingness whatsoever to print the truth about this, all the information that has come out recently has been by conservative bloggers and other people who have an interest in truth about this, not just being PC.

I do feel for Trayvon's parents, who do seem to be truly good and decent people who have suffered an awful loss. But I also feel for GZ - that while Trayvon's parents lament that the media is just trying to ruin Trayvon's reputation, this horrible incident may have also ruined GZ's life unfairly.

GREAT POST that is how I feel too.

But I also feel that it is not a racial case, and his parents made it one, by whom they pulled in. I AM SORRY FOR THIER LOSS :(
SADLY if 3 weeks go by and they do not see anything done that makes sense to them, they did not know what else to do....

I also feel Obama’s presence in this is fuel for fire.
Al Sharpton does not need fact to make things racial... Just look at all his previous cases.
He does not need to know the information, and is often wrong about all the information before he starts million people on a tyrant.

If Zimmerman had murdered a white boy, he'd be under the jail right now. People can preach to the choir all day long about how this isn't a racial issue but sadly it is because Zimmerman made it a racial issue when he described Trayvon as a "*advertiser censored***** coon." If you want to blame someone for turning it into a racial issue, the blame clearly lies with Zimmerman.


ITA :goodpost:

Where does the line blur between protected and hate speech for the new Black Panther Party?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Millions of people have commented on the shooting of Trayvon Martin over the past month, and some of the conversation has become heated, but has it crossed the line?

The New Black Panthers have put out a $10,000 reward for the capture of alleged shooter George Zimmerman, and said they are trying to increase the sum to $100,000.

Some people have called this a bounty, and labeled the language as hate speech, but others call it free speech.

***IMO this is hate speech pure and simple. They are offering a reward for a free man's capture. Terrorism IMO
Why didn't he just go back home? Was he looking for the house he was staying at?

I though GZ lived there?

Trayvon had as much right to be in the complex as Zimmerman did. Why did Trayvon need to go home? Why didn't Zimmerman go home? Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his vehicle as he was told to do by the dispatcher?

If Zimmerman had murdered a white boy, he'd be under the jail right now. People can preach to the choir all day long about how this isn't a racial issue but sadly it is because Zimmerman made it a racial issue when he described Trayvon as a "*advertiser censored***** coon." If you want to blame someone for turning it into a racial issue, the blame clearly lies with Zimmerman.


Sorry but IMO this is the exact thinking and comments that have turned this whole case into a racist issue, and exactly the line of thinking that has people sending death threats to GZ and his family. MOO

Where does the line blur between protected and hate speech for the new Black Panther Party?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Millions of people have commented on the shooting of Trayvon Martin over the past month, and some of the conversation has become heated, but has it crossed the line?

The New Black Panthers have put out a $10,000 reward for the capture of alleged shooter George Zimmerman, and said they are trying to increase the sum to $100,000.

Some people have called this a bounty, and labeled the language as hate speech, but others call it free speech.

***IMO this is hate speech pure and simple. They are offering a reward for a free man's capture. Terrorism IMO
By the same notion that others have stated here, I'm pretty sure any member of a white power group that puts a public bounty on a minority's head would have been arrested almost immediately on hate crime charges.
If Zimmerman had murdered a white boy, he'd be under the jail right now. People can preach to the choir all day long about how this isn't a racial issue but sadly it is because Zimmerman made it a racial issue when he described Trayvon as a "*advertiser censored***** coon." If you want to blame someone for turning it into a racial issue, the blame clearly lies with Zimmerman.


Even if nothing was said it would still be a racial issue. A white person kills a black person and the white person doesn't get arrested by the white cops. It's a racial issue due to the circumstances.
Stop and linger? How about just slow down your fast walking because you think the weird guy who was watching you stayed in his car?

But no the weird guy got out of his car and ran up behind you.

Somewhere along the way he did some stopping and lingering. From the time he left the clubhouse to his own back door, his path of travel was 600' +/-.

If I understand these transcripts correctly, 7 minutes lapsed between Zimmerman telling the operator he was running and the time the shot was fired. I don't care if he was running, walking fast, walking slow, or skipping along, somewhere along they way he stopped.

How else is this fat guy gonna run up behind and catch a 17 year old athletic kid with a head start?

I don't believe Zimmerman's bs either about walking back to his car after losing sight of the boy, but anyway you look at it, 2/3 of this 600' had been traveled before Zimmerman ever lost sight of him at the sidewalk turn.

I don't have any more of a clue than the rest of you exactly how this went down, but there's no way I can see that Zimmerman walked back to his car when he lost sight of him OR that the boy didn't stop.
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